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It can be that the capitalist New World Order guaranteed to a few survivors has no future and will either be destroyed immediately or eventually during the Apocalypse. Some clues and evidence that the Bible always tells the truth even about our time. - - Si può dimostrare che il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale capitalista garantito a pochi sopravvissuti non ha futuro è verrà distrutto subito oppure alla fine durante la Apocalisse. Alcuni indizi e prove sul fatto che la Bibbia dice sempre la verità anche riguardo la nostra epoca.

(Post from Facebook: Try to look at the post, the photos and also the comments, and after, try to make a reflection and at least keep it in mind as a remembrance in any expectation on how it could be fulfilled Revelation 17: 13):

The thesis divided into 7 parts that I wanted to expose to today's political, commercial, banking and military kings of the earth:
1) -Is Satan exist? Why are there so many religions? But, does that mean they are all false? Or is there also a true religion in the present time although not perfect in its way of acting?

2) -Does Almighty Creator God exist or do we exist thanks to evolution? More collateral speeches.

3) -Is there a book written by men but inspired by God? And if it exists, what sacred book is it?
4) -The prophetic human history from the garden of Eden existed over 6000 years ago until today. The chronological calculation of 2520 years that brings us to the autumn of 1914, the composite sign, the role of today's powers, the role of various types of kings and the presumed aliens instead of the anti-Diluvian nefilins.

5) - Despite the fact that strong powers have partly made history and contributed to the fulfillment of some prophecies in our time, the New World Order project coincides perfectly with the purpose of the true great architect of the universe "G" God or there are some programs different and in stark contrast?

6) -The second Psalm divided into three parts, because the kings of the earth would do well to practice Psalms 2: 10-12 that however difficult it may be it is not impossible to practice and what two fundamental and official things can help the king of the earth to put this "negotiation" into practice. (Jehovah God has always been able to fulfill the prophecies throughout history that are collected in the Bible today and therefore "G" God will also be able to fulfill all the prophecies related to our era and later times. But, the human parts involved, despite undergoing many constraints, can work around with free will).

7) -Many people and sages of this world do well to trust in philosophies, science, human laws, the voice of authority, institutions, their own cultures and faiths of convenience? Or the fundamental milestone also from a legal point of view is the Bible? Also, how is it possible that so many people are so institutionalized and influenced by common thinking and on an emotional level? And also, how to get out of prison without bars which is often the worst of prisons?

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Some considerations in general and regarding the year 2020:
1)-Satan has guided and leverages the intimate of men who are sick of power and who suffer from cold megalomania want to replace God and create a technological world that balances natural balances, destroying humanity and the planet, but, "G" God will stop him end of this diabolical process, Matthew 24: 21-23, Daniel 2: 44, Zephaniah 1: 18, Psalms 2: 1-9, Revelation 11: 18 and 19: 19-21. So, in addition to misleading them, Satan picks him up and gives him a false sense of security and omnipotence that prevents him especially on an intimate level from seeing in perspective the very negative consequences that will also pour on them for what they do at the present time until at the end. Furthermore, Satan buys people with money so that for interest they serve these men who are sick of power and at the same time those who oppose and do not want to be bought anymore or from the beginning can get into trouble and take many risks even for their own life.

2)-From autumn 1914 Jesus was installed king to reign among his enemies and after the Apocalypse he and the 144,000 kings and priests will reign fully on human affairs for 1000 years. Recalling that in the fall of 1914 the First World War also broke out, in 1913 the Federal Reserve of New York became a private bank with the 13th amendment and in secret also began the process of peace and security and also in 1912 two or three wise Rothschild characters and opposed to the privatization of the Federal Reserve died with the sinking of the Titanic.
3)-(For many people in Italy and Trieste there is only the economy and money while on a global level also power. All the rest especially in the area of ​​belief does not interest and does is not part of reality for many people). (The many false religions have removed credibility from the Bible and even questioned the existence of God while Satan's greatest work of art is to make the majority of humanity believe that he does not exist).

4)-(Although, as in the case of ISIS, the covid-19 pandemic also came out of control and will ultimately cause much discomfort and many more deaths in the United States than in Italy and China where official deaths have been far superior to what the Chinese government has told us), three questions arise and immediately a premise, that is, the covid-19 created in the laboratory, apparently, was first purposely spread in an industrialized center of China very in contact with Italy: Is it a hidden war strategy devised by China and Russia in defense and against too imperialist and warmongering western capitalism? Or, has China perhaps also Russia and NATO countries started this epidemic for some political and economic reasons, including to get to the UN more power sooner? (Possibility in my opinion less likely). Or, as this is also a fairly probable possibility, it was precisely and only the USA-UK that created and spread covid-19 both to obstruct the silk road, and to increase the dependence of the States on the banking cartel, and for accelerate other things unwanted by peoples such as the already active 5G and the subcutaneous chip and both to accelerate the event in which the majority of governments will sign to give transformation and more power to the United Nations?

5)-When the Eighth King receives more power, Revelation 17: 13, when the kings of the earth will be even more united as a only man, Psalms 2: 2, under the directive of the Eighth King, the UN, then it could be the last moment of time utilbed the most opportune moment to put into practice all the "negotiation" reported in Psalms 2: 10- 12, which "G" God addressed only and especially to today's kings of the earth, as Psalms 2: 1-12 refers only to our time from 1913-1914 until the end of the system, Daniel 2: 44, with the payment of the Apocalypse. Today of, due to the prevailing way of thinking and the functioning of the current system in general, covid-19 finished and given more power to the Eighth King at the appointed time due to the double prophetic thrust, the implementation of Psalms 2: 10- 12 is difficult but still not impossible. "G" God will save the poor wise and who love him and there will be many ressurtions of the righteous and the unjust who have not fully known the will of God so that they have another opportunity to begin to grow spiritually under the millennial reign of the 144001 kings and priests in the absence of demonic influence and until the final test. Thus, many aspects make it obvious that the great architect of the universe Jehovah God will take care of establishing the right number of inhabitants on this planet, however it is understood that Satan and the demonic forces would have exerted some pressure and fear on them kings of the earth in which case, one or more of them really wanted to practice right and until the End of Psalms 2: 10-12. While, in the gradual fulfillment of things that are more appropriate to the more just ones, the political and economic kings of the earth themselves could have paid attention to some secondary, but equally important, aspects, so that their policy increasingly poured into the divine light may suffer less possible obstructionism causes all those who opposed this type of lece, but in the end, each of us would reap what he sowed until the end.

6)-The mental spirit recommended through Psalms 2: 10-12 suggested by Jehovah God to the kings of the earth, roughly it should be this: king of the earth fight against problems without judging each other in the present and in the past, yet without even having them ordinary people negatively judge the kings of the earth and the other way around. But, kings of the earth manifest wisdom and perspicacity to better face the problems that afflict humanity and nature, so that as many ordinary people as possible and as kings of the earth as possible can be saved and can truly overcome the Apocalypse or be brought back to life as friends not only of God, but the implementation of Psalms 2: 10-12 does not mention the fact that the king of the earth (banking or commercial or political) must necessarily renounce all his possessions and riches, but above all, that every king of the earth do everything and make every disposition in fear of "G" God and love towards all humanity in all nations, since we all come from the first human copy and also the Messiah came to earth to fulfill the highest principle of perfect but merciful justice of God regarding the ransom sacrifice, Romans chapter 5.

7)-Note of April 27, 2020: After the propaganda on the climate change and plastic emergency in the seas, after all the lies and media terrorism on covid-19, although it may be a dangerous virus in some cases, in addition to Fauci, Bill Gates, Christine Lagarde, etc., etc., at the forefront of crimes against humanity through the covid-19 strategy there is also the World Health Organization directly under the control of the strong powers, the international bankers who in no way want to make friends with the true and only great architect of the universe "G" Jehovah God, but, with the interests and public debt in most countries of the world, they can buy almost all political authorities and professionals for any dirty job. Thus, after the two propaganda in summer and autumn 2019 and also during or after terrorism crown virus covid-19, much more authority will most likely be given to the UN, Revelation 17: 13.
. ::::::: ::::::: :::::: . Link of an alleged "Top Secret speech", true or fake? link to the documentary "Q" in English .

1) -Covid-19 is a failed lethal weapon as they have entered HIV DNA to make it more lethal however nature has given the covid-19 virus with low mortality, and therefore, this covid-19 epidemic needs so much terrorism media and support of vaccines and tracking for the elimination of many people believed to be too many. But, the covid-19 strategy also serves to eliminate problematic people by divulging truths too uncomfortable for the Jewish elite and the Jesuits. Probably in 2020 or at the latest in 2021 there will be a blackout of at least three days in the United States and perhaps also in other countries in order to pick up uncomfortable people from home or in other places, make them disappear and possibly suppress them in an unofficial way and secretly. Of course it will be above all honest, competent people who have a certain notoriety also thanks to the many views on the internet.

2) -From this Top Secret speech it seems that Donald Trump may also be in agreement with the New World Order project. So the question is, is the cleansing of the corrupt and the conspirators actually taking place by Trump and Putin? Or, they all agree, and therefore, even people like Trump and Putin, although appearing as a hope for people who have woken up, in fact, can be very well studied false hopes to deceive, if possible, even all the smartest and most inquiring people ever? In Italy, for example, you see Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni who appear as a hope for many Italians more aware of how corrupt Italian politics is, but, both Salvini and Meloni throughout March and April 2020 I have never heard of him of the hoax about the many deaths for covid-19, in addition, the two of them also seem to be making consults with the European Union as they insist on saying that the European monetary union can be reformed but in the meantime time passes and Giuseppe Conte, (with his decrees unconstitutional and with media terrorism covid-19), for now he seems to be able to do everything he wants being he in the role of waiter to the advocates for the New World Order. - (In fact, the covid-19 is a failed biological weapon with a very low mortality which is perhaps less than that of the flu, and therefore, the actual deaths for covid-19 are not even the hundredth part compared to the official ones. However thanks to the media terrorism, thanks to the unconstitutional decrees in some countries such as Italy, thanks to the damage on the economies of many countries and above all thanks to the continuation that will take place after the alleged covid-19 emergency, this covid-19 strategy will do more damage and death than serious epidemics in the past 300 years). - Well, after reading from this video, think that this is the actual Top Secret truth.

3) -If I too was in danger, despite having little say, however I do not intend to worry much, as death can be a passport to enter the new world in an instant right at the beginning of the kingdom millenary of the Messiah and his 144,000 kings and priests, (as for me, except that somehow I also have not sinned against the holy spirit). In the dispute between Satan and his earthly servants against Jehovah God and his earthly servants, however, there are stakes to which Satan too must submit. So the truth about true religion as the only way out and the truth about the conspiracy that like an octopus has taken and corrupted almost every sector of politics in all nations, probably cannot be suppressed entirely as it is likely that Jehovah God will also prevent it even Satan is taken by God as with a hook and therefore Satan and the demons are forced to act not beyond a certain limit.
4) -Whatever the situation is in the spiritual realm, if there will be a Blackout and not only, many uncomfortable people could disappear and perhaps many videos and some Facebook pages will remain censored even after the Blackout. The Jewish and Jesuit elites will not be able to eliminate all uncomfortable people with more or less voice and with more or less "dangerous" awareness. As witnessed in chapter 12 of Daniel, knowledge would become abundant and therefore in the present time people who are uncomfortable and in opposition to the diabolical New World Order have also become many. - If this is actually the case, I no longer trust even the "Q" project but only in the Bible, because, through the "Q" project, the Jewish elite, (and possibly also the Jesuits), can try to mislead the most clever people, but with little knowledge and understanding of the Bible. Well, perhaps, during the final test at the end of the millennial reign, there will be a situation similar to today's conspiracy which is particularly branched and with no apparent way out.
5)-Donalds Trump is ok? Moreover, "hooks" are placed by "G" God both on Satan and on his earthly servants such as Bill Gates and Giuaeppe Conte, so that their crimes against humanity cannot go beyond a certain limit and for the open trial between "G" God and Satan unfold correctly. Furthermore, the free will and the way out of the oppressed must not be prevented beyond a certain limit. - - However, Putin, although he could perhaps be excused for having done his own interests and / or those of Russia with the dark state, today of, in the presence of the good Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin can be trusted as a possible powerful leader of Russia against Dark State of the New World Order? In other words, if it's the right time with Trump and his cleaning team, can Putin be trusted? I may be wrong, but, I would give 58% chance that Putin is also clean in this respect and that he can be truly allied with Trump against corruption, (maybe not against the mafia) and above all against the deviant part of the strong powers that is in favor of the destructive path to the New World Order just as Satan would have liked, but if "G" God had not placed him hooks and a trajectory established for the dispute beyond which he cannot go out. - - Also, before the great tribulation begins and the last storm takes place and evidence in this system from evil, (Matthew 24: 21-23), the Eighth King who now corresponds to the United Nations has yet to receive more authority, (Revelation 17: 13), then the kings of the earth already almost completely united as one man, (Psalms 2: 2), could push the UN to do some okay things to gain the trust of the peoples, moreover, in the part final of the peace and security process the kings of the earth may have the last chance to put Psalms 2: 10-12 into practice, and then only then after the peace and security signal, if this signal is given, (1 Thessalonians 5 : 3), all state religions would be eliminated and the great tribulation would begin. Obviously, if the kings of the earth manifested divine wisdom and perspicacity in the final part of the peace and security process and therefore without being too commanded by the traveling traders, the great tribulation could be much less devastating and more many people, including the kings of the land of goodwill, they could have overcome the pouring of the Apocalypse with the hope of receiving the gift of eternal life through the support of Jehovah God on our organism and on our DNA. Hence, it is likely that we will not immediately plunge into the great tribulation through this "third world war" covid-19, as this last piece of history may still be missing before the great tribulation on a global level that should correspond to the period from 66 to 70 after Christ for Jerusalem when in 70 it was conquered and destroyed by the Romans under the command of general Titus.

6)-However: there is also the possibility that David Goldberg's last top secret words are a hoax or that despite being true they do not reflect reality at the present time. Trump and Putin could be truly allies to try to restore a better world by having many chances to win this war, even if they cannot establish a perfect world in this final part of the peace and security process in the last few days. If so, the path of more power to the UN could be overseen by the White House and the Kremlin allies against the N.O.M. and supervision of private banks over the UN may have ended. Bankers may have used this "top secret document" to undermine trust in Trump and so that some NATO countries and / or more aware popular groups do not place their trust in Trump's cleansing against the corrupt and lest they join Trump against the conspiracy of the private banks. I know that disinformation is too abundant, but knowledge is also abundant, and therefore, I would give more than 50% of the possibility that Trump and Putin can actually be allies against private international bankers and that at least at the beginning of the most power to the UN there could at least be one more brief last period. (Which then, if more power to the UN, "Revelation 17: 13", will be supervised on the front line by a White House and a Kremlin at the time relatively better species in international politics, and possibly with the FTT as a further bridge between the USA and Russia, perhaps in turn it will also be easier to propose the implementation of Psalms 2: 10-12).

7)-In summary, the 5 men who in recent years more than all the other political kings would have commanded the world, probably know the scriptures and prophecies of our time, but, alongside the guidance and support of Satan and all demonic forces , these 5 men think they can win the fight against the true great architect of the universe "G" or Jehovah God who about 2000 years ago forced to reject Israel as an elected nation, but, giving the opportunity to all the individual people of the nations to be able to approach God in the right way, including people of goodwill from the same nation of Israel, of course. Of course, from this context corona virus it is more than evident that the Jewish elite at the top of the pyramid does not want to renounce the alliance with Satan and the extermination of the population worldwide. Meanwhile, before the final judgment comes with the payment of the Apocalypse, let's see if TRUMP and PUTIN manage to neutralize them. - - Trump's team is strong and ok, in Italy also some public officials would like to defend the Republic and democracy, however, in addition to the octopus inserted everywhere by the bank seigniorage, a very dangerous aspect at the present time precisely during this covid-19 war but also in the general context at an international level also lies in the fact that, for example in Italy, Giuseppe Conte, Sergio Mattarella, many representatives of the PD and the 5S in the government and in parliament, in addition, also many representatives of the League, of Brothers of Italy and of Forza Italia, including Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi, believe and adhere to the New World Order project, a little for personal interests, a little for fear of opposing and a little believing that it is a majestic project and as the only solution to ensure peace and security and a better world for the few survivors. But, "all" these political exponents probably do not know the Bible have any understanding of it and therefore most likely do not know what dangers and mortal traps and divine adverse judgment are hidden on the path to the New World Order with the few survivors who should to be chosen in an egoistic way by the same pieces of 90 of capitalism but which are now in the role of anti-Christ. Moreover, worse still, if a person like me, without a say and without officialdom, tried to explain and demonstrate in the presence of the Bible the certain failure of the New World Order despite all its rules and technologies to guarantee peace and security, the politicians of I would not even listen to you carefully for one minute and many individuals would also take me for a fool and / or have already made fun of me, making me a conspiracy theorist and / or as out of my mind.

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Prove sul fatto che gli israeliti sono passati attraverso il Mar Rosso grazie alla guida e opera potente di Geova Dio.

"Il passaggio del mar Rosso è un passo della narrazione biblica che racconta come gli israeliti guidati da Mosè riuscirono a fuggire dagli egiziani che li inseguivano, secondo il Libro dell'Esodo 13:17-14:29. ... Mosè stese il suo bastone e il mar Rosso venne separato in due parti da Dio."
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Esodo 13:1-22

13 Geova disse ancora a Mosè: 2 “Consacrami* ogni primogenito maschio* tra gli israeliti: il primo maschio che nasce, sia fra gli uomini che fra gli animali, appartiene a me”.+ 3 Poi Mosè disse al popolo: “Ricordate questo giorno in cui siete usciti dall’Egitto,+ dalla casa di schiavitù, perché con mano potente Geova vi ha condotto fuori di qui.+ Perciò non si mangi nulla di lievitato. 4 Voi uscirete oggi, nel mese di avìv.*+ 5 Quando Geova ti avrà introdotto nel paese dei cananei, degli ittiti, degli amorrei, degli ivvei e dei gebusei,+ che giurò ai tuoi antenati di darti,+ un paese dove scorrono latte e miele,+ allora dovrai continuare a osservare questa celebrazione in questo mese. 6 Per sette giorni dovrai mangiare pane senza lievito,+ e il settimo giorno ci sarà una festa in onore di Geova. 7 Si dovrà mangiare pane senza lievito per sette giorni;+ non dev’esserci presso di te nulla di lievitato,+ e non dev’esserci lievito madre presso di te in tutto il tuo territorio.* 8 E quel giorno dovrai dire a tuo figlio: ‘Tutto questo è a motivo di ciò che Geova fece per me quando uscii dall’Egitto’.+ 9 E sarà per te un segno sulla mano e un memoriale* sulla fronte,*+ affinché la legge di Geova sia nella tua bocca, perché con mano potente Geova ti fece uscire dall’Egitto. 10 Dovrai osservare questo decreto di anno in anno al tempo stabilito.+ 11 “Quando Geova ti avrà introdotto nel paese dei cananei, che ha giurato a te e ai tuoi antenati di darvi,+ 12 dovrai riservare a Geova ogni primogenito maschio,* nonché ogni primo maschio che nasce fra gli animali in tuo possesso. I maschi appartengono a Geova.+ 13 Dovrai riscattare con una pecora ogni primogenito di asino, e se non lo riscatterai dovrai rompergli il collo. E dovrai riscattare ogni primogenito maschio fra i tuoi figli.+ 14 “Nel caso in cui un domani tuo figlio ti chieda: ‘Che cosa significa questo?’, allora dovrai dirgli: ‘Con mano potente Geova ci fece uscire dall’Egitto, dalla casa di schiavitù.+ 15 Quando il faraone si rifiutò ostinatamente di mandarci via,+ Geova uccise ogni primogenito nel paese d’Egitto, dal primogenito degli uomini al primogenito degli animali.+ Per questo io sacrifico a Geova tutti i primogeniti* maschi e riscatto ogni primogenito fra i miei figli’. 16 Questo sarà un segno sulla tua mano e una fascia* sulla tua fronte,*+ perché con mano potente Geova ci fece uscire dall’Egitto”. 17 Ora, quando il faraone mandò via il popolo, Dio non lo condusse per la via che attraversava il paese dei filistei, sebbene fosse più breve. Dio infatti disse: “Di fronte alla prospettiva della guerra, il popolo potrebbe pentirsi e tornare in Egitto”. 18 Perciò Dio fece deviare il popolo per la via che attraversava il deserto del Mar Rosso.+ Gli israeliti salirono dal paese d’Egitto in formazione di battaglia. 19 Inoltre Mosè portò con sé le ossa di Giuseppe, perché questi aveva fatto giurare solennemente i figli d’Israele, dicendo: “Dio vi rivolgerà senz’altro la sua attenzione, e dovrete portare con voi le mie ossa via da qui”.+ 20 Partirono da Succòt e si accamparono a Ètham, ai margini del deserto. 21 E Geova andava davanti a loro di giorno in una colonna di nuvola, per guidarli lungo il cammino,+ e di notte in una colonna di fuoco, per far loro luce, così che potessero viaggiare sia di giorno che di notte.+ 22 La colonna di nuvola non smetteva mai di precedere il popolo durante il giorno, né la colonna di fuoco durante la notte.+

Esodo 14:1-31

14 E Geova disse a Mosè: 2 “Di’ agli israeliti di tornare indietro e di accamparsi davanti a Piairòt, fra Mìgdol e il mare, in vista di Bàal-Zefòn.+ Vi accamperete lì di fronte, presso il mare. 3 A quel punto il faraone dirà degli israeliti: ‘Vagano per il paese in preda alla confusione. Il deserto li ha intrappolati’. 4 Lascerò che il cuore del faraone diventi ostinato,+ e lui li inseguirà e io mi glorificherò mediante il faraone e tutto il suo esercito;+ e gli egiziani certamente sapranno che io sono Geova”.+ Pertanto fecero così. 5 Fu poi riferito al re d’Egitto che il popolo era fuggito. Immediatamente il faraone e i suoi servitori cambiarono idea riguardo al popolo+ e dissero: “Perché abbiamo fatto una cosa del genere? Ora che lo abbiamo lasciato andare, Israele non ci servirà più come schiavo!” 6 Lui fece dunque preparare i suoi carri da guerra e prese con sé il suo popolo.+ 7 Prese 600 carri scelti e tutti gli altri carri dell’Egitto, con guerrieri su ognuno di essi. 8 Così Geova lasciò che il cuore del faraone, re d’Egitto, diventasse ostinato, e questi inseguì gli israeliti mentre loro uscivano a testa alta.*+ 9 Gli egiziani li inseguirono,+ e tutti i cavalli e i carri del faraone, i suoi cavalieri e il suo esercito li raggiunsero mentre erano accampati presso il mare, presso Piairòt, davanti a Bàal-Zefòn. 10 Quando il faraone si fu avvicinato, gli israeliti alzarono lo sguardo e videro gli egiziani che li inseguivano; terrorizzati, cominciarono a implorare Geova.+ 11 E dicevano a Mosè: “Ci hai portato a morire qui nel deserto+ perché in Egitto non ci sono tombe? Che cosa ci hai fatto portandoci fuori dall’Egitto? 12 Non parlavamo proprio di questo quando in Egitto ti dicemmo di lasciarci servire in pace gli egiziani? Per noi è meglio servire gli egiziani che morire nel deserto!”+ 13 Allora Mosè rispose al popolo: “Non abbiate paura.+ Restate saldi e vedete la salvezza che oggi Geova opererà per voi.+ Gli egiziani che vedete oggi, infatti, non li vedrete mai più.+ 14 Geova stesso combatterà per voi,+ e voi starete fermi”.* 15 Geova disse allora a Mosè: “Perché continui a invocare il mio aiuto? Di’ agli israeliti di levare l’accampamento. 16 Quanto a te, alza il tuo bastone, stendi la mano sul mare e dividilo, affinché gli israeliti attraversino il mare sull’asciutto. 17 Io, da parte mia, lascerò che il cuore degli egiziani diventi ostinato, perché li inseguano; così mi glorificherò mediante il faraone e tutto il suo esercito, i suoi carri da guerra e i suoi cavalieri.+ 18 E gli egiziani certamente sapranno che io sono Geova quando mi glorificherò mediante il faraone, i suoi carri da guerra e i suoi cavalieri”.+ 19 Quindi l’angelo del vero Dio+ che andava davanti agli israeliti si spostò e si mise dietro di loro, e la colonna di nuvola che stava davanti a loro si spostò e si fermò dietro di loro.+ 20 Si posizionò dunque fra gli egiziani e gli israeliti.+ Da una parte essa era una nuvola scura, dall’altra illuminava la notte.+ E per tutta la notte un gruppo non si avvicinò all’altro. 21 Mosè stese la mano sul mare;+ e per tutta la notte Geova fece indietreggiare il mare con un forte vento orientale, trasformandone il fondo in suolo asciutto,+ e le acque si divisero.+ 22 Quindi gli israeliti passarono attraverso il mare sull’asciutto,+ mentre le acque formavano un muro alla loro destra e alla loro sinistra.+ 23 Gli egiziani li inseguirono: tutti i cavalli del faraone, i suoi carri da guerra e i suoi cavalieri si lanciarono nel mezzo del mare dietro a loro.+ 24 Durante la veglia del mattino* Geova guardò l’esercito degli egiziani da dentro la colonna di fuoco e di nuvola,+ e lo gettò in confusione. 25 Fece sì che le ruote dei carri si staccassero, così che gli egiziani avevano difficoltà a guidarli e dicevano: “Fuggiamo via dagli israeliti, perché Geova combatte per loro contro gli egiziani!”+ 26 Allora Geova disse a Mosè: “Stendi la mano sul mare, così che le acque si richiudano sugli egiziani, sui loro carri da guerra e sui loro cavalieri”. 27 Immediatamente Mosè stese la mano sul mare e, sul far del mattino, esso tornò com’era prima.* Mentre gli egiziani in fuga cercavano di scampare alle acque, Geova li travolse in mezzo al mare.+ 28 Richiudendosi, le acque sommersero i carri da guerra, i cavalieri e tutto l’esercito del faraone che si era lanciato nel mare dietro agli israeliti.+ Non sopravvisse nemmeno uno di loro.+ 29 Gli israeliti, invece, camminarono sull’asciutto nel mezzo del fondo marino;+ le acque formavano un muro a destra e a sinistra.+ 30 Così quel giorno Geova salvò Israele dalla mano degli egiziani,+ e Israele vide i cadaveri degli egiziani sulla riva del mare. 31 E Israele vide l’enorme potenza* che Geova aveva dimostrato contro gli egiziani; e il popolo ebbe timore di Geova, e ripose fede in Geova e nel suo servitore Mosè.+
Prove sul fatto che gli israeliti passarono proprio attraverso il Mar Rosso, e quindi, non attraverso uno specchio d'acqua poco profondo. Il resto è tutta scienza spazzatura, (nella fase iniziale), prima per alterare la traduzione e/o la comprensione delle scritture e/o poi per discreditare la Bibbia per intero.
Come Geova Dio voleva proteggere anche gli egiziani che però hanno fatto la scelta sbagliata sopratutto causa la caparbietà di faraone, così, "G" Dio ha proposto Salmi 2: 10-12 agli odierni re della terra affinchè possano fare la scelta giusta e salvare loro stessi e tutti coloro che gli avessero ascoltati.

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Gli interessi guidano il potere, la diplomazia e i pezzi da 90 del capitalismo e il mondo sviato da Satana mette al primo posto il profitto mentre il bene per le persone spesso non ha la priorità e di solito le corporazioni avide vogliono il contrario se questo può fargli guadagnare ancora di più sia in ricchezza che in potere:

Per aiutare la gente a vivere in modo più sano sia dal punto di fisico e mentale e sia dal punto di vista spirituale ed anche per aiutare psicologi e psichiatri a non essere pietre di inciampo al servizio di Satana e delle forze demoniache si può proporre la psicoanalisi spirituale utile per capire se una persona uditrice di voci e/o visionaria di fantasmi è posseduta oppure è alluxinata. Inoltre la psicoanalisi spirituale potrebbe aiutare i posseduti sinceri e di buona volontà a liberarsi da ogni forma di possessione. In fime, con la psicoanalisi spirituale si può mettere in luce tutte le macchinazioni che può usare Satana per nascondere la possessione sud una persona tra le altre circostanze di carattere psicologico ed affinché la possessione venga scambiata dalle altre persone come suggestione, come allucinazioni, come pazzia, quando invece il posseduto, pur avendo le psinapsi e i neuroni clinicamente sani, lo stesso sente le voci e/o vede immagini trasparenti. Ovviamente, la psicoanalisi spirituale mette in luce anche tutti i pretesti eccellenti che usano le forze demoniache per poterti possedere in modo permanente e quindi essendo utile evitare di compiere e/o di essere coinvolti in circostanze che implicano il passaggio di energie in quanto gli angeli fedeli che servono il vero Dio non emanano quel tipo di energie che per tanti individui sviati o che desiderano farsi sviare sarebbero energie che provengono dal cosmo o dalla terra mentre invece provengono da creature intelligenti ma in antagonismo con il solo vero grande architetto dell'universo "G" o Geova Dio. Ma, al discorso sulla psicoanalisi spirituale si può tentare di dare una spiegazione logica a tutti i fenomeni strani avvenuti nel Triangolo delle Bermuda ossia dietro ai fenomeni naturali ancor oggi non bene compresi su tutto quello che è accaduto di strano in quello spazio di mare ed inoltre dietro alcune possibili interferenze avvenute in quello spazio di mare anche per le tecnologie dei presunti alieni suggeriti su tecnologie superiori dalle stesse forze demoniache è possibile che i demoni abbiano compiuto alcune opere potenti proprio lì approfittando dei fenomeni naturali già esistenti. Per concludete, se dei veri alieni in carne ed ossa avessero approdato sul nostro pianeta non avrebbero potuto mettersi in contatto con l'umanità perché è ancora troppo guerrafondaia e quindi se noi avessimo avuto le loro tecnologie dopo avremo potuto portare la guerra sul pianeta di provenienza degli alieni, non solo, ma, è anche assurda l'ipotesi secondo cui gli alieni avessero dato origine alla razza umana sul pianeta terra in quanto l'uomo non avrebbe dovuto iniziare da capo ma avrebbe già dovuto cominciare a popolare la terra avendo a disposizione tecnologie dal pianeta di provenienza. I demoni sono extraterrestri tuttavia hanno il corpo fatto di energia in un'altra dimensione e quindi gli angeli potendo essere fatti della stessa sostanza di cui è fatto il creatore di tutte le cose, Geova Dio.


Before the noetic flood, which occurred about 4300 years ago, there were giant men, hybrid children of normal women and angels who went against nature.
Today of, the so-called aliens can very well be genetically modified human beings, as demonic forces can modify the DNA of a new human life without having to materialize and / or make love to a woman
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Prima del diluvio noetico, avvenuto circa 4300 anni fa, ci furono gli uomini giganti, figli ibridi di donne normali e di angeli che andarono contro natura.
Oggi di, i così detti alieni possono benissimo essere degli esseri umani geneticamente modificati, in quanto, le forze demoniache possono modificare il DNA di una nuova vita umana senza aver bisogno di materializzarsi e/o di fare l'amore con una donna.

If a real alien from another planet was happy to be here on earth and spoke to me thinking he wanted to connect with the nations, do you know what I would answer him? From this conversation or realized that you alien are crazy and completely crazy. When warmongers have acquired your technologies they will bring war to your planet.
The alleged aliens in contact with the U.S. and other military are likely to be genetically modified, non-alien terrestrial humans.
Also, do the warmongers want us to believe that an alien invasion is looming? If anything, an alien invasion simulation looms.
Se un vero alieno proveniente da un altro pianeta fosse contento di essere qui sulla terra e avesse parlato con me pensando di volersi mettere in contatto con le nazioni, sapete cosa gli risponderei? Da questa conversazione o capito che tu alieno sei pazzo e completamente fuori di testa. Quando gli uomini guerrafondai avranno acquisito le vostre tecnologie porteranno la guerra sul vostro pianeta.
I presunti alieni in contatto con i militari USA e di altri paesi probabilmente sono esseri umani terrestri geneticamente modificati, non alieni.
Inoltre, i guerrafondai vogliono farci credere che incombe una invasione aliena? Se mai, incombe una simulazione di invasione aliena.

(Try to look at the post, the photos and also the comments, and after, try to make a reflection and at least keep it in mind as a remembrance in any expectation on how it could be fulfilled Revelation 17: 13):
The antigravity engine of the triangular and circular UFOs generates an antigravity field that involves the aircraft area and the surrounding area through a very fast rotation.
The possible trade of some of these "UFO" military technologies towards the civilian world, the presumed urgency and interest in seriously addressing the problem on the climate change emergency and the plastic emergency in the seas, (but, as there are other problems wants to speak little and still too many hypocrisies and hidden things regarding these two emergencies), the apparent position in imposing respect for international laws as illustrated in the document of the Nations Unit S / 2015/809 of 23 October 2015, are things that can be linked to the "imminent" more power that will shortly be given to the United Nations and / or the role of the Eighth King.
The current United Nations that at the right time will undergo an organizational change, a possible merger with another entity and / or a possible but unlikely change of name, in the fulfillment on the Eighth King which has yet to occur as described in Revelation 17: 13, the proposing some "wonderful" things will also serve to push peoples to put their trust in the Eighth King, while, gradually and quietly, a global dictatorship hidden in the name of security and science will continue to increase.
While Revelation 17: 11 speaks at the present time of the Eighth King who fell into nonexistence during the Second World War, the historical moment in which the understanding of this prophecy was understood.
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(Provate a guardare Il post, le foto e anche i commenti, e dopo, provate a fare una riflessione ed almeno a tenerla a mente come ricordo in eventuale aspettazione sul come si potrebbe adempiere Rivelazione 17: 13):
Il motore antigravitazionale degli UFO triangolari e circolari genera un campo antigravitazionale che coinvolge l'area del velivolo e vicina zona circostante attraverso una rotazione molto veloce.
L'eventuale commercio di alcune di queste tecnologie militari "UFO" verso il mondo civile, la presunta urgenza e interesse nel affrontare in modo serio la problematica sul emergenza cambiamenti climatici e la emergenza plastica nei mari, (ma, essendoci altre problematiche di cui si vuole parlare poco e ancora troppe ipocrisie e cose nascoste riguardo queste due emergenze), la apparente presa di posizione nel imporre il rispetto delle leggi internazionali come illustrato nel documento delle Nazioni Unità S/2015/809 del 23 ottobre 2015, sono cose che possono esser collegate al "imminente" più potere che fra poco verrà dato alle Nazioni Unite e/o al ruolo del Ottavo Re.
Le attuali Nazioni Unite che al momento giusto subiranno un cambiamento organizzativo, una possibile fusione con un altro ente e/o un eventuale ma poco probabile cambiamento di nome, nel adempimento sul Ottavo Re che deve ancora verificarsi come descritto in Rivelazione 17: 13, il proponimemti di alcune cose "meravigliose" servirà anche a spingere i popoli nel riporre fiducia nel Ottavo Re, mentre, gradualmente e in sordina continuerà ad aumentare una dittatura globale nascosta nel nome della sicurezza e della scienza.
Mentre, Rivelazione 17: 11 parla al tempo presente del Ottavo Re caduto nella innesistenza proprio durante la seconda guerra mondiale, il momento storico in cui fu compreso l'intendimento di questa profezia.

It could be a clue and / or a half proof that NASA, the US military and possibly other armies will use the Blue Bean project to simulate an alien invasion, this is in order to convince people to accept willingly the New World Order solution, as if to say: united nations under one government will be stronger and more effective in repelling the alien invasion that threatens our existence. But, if aliens from other planets also exist, it is only we humans who have psychosis for war.

So, if today somewhere in the world you see a human appearance too well defined and not reflected from the ground, it could not be a semblance created by demonic forces, but an experiment to make the Blue Bean project work well which could be used at the appropriate historical moment. This simulation with the use of satellites could take place near the global "peace and security" signal that will probably be officially given by the United Nations as well as being able to be manifested by great peace marches. As for the governments and / or the highest authorities of the various States, already today at the beginning of 2020 they could agree on the New World Order project while already today behind the scenes Trump and Putin are probably in very good political, commercial and strategic, increasingly favorable situation for governments to sign by majority in a short time to give more power to the UN Security Council.
But, do some economic, political and military authorities regulate a reduction of the world population of over 80%? This will of automatic drastic reduction does not correspond to the will of "G" God, although, with the payment of the Apocalypse, the reduction of the world population will have to exceed 98% ,, however many normal and conformist people want to see only in front to your nose and circles of demonstration that there is an ongoing process of pretextual rhythm and security and a New World Order project, (substantially undemocratic risks), pure risks of making you hate these too normal and conformist individuals. So, it is useless and completely misleading if some women and men are incredibly incredible and closed-minded on the UFO topic, on the gravtational engines topic, on the pretext rhythm process topic, etc., etc., they create groups on Facebook like UFO X-FILES and then feel harassed if only someone expresses the audience of their analysis group that these members of the group do not believe and do not want to believe even if you show evidence. If this is so, let the CIA take care of publishing the X FILES online and on Facebook and conversing with the interested parties. In truth, these particularly irritable and immediately harassed conformists perhaps in part deserve to receive the "fate" reserved for that 95% of the world's population that could soon be finished.
If the satanic plan is not stopped, the conspiracy that is underway worldwide but which is disguised in democracy and hidden by confidentiality, will eventually automatically lead to the destruction of almost all humanity, including the 5 families that now govern all nations from behind the scenes. The exterminations compouti from the German concentration camps of the 1940s pale in comparison to the automatic extermination that will take place during the great tribulation and the Apocalypse that, nothing else and that the payment of the judgment of God on the entire wicked system of things and on all those who they will have supported him to the end. Today even the technologies of the alleged aliens will be used on a large scale by the military apparatus to deceive and destroy humanity, since the Blue Bean project is also part of it.
Genetically modified humans by demonic forces and the superior technologies suggest from demons to these same genetically modified humans were acquired by the american armi and perhaps other armies. They also want to use these technologies to exterminate much of humanity in the Count Dracula style when he solved the problem of the poor by burning them all at the stake. Among the hidden wars are chemtrails, contaminated vaccines and genetic manipulation in the hope of making a select few live Feedback but to destroy both the American people and all the peoples of the earth. To submit, not only the USA, but all humanity to slavery, with the aim of reducing humanity by more than 80% but in the end the intervention of God will also make the New World Order project capitulated, thus causing a worldwide population reduction of more than 98% due to too many unrepentant, institutionalized and hopelessly trained people by God, Zephaniah 1: 18.
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Potrebbe essere un indizio e/o una mezza prova sul fatto che la NASA, l'esercito USA ed eventualmente altri eserciti faranno uso del progetto Blue Bean per simulare una invasione aliena, è questo, allo scopo di convincere i popoli ad accettare di buon grado la soluzione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, come per dire: le nazioni unite sotto un unico governo saranno più forti ed efficaci nel respingere la invasione aliena che minaccia la nostra esistenza. Ma, se esistono anche gli alieni provenienti da altri pianeti, siamo solo noi esseri umani ad avere la psicosi per la guerra.

Quindi, se oggi da qualche parte del mondo si vedesse una sembianze umana troppo ben definita e non riflessa da terra, potrebbe non trattarsi di una sembianza creata da forze demoniache, ma, di un esperimento per far funzionare bene il progetto Blue Bean che potrebbe esser usato al momento storico opportuno. Questa simulazione con l'uso dei satelliti potrebbe avvenire in prossimità del segnale di"pace e sicurezza" globale che probabilmente verrà dato ufficialmente dalle Nazioni Unite oltre a poter esser manifestato da grandi marce per la pace. In quanto ai governi e/o alle massime autorità dei vari Stati, già oggi a inizio 2020 potrebbero esser d'accordo per il progetto Nuovo Ordine Mondiale mentre già oggi da dietro alle quinte Trump e Putin probabilmente sono in molto buon rapporto politico, commerciale e strategico, situazione sempre più favorevole affinché i governi fra breve tempo firmino a maggioranza per dare più potere al Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU.
Ma, alcune autorità economiche, politiche e militari desiderano che avvenga una riduzione della popolazione a livello mondiale superiore al 80%? Questa volontà di drastica riduzione in automatica non corrisponde con la volontà di "G" Dio, anche se, con il versamento della Apocalisse la riduzione della popolazione a livello mondiale potrebbe superare il 98%,, tuttavia tanta gente normale e conformista vuole vedere solo davanti al proprio naso e se tu cerchi di dimostrargli che è in corso un processo di pace e sicurezza pretestualle e un progetto di Nuovo Ordine Mondiale ,(non democratico a livello sostanziale), rischi pure di farti odiare da questi individui troppo normali e conformisti. Quindi, è inutile e del tutto fuorviante se alcune donne e uomini esageratamente increduli e di mente chiusa sul argomento UFO, sul argomento motori gravtazionali, sul argomento processo di pace pretestuale, ecc, ecc, creino dei gruppi su Facebook come UFO X-FILES per poi sentirsi molestati se solo qualcuno gli esprime e pubblica sul loro gruppo delle analisi a cui questi amministratori del gruppo non credono e non vogliono credere anche se tu gli mostri le prove. Se le cose stanno così dovrebbero lasciare che si occupi solo la CIA di pubblicare in rete e su Facebook gli X FILES e di conversare con gli interessati. Veramente, questi conformisti particolarmente irritabili e subito molestati, (appena tu gli esprimi una idea diversa nella speranza di svegliarli), forse in parte si meritano di ricevere il "destino" di essere tra quel 95% di popolazione a livello mondiale che a breve potrebbe essere terminato.
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From the post of Yediyahu Yamaha Mashiho:

Not only that, but those who believe it more or less incorrectly, the powers will want us to believe in an alien invasion to convince us to unite the nations under a single global government, as if to tell us: if we are all united under the New World order, we will be stronger in fending off aliens. But if they put the Blue Bean project into practice, it will be a simulation created with giant holograms and audio noises in the atmosphere.
Non solo, ma, a coloro che ci credono in modo più o meno errato i poteri vorranno farci credere in una invasione aliena per convincerci ad unire le nazioni sotto un unico governo a livello globale, come per dirci: se siamo tutti uniti sotto il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, saremo più forti nel respingere gli alieni. Ma se mettono in pratica il progetto Blue Bean si tratterà di una simulazione creata con ologrammi giganti e rumori audio nella atmosfera.

Voice listeners in Italy and Trieste are more concerned with defending their freedom and their rights as voice listeners than with trying to find out why they hear voices and what source voices may come from if it is not of auditory hallucinations. If you try to make them know the truth they generally ignore you and in some cases they can even despise you.
Some people are ok and open-minded despite being registered with Facebook groups dedicated to UFO and "alien" sightings, however some of these people and some administrators and / or founders of these groups dedicated to UFO sightings may be more worried about defending their rights and emotions as visionaries or as eyewitnesses of UFO sightings, but, without worrying in the least about knowing the many hidden truths about the UFO topic and about the American army and other nations .
Maybe I made the mistake of publishing too many posts and analyzes of UFOs and aliens in the "UFO X-FILES" group and in other groups dedicated to UFOs that have the same administrators among the administrators with a very tortuous and intolerant mind.
Moral of the speech and juice of the story? This woman administrator of the group "UFO X-FILES" immediately removed me from the group feeling offended only because I published analyzes that she did not believe, not only, but, with several comments in response to this tortuous woman I only tried to explain my position and how I felt to be treated like this however this particularly tortuous woman made me feel as if I had been mistaken for a molester and / or a pedophile and for one who at all costs would have liked to gain his sympathy.
A Facebook navigator who appreciated my post advised me to join 8 or 9 groups dedicated to UFOs largely managed by this young lady with black hair. In the end this woman in addition to letting me out of the groups also blocked me and so I decided to remove my registration from all these groups related to UFO sightings, even from two groups to which I had been registered for about two years. Many people make their own personal choice of beliefs to believe or not believe and also many people are able to look only in front of their noses perhaps thinking they can sleep better at night, but if you try to express some truths to them by showing them evidence as well then these people can even despise you, hate you and if it was easy for them to accuse you of harassment even before you realize it.
But, not enough, the "normal" and touchy woman who does not believe in certain things has also made me block the publications of my posts for 8 days, on all the groups to which I am subscribed, she making a report on Facebook that goes on automatically and generally without an operator intervening to balance the dispute. Evidently by publishing some of my posts on the UFO X-FILES group, the lady felt offended and harassed only because my analyzes of UFOs and aliens did not correspond to what she prefers to believe. I do not deal with US politics, but, it would be as if I were prevented from posting for a week on Facebook only for having published in a group analyzes in favor of Trump and against the Democrats and if after a female administrator, of the same group in which I published in favor of Trump, report that had been molested by me and she blocking my publications on all the other groups in which I am registered. This is neither fair nor democratic but offensive and humiliating towards me, although it is not worth taking it so much for a seven-day block on Facebook, but still, being a matter of principle and personal dignity broken in an unfair way.
Already today at the beginning of 2020 there is a lot of tendency to go against each other and tomorrow it will be "smoke"! Well, to avoid the trap groups dedicated to UFOs and / or those who do not believe it while managing these groups, and therefore, to avoid women with the desire to intimidate you and get you into trouble especially if you are determined and specific in the topic you publish:
Take a Peek Into Our “X-Files”

The CIA declassified hundreds of documents in 1978 detailing the Agency’s investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). The documents date primarily from the late 1940s and 1950s.

To help navigate the vast amount of data contained in our FOIA UFO collection, we’ve decided to highlight a few documents both skeptics and believers will find interesting. Below you will find five documents we think X-Files character Agent Fox Mulder would love to use to try and persuade others of the existence of extraterrestrial activity. We also pulled five documents we think his skeptical partner, Agent Dana Scully, could use to prove there is a scientific explanation for UFO sightings.

The truth is out there; click on the links to find it.

Top 5 CIA Documents Mulder Would Love To Get His Hands On:
1. Flying Saucers Reported Over East Germany, 1952 (PDF 325 KB)
2. Minutes of Branch Chief’s Meeting on UFOs, 11 August 1952 (PDF 162 KB)
3. Flying Saucers Reported Over Spain and North Africa, 1952 (PDF 266 KB)
4. Survey of Flying Saucer Reports, 1 August 1952 (PDF 175 KB)
5. Flying Saucers Reported Over Belgian Congo Uranium Mines, 1952 (PDF 262 KB)

Top 5 CIA Documents Scully Would Love To Get Her Hands On:
1. Scientific Advisory Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects, 14-17 January 1953 (PDF 907 KB)
2. Office Memorandum on Flying Saucers, 15 March 1949 (PDF 110 KB)
3. Memorandum to the CIA Director on Flying Saucers, 2 October 1952 (PDF 443 KB)
4. Meeting of the OSI Advisory Group on UFOs, 21 January 1953 (PDF 194 KB)
5. Memorandum for the Record on Flying Saucers, 3 December 1952 (PDF 179 KB)

Do you want to believe? Then find out how to investigate a flying saucer.
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Gli uditori di voci in Italia ed a Trieste sono più preoccupati di difendere la loro libertà ed il loro diritti come uditori di voci, piuttosto che cercare di scoprire il perché sentono le voci e da quale fonte possono provenire le voci nel caso che non si tratti di allucinazioni uditive. Se tu cerchi di fargli conoscere la verità generalmente ti ignorano ed in alcuni casi possono pure disprezzarti.
Alcune persone sono ok e di mente aperta pur essendo iscritti ai gruppi di Facebook dedicati agli avvistamenti di UFO e degli "alieni", tuttavia una parte di queste persone e alcuni amministratori e/o fondatori di questi gruppi dedicati agli avvistamenti di UFO possono essere più preoccupati nel difendere il loro diritto e la loro emozione come visionari o come testimoni oculari di avvistamenti UFO, ma, senza preoccuparsi minimamente di conoscere le tante verità nascoste che ci sono riguardo l'argomento degli UFO e riguardo l'esercito americano e di altre nazioni.
Forse io ho fatto lo sbaglio di pubblicare troppi post e mie analisi riguardo gli UFO e gli alieni nel gruppo "UFO X-FILES" ed in altri gruppi dedicati agli UFO che hanno tra gli amministratori una stessa donna dalla mente molto tortuosa e intollerante.
Morale del discorso e succo della vicenda? Questa donna amministratore del gruppo "UFO X-FILES" mi ha subito tolto dal gruppo sentendosi offesa solo perché io ho pubblicato analisi a cui lei non credeva, non soltanto, ma, con diversi commenti in risposta a questa donna tortuosa io ho soltanto cercato di spiegare la mia posizione e sul come mi sentivo ad essere trattato così tuttavia questa donna particolarmente tortuosa mi ha fatto sentire come se fossi stato scambiato per un molestatore e/o per un pedofilo e per uno che a tutti costi avrebbe voluto guadagnare la sua simpatia.
Un navigante in Facebook che ha apprezzato un mio post mi ha consigliato di iscrivermi ad 8 o 9 gruppi dedicati agli UFO in gran parte gestiti da questa signora giovane con i capelli neri. Alla fine questa donna oltre a farmi uscire dai gruppi mi ha pure bloccato e così io ho deciso di togliere la mia iscrizione da tutti questi gruppi relativi agli avvistamenti UFO, anche da due gruppi a cui ero iscritto da circa due anni. Molte persone fanno la propria scelta personale delle credenze a cui credere o non credere ed inoltre molte persone sono capaci di guardare solo davanti al proprio naso forse pensando di poter dormire meglio alla notte, ma, se tu cerchi di esprimergli alcune verità mostrandogli pure delle prove, allora queste persone possono perfino disprezzarti, odiarti e se gli fosse facile farlo, di accusarti per molestia ancor prima che tu te ne renda conto.
Ma, non basta, la donna "normale" e permalosa che non crede in certe cose mi ha fatto anche bloccare per 8 giorni le pubblicazioni dei miei post, su tutti i gruppi a cui io sono iscritto, facendo una segnalazione su Facebook che va avanti in automatica e generalmente senza che intervenga un operatore per equilibrare la disputa. Evidentemente pubblicando alcuni miei post sul gruppo UFO X-FILES, la signora si è sentita offesa e molestata solo perché le mie analisi sugli UFO e sugli alieni non corrispondevano in quello a cui lei preferisce credere. Io non mi occupo di politica USA, ma, sarebbe come se io fossi impedito di pubblicare per una settimana su Facebook solo per aver pubblicato in un gruppo delle analisi a favore di Trump e contro i democratici e se dopo un amministratore donna dello stesso gruppo in cui io ho pubblicato a favore di Trump segnalare di esser stata molestata da me facendomi bloccare le pubblicazioni su tutti gli altri gruppi in cui io sono iscritto. Ciò non è ne giusto ne democratico ma offensivo e umiliante nei miei confronti, sebbene non valga la pena di prendersela tanto per un blocco di sette giorni su Facebook, ma comunque, essendo una questione di principio e di dignità personale infranta in modo ingiusto.
Già oggi a inizio 2020 c'è tantissima tendenza a metterci gli uni contro gli altri è domani sarà "fumo"! Beh, per evitare i gruppi trappola dedicati agli UFO e/o a quelli che non ci credono pur gestendo questi gruppi, e quindi, per evitare le donne con il desiderio di intimidirti e di cacciarti nei guai specie se sei determinato e specifico nel argomento che pubblichi:
I veri X-Files, quelli della CIA, sono disponibili al pubblico. La CIA apre i suoi X-Files. Orde di aspiranti Scully e Mulder seguono il protocollo del progetto Blue Book.
Se la serie televisiva è riuscita ad intrattenere così tanti cittadini comuni, chissà come si comporterà la foltissima schiera di appassionati e studiosi del mistero di ogni nazionalità e lingua, quando scopriranno 10 veri X-Files pubblicati sul sito ufficiale della CIA. L’agenzia americana li ha presentati al pubblico con un criterio curioso: li ha suddivisi in 2 gruppi, uno di 5 casi idonei all’agente Mulder, e un altro di altrettanti casi idonei all’agente Scully, che sono i due noti protagonisti della serie televisiva.
Naturale porsi qualche interrogativo quando industria cinematografica fantascientifica ed uffici per gli affari riservati agiscono in così stretta simbiosi, l’una dando i natali ad una nuova serie di un titolo “cult”, l’altro declassificando documenti e presentandoli al pubblico con inequivocabili riferimenti al film.
Soprattutto se il sito governativo allega istruzioni operative, per chiunque voglia cimentarsi nell’emozionante mestiere dell’investigatore del mistero. Per fortuna le direttive sono tratte dalla decennale esperienza del Progetto Blu Book.
Sicuramente, adesso che una così sofisticata progettualità è diventata di dominio pubblico, non mancheranno gli spunti per nuove avvincenti sceneggiature. Immaginate le variabili che potrebbero derivare dal seguente caso: un ufficiale militare europeo avvista un oggetto volante non identificato in Congo, vicino alle miniere di Uranio gestite dal Belgio; lo fa talmente bene da riuscire a disegnare uno schizzo con dettagli tecnologici e fare ipotesi sulle loro possibili funzioni. Quante cose interessanti su cui indagare per gli agenti Mudler e Scally? Quanti intrighi internazionali e anche di più, intergalattici!
Ma bando agli entusiasmi! Bisogna attuare il protocollo che dice di stabilire un gruppo per investigare e valutare gli avvistamenti, di determinare gli obiettivi dell’investigazione, di consultarsi con gli esperti, di creare un sistema per catalogare i casi pervenuti ed eliminare quelli che risultassero falsi.
Come se non bastasse aggiunge che è necessario sviluppare una metodologia che consenta di riconoscere normali oggetti volanti che vengono comunemente scambiati per UFO, far validare la documentazione da persone e tecnologie specializzate, eseguire esperimenti controllati, fare analisi di laboratorio e disincentivare false dichiarazioni.
Cose alla portata di uffici governativi e sceneggiatori. Solo che quando sono i primi a utilizzare il decalogo, i soldi vanno spesi, quando lo fanno i secondi i denari sono incassati.

Voice listeners in Italy and Trieste are more concerned with defending their freedom and their rights as voice listeners than with trying to find out why they hear voices and what source voices may come from if it is not of auditory hallucinations. If you try to make them know the truth they generally ignore you and in some cases they can even despise you.
Some people are ok and open-minded despite being registered with Facebook groups dedicated to UFO and "alien" sightings, however some of these people and some administrators and / or founders of these groups dedicated to UFO sightings may be more worried about defending their rights and emotions as visionaries or as eyewitnesses of UFO sightings, but, without worrying in the least about knowing the many hidden truths about the UFO topic and about the American army and other nations .
Maybe I made the mistake of publishing too many posts and analyzes of UFOs and aliens in the "UFO X-FILES" group and in other groups dedicated to UFOs that have the same administrators among the administrators with a very tortuous and intolerant mind.
Moral of the speech and juice of the story? This woman administrator of the group "UFO X-FILES" immediately removed me from the group feeling offended only because I published analyzes that she did not believe, not only, but, with several comments in response to this tortuous woman I only tried to explain my position and how I felt to be treated like this however this particularly tortuous woman made me feel as if I had been mistaken for a molester and / or a pedophile and for one who at all costs would have liked to gain his sympathy.
A Facebook navigator who appreciated my post advised me to join 8 or 9 groups dedicated to UFOs largely managed by this young lady with black hair. In the end this woman in addition to letting me out of the groups also blocked me and so I decided to remove my registration from all these groups related to UFO sightings, even from two groups to which I had been registered for about two years. Many people make their own personal choice of beliefs to believe or not believe and also many people are able to look only in front of their noses perhaps thinking they can sleep better at night, but if you try to express some truths to them by showing them evidence as well then these people can even despise you, hate you and if it was easy for them to accuse you of harassment even before you realize it.
But, not enough, the "normal" and touchy woman who does not believe in certain things has also made me block the publications of my posts for 8 days, on all the groups to which I am subscribed, she making a report on Facebook that goes on automatically and generally without an operator intervening to balance the dispute. Evidently by publishing some of my posts on the UFO X-FILES group, the lady felt offended and harassed only because my analyzes of UFOs and aliens did not correspond to what she prefers to believe. I do not deal with US politics, but, it would be as if I were prevented from posting for a week on Facebook only for having published in a group analyzes in favor of Trump and against the Democrats and if after a female administrator, of the same group in which I published in favor of Trump, report that had been molested by me and she blocking my publications on all the other groups in which I am registered. This is neither fair nor democratic but offensive and humiliating towards me, although it is not worth taking it so much for a seven-day block on Facebook, but still, being a matter of principle and personal dignity broken in an unfair way.
To avoid trap groups and women with a desire to get you in trouble:
Take a Peek Into Our “X-Files”

The CIA declassified hundreds of documents in 1978 detailing the Agency’s investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). The documents date primarily from the late 1940s and 1950s.

To help navigate the vast amount of data contained in our FOIA UFO collection, we’ve decided to highlight a few documents both skeptics and believers will find interesting. Below you will find five documents we think X-Files character Agent Fox Mulder would love to use to try and persuade others of the existence of extraterrestrial activity. We also pulled five documents we think his skeptical partner, Agent Dana Scully, could use to prove there is a scientific explanation for UFO sightings.

The truth is out there; click on the links to find it.
Top 5 CIA Documents Mulder Would Love To Get His Hands On:
1. Flying Saucers Reported Over East Germany, 1952 (PDF 325 KB)
2. Minutes of Branch Chief’s Meeting on UFOs, 11 August 1952 (PDF 162 KB)
3. Flying Saucers Reported Over Spain and North Africa, 1952 (PDF 266 KB)
4. Survey of Flying Saucer Reports, 1 August 1952 (PDF 175 KB)
5. Flying Saucers Reported Over Belgian Congo Uranium Mines, 1952 (PDF 262 KB)

Top 5 CIA Documents Scully Would Love To Get Her Hands On:
1. Scientific Advisory Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects, 14-17 January 1953 (PDF 907 KB)
2. Office Memorandum on Flying Saucers, 15 March 1949 (PDF 110 KB)
3. Memorandum to the CIA Director on Flying Saucers, 2 October 1952 (PDF 443 KB)
4. Meeting of the OSI Advisory Group on UFOs, 21 January 1953 (PDF 194 KB)
5. Memorandum for the Record on Flying Saucers, 3 December 1952 (PDF 179 KB)

Do you want to believe? Then find out how to investigate a flying saucer.


Gli uditori di voci in Italia ed a Trieste sono più preoccupati di difendere la loro libertà ed il loro diritti come uditori di voci, piuttosto che cercare di scoprire il perché sentono le voci e da quale fonte possono provenire le voci nel caso che non si tratti di allucinazioni uditive. Se tu cerchi di fargli conoscere la verità generalmente ti ignorano ed in alcuni casi possono pure disprezzarti.
Alcune persone sono ok e di mente aperta pur essendo iscritti ai gruppi di Facebook dedicati agli avvistamenti di UFO e degli "alieni", tuttavia una parte di queste persone e alcuni amministratori e/o fondatori di questi gruppi dedicati agli avvistamenti di UFO possono essere più preoccupati nel difendere il loro diritto e la loro emozione come visionari o come testimoni oculari di avvistamenti UFO, ma, senza preoccuparsi minimamente di conoscere le tante verità nascoste che ci sono riguardo l'argomento degli UFO e riguardo l'esercito americano e di altre nazioni.
Forse io ho fatto lo sbaglio di pubblicare troppi post e mie analisi riguardo gli UFO e gli alieni nel gruppo "UFO X-FILES" ed in altri gruppi dedicati agli UFO che hanno tra gli amministratori una stessa donna dalla mente molto tortuosa e intollerante.
Morale del discorso e succo della vicenda? Questa donna amministratore del gruppo "UFO X-FILES" mi ha subito tolto dal gruppo sentendosi offesa solo perché io ho pubblicato analisi a cui lei non credeva, non soltanto, ma, con diversi commenti in risposta a questa donna tortuosa io ho soltanto cercato di spiegare la mia posizione e sul come mi sentivo ad essere trattato così tuttavia questa donna particolarmente tortuosa mi ha fatto sentire come se fossi stato scambiato per un molestatore e/o per un pedofilo e per uno che a tutti costi avrebbe voluto guadagnare la sua simpatia.
Un navigante in Facebook che ha apprezzato un mio post mi ha consigliato di iscrivermi ad 8 o 9 gruppi dedicati agli UFO in gran parte gestiti da questa signora giovane con i capelli neri. Alla fine questa donna oltre a farmi uscire dai gruppi mi ha pure bloccato e così io ho deciso di togliere la mia iscrizione da tutti questi gruppi relativi agli avvistamenti UFO, anche da due gruppi a cui ero iscritto da circa due anni. Molte persone fanno la propria scelta personale delle credenze a cui credere o non credere ed inoltre molte persone sono capaci di guardare solo davanti al proprio naso forse pensando di poter dormire meglio alla notte, ma, se tu cerchi di esprimergli alcune verità mostrandogli pure delle prove, allora queste persone possono perfino disprezzarti, odiarti e se gli fosse facile farlo, di accusarti per molestia ancor prima che tu te ne renda conto.
Ma, non basta, la donna "normale" e permalosa che non crede in certe cose mi ha fatto anche bloccare per 8 giorni le pubblicazioni dei miei post, su tutti i gruppi a cui io sono iscritto, facendo una segnalazione su Facebook che va avanti in automatica e generalmente senza che intervenga un operatore per equilibrare la disputa. Evidentemente pubblicando alcuni miei post sul gruppo UFO X-FILES, la signora si è sentita offesa e molestata solo perché le mie analisi sugli UFO e sugli alieni non corrispondevano in quello a cui lei preferisce credere. Io non mi occupo di politica USA, ma, sarebbe come se io fossi impedito di pubblicare per una settimana su Facebook solo per aver pubblicato in un gruppo delle analisi a favore di Trump e contro i democratici e se dopo un amministratore donna dello stesso gruppo in cui io ho pubblicato a favore di Trump segnalare di esser stata molestata da me facendomi bloccare le pubblicazioni su tutti gli altri gruppi in cui io sono iscritto. Ciò non è ne giusto ne democratico ma offensivo e umiliante nei miei confronti, sebbene non valga la pena di prendersela tanto per un blocco di sette giorni su Facebook, ma comunque, essendo una questione di principio e di dignità personale infranta in modo ingiusto.
Per evitare i gruppi trappola e le donne con il desiderio di cacciarti nei guai:


The X-Files show (The X-Files) expresses in fiction some situations and things still kept secret by the American army. However, in some episodes of X-Files the belief in reincarnation is portrayed, the belief of captive souls who could not die to find peace and other stories that are too fantastic and almost impossible to occur in reality. Well, it makes me think that these episodes of X-Files, (while being fun and suspenseful at the moment), are intended to create uncertainties especially on the subject of UFOs, as the time has not yet matured to make us believe with certainty in UFOs, and for many people to be helped to stop believing anything, so that in the End, all the inhabitants of the earth in general are led to believe with certainty only in the solution of the New World Order, as the only alleged means for ensure lasting peace and security worldwide.
I like to watch and I find interesting the Ficus program of "High-altitude investigations", the documentary based on true stories with eyewitnesses from a good technical explanation on why many air accidents and subsequent investigations made so that the same accident did not never repeat again or at least so that there are much less chances that multiple elements together and / or at the same time will cause the same accident on the same type of aircraft again. However, regarding high-altitude investigations, I disagree on two events relating to air disasters: the one relating to 11 September 2001 and the one relating to the disappearance of a Malaysian plane in which among the passengers there were also some engineers and/o chinese scientists.
(When the peace and security signal is given, the US military and NASA could also simulate an alien invasion with the Blue Bean project in order to convince people to accept the New World Order under the pretext that the most united nations under one government would have been more united and therefore stronger in repelling aliens. In fact, only man on earth has an obsession with war, whereas if other more advanced peoples exist on other planets, they would never again be on earth to conquer it.)
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Il telefilm X-Files (The X-Files) esprime in finzione alcune situazioni e cose ancor oggi tenute segrete dal esercito americano. Tuttavia in alcuni episodi di X-Files viene sceneggiata la credenza nella reincarnazione, la credenza delle anime prigioniere che non hanno potuto morire per trovare la pace ed altre storie troppo fantastiche e pressoché impossibili che si verifichino nella realtà. Beh, mi viene da pensare che questi episodi di X-Files, pur potendo essere divertenti e con suspense sul momento, hanno lo scopo di creare incertezze specie sul argomento degli UFO, in quanto non essendo ancora maturato il tempo per far credere con certezza alla gente comune negli UFO, ed affinché molte persone siano aiutate a non credere più a niente in modo che alla fine tutti quanti gli abitanti della terra in generale siano indotti a credere con certezza soltanto nella soluzione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, l'unico presunto mezzo per garantire pace e sicurezza duratura a livello mondiale.
Mi piace guardare e trovo interessante il programma di Ficus di "Indagini ad alta quota", il documentario tratto da storie vere con testimoni oculari da una buona spiegazione tecnica sul perché di molte sciagure aeree e sucessive indagini fatte in modo affinché lo stesso  incidente non si ripeta mai più o per lo meno affinché ci siano molte meno probabilità che più elementi assieme e/o in contemporanea provochino di nuovo lo stesso incidente sullo stesso tipo di aereo. Tuttavia, riguardo ad indagini ad alta quota io non sono d'accordo su due avvenimenti riguardanti i disastri aerei: quello relativo all'11 settembre 2001 e quello relativo alla scomparsa di un aereo malese in cui tra i passeggeri c'erano anche alcuni ingegneri e/o scienziati cinesi.

Without accusing any business groups and / or trader traders of conspiracy, in the very dense branch of big business with the interests that often move the high diplomacy, in the connection of the businesses that play a very important role in the strategic chess game between the last king of the north and the last king of the south, and now, even more seeing that soon the Eighth King will fully receive his power for a prophetic hour, with profound respect and love for principle who has correct understanding of the Sacred Scriptures can try to give good advice and understanding about the truth to traveling traders who are at the forefront of ruling the world and therefore more positively and / or negatively influencing governments to push forward certain policies and forms of propaganda.
For families who have more experience and expertise on how to govern the world and on how to supervise the propaganda of the people, good advice would be to examine the evidence and clues to seriously assess whether to practice fear of Jehovah and good will the "negotiation" described in Psalms 2: 10-12. To conclude, even big business can be promoted to promote war or to transform the many war-based economies into peace-based economies, and therefore, instead of heavy weapons, antennas could be manufactured in large quantities and the antennas for receive the current from the ionosphere and the circular and triangular flying saucers with the gravitational engines and other superior technologies, today, still kept secret and on which tomorrow the United Nations could also deal with it in the role of Eighth King.
Moreove, the restoration of the right in the FTT and the restoration of the international free port of Trieste could be a strategy both to help the United Nations to more easily gain the trust of the people, (with direct advantage to the image of the US-UK in international politics), and also, the recovery strategy, if in the presence of good will between east and west, it could have constituted a good bridge and aid so that it could at least formally end the war now underway between the last king of the south against the last king of the north. In this international context there could have been more success on the part of the United Nations in more power as an international body for peace if the embargoes and antagonisms between Asia, Europe and America were to end and if, (on the contrary of what they do at the present time), these parts were met in peace ending at least in a formal way every form of commercial and strategic war.
Since the last war between the US and its allies against Russia and its "allies" could have ended, peace and truth could begin between the European Union and the Italian people, as well as policies with good rules and good propaganda like that of Matteo Salvini in Italy could help increase hope on the part of nations and peoples, a context that could further help the United Nations to gain the trust of the people and with consequent indirect advantage also to the high Freemasonry that at the present time appears the most competent and with more experience on how to govern the world until the veuta of the kingdom of God by delegation of the 1400s kings and priests.
The putting into practice with good will of the "negotiation" described in Psalms 2: 10-12 by the kings of the earth and by the traders travelers could return useful to all the parts of power in play, in fact the only great architect of the The universe "G" or Jehovah God will have to draw the final accounts through the payment of the Apocalypse and immediately afterwards the 144,000 + 1 Kings and priests can begin to fully reign for 1000 years from the sky on the planet Earth.

When the UN will receive more full power as the Eighth King and also if political and economic kings of the earth wanted to put Psalm 2: 10-12 into practice, transforming the many war-based economies into peace-based economies, the many technologies today kept secret, including the triangular "UFOs" with gravitational propulsion on the tops, could have been gradually given also to the civilized world, which could have turned the arms industries into industries producing part of these technologies still kept secret from the civilized world. At that point the most important facade of NASA would have been visible which even today the civilized world does not know. Obviously, among the many changes in politics and in the way of informing the people, also the Count Dracula project to reduce the population by 95%, through the many hidden wars, should have been abandoned, as the Blue Bean project should have been abandoned as well . Moral of the speech: to you who govern the world today let Jehovah God take care of establishing the right number of deserving inhabitants on this planet, moreover, the prince of peace assures us peace and security for eternity.
Quando l'ONU riceverà a pieno più potere come Ottavo Re ed inoltre se o re della terra politici ed economici avessero voluto mettere in pratica Salmi 2: 10-12 trasformando anche le tante economie fondate sulla guerra in economie fondate sulla pace, le molte tecnologie oggi tenute segrete, compresi gli "UFO" triangolari con propulsione gravitazionale sui vertici, avrebbero potuto gradualmente esser date anche al mondo civile, cosa che avrebbe potuto trasformare le industrie di armi in industrie producono parte di queste tecnologie ancor oggi tenute segrete al mondo civile. A quel punto sarebbe stata visibile la facciata più importante della NASA che ancor oggi il mondo civile non conosce. Ovviamente, tra i tanti cambiamenti nella politica e nel modo di informare i popoli, anche il progetto Conte Dracula per ridurre la popolazione del 95%, attraverso le tante guerre nascoste, avrebbe dovuto essere abbandonato, come avrebbe dovuto essere abbandonato anche il progetto Blue Bean. Morale del discorso: a voi che oggi governate il mondo lasciate che se ne occupi Geova Dio di stabilire il giusto numero di abitanti meritevoli su questo pianeta, inoltre, il principe della pace ci assicura pace e sicurezza per l'eternità.


Adam was created by "G" God and later Eve was created and therefore Eve had less experience than Adam. "G" God placed an ordinary fruit tree. But why did Jehovah being a loving God put a forbidden tree in the middle of the garden? Couldn't God have done without the death penalty if Adam and / or Eve got the fruit from that tree? There was probably a logical and wise way for Jehovah God to act. Adam, Eve, and their offspring had to gradually become accustomed to obeying the increasingly demanding dispositions in order to acquire an ever more superior and responsible mind for the human family to expand and subjugate the earth in the best way, always obeying the dispositions of God as it is not easy to manage the earth in perfect respect for nature. By not eating from the forbidden tree, Adam and Eve could begin to cultivate the desire and openness to obey God without undergoing any renunciation since the fruit on the forbidden tree could also be found on the other trees in the garden. But, from the beginning of his story, man has moved away from God by not following his guide and today we can see the results: war, pollution, devastation of the environment, injustice, etc., etc., and now we are on the verge to destroy ourselves with our own hands.
But a cherub who wanted to be worshiped instead of "" G "God, first I try to distance the human couple from God by trying to deceive Eve who had less experience. So the imminent Satan the Devil made use of a snake as if he were a puppet and probably made him crawl on the forbidden tree in the middle of the garden just when Eve was near the forbidden tree. The possessed snake asked Eve if God really had forbidden him to eat from every tree in the garden. Eve should have interrupted the abnormal conversation knowing that a snake does not speak, but instead Eva continued to speak with the snake and answered correctly saying that they could eat from all the trees in the garden except from the tree in mezxo to the garden. Eva knew the command of God well yet Satan made use of the snake and managed to instill Eve's desire to eat from the forbidden tree and making him believe that God was lying and depriving him of something good. n substance the first rebel angel that tempts Eve, in principle did the same job as today's commercial advertising when he has to convince us to buy a product even if we know we don't need it, of course not necessarily being a sin against God to buy a useless product or the latest model of mobile phone when instead we still have the almost new 2-month perfectly working one. The story in Eden was real and also from Adam and Eve begins the chronology of human history up to our days after about 6000 years.
Adamo fu creato da "G" Dio e piu tardi fu creata Eva e quindi Eva aveva meno esperienza di Adamo. "G" Dio pose un normale albero da frutto. Ma perche Geova essendo un Dio d'amore pose un albero proibito nel mezzo del giardino? Dio non poteva fare a meno di porre quel divieto con la pena di morte nel caso che Adamo e/o Eva avessero preso il frutto da quel albero? Probabilmente ci fu una logica ed un saggio modo di agire da parte di Geova Dio. Adamo, Eva e la loro progenie dovevano gradualmente abituarsi ad ubbidire alle disposizioni sempre piu impegnative pet acquisire una mente sempre piu superiore e responsabile affinche la famiglia umana si espandesse e soggiogasse la terra nel migliore dei modi ubbidendo sempre alle disposizioni di Dio non essendo facile gestire la terra nel perfetto rispetto della natura. Non mangiando dal albero proibito Adamo ed Eva potevano cominciare a coltivate il desiderio ed aprezzamento adi ubbidire a Dio senza subire alcuna rinuncia in quanto il frutto sul albero proibito potevano trovarlo anche su gli altri alberi nel giardino. Ma, fin dall'inizio della sua storia, l'uomo si e allontanato da Dio non seguendo la sua guida ed oggi ne possiamo vedere i risultati: guerra, inquinamento, devastazione del ambiente, ingiustizia, ecc, ecc, ed ora siamo sul orlo di autodistruggerci con le nostre stesse mani.
Ma un angelo cherubino che volle farsi adorare al posto di ""G" Dio, prima cerco di allontanare la coppia umana da Dio cercando di ingannare Eva che aveva meno esperienza. Cosi l'imminentr Satana il Diavolo fece uso di un serpente come fosse una marioneta e probabilmente lo fece strisciare sul albero proibito in mezzo al giardino proprio quando  Eva fu vicina al albero proibito. Il serpente posseduto chiese ad Eva se veramente Dio gli aveva proibito di mangiare da ogni albero del giardino. Eva avrebbe dovuto interrompere la anomala conversazione sapendo che un serpente non parla, ma, invece Eva continuo a parlare con il serpente e rispose in modo corretto dicendo che loro potevano mangiare da tutti gli alberi del giardino eccetto che dall'albero in mezxo al giardino. Eva conosceva bene il comando di Dio eppure Satana face uso del serpente e riusci ad istillare il desiderio ad Eva di mangiare dal albero proibito e facendogli credere che Dio mentiva e  gli stava privando di qualcosa di buono. In sostanza il primo angelo ribelle che tento Eva, per principio fece lo stesso lavoro della odierna pubblicita commerciale quando deve convincerci a comprare un prodotto anche se noi sappiamo di non averne bisogno, naturalmente non essendo per forza un peccato contro Dio il comprare una prodotto inutile o l'ultimo modello di telefonino quando invece abbiamo ancora quello quasi nuovo di 2 mesi perfettamente funzionante. La storia in Eden fu reale ed inoltre da Adamo ed Eva inizia la cronologia della storia umana fino ad arrivare ai nostri giorni dopo circa 6000 anni.

Was this book written a few years ago and in any case before the year 2020 began?
If this prediction was actually written a few years ago or many years ago, then it is obvious that the spiritual forces in opposition to "G" God made this prophecy write on paper inspiring the human person who wrote it and after which the demons have done work to fulfill that prophecy.
In many cases the demonic forces manage to fulfill their prophecies by influencing human behavior and in particular in the south some pivotal people and / or demons can also directly influence animated and inanimate matter so that the aforementioned thing occurs in reality.
The military can experiment in the laboratory with very dangerous viruses and also with viruses that can pass from snakes to bats and mammals. So it is probable that a military experiment of this type came out of control from the laboratory thanks to the intervention of Satan and then began to spread the contagion in China or some human being as a servant of Satan aware or unaware he planned and acted for the Corona Virus to come out out of control and spread the epidemic first in China and then in most of the other nations, as it is spreading today. As a final hypothesis, demonic forces may have acted directly south of a snake and bat so that the virus will spread even among humans
For the fulfillment of the universal dispute between Jehovah God and Satan, "G" God allows a certain freedom of action to Satan and to the demons so that the heavenly process going on for over 6 thousand years can have the correct development, therefore, also Satan and his demonic collaborators can make their own prophecies and fulfill them. We may know that these are demonic prophecies because the prophecies of divine origin in the first century were concluded with John.
Chemtrails are radiating into the skies with planes thanks to human action but the chemtrails project is part of the demonic propaganda then poured out above all on those who today rule the world, including military commanders. About 2000 years ago, not even Jesus Christ denied the fact that Satan rules over all the political realms of the world, and this occurred when Jesus in the desert was tested by Satan. Morgellons disease is caused by chemtrails, (not too much in detail), but, from 2012-2013 until 2017, I have had many times the same dream connected to the understanding of Morgellons disease. About in the year 2015 or 2016 talking to a person inside a political and legalitarian movement I understood without the slightest reasonable doubt that that strange dream had to be of demonic origin and that this dream about a very long thread that came out of my mouth he had to give me the understanding on Morgellons disease, (but, until today in March 2020, fortunately for me I have never suffered it. Well, one evening in the year 2017 at my house I spoke alone in the normal way as if I talked to a human being and I clearly said that I understood that that dream was of demonic origin and that it was connected to the reality that already existed on Morgellons disease. That same night I once again had that same type of dream and since then until today, March 13, 2020, I have never had that kind of dream again. In doing so, the demonic forces have confirmed it to me directly.
(If a capitalist psychiatrist concludes that I see hallucinations, the thing in itself does not interest me, it interests me if some "normal" individuals reject me only because in some of my habits I am not a conformist and they appear different to them).
I can't be sure, however. In addition to the propaganda on the climate and plastic emergency in the seas, the international pandemic for the Corona Virus could be enough to bring us TO THE SOLUTION OF THE MOST POWER TO THE UNITED NATIONS IN FULL ROLE OF EIGHTH KING: Revelation 17: 13.
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Questo libro fu scritto alcuni anni fa e comunque prima che iniziasse l'anno 2020?
Se questa predizione realmente fu scritta alcuni anni fa o molti anni  fa, allora è ovvio che le forze spirituali in opposizione a "G" Dio hanno fatto scrivere su carta questa profezia ispirando la persona umana che la ha scritta e dopo di che i demoni hanno compiuto un lavoro affinché tale profezia abbia adempimento.
In molti casi le forze demoniache riescono a far adempiere le proprie profezie influendo sul comportamento umano ed in particolare sud alcune persone cardine e/o i demoni possono anche influire in modo diretto sulla materia animata e inanimata affinché la cosa predetta si verifichi nella realtà.
I militari possono fare esperimenti in laboratorio con virus molto pericolosi ed anche con i virus che possono passare dai serpenti ai pipistrelli ed ai mammiferi. Quindi è probabile che un esperimento militare di questo tipo sia uscito fuori controllo dal laboratorio grazie al intervento di Satana per poi iniziare a spargere il contagio in Cina oppure qualche essere umano come servitore di Satana consapevole o inconsapevole ha pianificato ed agito affinché il Corona Virus uscisse fuori controllo e facesse diffondere la epidemia prima in Cina è poi in gran parte delle altre nazioni, come oggi si sta spargendo. Come ultima ipotesi, le forze demoniache possono aver agito direttamente sud un serpente e pipistrello affinché il virus si spargere anche tra gli esseri umani
Per l'adempimento della contesa universale tra Geova Dio e Satana, "G" Dio permette una certa libertà di azione a Satana ed ai demoni affinché il processo a cielo in corso da oltre 6 mila anni possa aver il corretto svolgimento, quindi, anche Satana e i suoi collaboratori demoniaco possono fare le proprie profezie ed adempierle. Si può sapere che si tratta di profezie demoniache perché le profezie di origine divina nel primo secolo furono concluse con Giovanni.
Le scie chimiche sono irradiare nei cieli con gli aerei grazie alla azione dell'uomo ma il progetto scie chimiche fa parte della propaganda demoniaca poi riversata sopratutto su coloro che oggi governano il mondo, i comandanti militari compresi. Circa 2000 anni fa nemmeno Gesù Cristo smenti il fatto che Satana governa su tutti i regni politici del mondo, e questo, si verificò quando Gesù nel deserto fu messo alla prova da Satana. Il morbo di Morgellons viene provocato dalle scie chimiche, (non entro troppo nei particolari), ma, circa dal 2012-2013 fino al 2017 io ho fatto per tante volte uno stesso sogno collegato al intendimento sul morbo di Morgellons. Circa nell'anno 2015 o 2016 parlando con una persona al interno di un movimento politico e legalitario io ho capito senza il minimo ragionevole dubbio che quel sogno strano doveva essere di provenienza demoniaca e che tale sogno riguardo ad un filo lunghissimo che mi usciva dalla bocca doveva per forza darmi l'intendimento sul morbo di Morgellons, (ma, che fino ad oggi nel marzo 2020 per mia fortuna non lo ho mai subito. Beh, una sera nel anno 2017 a casa mia io ho parlato da solo in modo normale come se parlassi con un essere umano ed ho detto chiaramente di aver capito che quel sogno era di provenienza demoniaca e che era collegato alla realtà già esistente sul morbo di Morgellons. Quella stessa notte io ho fatto ancora una volta quello stesso tipo di sogno e da allora in poi fino ad oggi, 13 marzo 2020, io non ho mai più fatto quel tipo di sogno. Così facendo, le forze demoniache me lo hanno confermato in modo diretto.
(Se uno psichiatra capitalista concludere che io vedo allucinazioni, la cosa in se non mi interessa, ne mi interessa se alcuni individui "normali" mi respingono solo perché in alcune delle mie abitudini io non sono conformista ed a loro appaiono diverso).
Io non ne posso essere sicuro tuttavia In aggiunta, alla propaganda sull'emergenza clima e plastica nei mari, la pandemia internazionale per il Corona Virus potrebbe bastare per portarci ALLA SOLUZIONE DEL PIÙ POTERE ALLE NAZIONI UNITE IN PIENO RUOLO DI OTTAVO RE: Rivelazione 17: 13.

Revelation: 13: 11 Then I saw another ferocious beast rising from the earth; he had two horns similar to those of a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon.
What does this ferocious beast represent? The US-UK superpower. The lamb is a meek beast and the two horns similar to those of a lamb represent the two apparent democracies and the two apparently meek governments of the USA-UK.
By carrying out the attacks, the terrorists kill innocent people and do Satan's will, however, the US-UK power through his behavior, especially in aesthetic politics, favors and often wants the emergence of terrorism and often uses terrorism to have the excellent pretexts. On September 11, 2001 the USA hit itself to create an excellent multiple pretext, therefore, those who think they are fighting America with terrorist attacks are deceiving themselves and playing the super power game that speaks of peace and democracy but that through his behavior speaks like a dragon. Not only, but, countries not aligned with the ferocious beast of Revelation 13: 11 are often shown as countries fostering terrorism through the simulation of attacks and misleading and untruthful propaganda .
Those who carried out the attack on the Boston Marathon have hurt mostly innocent people and have done Satan's will also giving strength to the fight against terrorism which aims to unite the nations in a formal way and increase measures security with the ultimate goal of having almost total control over the population, if possible, worldwide.
Love in principle would be the best weapon available to man to eliminate war and terrorism, while invrce, with the deterrent and security measures, can only guarantee a peace in the relative sense and of short duration. If the kings of the earth had put Psalms 2: 10-12 into practice, at least in the last few years of the peace process in which the United Nations will have more power, and furthermore, if ordinary people put true Christianity into practice without hypocrisy, the capitulation of this system would have led to much less loss of life. All of this would have been in everyone's interests, including the USA-UK.
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Rivelazione: 13: 11  Poi vidi un’altra bestia feroce che saliva dalla terra; aveva due corna simili a quelle di un agnello, ma parlava come un dragone.
Cosa rappresenta questa bestia feroce? La superpotenza USA-UK. L'agnello è una bestia mansueta e le due corna simili a quelle di un agnello rappresentano le due apparenti democrazie e i due governi apparentemente mansueti degli USA-UK.
Compiendo gli attentati i terroristi uccidono persone innocenti e fanno la volontà di Satana, tuttavia, la potenza USA-UK attraverso il suo comportamento, specialmente in politica esteta, favorisce e spesso desidera l'insorgere del terrorismo e spesso si serve del terrorismo per avere i pretesti eccellenti. L"11 settembre 2001 gli USA si sono colpiti da soli per creare un pretesto eccellente multiplo, è quindi, coloro che pensano di combattere l'America con gli attentati terroristici ingannano se stessi e fanno il gioco della super potenza che parla di pace e democrazia ma che attraverso il suo comportamento parla come un dragone. Non soltanto, ma, i paesi non allineati con la bestia feroce di Rivelazione 13: 11 spesso vengono fatti vedere come paesi fomentatori di terrorismo attraverso la simulazione di attentati e la propaganda fuorviante e non veritiera.
Coloro che hanno compiuto l'attentato alla maratona di Boston hanno fatto del male a persone per lo più onnocenti ed hanno fatto la volontà di Satana dando pure forza alla lotta al terrorismo che ha lo scopo di unire il modo formale le nazioni ed aumentare le misure di sicurezza con lo scopo finale di avere un quasi totale controllo sulla popolazione, se possibile, a livello mondiale.
L'amore per principio sarebbe la miglior arma a portata di mano all'uomo per eliminare la guerra è il terrorismo, mentre invrce, con il deterrente e le misure di sicurezza si può soltanto garantire una pace in senso relattivo e di breve durata. Se i re della terra avessero messo in pratica Salmi 2: 10-12, almeno in questi ultimi anni del processo di pace in cui le Nazioni Unite avranno più poterr, ed inoltre, se le persone comuni mettessero in pratica il vero cristianesimo senza ipocrisia, la capitolazione di questo sistema avrebbe comportato molte meno perdite di vite umane. Tutto questo sarebbe stato negli interessi di tutti, gli USA-UK compresi.

For a few years now and in particular now at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020, various forms of propaganda and strategies have been underway to gradually convince governments and peoples to formalize and accept the solution to transform and empower nations. United in the full role of Eighth King, being the USA-UK in the role of Seventh King.
But, in recent years, at the present time and in the imminent future, in addition to the armed wars in some countries, many hidden wars are underway in an attempt to drastically reduce the population worldwide by more than 80%.
Perhaps at the beginning of its power, the UN will do some "wonderful" things to gain the trust of peoples, but without the hidden and conventional wars being interrupted.
With more power at the United Nations, governments will act even more as one man thanks to a central directive that is mostly under the control of strong powers.
However, one cannot oppose more power to the United Nations as it is even on the prophetic table, nevertheless one can try to inform the kings of the earth political, commercial, banking, military and as alleged aliens, to consider the opportunity to put into practice the negotiation recorded in Psalms 2: 10-12, being the second Psalm covering a period of time from 1913-1914 until the end of the system through the payment of the Apocalypse. If the kings of the earth became wise and perceptive according to the ways of "G" God, in the end humanity and the kings of the earth could suffer a great tribulation and less devastating Apocalypse, however being this system of things destined for total and definitive capitulation.
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Già da un pochi di anni ed in particolar modo adesso a fine 2019 e inizio 2020, sono in corso diverse forme di propaganda e di strategie per convincere gradualmente i governi e i popoli a ufficializzare ed accettare la soluzione di trasformare e di dare più potere alle Nazioni Unite nel pieno ruolo di Ottavo Re, essendo gli USA-UK nel ruolo di Settimo Re.
Ma, in questi ultimi anni, al tempo presente e nel imminente futuro, oltre alle guerre armate in alcuni paesi, sono in corso molte guerre nascoste nel tentativo di ridurre drasticamente la popolazione a livello mondiale di oltre l'80%.
Forse all'inizio del suo potere, l'ONU farà alcune cose "meravigliose" per guadagnare la fiducia dei popoli, ma, senza che vengano interrotte le guerre nascoste e convenzionali.
Con il più potere alle Nazioni Unite i governi agiranno ancor più come un solo uomo grazie ad una direttiva centrale che per lo più è sotto il controllo dei poteri forti.
Tuttavia, non ci si può opporre al più potere alle Nazioni Unite in quanto è perfino nella tabella profetica, tuttavia si può tentare di informare i re della terra politici, commerciali, bancari, militari e in veste di presunti alieni, di considerare l'opportunità di mettere in pratica il negoziato registrato in Salmi 2: 10-12, essendo il secondo Salmo riguardante un periodo di tempo che va dal 1913-1914 fino alla Fine del sistema attraverso il versamento della Apocalisse. Se i re della terra diventassero saggi e perspicaci secondo le vie di "G" Dio, alla Fine l'umanità e i re della terra potrebbero subire una grande tribolazione ed Apocalisse meno devastante, comunque essendo questo sistema di cose destinato alla totale e definitiva capitolazione.


In the past 10-12 months I have received many other invitations to enter the brotherhood of the illuminati and also for a whole series of circumstances it makes me think that it was no longer the usual scammers who usually promise you the association with the illuminati just to send money remotely. I am not a singer or a politician or a person of the show, but, I am only an ordinary citizen who, however, could have understood very deeply, albeit in general, about the ways of thinking and acting of strong powers and also in the presence of what the Bible says about our time and beyond. Perhaps, a high-level character rather than wanting to invite me to enter the brotherhood of the illuminati wanted above all to control me and understand more deeply how I think about the New World Order project and about the current war covid-19, however it suits me to be controlled because my primary purpose is precisely to make known and to reflect on the importance of putting Psalms 2: 10-12 into practice which is a kind of negotiation by "G" God to today's kings of the banking land, commercial and political. However, if the invitation to join the association of the illuminati was real, to the limit as it actually could be, I do not feel like taking this important step only after having conversed on a private message, on WothsApp and on the phone with a gentleman in the United States, but first I would need to have an interpersonal meeting in an official way, albeit in secret, this in order to explain well who I am, how I live and what could be some of my limitations, moreover, I would have felt to be able to work with the enlightened only to promote what seems to me more righteous or at least convenient and / or less worse, taking into consideration the ways of Jehovah God. Furthermore, for me, association and / or collaboration with the illuminati and the Banking kings of the earth should not have led to any involvement and implication of a spiritual nature and worship.

Molti sono truffatori: in questi ultimi 10-12 mesi io ho ricevuto molti altri inviti a entrare nella fratellanza degli illuminati ed inoltre per tutta una serie di circostanze mi viene da pensare che non si è trattato più dei soliti truffatori che di solito ti promettono la associazione con gli illuminati solo per farsi spedire dei soldi da remoto. Io non sono un cantante ne un politico ne una persona dello spettacolo, ma, sono soltanto un cittadino comune che tuttavia potrebbe aver capito molto a fondo, seppure in generale, riguardo i modi di pensare e di agire dei poteri forti e pure al cospetto di quello che dice la Bibbia riguardo alla nostra epoca e non solo. Forse, un personaggio di alto livello più che a volermi invitare ad entrare nella fratellanza degli illuminati voleva sopratutto controllarmi e capire più a fondo come io penso riguardo al progetto del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale e riguardo alla attuale guerra covid-19, tuttavia a me sta bene esser controllato in quanto il mio scopo primario è proprio quello di far conoscere e di far riflettere sulla importanza di mettere in pratica Salmi 2: 10-12 che è una specie di negoziato da parte di "G" Dio agli odierni re della terra bancari, commerciali e politici. Ad ogni modo, se l'invito ad entrare nella associazione degli illuminati fosse reale, al limite come effetivamente potrebbe anche esserlo, io non me la sento di fare questo passo così importante solo dopo aver conversato su messaggio privato, su WothsApp e per telefono con un signore negli Stati Uniti, ma, prima io necessiterei di avere un incontro interpersonale in via ufficiale, seppure in segreto, questo per poter spiegare bene chi sono, come vivo e quali potrebbero essere alcuni dei miei limiti, inoltre, io mi sarei sentito di poter lavorare con gli illuminati solo per promuovere ciò che mi sembra più giusto o per lo meno convenevole e/o meno peggio, tenendo in considerazione le vie di Geova Dio. Inoltre, per me la associazione e/o la collaborazione con gli illuminati ed i re della terra bancari non avrebbe dovuto comortare alcun coinvolgimento ed implicazione di carattere spirituale e di adorazione.

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Mentre i politici ci fanno credere di essere uno contro l'altro e mentre i partiti ci mostrano di festeggiare le proprie vittorie, noi popolume dovremo credere alle loro ca-te e continuare a non avvederci di nulla riguardo cosa ci sta riservando il covid-19.

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Politicians want to carry out the fourth industrial revolution in obedience to the supranational private forces and therefore this covid-19 war serves to accelerate this process towards the fourth industrial revolution which obviously foresees less than 20% of the population existing on earth today. Politicians don't want to listen to the advice of good doctors but they want to bring down the economy, they want to reduce the population and after that the governments under the supervision of the strong powers would like to restart the economy, but, they will not be able to save this crap of capitalism. disrespectful of the environment both now and after the fourth industrial revolution. Capitalism is coming to an end and we will fall into the great tribulation on a global level. The people should have immediately made a well-organized revolution and executed almost all the politicians and the 90's pieces of capitalism, etc., etc., while the governments should have stopped obeying private individuals and Satan by putting into practice the recommended wisdom instead. in Psalms 2: 10-12.

The speech is perfectly correct,
"" but they don't want to hear it.

Russell Lee:

By phrasing things as a question or suggestion etc and not a statement the point is made much softer.  And that eases the consequences eg: “Aldo burned down the supermarket.” Or: “Was it Aldo that burned the supermarket down?” Or: "Dare I suggest that it may have been Aldo who burned down the supermarket.....” I’m sure you get it.  We are allowed to question or suggest, but to state something is a different matter.....


You are RIGHT but on a psychological level inside of me I often have too much anger and frustration and also in Italy I see that there are people who obey the system too much and continue to vote for the usual criminals who are leading them to death and risking to be sentenced to death too I and knowing people cause the compulsory vaccines if are done by law.

A small example: Luca Zaia is the governor of the Veneto region who defended this covid-19 epidemic with so many false numbers and deceiving the people in a shameful way and at the polls on 20 and 21 September the Venetian citizens who went to vote gave him over 70% of the votes making him win sensationally. Apparently things are too bad.

Russell Lee:

The idiots really do love their “circuses of fear”. Too many find it very difficult to relate to reality as it is because that requires thinking, and is George Bernard Shaw observed:
“ 2% of people think, 3% think they can think, and 95% would sooner die than think.“
The percentages are slightly better these days but not by enough to make a difference - as your above post illustrates.

If they try to stick anything sharp and pointy in you, then we need to be sticking something sharp and pointy in them.  Simple.

This is a letter to Matt Hancock, UK Secretary of State for Health from Dr Michael Yeadon who was a VP at Pfizer.  We have to dig for the truth. 💯💓
"Dear Mr Hancock, I have a degree in Biochemistry & Toxicology & a research based PhD in pharmacology. I have spent 32 years working in pharmaceutical R&D, mostly in new medicines for disorders of lung & skin. I was a VP at Pfizer & CEO of a biotech I founded (Ziarco - acquired by Novartis). I’m knowledgeable about new medicine R&D. I have read the consultation document. I’ve rarely been as shocked & upset. All vaccines against the SARS-COV-2 virus are by definition novel. No candidate vaccine has been in development for more than a few months. If any such vaccine is approved for use under any circumstances that are not EXPLICITLY experimental, I believe that recipients are being misled to a criminal extent. This is because there are precisely zero human volunteers for whom there could possibly be more than a few months past-dose safety information. My concern does not arise because I have negative views about vaccines (I don’t), Instead, it’s the very principle that politicians seem ready to waive that new medical interventions at this, incomplete state of development- should not be made available to subjects on anything other than an explicitly experimental basis. That’s my concern. And the reason for that concern is that it is not known what the safety profile will be, six months or a year or longer after dosing. You have literally no data on this & neither does anyone else. It isn’t that I’m saying that unacceptable adverse effects will emerge after longer intervals after dosing. No: it is that you have no idea what will happen yet, despite this, you’ll be creating the impression that you do. Several of the vaccine candidates utilise novel technology which have not previously been used to create vaccines. There is therefore no long term safety data which can be pointed to in support of the notion that it’s reasonable to expedite development & to waive absent safety information on this occasion I am suspicious of the motives of those proposing expedited use in the wider human population. We now understand who is at particularly elevated risk of morbidity & mortality from acquiring this virus. Volunteers from these groups only should be provided detailed information about risk / benefit, including the sole point I make here. Only if informed consent is given should any EXPERIMENTAL vaccine be used. I don’t trust you. You’ve not been straightforward & have behaved appallingly throughout this crisis. You’re still doing it now, misleading about infection risk from young children. Why should I believe you in relation to experimental vaccines?” Dr Michael Yeadon


Look how fascist and hateful they are: if you look at my facebook page, Facebook Italy, despite not having obscured the link, showed this information that you sent me as false. If tomorrow the situation is reversed thanks to Trump and more, will we be able to accuse the team of facebook italy for crimes against humanity?

Russell Lee:

To be honest that just flags up the information as being even more interesting to many. 
I have the same issue on my wall with a few posts.  The intelligent see it for what it is, the stupid fall for the bullshit.....  Let the fools be fools.


The foolish believe the regime and the voice of the authority that says "false news" while the intelligent understand that it is an important information and that hot and all too true, so the shrewd read. You have done a magnificent analysis and it is a circumstance that I have pointed out several times over time, that is, that idiots as such are automatically excluded from knowing the truth that can even save their life if only they were a little smarter.

Russell Lee: 

They could be much smarter if only they wanted to be. They ignorance and stupidity is a chosen trait. They are what we would refer to as “the thick and proud of it”. And they are just the type that the murder Christ et cetera et cetera. That one word “Thimerosal” illustrates perfectly what George Carlin said about them:
“They don’t give a fuck about you.”

They didn’t have to put Thimerosal in vaccines in the first place, but they did. And that proves that all they’re interested in is damaging the people that use their products, in order to make them sicker long term, so that they can then sell more of their toxic drugs to deal with the symptoms that are created from the poisoning from the Thimerosal.....

Russell Lee and Aldo::

Russell Lee: 

They’re trying to dress it up that it’s good for population control, but they are the ones that are going to make a fortune by stealing everybody’s stuff with their murdering.  In the UK if a property owner dies and the house etc is left unclaimed by a relative it now belongs to the government, who can either sell it, or put immigrants into it and charge them rent. This will bring in trillions upon trillions of pounds to the government coffers, from where the politicians can then put themselves on filmstar wages. And the banks will be selling fresh mortgages on previously owned properties.  Easy money.  It is what Hitler et cetera did with the people they put in concentration camps et cetera.


In a good system we help others and others help ourselves, so, we all live better and are in true peace and security and love, while instead, in the capitalist and consumerist society where everyone is pushed to think only of himself, only to one's own family and only to one's own group, thanks to selfishness and personal interest we are putting ourselves against each other, we are losing the moral senao of good and evil, we follow the most convenient way at the moment to ourselves so we are rapidly moving towards self-destruction. Fortunately "G" God will prevent all human flesh on this planet from dying through the pouring out of Revelation. If the Rockefellers, if the Rothschilfs, if the Jesuits of the IOR bank and if the political kings of the earth, (the current governments), immediately put into practice Psalms 2: 10-12, they would do good for themselves and for all. peoples. Only the great architect of the universe "G" God is concerned with establishing the right number of inhabitants on this planet, while, the covid-19 war and the fourth industrial revolution, (also not respectful of the environment), should all be and two immediately abandoned. Of course, every single individual and ordinary citizen should also want to do their part and learn to behave and live wisely. In a way we are all in the same boat. Speaking with all respect, but, the New World Order project, however majestic and intelligent, does not take into account some very important and essential factors for our future and future existence.

Until yesterday in December 2019 governments were mainly obsessed with gross domestic product as society became more and more individualistic and turbulent in worshiping the God of money, but in 2020 things are changing but from bad to worse, not for better. If the political and banking kings of the earth applied the wisdom and insight advised in Psalms 2: 10-12 then they should tell the truth to peoples in every nation and educate and encourage them to a peaceful and wise way of life. Obviously the stupid and the foolish would have continued to be there but the great tribulation we suffer by going against could be less devastating. While, young couples could be incentivized not to give birth to children or at most one child, without more states and governments obliging and / or encouraging useless and harmful vaccines to infants, children and adults.

Russell Lee:

Exactly.  However the eugenicists program is the eugenicists program.  And if they were to do what you have mentioned then I think these eugenicists are fearful that some of the “morons” might survive, and eventually mix their DNA with those of the elites. This is terrifying to these types. So by working things the way they are, only the most intelligent, insightful, switched on, courageous, wise, psychologically fit, etc etc types survive and Humanity goes through a self selecting purge of the: fearful, weak of mind, stupid, easily led, dullards, emotionalists etc etc.....  Only the foolish are ignoring the critical thinkers by calling us “conspiracy theorists” as a Convenient excuse for themselves, so as to ignore vital information that it would be best for their own survival interest to take on board.  They are the “stupid and proud of it“.....  This is why I think things are the way they are. You know yourself how difficult it is to get such individuals to have one critical thought and to look at things objectively without them getting angry and wallowing in their stupidity at every opportunity. You know how frustrated it makes you, Imagine how much more frustrated it must make those who are at the top of the tree. I’m simply balancing off the other side of the equation by raising awareness as much as possible within the collective human herd, so that those who are capable of learning can make sensible choices based on the facts as they are.  Raising awareness and saving those who are capable of learning is part of the equation too.  However getting rid of all those that cannot become aware, despite all the warnings of those like ourselves, are the ones eating all the GMO foods, drinking the fluoride in the water, et cetera et cetera et cetera, and self-selecting themselves for the crazy, EXPERIMENTAL RNA vaccines.....  all out of mass media induced political panic. If they had the vaccine already for COVID-19 and it was taken on a voluntary basis only, would the majority of the population that has been subjected to the mainstream media propaganda be queueing to get shot up?  I think it is being delayed so that all those who can wake up do so.  Then the deadheads will be permitted to be vaxxed.  .......  And we will see what we will see. It’s a brutal process.  We’re just doing our side of the equation.....  This entire escapade could also be known as: Operation: Wake the Fuck Up - PLEASE!!! (Phase 1547 (Dear God.....  WHAT DOES IT TAKE?))


Has the pandemic been foreseen in all details? Going beyond the video and the two journalists who know beyond what they say but who keep themselves cautious, as well as being implicated by the USA (with Anthony Faucy even more powerful than the president of the United States being he in power for over 40 years), then being there at the forefront also France, China, the strong banking powers and drug lobbies and the 90s like Bill Gates, from March 2020 I was immediately convinced that this pandemic was spread on purpose, and therefore, not accidentally for experiments that are too dangerous and also it seems that this laboratory corona virus at the moment of greatest activity was largely spread by the Olympians then in China near the laboratory, a circumstance obviously planned within this war and obviously also the vaccines for the flu they favored the autoimmune reaction that led some people to respiratory failure. Money can give power but not beyond a certain limit, while instead, with this epidemic, first, we are launched faster into the future as the progress of technologies is not enough but it also takes a change in the habits of people who, "thank you" to lockdowns in many countries, they have been pushed more to use computers and mobile phones and to buy via the internet, not only that, but automatically the people who do not use them today are more destined to succumb because they look mainly or only at the television through which only vaccines are encouraged, moreover this pandemic has suffered much more power to some large drug lobbies, which produce masks, etc., etc., and also and above all to the banking system itself that wants to accelerate the path towards the New Order World. For this reason, part of the governments already aware of the arrival of the pandemic, deliberate and not accidental, have acted in the worst way, that is, to facilitate the demolition of the economy and the reduction of the population in their country as foreseen in the path towards the fourth industrial revolution. and the New World Order. With this pandemic, at least three birds are killed with one stone: good deals for the 90's pieces of capitalism and a considerable increase in power. This is the intent on the part of those who now rule the world through business, finance and politics, and after that, regardless of what the end result will be in the next 10 or 15 or 20 years.

(September 25, 2020: The truth emerges from a Chinese nurse even on television: a virus from the laboratory that caused an epidemic that shouldn't have existed and the WHO in league with Beijing. Although in March I also did not understand many things about this little girl pamdemic, for me it was immediately obvious that it was a deliberately spread pandemic and a more bloody strategy after the peak of the propaganda on the climate change emergency and the plastic emergency in the seas and beyond. spoke neither in my name nor in the name of all Italians when he said that Italians remain serious, (that is, observing the rules on the health emergency as if there was still really the pandemic that was exaggerated by the media even in March and April).

Russell Lee:

I would rant and rave and swear at them if I thought it would do any good to raise their concerns, but they’d just think I’d lost the plot.....  However when the equivalent of a medical “boot crashes their balls”, to paraphrase Yuri Bezmenov, the KGB defector, they’ll be pissed off with me “for not warning them strongly enough....” so it’s a lose / lose situation.  I would have thought that at least one would’ve replied and shown some interest in regards to the situation and entered into a dialogue. But not a single one.  I’m just wondering: wtf is wrong with them?  At least reply with an enquiry.... but nothing of the kind from a single one of them.....

Yuri Bezmenov, KGB defector:


Too much stupidity on the part of the people and too much corruption and crime and hypocrisy on the part of the government, can exasperate and freak even a high-level intellectual and writer.

In the last post in Blogger I published and I emphasized what I am talking about now, however for now it is only a suspicion of mine, not a certainty: 

since people's awareness against vaccines increases, even if the vast majority remain in stupidity and also from your exasperation for too much stupidity on the part of the majority of people it can make your arms fall to the ground even if you had them muscular like those of Mike Tyson, as awareness increases and the strong deviated powers feel have to hurry, it could be that the covid-19 vaccine at 15% mortality could be the same vaccine given as for the flu, that is the same vaccine that now in early autumn they want to give to children and the population, moreover, making us believe that by doing a vaccine a month and a vaccine booster every many days strengthen the immune system just like when a child plays in the mud, which is absolutely false. 

Furthermore, even though the people are too stupid and too sheepish and too dominated by what the government and the TV say, it may happen that if people and work colleagues begin to feel bad and to die, afterwards, too many people would rightly have refuse to undergo other vaccines.

However, many human guinea pigs that would have volunteered to the covid-19 vaccine (at 15% mortality) already in late summer and early autumn 2020, instead may have already received the vaccine at 90% mortality, but, with the side effects delayed fatalities and just after the sixth or seventh month of administration. 

That way, even though many people got sick in large numbers and some died after getting the flu vaccine but that could actually be the DNA and RNA-modifying covid-19 vaccine, in December. 2020 at the presumed end of the experimentation, the voluntary human guinea pigs could have spoken very well about this vaccine thus assuring part of the population on the efficacy and harmlessness of the vaccine to which they would be subjected. 

With this strategy and the majority of the people still being too stupid and too slow to notice the deception, at the beginning of 2021 the 90% of the guinea pigs would have died, but without the TV giving any news, moreover in the following months of 2021 it would have been the extermination in this covid-19 war completed "thanks" to the many low-level people who would have believed to the testimonies broadcast on TV by voluntary human guinea pigs, but, before they began to feel ill and die in a very high percentage. 

With the covid-19 war, the population probably would not have reduced by more than 80% in 2021 but with this strategy the strong powers and the WHO could try to reduce the population worldwide by 30% or 40%, of course, if the strong powers and the WHO and the governments bought by the International Monetary Fund had actually thought and then implemented this strategy.

Given today's circumstances at the beginning of autumn 2020 with the little used tracking App, with a relative good minority increasingly opposed to vaccines due to so much talk even from unofficial channels, what do you think? Is it possible such a crazy strategy by them or is it too crazy just to be thought of?

Russell Lee:

These politicians are thick as bricks.  All they can do is waffle with conviction regardless of the facts - and convince idiots to surrender..... And the CDC, Dr Fauci and Bill Gates all stand to make billions out of mandated vaccines from their coronavirus patents. It is illegal to patent anything that is natural. Only synthetic or artificial / GMO products can be patented. However, it is illegal under many international treaties to produce a bio-agents or bio-weapons.  And the fact that Dr Fauci and the CDC Hold these patents proves that they were man-made, and that they were involved in the manufacture of them, which means they are criminals under the international bio-weapons treaties.....

Aldo: Meanwhile, nobody stops those two criminals perhaps for the fact that their work serves the interests and the project of the Deep State which is now present in almost every nation.

Russell Lee: And that dickhead Tedros who is in charge of the WHO got thereby being by proven Corrupt in the health area..... We are dealing with an international psychopathic criminal organisation that has targeted all the structures of power and placed many of their own kind in offices of authority.....

Aldo: Absolutely true, however if Trump and his team really did fight against the Deep State in the United States and then eventually chain free other nations, especially if there is a conscious part of the people and some honest politicians from other nations, there is the possibility that Trump and his team will succeed in destroying the Deep State? Because you, Russell Lee in your analysis spoke of the Deep State which has now taken root in almost all the institutions of almost every nation. And, that's why the Covid-19 war, (which will likely bring us more power to the United Nations soon), has been successful almost globally. Tedros together with Faucy and Gates should go to the electric chair and receive 1500 volts because only with so much current and so much heat can the very dangerous and very contagious "corons virus covid-19" be defeated.

Russell Lee: 😂😂😂😂😂👍👍You are quite the humanitarian Aldo. But highly accurate all the same. It’s ridiculous that they have any credibility considering the huge investments in the pharmaceutical industry and the vast profits they will make if their goal of mandated vaccines ever materialises. And the London police have behaved equally atrociously Yesterday when they broke up the peaceful protest in London at Trafalgar Square and arrested a German Doctor Who was about to give a speech saying what bullshit this COVID-19 bollocks really is. The London metropolitan police are looking more like the gestapo every day.

Aldo: By themselves, street demonstrations can help other citizens to wake up, however, both in Italy and throughout Europe and in the UK, governments often manage to reverse the results of street demonstrations against the people themselves. During the covid-19 war, the media can say that the demonstrators were too close, they had gathered, they were without masks, and therefore, they had helped to spread the coronavirus, while instead, the authorities are doing everything to defeat the pandemic. In fact, the pandemic does not exist and perfectly healthy false asymptomatics are created with the false positive of the swab. (As long as you have abundant cells in your mouth or nose that you can be declared positive and harmful to be quarantined because the health professionals read the sequence of the eighth chromosome of the human DNA to declare you positive.) It would take a very well organized civil dissubidience against the rules of the covid-19 health dictatorship by aware citizens and by police and military aware of the covid-19 scam and not in league with the Deep State. In other words, civil dissubidience not respecting the covid-19 rules, but in fact in defense of the Constitution and the law itself and furthermore eventually stopping to pay all taxes not at source, is a more effective and less dangerous reaction for your safety than the street demonstration where instead the police can also injure and kill you, the law enforcement officers and the military being generally more well trained and equipped to fight than the normal citizen. A single citizen can do martial arts and can be good at using weapons however to oppose a corrupt and oppressive government and state it would take many citizens prepared for combat and under the guidance of some strategists able to plan the brawl well, otherwise for now it is better to make civil diasubidienza to the covid-19 rules and possibly oppose in all possible ways in case of mandatory harmful and deadly vaccines. Spread this thought and awareness to other people, while the two of us exchange high-level thoughts in a disinterested and friendly way and with a sense of common cause, now being the world of today's society that has become too individualistic and easy to divide and pit against each other. In the United Kingdom and then also in other countries, will we soon meet again as the Gestapo? If we go on like this we will soon find ourselves in a worse situation than that of the 40s at the time of the Second World War under the super severe and super murderous police Gestapo of the Nazism and of the SS.

Russell Lee:

Aldo: All infinitely crazy and which immediately leads us to Matthew 24: 21-22 if they are not stopped.

Those aims will be unsuccessful. They are a pipe dream given the nature of human nature. The overt tyranny approach is too dated. My way is much better. Far more efficient and deals with factors not taken into account by the current planners. They are being very limited in their scope of thinking. It’s like watching palsy victims performing brain surgery with a wrench. Intelligent control is inclusive of all facets of the human condition that can work towards achieving the highest goal - which is longest term survival. For example: when the women are educated population growth goes to 1.8 children per family, and that gives a natural, easy decline in population. Promoting veganism and vegetarianism will massively increase the available land for reforestation and species preservation. Going onto free systems of energy - they exist - which can be used to back all currency in existence so they’re “full reserve”, not fiat currency, means that the wealth held by the elites is now backed by something real. Keeping the current population means the wealth of the elites can be used to build phenomenal structures and integrated architecture which when combined with other processes will amplify the activation of everyone’s neocortex (and the 50 million simultaneous equations that accompany such an event). Thus leading to a Renaissance in human societal evolution. Plus we have the manpower to re-green the deserts. Changing to the systems that I have in mind would mean the control would be near absolute because the rulers would have the undying and eternal LOVE of the lower orders. We need to approach the subject in question with the skill and artistry of a surgeon poet with a scalpel, rather than a palsy victim with a wrench..... I know this sounds far fetched. As far fetched as claiming that I have written suggested solutions to the conundrums of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s unfinished fragments of poetry such as “Kubla Khan“ and “The Ballard of the Dark Ladie”..... but I have done that also. And just as I have taken the 54 lines of “Kubla Khan” and woven them into a coherent solution (to Royal and elite academic acclaim), so too have I taken the threads of the current world situation and technologies, plus integrated other factors from educational reforms etc etc, and woven them into a coherent solution that means that the prophecies whereby “...everyone will have so much wealth even charity will be refused” become a living reality. And life on this planet will be a Paradise for everyone. I called this: “The Paradise Plan”. Here is my suggested solution to the conundrum of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s unfinished fragment of poetry “Kubla Khan” – if you know anybody that can write a better solution to this mystery then let me know because I want to hear their plan. However, if you cannot find such a person then dare I suggest it would be wise to listen to what I’ve got to say and give it serious consideration. Anyone who goes along with and supports “The Paradise Plan” will have the people building statues of them and venerating them as great benefactors of humanity throughout the ages, and their heirs and descendants will maintain positions of eminence within the human collective for as long as humanity survives..... Please forwards this to those who are keen to listen to refinements to their current plans. (I was advised to be controversial by a rock promoter, so anything that seems controversial is just for effect. I’m not being serious on the visuals side.)


Let's see if the continuation of this covid-19 war will result in more power at the United Nations and possibly also in the liberation of the Free Territory of Trieste, because then more than ever the United Nations could try to gain the trust of the peoples by doing some things to so to say "sensational and wonderful" except that, then there will be only that: sanitary impositions, generalized dictatorship, SS and isolation camps for dissubidents to the global regime. Regarding more power at the UN, I have been talking about it on Facebook since November 29, 2014, but, it seems that now with this war covid - 19, (immediately after the peak of the propaganda on the emergency climate change and plastic in the seas), by now we should be very close to the signature by many governments to formalize and legalize more power at the UN. Obviously I know what the UN is, and what it isn't, today, including the fact that Trump wanted to take away funding from the UN, the blue helmets scandals and the fact that the UN is mostly there. the gap in diplomacy is understood that the UN is an instrument under the supervision of the strong powers. After that, there should be a short period of time when the alleged peace and security process that began in secret in December 1913 will end just as the Federal Reserve became the first private central bank.

Believe me, with all my heart, sincerely and with respect, I would have liked to recommend the wisdom and insight recommended in Psalms 2: 10-12 also to Jacob de Rothschild. The political and banking kings of the earth who had put this "negotiation" into practice would have been truly happy and with a prospect of being able to overcome the Apocalypse. But, the fourth industrial revolution which does not care for the environment, but which first proposes a depopulation on a global level and then a restart of the economy, does not correspond to the purpose of the only true and great architect of the universe "G" God. strong and political kings of the earth will not be able to restart the economy if they now continue to destroy it with this covid-19 war.

Russell Lee:

The only reason why they would not go with “the paradise plan” is because they want more wars, to kill more parents, to then child traffic more orphans into their paedophile networks, so that they can get more Adrenochrome. The only people to lose by imposing “the paradise plan” are the paedophiles and Adrenochrome Addicts.

Well, they don’t really lose because they will not be able to be paedophiles or Adrenochrome addicts quite so easily as at present, so thus have the possibility to reform and refine themselves from “less than animal” through the Satisfaction of their venal “preferences”, to “more than animal” as they can then engage in spiritual / psychological / true religious practices that awaken the neocortex and higher mind with its 50 million simultaneous equations - that operate naturally when the right meditations etc etc work their wonders, and would be possible to achieve once those abusers are off those degenerate addictions.....

Russell Lee:

They have an agenda. Everything for themselves and only a pittance for everyone else - which can be instantly removed on a whim. Dejan thinks I’m in that crew, I am not. I have a much different vision for humanity, one that Is infinitely better.

So in London the words “Police” and “Nazi Thugs” / “Gestapo” are interchangeable these days..... it certainly looks that way.  What a bunch of absolute sell out swines those are featured in uniform.  
“We were only obeying orders.” Will be about as effective when they’re on trial for treason, as the excuse was for the Nazi’s at Nuremberg.  Utterly despicable, disgusting and detestable of them.
And they know it.


How disgusting, in the movie they behave like the SS and in addition with the mask in support of a small pandemic that no longer exists and that was spread on purpose anyway. Do they just follow orders and just do their job? Yes, but, the SS also followed the orders being aware of supporting crimes against humanity.

After the peak of the propaganda diverted on the real and serious emergency of climate change and plastic in the seas that took place in the summer and early autumn of 2019, it was obvious that another more bloody and more frightening strategy would be implemented afterwards. In February and March 2020 it was immediately obvious to people with understanding of the covid-19 situation that the pandemic must have been deliberately wanted and spread. The pandemic was predicted in 2017 and it was said that the Trump administration would suffer a pandemic. Well, those who still believe in a pandemic spread accidentally or naturally and those who do not trust the covid-19 vaccine just because there has not been enough time for experimentation and also those who still believe in fake asymptomatic completely healthy but that if they were real they would no longer have the infection transmissible to other people, then it would be better to follow all government advice and all the vaccinations that are recommended, including the rules on social distance, on the mask and the gel to disinfect hands several times a day. So, Anthony Faucy promises vaccines available to all the inhabitants of the earth, but, understood that the mask and the social distance must be kept as a rule? Well, but, there shouldn't be any mandatory vaccines for anyone.

If the majority of people are convinced and / or forced to have the subcutaneous chip put, afterwards, the strong powers will be facilitated to eliminate cash and even credit cards. After that, all other people being obliged to have the chip put on in order to work and not to die of hunger and the virtual bank account will be registered only on the chip and on some servers, thus, the inconvenient and dissuading citizens of the system will be able to also suffer a reset of the virtual bank account and even of one's identity. In the subcutaneous chip there could also be poison or a radioactive substance which, if released remotely, could immediately kill the uncomfortable citizen. Well, I don't want to bring the subcutaneous chip or observe the social distance and wear the mask forever indoors, especially if in the absence of a real pandemic. In addition, the WHO and laboratories should be prevented from shedding viruses again while any type of vaccine should be controlled and should not contain any preservatives that are harmful to the body, not only, but, each vaccine should be intelligently recommended and only if necessary, for example, to avoid a dangerous infection if present in a country where we want to go for tourism or for work.

Does Anthony Fauci promise vaccines to all the inhabitants of the planet and also free vaccines for people living in poor countries? Okay, very "generous" him and some pharmaceutical companies that produce vaccines, however there should be no mandatory vaccine for every single inhabitant who lives on this planet, poor or rich and old or young. Furthermore, many are still afraid of the spread of virrus and do Italians love freedom and seriousness? Today, on the other hand, I am above all afraid of the diffusion of compulsory vaccines and despite agreeing to freedom and seriousness, I am against small pandemics on purpose and I hate health emergencies for a small epidemic that has now become completely one phantom epidemic in Italy and in Trieste at the end of September 2020.

Russell Lee: The response to the plandemic has been 10 times worse than the scamdemic itself.  Apparently the worst of the problems has yet to come, they haven’t brought in the harvest. So food prices are going to skyrocket, and there won’t be enough food for everybody. Millions could potentially starve.

Aldo: After all, the covid-19 war for the control and reduction of the population is based not so much on the small epidemics that serve to carry on this war and also less on the hospitals that are less available, while instead, this covid-19 war is based mainly on the upcoming deaths from vaccines and dir the economic crisis and the suppression of food production and availability of food in many countries. So much so that the deviated strong powers want to stop the global economy almost completely, get a population reduction of over 80%, and then they think they can restart the economy with the fourth industrial revolution. Too bad that they are wrong and too bad that all of us will fall in full great tribulation. That said, if millions of people are or were already destined to die of hunger, for lack of food productivity and for the money that does not arrive, and moreover, given that to live in this system it takes money to live except for the the individual is not really good at getting by, then the great tribulation as described in Matthew 24: 21-22 may have already begun. This is even if the false peace and security process has yet to end and even if the UN has yet to receive more power before the "peace and security" process ends. In that case, the time may already have run out for the kings of the earth as well and therefore there may be no longer a chance to put into practice Psalm 2: 10-12. Maybe I'm wrong, but, it might not be the case to be exaggeratedly alarmed already, now towards the end of 2020. Due to some circumstances, the present time before deadly vaccination campaigns could correspond to the last historical instant of time to put Psalm 2: 10-12 into practice: that is, immediately stop this covid-19 war with all its lockdowns and highly recommended and / or mandatory vaccine campaigns and begin to govern the world with more wisdom and even more when in a very short time more authority will be given to the United Nations and therefore making sure that it is no longer just economists and private individuals who govern the world.

Russell Lee: 

Aldo: Yes, but thanks to people's stupidity, thanks to bribes in money from the International Monetary Fund, thanks to corrupt governments, thanks to the next harmful and deadly vaccines, thanks to the possible imminent lack of food caused by the economic crisis which in turn has been caused by the intended lockdowns, covid-19 will likely become 10,000 times more deadly than normal flu!!!

Russell Lee:

So the iniquity of the humans in authority is far deadlier than any disease.....

All mask wearing does his restrict your oxygen supply, saturate your system with carbon dioxide, acidify your body and consequently allow thrush to flourish internally. And at the heart of every cancer is a stage three thrush infection – and they have found that by clearing the thrush infection the cancers disappear.......  Research: Dr Otto Heinrich Warburg, Nobel Prize 1931.....  And those masks are about as useful at stopping viruses getting through as a raised tennis racket is at protecting your head from rain in a thunderstorm. The only winners from this lock down are the banks from whom are having to borrow and payback vast debts of interest. We are enslaving the next generation to higher taxes over this ridiculous malarkey that is killing more people from suicide, ruining businesses, increasing poverty massively, all because people like Sir Patrick Valance are insisting on a lockdown, are talking about mandated vaccines, whilst having £600,000 of shares in Glaxo Klein Smith…. So they are hardly neutral on this issue considering they will make multimillions should mandated vaccines go ahead. And as we were told while studying biology at college: “It is impossible to make an effective vaccine for the common cold or the flu because the viruses mutate too quickly. And they are talking about using the military and untrained personnel to inject people with a so-called vaccine that has been rushed through the testing and even skipped a phase or two......  if they were really interested in saving lives they would be recommending that we start taking 6 g of vitamin C a day, vitamin D, The minerals magnesium and zinc, Lugol’s iodine solution at 15% (three drops a day for three months followed by one drop a day thereafter) that way our immune system gets a massive boost.  But there’s not much money in that compared to a vaccine which will probably make them £50 profit at the medical centre and then another £50 profit for the key corporate shareholders.  Bill Gates invested US$10 billion into vaccines and made $200 billion return. And he admits that. So he’s hardly being a philanthropist on this matter. And until the drug companies are held liable for vaccine injury, rather than the taxpayer covering the costs, there is no way on earth I would take any vaccine. They have no reason to make them safe and every reason to make them dangerous and to incur further diseases and ill-health because they will make more money selling drugs to counteract the symptoms that the vaccines create.

“All this. And yeah... I'm still getting pushback from people who've acted like they're awake in so many arenas and yet can't wrap their head around this being orchestrated as a shock doctrine and money grab... all they did was up their level of deceit to global.” Samantha Braun. Exactly. Practicing “THE BIG LIE” technique: “Hitler's use of the expression[edit] The source of the big lie technique is this passage, taken from Chapter 10 of James Murphy's translation of Mein Kampf (the quote is one paragraph in Murphy's translation and in the German original): But it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists, to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man who alone had shown a superhuman will and energy in his effort to prevent the catastrophe which he had foreseen and to save the nation from that hour of complete overthrow and shame. By placing responsibility for the loss of the world war on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to Justice. All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X[1] Goebbels's use of the expression[edit] Though the following supposed quotation of Joseph Goebbels has been repeated in numerous books and articles and on thousands of web pages, none of them has cited a primary source. Thus its attribution to anyone must be considered dubious. According to the research and reasoning of Randall Bytwerk, it is an unlikely thing for Goebbels to have said.[2] If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State. It is verified that Goebbels did put forth a theory which has come to be more commonly associated with the expression "big lie". Goebbels wrote the following paragraph in an article dated 12 January 1941, 16 years after Hitler's first use of the phrase. The article, titled Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik (English: "From Churchill's Lie Factory") was published in Die Zeit ohne Beispiel.”


In Italy and in Trieste the covid-19 lies have become truth for more than two or three months, while, even in the United Kingdom under the covid-19 dictatorship progress is being made from bad to worse, and moreover, as there is now total capitalist dictatorship both in the United Kingdom than in Italy. But, perhaps in Italy, although there is also a total financial dictatorship, the covid-19 dictatorship in Italy appears a little softer in some respects than that in the UK, however the disgust and zero democracy is almost everywhere.


La OMS, il cui titolate è Bill Gates, riuscirà a imporci legalmente il vaccino covid, a prescindere se dopo l'obbligo verrà adempiuto su tutti i cittadini oppure non?

Con la scusa del virus Sars-Cov-2 da combattete, (comunque sia, manipolato e sparso di proposito dal laboratorio cinese e inoltre Anthony Fauci e Bill Gates avendo tanta autorità grazie all'oppositore numero 1 di "G" Dio), i poteri forti e i governi fantoccio vogliono modificare la uscita del nostro RNA per farci ammalare e morire senza lasciare le prove dello sterminio su larga scala, quando attribuiranno ad un altro virus il calo drastico della popolazione proprio come c'è lo hanno già trasmesso a livello intimo attraverso alcuni film. Di fatto, è vero che la globalizzazione ci mette in stretto contatto di nazione in nazione ma la pulizia personale e l'igiene sui cibi e acqua che beviamo ha posto fine alle gravi epidemie in gran parte dei paesi.

Beh, essi sono peggio di Hitler, compresi quelli come Conte, Zaia e De Luca, Macron, ecc, ecc.


::  ::

Come per le mascherine, il 1 ottobre 2020 su la televisione "La 7" hanno parlato dei vaccini che non sono disponibili. Questa mi apparre come un'arte criminale per cercare di convincere e di far venire il desiderio a più cittadini possibile di fare il vaccino per l"influenza ma dopo anche il vaccino covid-19. Come per le mascherine che prima mancavano e poi sono diventate obbligatorie, lo stesso potrebbe accadere con il vaccino per l'influenza e il vaccino covid-19, considerando possibile il fatto che il vaccino per l'influenza potrebbe già essere il vaccino covid-19 che modifica il DNA e al 15% di mortalità e che il vaccino covid-19 potrebbe già essere il vaccino sucessivo con il 90% di mortalità dal settimo al dodicesimo mese dal iniettamento ma senza apparenti effetti collaterali nei primi mesi affinché gli individui appena vaccinati parlino bene di quel vaccino influenzando altre persone affinché si facciano vaccinare. La bugia e il cattivo consiglio viene tanto ripetuto e come se fosse la sola e unica verità e indiscusso sola alternativa, per giunta, il vaccino dovrebbe essere disponibile a tutti, il vaccino dovrebbe essere desiderato da tutti, ma poi, molto probabilmente, il vaccino dovrebbe essere obbligatoria per tutti.
As for the masks, on 1 October 2020 on the television "La 7" they talked about vaccines that are not available. This seems to me like a criminal art to try to convince and make as many citizens as possible want to get the flu vaccine but also the covid-19 vaccine afterwards. As for the masks that were missing before and then became mandatory, the same could happen with the flu vaccine and the covid-19 vaccine, considering it possible that the flu vaccine could already be the covid-19 vaccine that modifies DNA and at 15% mortality and that the covid-19 vaccine could already be the next vaccine with 90% of mortality from the seventh to the twelfth month after injection but with no apparent side effects in the first few months so that newly vaccinated individuals speak well of that vaccine by influencing other people to get vaccinated . The lie and the bad advice are repeated so much and as if it were the one and only truth and the only undisputed alternative, moreover, the vaccine should be available to everyone, the vaccine should be desired by everyone, but then, most likely, the vaccine should be mandatory for everyone.

Russell Lee: 

Exactly.  Spot on.   100%.   How the creeping, totalitarian tiptoe operates.
Thousands of small businesses have closed......  Thousands of small businesses have closed.…All by government dictates. Dare I suggest that means that all that money that would otherwise have gone into those small businesses now goes to large corporations that have remained open - by governmental decree. The very same corporations that donate heavily to the political parties and their campaigns............. 
What we have seen is a corporate takeover of the marketplace, whereby small businesses have been ruined in order to cater to the shareholder dividends of the big corporations.
“Out of loyalty to the corporate sector and shareholder profits“ our politicians will no doubt bleat..... 
We are witnessing a covert corporate war whereby corporations are taking over the planet and destroying all competition to gain market hegemony – and profits. And our traitor politicians are their agents.....

I cannot believe how stupid the masses are that go along with this so obvious malarkey by the political and corporate sector -  and how corrupt the seniors running the police must be to allow this to continue.  I can see the plans within plans within plans that they have. And I can also see how blind and stupid the masses are that they cannot even recognise those that can see.

MP’s Served Notice of Private Criminal Prosecution For Pandemic Fraud
Here lies the Notice of Intended Private Criminal Prosecution, which was served upon every serving MP by email this morning, for and on behalf of the British people.
Dear Sirs,
You are hereby served notice that it is my intention to lay information in a Private Criminal Prosecution against yourselves, alleging that the following crimes have been committed against the British people:
1. Section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006 has been repeatedly breached in the enactment of the Coronavirus Act 2020 [the CV Act] – an act which was founded upon a series of dishonest statements relied upon by every serving MP. Namely:
a. That there was a genuine public health emergency, which justified the draconian measures taken.
b. That there was a legal basis for such an act to be passed into law.
c. That there was no viable alternative course of action that could be taken to “flatten the curve” of alleged COVID-19 deaths.
2. In addition, the CV Act unlawfully purports to have suspended the democratic right of every Briton to remove the government from office, as well as the individual rights guaranteed by the Common Law, which are beyond the jurisdiction of the legislature.
3. The CV Act also purports to have legislated for the falsification of death certificates, which has enabled the government to grossly inflate the number of people who have reportedly died of the COVID-19 virus, which in any event has never actually been proven to exist.
4. Nevertheless, the ONS data shows that the government policy which was enabled by the CV Act doubled the average five year UK mortality rate, which is considered tantamount to genocide under international law, when the fatal refusal of care to patients in care homes and hospitals is taken into account.
5. Furthermore, the enactment of the CV Act also comprises a fundamental breach of the Treason Felony Act 1848, in that it treasonously purports to authorise ministers of the Crown to govern the People by royal decree or proclamation, which is strictly prohibited by articles 1 and 2 of the Bill of Rights 1689.
6. In any event, as Lord Coke, the draftsman of the Petition of Right, said in the 1610 decision of Thomas Bonham v College of Physicians 8 Co Rep 107a; 77 Eng Rep 638, commonly known as Dr. Bonham’s Case, in the Court of Common Pleas:
“In many cases, the common law will control Acts of Parliament, and sometimes adjudge them to be utterly void: for when an Act of Parliament is against common right and reason, or repugnant, or impossible to be performed, the common law will control it and adjudge such an Act to be void.”
Should you collectively move to set aside the act which the Common Law ajudges to be repugnant, as well as void ab initio, as per the Dr Bonham case, no later than the midnight on the 2/10/2020, this action will be suspended.
However, in the event you fail to do so, for any reason whatsoever, a QC and legal team will be engaged to lay the information before a court of competent jurisdiction at the earliest opportunity and the Private Criminal Prosecution will commence.
Please be advised that a Grand Jury of the People has already determined that there is sufficient evidence to indict every MP for fraud, treason and genocide. This is your last chance to leave your mark on the right side of history because there is no jury that would not convict every complicit member of Parliament on the charges that will be laid.
Nevertheless, I trust you will see the devastating error you have made, before it is too late.
Yours sincerely,
[Name Redacted]
For & on behalf of the British People – All Rights Reserved
Last Chance Saloon
This notice represents the last opportunity that every serving MP has to put right their wrongdoings against the People and was served upon them all this morning, as they prepared for a Parliamentary debate about whether the unlawful and void Coronavirus Act 2020 should be treacherously applied for another six months.
In the event that enough MP’s do not rise in opposition to block the de facto government’s attempt to perpetuate its own unaccountability until next spring, by midnight on 02/10/2020, a top QC will be engaged and the charges will be laid in a criminal court against every serving MP.
Let’s hope that enough consciences are sufficiently agitated to make sure that the tyrannous act is struck out as void and unlawful, with those responsible for crimes against the People being prosecuted with the full force of the Common Law.
Because the most likely alternative is that the People will hold them all jointly and severally liable for every one of those crimes, in Common Law courts and genocide tribunals.

From a friensds page:  “I was out working in my yard and my 79 year old neighbor stopped and told me that she and her 85 year old husband tested positive for Covid after feeling the symptoms.  A doctor put them both on Hydroxychloroquine, zpac, and zinc.  They have both recovered.  Get lost Fact Checkers.  She gave me the name of the doctor.  I will share with you if you would like to know the doctors name privately.  She said he has received death threats for treating people for Covid with Hydroxychloroquine.  I have known these neighbors for 20+ years.”


Here we are even talking about the threat of death to a doctor who gave effective treatments against covid, as the pandemic had to appear incurable and after which people should have believed only in the covid-19 vaccine as the only way to Exit? A question of high profit thanks to vaccines as a pharmaceutical product without the obligation of verification by law, thanks to a small pandemic for a question of so much more power that cannot be obtained only with money and above all a question of population reduction up to over 80% because it is foreseen in the path of the fourth industrial revolution connected to the New World Order. What is even more disheartening is that all the puppet governments have let themselves be bought without considering the consequences that they themselves will go against. Yes, because if the rulers had only a little knowledge and understanding of the Holy Scriptures, it could be shown with extreme ease that once the great tribulation has begun in full sense, the strong powers of the banks and of the lobbies and of thevgovernments will no longer be able to to restart the economy globally and therefore both the kings of the earth and the traveling traders will begin to feel deep regret for some wrong maneuvers. After that, the strong powers and/or the governments will make the last wrong maneuver which will mark the "11 September 2001" as definitive for the New World Order, Psalms 2: 2-9, just as it was for the Genelle Towers that were demolished through a controlled demolition, but which have never been rebuilt.

But, if the criminal plan was abandoned in good time or if the major conspirators of this covid-19 war and the Deep State were finally placed under arrest, with capital punishment for some of them, before it's too late and before it begins. mass extermination mainly through vaccines, probably the kings of the earth would have had the last chance to practice Psalms 2: 10-12. To begin with, there could have been a lot of work to pull away a lot of plastic from the seas which is also threatening plankton which provides us with a lot of oxygen and giving support to developing countries to be able to abandon plastic and to make good recycling of plastic when it can also be done, the internal combustion engine could immediately or gradually begin to work without hydrocarbons giving relative support to the major oil supplier countries to avoid a war, many economies based on war could begin to transform into economies based on peace, stop to the production of plastic bottles for mineral water, the beginning of a truthful and instructive propaganda for the people, stop of the junk science broadcast on TV, super-control over drugs and only clean vaccines given only intelligently and only if necessary, separation by law between governments and private lobbies, stop private central banks such as the Federal Reserve, stop of the  health emergency in schools and throughout the nation and stop of the teaching of the theory of evolution in schools, stop of the secret for national security if in favor of crimes against humanity, good laws and procedures to combat corruption in politics and in secret agencies themselves, etc. etc.

At the present time, no surprise if the health emergency continues until January 2021 and then until 2022, while instead, both in Italy and in other countries, honest politicians and doctors if they still exist and if they still manage to act, they should have denied the small pandemic that no longer exists is the fact about the attempt in the diabolical project to reduce the population by more than 80%.

The Italian government is demolishing the economy by carrying out the health emergency and raising debts to support the scam and the crime covid-19, while on television they only talk about useless things to mislead and distract viewers without ever coming to the root of the problem, while, the people should have immediately overthrown the corrupt and criminal regime but the people do not have a good awareness in general about the covid-19 situation and are not able to overthrow the regime however the people could do civil dissubidience to the criminal rules covid -19 if aware and united. Meanwhile, those who do not officially work in Italy and / or those who have better understood how the system works can live more peacefully than many who work as slaves and who already have difficulty making ends meet.

Russell Lee: 

Indeed.  What seems to be even more diabolical than that plan you mention, is the love of ignorance in so many people. The bliss of ignorance and its bastard child Wilful Stupidity is a Far worse Horror story.....

In the UK they started administering vaccines without the parents permission – the parents complained and now they are holding off – however how many children were vaccinated against both the children’s and the parents permission already.   There are some serious scumbags in the medical fraternity who can be very sly.

Aldo: Unfortunately, ignorance and stupidity do not have a limit and the people do not react by disagreeing with the covid-19 rules, while, with tampons, corrupt and / or ignorant doctors create false asymptomatics that if were true asymptomatic they would not even infect other people, but, if there really was small-scale covid infection it would be deadly at less than a penny of normal flu. But, now we are no longer talking about covid-19 as we are aware we know everything we need and we are burning too much of our time while the important thing would be to be able to act and stop all these governments and deviated and criminal strong powers who want to start die first of the most fragile people as they are considered to be the most useless just as said by Lagarde of the European Central Bank.

Russell Lee: I’m 8 minutes into it and it’s Exactly 100% congruent with everything I learned in college studying Biology. The cabal has seized on it to bluff us with their BASTARD politicians - who are traitors to the nation - And to ruin our economy so that they can buy up all the businesses for pennies in the pound. Just like the bastards played it with the Wall Street crash – which they set up also.

Aldo: To succeed in becoming president of the United States one must associate with deviant Freemasonry, however if Donald Trump from the beginning of his administration was or is really against the Deep State and against the project of the New World Order, it is likely that Boris Johnson is also d agreement with the political line taken by Donald Trump. In that case there is the hope and the possibility that Donald Trump and Boris Johnson and perhaps some other prime minister or head of state, on the surface appear obedient to the deviated strong powers and this covid-19 war but in actuality the two of them could also be against this diabolical project of a satanic New World Order and who are only waiting for the opportune moment to destroy this type of New World Order whose main proponents only want: leaders of powerful private corporations, reduce the population by more than 80% as a palliative to slow down the degradation of the environment and the consumption of resources, enslave and obey certain rules the remaining part of the population and also without worrying about the environment and of nature through this covid-19 war and through the fourth industrial revolution are just trying to carry on this lousy one and dirty capitalism for as long as possible. But if Donald Trump had no intention and / or failed to destroy the New World Order and the imperialism headed by the Federal Reserve and the finance of London and Rome with the IOR bank, then the strong powers and puppet governments they would not have been able to restart the economy globally anyway, but, we will all find ourselves in the worst and most devastating great tribulation on a global level with the total capitulation of the New World Order assured.

Russell Lee:


They can come up with any story: exaggerated criticism of the government of Belarus for not doing the lockdown, plus Trump and Melania are positive? For me, covid-19 is a war and a criminal scam against the peoples, Anthony Fauci is a high level criminal and Donald Trump may be at war with the Deep State. Did the corrupt politicians demolishing the country want the pandemic to return in the autumn? They are bringing it back and the European Union wants another lockdown or in any case many restrictions including a mandatory outdoor mask in more and more regions in Italy. The rule of law no longer exists and only lies on TV and a lot of misinformation and secondary news to confuse and divide us even in the family by all the media.

Is the future in space and in the fourth industrial revolution towards the New World Order? It would be better if man no longer lies to himself and in the meantime learn to live on earth.

In the meantime, it is enough to have a cold, fever and sontomas of the flu that you immediately become ill with covid thanks to the now well-established psychosis for the virus. Well, I do not want to wear the mask outdoors or the App for tracking, besides that badly goes, I will no longer carry the identity card with me and I will not tell my name to the SS covid-19.
On November 3 it would be better if Donald Trump or a candidate in perfect line with Donald Trump's policy wins, but not a candidate of the Democrats in line with the Deep State.

NOTE of October 3, 2020: The aware and armed people should have acted against the regime in every nation if under health dictatorship and also if Trump and Putin were both against the deviated strong powers and against the puppet governments they should now organize a semi blackout. global to have many corrupt public officials and many high-level deviant private individuals arrested and disappeared. Perhaps the Italian government and some other governments prefer to avoid a second total lockdown for fear of a real revolution. I no longer want to be involved and in any case not beyond a certain limit putting the mask under the nose only in closed environments and on the bus while the TAR in some regions seem to want to ban the more restrictive covid-19 bans but only to facilitate and to give the excellent pretext for the government to implement the most restrictive measures throughout Italy.

(For me, both Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni both with ambiguity proved to be completely in league with the covid-19 regime).

Russell Lee:

Channel 7 reported on government threats to coerce the public into getting COVID-19 vaccine shots on August 18.

SCOTT Morrison gave the game away early in the piece when he bragged in an interview that he had predicted a pandemic way back in 2016. A video of his comments is circulating on the internet. Morrison was not being clever, but merely repeating predictions floating around Jane Halton’s global health cabal, the collection of public-private partnerships, NGOs, big pharma companies, banks and think tanks that revolve around the World Economic Forum and the Gates, Rockefeller money-bag foundations – who basically want to rule the planet. 

Halton, the former Australian Senior Executive Service member and ex-WHO chairwoman is currently chairwoman of CEPI – the Gates and big-pharma funded Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation. CEPI works out ways of ensuring vaccines get maximum global coverage, and of course, profits for big pharma and everyone else in the loop. Halton seems to be a power-addicted, bossy bureaucrat earning millions, who just doesn’t know where to stop in her quest for global influence. Earlier this year she was pictured in The Australian newspaper posing like Adolph Hitler and spouting off about getting Aussies to be compliant with the pandemic response she was heavily involved in. Her notable Australian positions include former secretary of the Department of Finance, board member of the ANZ and Crown Properties (casinos) and member of Morrison’s National COVID-19 Co-ordination Commission which is filled entirely with corporate high achievers. 

So just what are these high-flyers coordinating? It appears they are quite happy with Victorian small and medium-sized businesses being destroyed. This is also consistent with the “Great Reset” plan touted by the World Economic Forum, which rushes the world into a fully-fledged Agenda 21 system. WEF partner CEPI has this process called Advanced Marketing Commitments, which means governments commit through CEPI to purchasing a particular vaccine, thereby guaranteeing its set up costs such as human trials and marketing. And it just so happens that vaccine enthusiast Morrison, proud author of the notorious ‘No Jab, No Play” extortion scheme, had our government stump up with a $333 million “investment” with Oxford University and AstraZeneca. It also “just happened” late in July, after Morrison signed over his $333 million to the company in June, that Premier Andrews ramped up COVID testing in Victoria. 

You roll out mass testing with great drama and hey presto, you have “cases” everywhere and an excuse for a complete lockdown. And lockdown hysteria feeds the alleged need for mass vaccination, which Andrews himself says is the “only way” the state can get back to normal. ScoMo of course, agrees, and offered troops to help deal with the fake crisis. So Andrews lied about the troops offer from ScoMo? Does he care? Will he resign? Unlikely, because he has the support of the PM and the “global health” mafia. It also “just so happens” that Australian drug maker CSL has a large manufacturing facility in Broadmeadows, Melbourne, and will manufacture the Oxford shots and its own vaccine being developed with the University of Queensland. The total number of shots has reportedly been locked in 84.8 million at a cost of $1.7 billion. 

Morrison and Andrews are also responsible for overseeing the criminal suppression of the COVID-19 treatment involving hydroxychloroquine. It has been restricted in its supply to existing uses instead of the combination with zinc and azithromycin, as used in the US, or other combinations in Brazil, India, China, the Middle East and elsewhere. The premier and the PM both studiously ignored the issue leaving their health departments to come up with poor excuses and biased studies claiming it was ineffective. Halton also trashed hydroxychloroquine in her interview with The Australian, claiming it “doesn’t work”. Of course it wouldn’t work when she was lining up a $1.7 billion vaccine deal between Australia and her big pharma sponsors at CEPI. AstraZeneca, by the way, is notoriously corrupt. It has been fined a total of $1.149 billion over a history of civil and criminal offences including:

– giving illegal financial inducements to doctors while marketing a prostate cancer drug
– misleading consumers into thinking one drug was superior to its older drug, which was losing its patent protection
– illegally marketing an anti-psychotic drug for uses not approved and failed to adequately describe its risks in an advertisement for the drug in a medical journal
– in 2002 refusing to put a more conspicuous warning label on its lung cancer drug Iressa after several patients in Japan suffered pneumonia and some died
– misusing patent rules to shield its ulcer drug from generic competitors (fined 60m euros)
– acted “unfairly and deceptively” in pricing a prostate cancer drug. Later hit with a $12.9m judgment
– violating US False Claims Act by failing to provide required rebates to state Medicaid programs
– US subsidiary’s president and chief executive charged with replacing mothers and older female employees with young single women who were pressured into having sex with company executives
– used of transfer pricing techniques to dodge StgUK500m tax liability
– committed accounting violations in connection with improper payments made in Russia and China to boost drug sales.

But this is the company that Scott Morrison is doing his incredible vaccine deal with. This is the company entrusted with providing a “safe vaccine” promised by Morrison, but which has indemnity against damages claims as part of the deal. Watch out Australia!

My comment: What should the majority understand and the fact that they should do civil dissubidience both in everyday life and at work? That all this pandemic and covid-19 health emergency has no rational argument, contradicts medicine and is full of contradictions.


Meanwhile, at the present time in Italy but also in other countries: Today as today, it seems to me that the trial against Salvini serves to distract public opinion from the most important truths and to divide the people as many support Salvini, the trial against him and only against him being unfair, however Salvini and those like Zaia also do credibility to the false pandemic, while, Donald Trump did well to pretend to be sick so that with the history of taxes they do not ruin his electoral campaign although those in favor of Trump and those sidetracked in favor of those criminals of the Democrats may now be well established. However, as much as Trump may possibly be against the Dark State, there can still be ambiguous situations and interests involved. As for the mask, you can do dissubidience as above all it is bad for your health but using common sense to avoid creating problems and waste of time for other people, for example when entering a shop. Thus, for the common citizen the essential could be: not to undergo the swab and / or serological test, to refuse the subcutaneous chip, not to be injected with the flu vaccine, not to be injected with the covid-19 vaccine and the following one, dissubidience but with common sense by not putting on the mask and refuse to let us measure the temperature on the forehead, in general, in our small daily life and at work avoid as much as possible to get involved in this health emergency to make us even more slaves and/or avoid to support this covid-19 war. In any case, it is probable that in no country they can put vaccines that are compulsory for everyone and then impose them even with violence. Instead of using so much propaganda to convince us to get vaccinated, if the Italian government could easily impose on us all the next mandatory vaccines for all citizens, now it would have already done so.

Russell Lee:


In the more or less remote case that Trump and Putin could and wanted to put in place a semi-global blackout to have many corrupt officials arrested and disappear, the WHO and pharmaceutical companies such as Glaxo could suffer an aerial bombing and also the Big Pharma which is the real cartel exercised by various pharmaceutical companies could, at least, be put on trial with the main perpetrators sentenced to life imprisonment or death for having participated in crimes against humanity.

In summary, the responsibilities for having initiated and for having involved many governments in this covid-19 war already wanted in 2016, if not earlier, fall primarily on: 1) - some French public and / or private authorities who founded the laboratory in China, (of course, in October 2020 the French banker and premier Macron has shown for months that he supports this covid-19 war with full knowledge); 2) -the Chinese government and beyond; 3) -the deviant international bankers and the owners of pharmaceutical companies between
Rothschild and Rockefeller who were also welcomed at the Quirinale by Sergio Mattarella; 4) -the Jesuits of the Ior bank; 5) -the American clique or gang of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates and Melinda Gates also with the WHO; 6) -some drug lobbies and some hospitals voluntarily involved in the covid-19 affair; 7) -but, (again according to what I think I understand), not Freemasonry, as the international bankers are one thing and another thing is the Freemasonry; however, there are likely to be some individual Freemasons and / or Masonic groups who approve of the covid-19 war and the atheistic and diabolical New World Order as it appears and some individual Freemasons and / or offshoots of Freemasonry who do not approve of this war. covid-19 and that they do not even approve the NWO program desired by deviant international bankers and some owners of powerful pharmaceutical companies.

If the kings of the earth applied the wisdom and insight recommended in Psalms 2: 10-12, then all work would be useful, for a just cause, and would be paid for with a fair rebate. Instead, the large private banks even promote and above all dirty and high-level jobs to enslave entire peoples and nations and to buy governments. Private banks involve many public officials and professionals to do dirty jobs, to favor a free market that dictates law on states, to favor the arms market, to destabilize and to bring down governments that do not obey bank seigniorage, to blow up wars that ultimately enslave all contenders involved in the war to debt and without a final land conquest for a victor. The banks also hire professional snipers to kill the inconvenient who seek evidence to indict the bank and furthermore the banks bribe law enforcement officers and judges and politicians to cover up inconvenient investigations or so that the investigations do not even begin. In addition, all institutions in almost all countries of the world are involved and until today the big banks have dictated the law having taken root everywhere and moreover the banks have always got away with it although some heads may have fallen. If Trump or his possible successor and Putin do not stop the diabolical New World Order project overseen by deviant international bankers, the world system will soon go into complete saturation and all nations will face the worst and most devastating great tribulation globally. . In the end, however, if things go well for the bankers, even the "five" international bankers who today would rule the world from the "top of the pyramid" will not find a way out. Today, large private banks are Satan's # 1 tool. The Devil has given a false promise to the same strict oligarchy for a better world, capitalist, atheist, only for a few survivors, not respectful of the environment but that tries to get by as long as possible simply by trying to exterminate in a hidden way beyond the 80% of the world population, however, this is a maneuver that the strong powers and puppet governments will probably not be able to achieve only through this covid-19 war. From this war without guns and without bombs, there is now clear proof that the very powerful banks that have taken root everywhere in the world of business and politics will never change their behavior and way of acting until the end. But will there be too many side effects if the private banking empire is demolished in the short term, would there be serious side effects? If, on the other hand, things went for the best, before the system collapses and before the peace and security signal, then there could be another Nolimberga trial for crimes against humanity and for the attempt to exterminate almost the entire population at the world almost as if nothing had happened. and as if it were only a question of economic convenience, given that today's capitalist world thinks only in terms of profit but with humanity which by now almost no longer exists.

Russell Lee:

Aldo: October 5, 2020: Wednesday, October 7, will there probably be a mandatory outdoor mask throughout Italy and in Trieste? At this point in Italy and in other European countries someone should bring down the government, the parliament and the president of the republic, all being at the service and paid by the banking system and having the intention of carrying out the extermination of the population up to beyond '80%. The more people will be able to refuse vaccines and the less people will die from suicide and from lack of hospital treatment and disputes, the more pandemics and scam health emergencies will be purposely promoted. Or the majority of citizens should disagree with the covid-19 dictatorship but it seems that this will never happen. Or suddenly it would take a few days almost global blackout and at night at least the highest level corrupt public officials should be captured and made to disappear if in league with the Deep State, including the number 1s of the banking systems and drug lobbies cartel diverted and in agreement for this covid-19 war, of course.

So, is it likely that the government could have an excellent pretext for another lockdown in November? Well, according to Bill Gates, according to the government and according to the strong powers, in December at the end of the alleged experimentation, covid-19 vaccination on at least 70% of the population should be opened on a large scale. If many people fall into this trap, a little out of fear, perhaps more in the hope of returning to normal, many citizens should undergo the covid-19 vaccine, after having obeyed the flu vaccination.

After that, perhaps the illegitimate media and decrees will no longer talk about it and will no longer enforce for a short period of time. Then, another pandemic from the WHO, the usual path of media terrorism also through impositions by decree and after the vaccine with over 90% mortality already existing for some time. That vaccine will make you feel good for the first five months after injection so in theory anyone who gets it injected should speak well of that vaccine to other people. The puppeteers with this war hope to reduce the world population by more than 80%.

1)-How many deceptions and traps are there in everything they propose to us today, at the beginning of autumn 2020, which has been in full coronavirus psychosis for some time, through: the swab, the serological test, the mask, the minimum distance of one meter and flu vaccine? It's all for the main purpose of getting us into the tunnel of the most terrible and deadliest vaccines that ever existed as much as possible.

2)-With the swab the deviated doctors and nurses do not identify the coronavirus "covid-19", which is talked about a lot in 2020, as, with the swab, they cannot diagnose you to understand if you are infected and what virus you are infected , but, with the swab they can take your DNA to make you prepare the chip with your biological data and the social security number. (Probably this imposition of the chip like the vaccine, will not be mandatory directly). The asymptomatic in Italy could be contagious in March, April, May and only on the days when they were infected with mild symptoms once or twice, but not after two or more months during the summer period. With the swab, doctors under the regime can declare healthy people positive for covid sars 2 simply by reading the sequence of the eighth chromosome of human DNA, because in this way the conspirators in favor of the New World Order have prepared the deception. And they want us to believe that we are sick and make us appear as positive for covid and therefore as harmful individuals. With a larger number of swabs, compared to those made in March and April, the health system can carry on a small pandemic that hasn't actually existed for months both in Italy and in Eueopa, that's it, they do it to ensure continuation of the pandemic in order to maintain the health emergency, the fear, the assembly and therefore to ensure as many vaccinations as possible. Dirty business for the benefit of the lobbies with vaccines, procedures to give more money even to hospitals thanks to the beds all occupied even with many healthy people kept in quarantine for a thousand euros per day per person, so that lobbies and hospitals support the reduction project of the population while gaining on it. In today's situation with go, go swabs, to create fake outbreaks and to maintain the health emergency, if you have any cold and / or flu, just find your cell fragments in abundance and / or your microbiota with the swab. and / or other cold and flu viruses in the mouth and / or nose, which can immediately declare you as definitely positive for covid sars 2. As if that were not enough, it was a coronavirus manipulated in the laboratory and then spread on purpose from China all over the world starting from autumn 2019 for contagion between person and person and through vaccines for the flu that may have facilitated the infection with covid Sars 2 or which may have even transmitted it).

3)-With the serological test the hospital or the laboratory does not detect the "covid-19" or if you have the antibodies for that type of virus, but, with this test they take your DNA data for you to prepare the subcutaneous chip. (Recalling that, the truth of this health situation is being kept secret, meaning that, covid-19 is not the name of the infamous Sars coronavirus covid 2 accidentally spread from China to other countries, but, covid-19 is the code or the title of a program for the control and reduction of the world population up to 80%).

4)-With the mask the spread of the virus is not limited as the small pandemic in Italy has already ended, while instead, if you wear the mask for a long time every day, in addition to hurting the heart and other organs for too much anhydride carbon dioxide that you breathe, your blood becomes more acidic and therefore, your body becomes more exposed to viruses, as well as there are more bacteria and more fungi near the mouth and nose.

5)-The minimum distance of one meter would be useful in the presence of a serious pandemic, but not for a small pandemic lasting 70 days that has now run out, while instead, the strong powers and governments want to get us used to respecting this rule so that it works well afterwards. tracking to spy on people and to make those people who are considered useless to the system disappear one by one but who will not even be able to recover afterwards. (The tracking could take place with the tracking App on the mobile phone, with the subcutaneous chip and with the nano technologies present in the next covid-19 vaccines, of course in the presence of 5G in the territory in which you live).

6)-The child who plays on mud and grass naturally trains his immune system as there are bacteria that make this involuntary and automatic "training" possible, but, from the experience of some good doctors who worked on the front line in hospital wards it was found that people vaccinated for the previous year's flu were more exposed to the other viruses, having been their immune systems committed to the coronavirus vaccine. So, not only is the flu vaccine a scam because in more than 50% of cases it does not cover you against the flu of the following year, but, every useless flu vaccine, as well as other vaccines, causes you to accumulate harmful metals and poisons in your body. Getting the vaccine also runs the risk of getting cancer due to the presence of monkey DNA that is used to make vaccines on a large scale.

7)-But, today in 2020, cheating through the flu vaccine has become even more serious and insidious, as if you catch any flu and / or cold in any season, you can immediately be labeled as positive and harmful. when you are in school or hospital or in public places. If you take the flu vaccine it is not true that afterwards you can only get infected with covid sars 2, but, on the contrary, you can get infected with many other viruses present in the autumn and winter in progress, moreover, beyond to be more exposed to viruses, if you got the flu vaccine you give the pretext to doctors obedient to the regime to declare yourself sick only for Covid Sars 2, (just, as happened for the 35 thousand deaths officially declared as all dead for covid-19 in the first 8 months of 2020). This trap can only be triggered by having developed the flu and cold symptoms typical of the autumn and winter season, if after having the flu vaccine which instead covers only against one strain of corona virus and not against all Corona virus except the covid Sars 2. With the swab and the vaccine for the flu the system can gradually insert us in the path of more vaccinations, first making us sick and then towards certain death.

Russell Lee::

And all the above shows us several things - just how fucking STUPID, IGNORANT AND THICK the masses are for failing to realise all that they’ve been dumbed down massively, plus how WEAK, GUTLESS AND COWARDLY they must be to tolerate such abuses.

Aldo: It's all crazy in all this "absurd hype" corona virus, however by acquiring a relatively good awareness of the near-world control and reduction of population program covid-19, one can generally avoid getting involved, especially on too much important involvement?

Russell Lee:

The Smoking Gun: Where is the coronavirus? The CDC says it isn’t available. by Jon Rappoport. The CDC document is titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It is dated July 13, 2020. ( Buried deep in the document, on page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA...” The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…” Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. The use of the term “quantified” in that phrase means: the CDC has no measurable amount of the virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS. A further tip-off is the use of the word ‘isolates.” This means NO ISOLATED VIRUS IS AVAILABLE. Another way to put it: NO ONE HAS AN ISOLATED SPECIMEN OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS. NO ONE HAS ISOLATED THE COVID-19 VIRUS. THEREFORE, NO ONE HAS PROVED THAT IT EXISTS. As if this were not enough of a revelation to shock the world, the CDC goes on to say they are presenting a diagnostic PCR test to detect the virus-that-hasn’t-been-isolated…and the test is looking for RNA which is PRESUMED to come from the virus that hasn’t been proved to exist. And using this test, the CDC and every other public health agency in the world are counting COVID cases and deaths…and governments have instituted lockdowns and economic devastation using those case and death numbers as justification. If people believe “you have the virus but it is not available,” and you have the virus except it is buried within other material and hasn’t been extracted and purified and isolated, these people believe the moon is made of green cheese.
This is like saying. “We have the 20 trillion dollars, they are contained somewhere in our myriad accounts, we just don’t know where.” If you don’t know where, you don’t know you have the money. “The car keys are somewhere in the house. We just don’t where.” Really? If you don’t know where, you don’t know the keys are in the house. “The missing cruise missile is somewhere in the arsenal, we just don’t know where.” No. If you don’t know where, you don’t know the missile is in the arsenal. “The COVID-19 virus is somewhere in the material we have---we just haven’t removed it from that material. But we know what it is and we’ve identified it and we know its structure.” NO YOU DON’T. YOU ASSUME THAT. Science is not assumptions. “But…but…there is a study which says a few researchers in a lab isolated the virus…” They say they did. But in July, the CDC is saying no virus is available. I guess that means trucks were not available to bring the virus from that lab to the CDC. The trucks were out of gas. It was raining. The bridge was washed out. The trucks were in the shop. Joe, the driver, couldn’t find his mask, and he didn’t want to leave home without it… Science is not assumptions. The pandemic is a fraud, down to the root of the poisonous tree. Jon Rappoport

Yeah, that article above reveals quite a bit of snake oil salesmanship to sell something that isn’t needed, and spin it with flim-flam..... something some of us have been saying for some time..... Let’s just look at the other side of this for a moment..... a serious moment and listen to Jon Rappoport, only a nation economically strong can provide a credible military force, to destroy the economy is to destroy the military..... And our economies are being destroyed, in the U.K. by a political system gutted of its checks and measures bequeathed us in the Tri-House System in the Royal Household, the Hereditary Peers of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, where any two Houses prevent any one from forming a dictatorship. That process of intrinsic balance and harmonisation has been lost, and we currently have a dictatorship of the House of Commons - and the politicians are playing their game of party politics..... and we are getting destroyed economically as a people - this is costing us big time! And there’s no need for it. Our military has been reduced to 80,000 soldiers in the Army - it was 160,000 when I was in, since then private contractors have taken over catering and much else to the detriment to the skills base flowing back into civilian society. All round basic military training opportunity has been depleted. If we have a strong economy we could all do 6 months basic training, get the fittest we can be in life and hold that wave as best we can, barring injuries, so get the recovery periods right - something the military is adept at..... and excellent at training us in..... and we learn some great things and have great experiences doing... If someone has gone to war with us covertly, they have gone about it rather thoughtfully, and they’re layered to the point of near invisibility behind corporations and businesses, media control, and political influence - that is economically devastating and utterly reprehensible to adhere to in this lockdown given the example of Sweden and this COVID-19. They are showing us how to do it by working on the herd immunity model. WE HAVE A WORKING EXAMPLE. Yet our politicians are sticking to their fairy tale that they are working for our nations best survival interests....... Enemy Generals would be delighted to be causing as much damage as Boris and his Bullshit is..... “Boris and the Bullshitters” him and his “enhanced powers” cabinet, it’s like a comedy show for trillionaires to be. Episode 1 “How We Harnessed Humanity”, Episodes 2 to Infinity “Their Continuing Enslavement..........”. Given the obvious SERIOUSNESS of the situation, this needs to be looked at most notably given human history and how one side loves to get all of someone else’s stuff one way..... or another......

Aldo: Just as until beyond the 80s a lot of cold wind could come deliberately and directly from Canada bringing over 30 degrees Celsius below zero in the State of Minnesota, so also in the apparent democracy of the United Kingdom and Italy, (in addition to the financial dictatorship already present and deeply felt in Italy), through this war covid-19 has deliberately and directly blown the health dictatorship both in the United Kingdom and in Italy and in many other Republics and Federal States so called democratic. But, if instead of a drastic reduction of the population, the covid-19 war is stopped in time or a little delayed and the kings of the earth had put into practice the "negotiation" by "G" God, maybe it could have another trial for crimes against humanity against most governments and parliaments around the world just as it was at the end of the second world war and moreover many inhabitants of this planet could be facilitated in assuming a virtuous behavior towards the environment and possibly even to approach God in the right way during the last useful period of time, precisely, during the prophetic hour when the Eighth King will have more power. All this, if there was still a moment of time left for the kings of the earth, of course.

With the second pandemic and above all with the vaccine at over 90% mortality, they will try to kill over 80% of the population worldwide and especially in places where "it would be useful to do it more" and in an apparently "legal" way and making believe it was another pandemic virus and therefore not the latest deadly vaccine. And in the end there should be a vaccine to make the survivors feel better and heal. Probably many goats and conformists and slaves of the official message will die but not up to more than 80%. However, the question is: will there be mandatory vaccinations and violent enforcement in some areas? Or, at the very least, are there some rules on the large scale that even the powers under Satan's occult supervision must absolutely abide by?

PROGRAMMED DEATH COMING SOON !! CD LET'S DEFEND WITH ALL WEAPONS !!!!. CD you are kindly requested to share and spread like crazy Thanks ❤

From the chaos and generalized confusional state without any more certainty, the deviated strong powers and those like Anthony Fauci, Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, Giuseppe Conte, etc., etc., would not have been able to create a New World Order, but, without even succeeding to restart the economy with the fourth industrial revolution, they themselves would or can only contribute to bring us towards an irreversible and great tribulation on a world level, moreover already for some months onwards, they also risking undergoing a Nuremberg process, of course if the situation changes and if they themselves will still be alive in two or three years.

Russell Lee:

They are now growing rice with fish and with ducks, and making much more money for much less work as the fish and the ducks fertilise the rice crop and strip out all the insects and weeds converting them to fish, eggs and duck meat. So there’s no requirement for the spraying of pesticide, fertiliser or herbicide..... It’s by far the most efficient form of farming, and the loss of a minuscule percentage of the crops to a few insects is nothing compared to the returns in fish and ducks - and living in an organic area. Growing organic rice. Efficiently. We need to start getting equally efficient in our systems of governance.
The problem is even peaceful protests don’t work with these tossers in authority. 5 million people protested against the Iraq war in London and Tony “the infinite liar” Blair simply said: “We are the government, we are here to govern not be dictated to by the hoi poloi.” After the Iraq war and people were starting to complain about the austerity measures he then said: “Well the people wanted the war now they have to understand they have to pay for it.” And the statistics are that for every one person that makes it to a protest there are eight that couldn’t get through, so that was affectively 45 million people saying no to the Iraq war, and Tony Blair just called us the “great unwashed” (hoi poloi) and told us to fuck off. He also lied about the role of government. Its principal role is to represent the will of the people in our democracy. The will of the people spoke and those tossers completely ignored it and had their war anyway... I’m betting they’ll get a similar response from the current incumbents. What’s needed is to start new political party’s that are staffed by people with genuine concern for all and integrity. Psychopaths are very good at ignoring everything they don’t like, so let’s see how they deal with this to see how the selection processes work for local politicians.


Does everyone seem to want to talk about peace? Well, at the present time and in the short term it seems that war is much more profitable and that it is much more convenient especially for a privileged few in this system and for those who have a passion for dirty business.
Today's capitalism tends to make you believe that you can get everything if only you are able to buy it, but at the same time, today's capitalism tends to also buy everything that nature has given us free of charge to allow us to live, including the water we drink and the air we breathe since in some countries now under covid-19 dictatorship they also "impose" us the outdoor mask which among other things forces us to breathe the air full of carbon dioxide. In fact, the mask serves and can be useful to the surgeon when working or to a shoemaker in order not to breathe harmful dust from the soles of some shoes while working or the mask if suitable for the purpose can protect the person if he works with very hard woods or with the asbestos or when walking and if there was too much smog and fine dust in the city in the middle of traffic, but not to always wear a mask just to protect other people from a pandemic that does not exist.
There seems to be no limit to the insane and absurd things that the masses can be led to believe in and worse still by conditioning the few who are aware, also thanks to the SS who carry out orders with zeal and as if they were just and in accordance with the law.
Incidentally: (in some places the "coronavirus covid-19" was not allowed to enter due to certain rules of capitalism and also the "virus" was not allowed to enter Switzerland).

Russell Lee:


VACCINES: CDC List of Ingredients 

The following information regarding vaccines from the CDC may be of interest to you.

The complete list of vaccine excipients

published by the CDC, current as of January 6, 2017

CTAB (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide)
a continuous line of monkey kidney cells
African Green Monkey kidney (Vero) cells
aluminum hydroxide
aluminum phosphate
aluminum salts
amino acid supplement
amino acids
amino acids solution
aminoglycoside antibiotic
ammonium sulfate
ammonium sulfate aluminum phosphate
amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate
amphotericin B
anhydrous lactose
anti-foaming agent
ascorbic acid
baculovirus and cellular DNA
baculovirus and Spodoptera frugiperda cell proteins
benzethonium chloride
beta- propriolactone
bovine albumin
bovine calf serum
bovine serum
bovine serum albumin
calcium carbonate
calcium chloride
calf bovine serum
Calf serum
calf serum and lactalbumin hydrolysate
casamino acids
casamino acids and yeast extract-based medium
castor oil
cell culture media
cellulose acetate phthalate
cetyltrimethlyammonium bromide
chick embryo cell culture
chicken fibroblasts
citric acid
citric acid monohydrate
CMRL 1969 medium supplemented with calf serum
complex fermentation media
concentrated vitamin solution
CRM197 carrier protein
CY medium
D- fructose
D- glucose
defined fermentation growth media
dibasic potassium phosphate
dibasic sodium phosphate
dimethyl-beta-cyclodextrin. glutaraldehyde
disodium phosphate
disodium phosphate dihydrate
dried lactose
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium
E. coli
Eagle MEM modified medium
EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)
egg protein
egg proteins
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)
FD&C Yellow #6 aluminum lake dye
Fenton medium containing a bovine extract
ferric (III) nitrate
fetal bovine serum
Franz complete medium
gentamicin sulfate
guinea pig cell cultures
hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide
histidine buffered saline.
host cell DNA
host cell protein
human albumin
human diploid cell cultures (MRC-5)
human diploid cell cultures (WI-38)
human embryonic lung cell cultures
human serum albumin
human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures (strain WI-38)
hydrolyzed casein
hydrolyzed gelatin
hydrolyzed porcine gelatin
inorganic salts
iron ammonium citrate
isotonic sodium chloride
L-250 glutamine
lactalbumin hydrolysate
M-199 without calf bovine serum
Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cell protein
magnesium stearate
magnesium stearate. gelatin
magnesium sulfate
Medium 199 without calf serum
microcrystalline cellulose
mineral salts
modified culture medium containing hydrolyzed casein
modified Latham medium derived from bovine casein
modified Mueller and Miller medium
modified Mueller and Miller medium (the culture medium contains milk- derived raw materials [casein derivatives])
modified Mueller's growth medium
modified Mueller-Miller casamino acid medium without beef heart infusion
modified Mueller's media which contains bovine extracts
modified Stainer-Scholte liquid medium
monobasic potassium phosphate
monobasic sodium phosphate
monosodium glutamate
monosodium L-glutamate
monosodium phosphate
MRC-5 cells
MRC-5 cells (a line of normal human diploid cells)
MRC-5 diploid fibroblasts
MRC-5 human diploid cells
Mueller Hinton casein agar
Mueller's growth medium
neomycin sulfate
non-viral protein
nonylphenol ethoxylate
normal human diploid cells
octoxynol-10 (TRITON X-100)
octylphenol ethoxylate (Triton X-100)
ovalbumin neomycin
phenol red
phenol red indicator
phosphate buffer
phosphate-buffered saline solution
plasdone C
polacrilin potassium
polygeline (processed bovine gelatin)
polymyxin B
polymyxin B sulfate
polysorbate 20
polysorbate 20 (Tween 20)
polysorbate 80
polysorbate 80 (Tween 80)
potassium aluminum sulfate
potassium chloride
potassium glutamate
potassium phosphate
potassium phosphate dibasic
potassium phosphate monobasic
potassium phosphate potassium chloride
protamine sulfate
protein other than HA
recombinant human albumin
semi-synthetic media
semi-synthetic medium
sodium bicarbonate
sodium borate
sodium carbonate
sodium chloride
sodium citrate
sodium citrate dehydrate
sodium deoxycholate
sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate
sodium EDTA
sodium hydrogenocarbonate
sodium hydroxide
sodium metabisulphite
sodium phosphate
sodium phosphate dibasic
sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate
sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic sodium chloride
sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic sodium chloride solution
sodium pyruvate
sodium taurodeoxycholate
sorbitan trioleate
soy peptone
soy peptone broth
Stainer-Scholte medium
sterile water
succinate buffer
synthetic medium
thimerosal (multi- dose vials)
thimerosal (multi-dose vials)
tris (trometamol)-HCl
Triton X-100
VERO cells
vero cells (a continuous line of monkey kidney cells)
vero cells [DNA from porcine circoviruses (PCV) 1 and 2 has been detected in RotaTeq. PCV-1 and PCV-2 are not known to cause disease in humans.]
Watson Scherp casamino acid media
Watson Scherp media containing casamino acid
WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts
WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts MRC-5 cells
xanthan [Porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV-1) is present in Rotarix. PCV-1 is not known to cause disease in humans.]
yeast extract
yeast protein
α-tocopheryl hydrogen succinate


Many screenshots from a video of an honest and high-level Italian doctor who speaks Italian but with the sentences translated into English:


Copy ... paste and spread to all Humanity through the internet.
Do it too, do it all !!!

Forced to cover me 😷 but not to shut up !!!!!!!


Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

"For all my patients:

I would like to urgently draw your attention to important issues relating to the upcoming vaccination against Covid-19. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called next-generation mRNA vaccines intervene directly in the patient's genetic material and thus modify the individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation, which has been prohibited and so far considered criminal. This intervention can be compared to that of genetically manipulated foods, which is also very controversial. Even if the media and politicians at the moment trivialize the problem and also ask irremediably for a new type of vaccine to return to normal, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics and also in terms of genetic damage which, unlike damage caused by previous vaccines, it will now be irreversible and irreparable.

Dear patients, after an unprecedented mRNA vaccine, you will no longer be able to treat vaccine symptoms in a complementary way. The vaccinated will have to live with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured simply by removing toxins from the human body, just as one cannot cure a person with a genetic defect such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, the disease genetic cardiac arrest, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc.), because the genetic defect is forever!

This clearly means that: If a vaccination symptom develops after an mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist can help it, because the damage caused by the vaccination will be genetically irreversible. In my opinion, these new vaccines represent a crime against humanity that has never been committed in such an exceptional way in history. As Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an experienced physician said: In fact, this "promising vaccine" for the vast majority of people is actually banned because it is genetic manipulation! "

The vaccine, developed and approved by Anthony Fauci and funded by Bill Gates, used experimental mRNA technology. Three of the 15 human guinea pigs (20%) experienced a "serious adverse event".

Note: Messenger RNA or mRNA is the ribonucleic acid that transfers the genetic code from the DNA of the cell nucleus to a ribosome in the cytoplasm, i.e. the one that determines the order in which a protein's amino acids will bind and serves as a template or standard for the synthesis of said protein.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (



Yes, like many other viruses

Yes, if you use the proper medicines and don't leave your health in the hands of corrupt and merchant health systems.

Yes and many; some of them are acting on the low profile by giving adequate care, still others have been more courageous and there are numerous videos on the net that talk about those treatments and many of them have already been threatened, disqualified or silenced.

Yes, and there is a world union convened and summoning more doctors and scientists called Doctors and scientists for the truth, to expose the falsity of the treatment they have given to the problem of the bug * (* In computer science, operating error of a system or program.)

No. WHO changed the term referring to the pandemic before the bug came out in order to end the pandemic.

Yes, like all the flu.

No. If you have symptoms, you just have to take the appropriate medicine from day one (strengthen your immune system, take anti-inflammatories and flu drugs) and treat yourself at home.

Yes, being as clean as you should have always been and maintaining a high immune system, you also have: Ozone therapy, Chlorine Dioxide with PREVENTIVE protocol.
(There are super cheap ozonator devices for sale that sterilize every place they are put into operation extremely well.)

No. In the US it was found that any data released would actually be 10% of that figure, * because it has ...

::    ::

Probably towards the end of the first half of December there could be another lockdown that will catch the vast majority of citizens unprepared, including some of those who are well informed about the crime against humanity covid-19. This lockdown could last even more than a month and be extended to all of Europe. If things go for the worse, then it could be a far worse lockdown than that of March and April 2020, SS style and possibly with the army coming from house to house to impose the covid-19 vaccine. Perhaps it would be better if the people, policemen and military aware and against the dictatorship of the Italian government and in other European countries bring down the government and parliament by entering directly into the buildings where they meet before December 12th. (Those who know the truth and have practiced it can begin to call on Jehovah's name to be saved and perhaps even before the great tribulation begins in its full sense after the false signal of peace and security.)

If the strong powers plan to formalize the New World Order by 2025, the covid-19 war could last up to 5 years and the more power at the United Nations could happen even before 2025 or if the more power at the United Nations corresponds to formalization of the New World Order then the UN, so to speak, could be the first headquarters of the New World Order, however before the New World Order is formalized there should be the false signal of global peace and security achieved. Meanwhile, now at the end of October 2020 the strong powers and the puppet governments are hurrying to repress the peoples with other even more repressive lockdowns because they fear losing control of the situation as awareness is increasing but not enough to stop them.

Russell Lee:


Now, at the end of October 2020 there are even restrictions in Switzerland, albeit lower than those in Italy. I don't know, but perhaps the strong powers also wanted to involve citizens in Switzerland a little so as not to contradict a possible imminent European lockdown given that Switzerland borders on Lombardy, the most infected thanks to flu vaccines. On a global level, if by domino effect we are freed from this covid-19 dictatorship and from the Deep State now present in many nations or if slavery is completed on us, the outcome of the election campaign for the White House of the November 3, 2020. - If Donald Trump fully considered or has already fully considered the possibility of putting into practice the "negotiation" described in Psalms 2: 10-12, he would most likely be further facilitated in winning the next election campaign for the White House because "G "God can lead the situation in favor of his faithful servants even in spite of any poisonous atmosphere that the Deep State might produce against an uncomfortable candidate. The implementation of Psalms 2: 10-12 by the president of the United States could affect other kings of the earth and could change the fortunes of all mankind for the better in a time of momentous change. thanks to a series of favorable situations that could follow one another in a chain. Something important could happen on the entire history of mankind and also remembering the fact that Psalms 2: 1-12 concerns our own age starting from 1914 until the pouring of the Apocalypse.

If this covid-19 war is not stopped now or by the end of 2020, the jobs connected to the largest super markets and large internet distribution chains such as Amazon should resist in cities. Many people may accept the covid vaccine in order to receive a subsidy after permanently losing their job or closing their small business. Destroying the economy and inviting people to get vaccinated in order to get financial help, etc. vaccinated or that would have had to be forcibly taken by the army or police if bribed to enforce the deadly vaccine. - It is not necessary and it is not right to reduce the population by more than 80% through this covid-19 and covod-21 war, but, the kings of the earth should tell the truth to the peoples and lead citizens and entrepreneurs towards more responsible behavior It is not right to ruin and kill children and adults with vaccines, but if for some we are too many, a global policy would be enough to encourage young couples not to have children or at most one child. I know that the deviant international bankers, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and premieres like Giuseppe Conte want to destroy the economy, induce the people to take deadly vaccines, perhaps by promising a financial subsidy, make over 80% of the population die and then restarting the economy. But, the deviated strong powers and the puppet governments will not be able to restart the economy globally, but, the whole world will fall into a great and irreversible tribulation. In the end, I know that many members of Freemasonry are opposed to this covid-19 war and also there is a better solution, albeit a very challenging one, to address the big global problems such as climate change and plastic in the seas.

  ::    ::  Summing up  ::    ::

Starting from the present time at the end of October 2020 and going more and more towards a people increasingly exhausted and unable to act after having fallen into countless traps:

Induce the people to partly violent street demonstrations to open a state of war against the Italians and peoples in other countries.

More lockdowns at the end of 2020 and in 2021 to destroy the economy and to push people to starve.

Call for the harmful covid-19 and deadly covid-21 vaccine with the promise of an economic subsidy similar to the citizen's income.

Do they want to take our savings too? Of course, most likely to push people to accept the upcoming deadly covid-19-21 vaccines which are likely to be additional to an economic subsidy similar to the citizen's income.

Will every puppet state have public debt eliminated? But, most likely: the savings in the bank will be removed from all citizens who have a deposited account, it is easy that pensions and various types of subsidies will no longer be paid and many freelancers and owners of gyms, restaurants, bars, etc., etc. Besides not working shortly, they may find themselves without money in the bank and without cash. Probably only politicians in the service of the banking system and some other social category could have the salary and pension guaranteed or at least until the irreversible collapse of the system during the great tribulation well underway. To protect yourself a little and who can do it, perhaps one of the first things you can do is to immediately pull away any depository money in the bank and in the course of 2021 refuse any vaccine even if accompanied by an attractive subsidy and various types of permits that until yesterday in 2019 they were completely obvious and obvious.

Such a Count Dracula-style strategy to solve the problem of the poor would be more effective than mandatory vaccines for all. In theory, this strategy should induce many more people reduced to the pavement and starvation to accept the next vaccines even if in part against it. At least if this strategy was not very successful in some countries then some governments could put compulsory covid-19 and covid-21 vaccines later between 2022 and 2025 unless, this war against peoples is not stopped sooner, of course.

It can also be shown that if they manage to carry out this war by reducing the world population from 40% to 80% after the deviated strong powers and puppet governments they will not be able to restart the economy but it will be an irreversible and great tribulation.

I know many Freemasons disagree with this covid-19 war.

But, in addition to analyzing and criticizing the system, another solution can be proposed, yes, very demanding for nations as it should have started at least 100 years ago at the time of Tesla, but, it is the best and only one, that , the one that the great architect of the universe "G" gave to today's kings of the earth.

Furthermore, I have tried to explain the meaning and how the "negotiation" described in Psalms 2: 10-12 should be put into practice, right now, that is, immediately abandoning the covid-19-21 war and immediately and / or since the 'UN will receive more power, the political and banking kings of the earth should act according to what it tells us: logic, common sense and the same written word of the great architect of the universe "G" God.

With maximum profit, banking interests and nationalism last but, a social capitalism with good laws to fight corruption in politics and where economists and those like Christine Lagarde should no longer be able to say what is right or what is wrong or what it is convenient and therefore what should we do.


The healthy diet to detoxify the body, rich in vitamin C and vitamin E and eating mainly basic foods, is the best way to increase the immune defenses and to be more immune from all viruses, therefore, not making vaccines to go, go , for a coronavirus that became harmless in May 2020 and not putting on the mask when it is not useful to protect others and ourselves and especially since wearing the mask for a long time makes the blood acidic because we put part of the air back into the lungs that we have just breathed. In fact, the government imposes covid rules on us saying to safeguard our health and that of others but in reality the government in league with the banks and the drug lobbies wants to make us sick and die so that within the next 2 or 5 years we will survive. only 20% of the population. This, unless, the people do not wake up and / or unless force majeure immediately stops this third world war covid.

Russell Lee:

Aldo: In fact, generally almost all the politicians and journalists and scientists bought have lied to us, cheated, confused, divided, put us in conflict and even indirectly pushed us to consumerism and to pollute for decades and now governments as well they obey a program to exterminate the majority of the population only to prolong the decay of a capitalist system which does not respect and will never respect the environment and nature in the full sense and which will never be able to guarantee peace and security.

Aldo and Russell Lee:

Unless Donald Trump and / or Vladimir Putin and their allies fail to stop it in time, the World War III program covid-19-25 to attempt total control and reduction of over 80% of the global population , which could also lead us towards the geopolitical evolution of: a global monetary reset, more power at the United Nations, Revelation 17: 13, Blue Bean project in the skies over many nations, a healthy sign of peace and security, 1 Thessalonians 5: 3, eventual formalization of the New World Order, Psalms 2: 2, and the imposition of an entirely atheistic world by law, Psalms 2: 3, but immediately afterwards, an irreversible and great tribulation, Matthew 24: 21-22, pouring of the Apocalypse with total capitulation and destruction of the New World Order and of all those who will have supported it until the expiration of the useful time as indicated in Psalms 2: 10-12: Psalms 2: 2-9, Daniel 2: 44 and 12: 1, Sofphonia 1: 18 , Revelation 11: 18 and 19 : 19-21.

Will there be half a revolution if corrupt public officials get Joe Biden to win? The authorities in favor of the Deep State are already preparing for possible uprisings, moreover if instead of the stalemate or the victory of Donald Trump, the Democrat Joe Biden wins, then, the health dictatorship will be temporarily assured not only to the Americans but also to the people of the whole globe or little away. Be that as it may, this covid-19 war appears to be a starter of the coming great tribulation and both the kings of the earth and every common citizen can find true salvation only in the Kingdom of Jehovah God delegated to Jesus Christ and his 144,000 kings and priests. For this reason, even today's kings of the earth are urged to put into practice the wisdom and insight recommended in Psalms 2: 10-12. However, even true Christians, in addition to showing trust, fidelity and obedience to the faithful and wise slave and also having to be neutral with respect to the parties in apparent dispute in politics, can and should use their powers of reason to plan also to defend themselves from traps of this covid-19 war, though, Jehovah can restore his faithful servant in life even if in 2021 or 2022, just to give an example, he dies from upcoming covid vaccines.

There are various levels that push this covid-19 war forward: from the interests in selling masks, to bribes and false glory for a noble cause to politicians, to the big deal for the distribution of vaccines that have never been before. controlled by an external body, to the increase in power that can be obtained thanks to the pandemic but which cannot be obtained only with money, to project the world faster towards the future and a monetary reset, up to the primary deviated reason to reduce the population by more than 80% to guarantee a better world but only for a few survivors under the regime of the New World Order which, through technologies, should be able to guarantee peace and security on a global level. Thus, there could also be various levels to preach the good news and divine judgment in batches, from ordinary people up to the kings of the earth, but, at the same time managing to always remain neutral and not biased but perhaps while being able to criticize and / or speak well of a king of the earth according to the political actions he has undertaken in the past and above all that he does at the present time and that he could do in the immediate future. In the case of the kings of the earth, in my opinion there should be the possibility to propose to them the "negotiation" described in Psalms 2: 10-12 and so that any convinced king of the earth can convince and involve other governments for the implementation of this divine negotiation but possibly before time runs out. A testimony of hope and a way out but also a warning that the sword will soon come.

The moderators of Facebook and Google Italy are so criminal and in league with the Italian government that they immediately censor this 21-minute video without even letting you post it on your page without sharing it. If this covid-19 war were stopped in time and if tomorrow there is another Nuremberg trial for crimes against humanity, then journalists like Tiziana Panella of TV "La 7" and the moderators of Facebook and Google Italia, and not only, should being tried on the front line for crimes against humanity alongside Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, international bankers if deviated and premieres like Macron, Merkel and Conte. The title of the movie is: "The covid-19 genocide of 2020"

(At the limit, Prince Charles may have told the truth about everything that is happening in general, but, one cannot be sure about the responsibilities of the names of the politicians involved and above all the list of prime ministers and politicians involved in covid-19 can be much longer?)

Click on the link for the video:

Path of: junk science, disinformation, infinite true and false information, drastic decline of all certainty, Blue Bean project and fear of people without hope and without any faith and therefore in total confusion. What will be the solution? The New World Order, unique.

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Or rather, the coronavirus from China, manipulated in the Chinese laboratory and then spread on purpose, exists but was dangerous only in February, March, April and May, but, since May the existence of the small pandemic has become a hoax just to keep in feet: the vaccine deal, the population extermination program and an accelerated path into a diabolical short-term future towards a strictly banking-like New World Order. Furthermore, the small pandemic has appeared much more serious thanks to media terrorism and thanks to the erroneous guidelines imposed on doctors and hospitals on purpose by many puppet governments:
O meglio, il corona virus dalla Cina, manipolato nel laboratorio cinese e poi sparso di proposito, esiste ma era pericoloso solo in febbraio, marzo, aprile e maggio, ma, da maggio la esistenza della piccola pandemia è diventata una bufala solo per tenere in piedi: l'affare dei vaccini, il programma di sterminio della popolazione e un percorso accelerato in un diabolico percorso verso un Nuovo Ordine Mondiale strettamente di stampo bancario. Inoltre, la piccola pandemia è apparsa più grave grazie al terrorismo mediatico e grazie alle errate linee guida imposte di proposito da tanti governi fantoccio:

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Salvo che Donald Trump e/o Vladimir Putin e i loro alleati non riescano a fermarla in tempo, il programma della terza guerra mondiale covid-19-25 per il tentativo di controllo totale e di riduzione fin oltre l'80% della popolazione a livello globale, che potrebbe portarci anche verso la evoluzione geopolitica di: un reset monetario globale, più potere alle Nazioni Unite, Rivelazione 17: 13, progetto Blue Bean nei cieli su molte nazioni, segnale fitizzio di pace e aicurezza, 1 Tessalonicesi 5: 3, eventuale ufficializzazione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, Salmi 2: 2, e imposizione di un mondo interamente ateo per legge, Salmi 2: 3, ma immediatamente dopo, una irreversibile e grande tribolazione, Matteo 24: 21-22, versamento della Apocalisse con la totale capitolazione e distruzione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale e di tutti coloro che lo avranno sostenuto fino alla scadenza del tempo utile come indicato in Salmi 2: 10-12: Salmi 2: 2-9, Daniele 2: 44 e 12: 1, Soffonia 1: 18, Rivelazione 11: 18 e 19: 19-21.

Se fanno vincere Joe Biden ci sarà una mezza rivoluzione? Le autorità a favore dello Stato Profondo già si preparano per eventuali insurrezioni, inoltre se invece dello stallo o della vittoria di Donald Trump vincesse il democratico Joe Biden, allora, la dittatura sanitaria sarà temporaneamente assicurata non solo agli americani ma anche ai popoli di tutto il globo o poco via. Comunque sia, questa guerra covid-19 sembra essere un antipasto della veniente grande tribolazione e sia i re della terra che ogni cittadino comune può trovare vera salvezza solo nel Regno di Geova Dio delegato a Gesù Cristo ed ai suoi 144 mila re e sacerdoti. Per questo motivo anche gli odierni re della terra sono esortati a mettere in pratica la saggezza e la perspicacia consigliata in Salmi 2: 10-12. Tuttavia, anche i veri cristiani, oltre a mostrare fiducia, fedeltà e ubbidienza allo schiavo fedele e saggii ed inoltre a dover essere neutri rispetto alle parti in disputa apparente nella politica, possono e dovrebbero usare a piano le proprie facoltà di ragionare anche per diffendersi dalle trappole di questa guerra covid-19, sebbene, Geova possa riportare un vita un suo fedele servitore anche se nel 2021 o 2022, solo per fare un esempio, morisse a causa dei prossimi vaccini covid.

Ci sono vari livelli che spingono avanti questa guerra covid-19: dagli interessi per la vendita di mascherine, alle tangenti e alla falsa gloria per una causa nobile ai politici, al grande affare per la distribuzione dei vaccini che fino ad oggi non sono stati mai controllati da un ente esterno, all'aumento di potere che si può ottenere grazie alla pandemia ma che non si può ottenere soltanto con i soldi, al proiettare il mondo più velocemente verso il futuro e un reset monetario, fino ad arrivare al motivo deviato primario di ridurre la popolazione oltre l'80% per garantire un mondo migliore ma solo per pochi sopravvisuti sotto il regime del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale che attraverso le tecnologie dovrebbe riuscire a garantire pace e sicurezza a livello globale. Così, potrebbero anche esserci vari livelli per predicare la buona notizia e il giudizio divino a partite, dalle persone comuni fino ad arrivare ai re della terra, ma, nel contempo riuscendo a mantenersi sempre neutri e non di parte ma forse pur potendo criticate e/o parlate bene di un re della terra a seconda delle azioni politiche che ha intrapreso in passato e sopratutto che fa al tempo presente e che potrebbe fare nel immediato futuro. Nel caso dei re della terra, a mio parere dovrebbe esserci la possibilità di proporgli il "negoziato" descritto in Salmi 2: 10-12 e affinché l'eventuale re della terra convinto possa convincere e coinvolgere altri governi per la messa in pratica di questo negoziato divino ma possibilmente prima che scada il tempo utile. Una testimonianza di speranza e di una via di uscita ma anche un avvertimento che fra poco verrà la spada.

I moderatori di Facebook e di Google Italia  sono cosi criminali e in combutta con il governo italiano da censurare immediatamente questo filmato di 21 minuti senza neanche lasciartelo pubblicare sulla tua pagina senza condividerlo. Se questa guerra covid-19 fosse fermata in tempo e se domani ci sarà un altro processo di Norimberga per crimini contro l'umanità, alora i giornalisti come Tiziana Panella de La 7 e i moderatori di Facebook e di Google Italia, e non solo, dovrebbero essere processati in prima linea per crimini contro l'umanità al fianco di Bill Gates, di Anthony Fauci, dei banchieri internazionali se deviati e dei premier come Macron, Merkel e Conte. Il titolo del filmato è: "Il genocidio covid-19 del 2020"

Cliccare sul link per il filmato:

Link del post su Facebook:
Link of the post in Facebook:

Russell Lee: And the people refused to close their businesses, instead they opened them up fully, people went out and sat and had coffee, ate and listened to live music, shopped, travelled, lived normally. 
And the people tore down the signs and took up the pavement markings and they took off their masks and smiled and laughed, they refused to be tested and refused to be tracked. They met with their friends and their family members. Everyone carried on as if it had never happened. Theatres opened, places of worship, everyone went out and lived! And the police came in, and they threatened closures and gave fines, but the people never moved, they carried on without violence or anger, they refused to be shut in their homes and they turned off their Tv's and the media and refused to listen. And the people began to understand.
The government sent in the army, but still the people refused to close down society. They carried on living. 
The whole country were one, they ignored the government. The government gave up, they realised the power of the people was too great and society returned to normal.
Every year people die, people get sick and recover, those that feel vulnerable choose to stay in until they feel stronger, this is a fact of life.

Aldo: Or rather, the coronavirus from China, manipulated in the Chinese laboratory and then spread on purpose, exists but was dangerous only in February, March, April and May, but, since May the existence of the small pandemic has become a hoax just to keep in feet: the vaccine deal, the population extermination program and an accelerated path into a diabolical short-term future towards a strictly banking-like New World Order. Furthermore, the small pandemic has appeared much more serious thanks to media terrorism and thanks to the erroneous guidelines imposed on doctors and hospitals on purpose by many puppet governments.

Salvatore Spagnolo: It was not interstitial pneumonia and the autopsies in Bergamo also proved the cardio surgeon professor Salvatore Spagnolo right. Heparin is a pillar for treating massive pulmonary embolism caused by advanced inflammation of the capillaries for the covid sars 2 virus that damages the capillaries in the lungs and throughout the body, that is, the coronavirus studied and manipulated in the laboratory and then spread purposely. Three essential drugs to administer before it is too late are: heparin, antibiotic, and cortisone. Heparin avoids the formation of clots being both anticoagulant and antiviral. But, in the face of the evidence, Speranza and the government did not take him into consideration and did not answer him because they obviously want the good deal with vaccines and the extermination of the population as desired by the strong powers. While, vitamin C helps to make prophylaxis that is to strengthen the body against viruses, but not so much to cure the disease when it has already begun. While, in my opinion, this cardio surgeon does not seem to have good knowledge of the ineffectiveness of tampons and above all of the uselessness but the so much harmfulness of the next covid vaccines.

Russell Lee:

So they won’t call them “concentration camps”, they’ll call them “quarantine camps”.....  Same shit, by the same shits, just a different day.  All over a manufactured virus - that Fauci and the CDC have patents on which proves THEY CREATED IT - because natural genetic sequences cannot be patented.....   and creating bio agents is contrary to several international bio-weapons limitation treaties. So Fauci and the CDC etc etc are criminals.  Simple.

OK...  Phillip Davis MP is a politician with some sense. Exactly.  However when he states: “No wonder people are losing faith in politicians.”  I would counter by clarifying: “People are not losing faith in politicians, they have lost faith in politicians and are developing an chronic, murderous Hatred of them.” And Matt Handcock is a Total wanker of a narcissist, looking at his phone as if that’s more important than being addressed by an MP from his own party. How long will Phillip Davis MP keep his Conservative Party nomination for his constituency after bucking the party/corporate line? Handcock, Witty and Vallance deserve to be shot by firing squad.

This needs to be shared &downloaded  immediately please.  The future of men and women and their families is in grave danger. Piers Corbyn gets mentioned Common purpose: cops & robbers part 2

5G is a killer.

From an American friend: “I know an old lawyer who, among other things, worked for nasa during the moon race in the 60s.  he once met an old italian policeman who said to him, "Dey marcha in da streets, I watcha from my window.  Dey breaka da windows, i dona do nothing.  DEY BURNA DA GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, I BRINGA DA GASOLINE."

(Although burning buildings is bad because it’s the wealth owned by the nation.....  but his point of getting rid of the criminals in political offices is well made.)

If Q pulls this off the Military Officers and President who achieved it Deserve to be ennobled in a new American Royalty so their descendants may show their Proud Inheritance - even if simply as an honorific title - as Families that have a foundation in Integrity are the lifeblood of any nation, and we deserve to know who our Good guys are, those of noble heart and mind (and with the brains to stay that way...). I’ve so much RESPECT, ADMIRATION and LOVE for the Q for all they’ve done and are doing... May God Bless America and all Good Hearted Americans - and there’s a lot of them (and yes, many, many, many also own guns for defence...).  This video reveals the True Spirit of the People that I encountered often whilst living in the USA... BRILLIANTLY played Q, Bravo 👏💚🙏💎 🧠💎👍💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 🇺🇸 from your Friends across the pond 🇬🇧

So the Nazi’s are at war with The People, and their Gestapo “police” are their boot boys..... We are at war.  The deep state has gone to war with us. And: “All is fair in love and war.” They want to seize our assets?  Then dare I suggest we need to seize theirs - along with all those who collaborate.

And they are the ones that will take the vaccine and get sterilised. Considering it’s very easy to find out this information I can’t really say much. The elites probably just call it “survival of the fittest“ – and their idea is that you have to be both intellectually active as well as physical.

From the above article: “When good science is suppressed by the medical-political complex, people die. Politicians and governments are suppressing science. They do so in the public interest, they say, to accelerate availability of diagnostics and treatments. They do so to support innovation, to bring products to market at unprecedented speed. Both of these reasons are partly plausible; the greatest deceptions are founded in a grain of truth. But the underlying behaviour is troubling. Science is being suppressed for political and financial gain. Covid-19 has unleashed state corruption on a grand scale, and it is harmful to public health.1 Politicians and industry are responsible for this opportunistic embezzlement. So too are scientists and health experts. The pandemic has revealed how the medical-political complex can be manipulated in an emergency—a time when it is even more important to safeguard science..........”


1) -They interpret the swab test as positive in an arbitrary way only with the reading of a single gene when instead it takes at least three to ascertain the presence of covid sars;

2) - even if 0.5% of the false positives to the swab were really positive for the coronavirus from China, it would be mostly a virus that has now become completely harmless for about 5 or 6 months and therefore like countless other bacteria and viruses that we all have in our body;

3) -they read the sequence that is also in the eighth chromosome of the human genome.

Many people swab themselves out of fear thanks to so much media terrorism on TV and some people let themselves get stuck at work when they could still legally oppose it if necessary.

Cannibalism, baby hearts is the thing that’s in that vaccine ! I know what it is and what it screws up : It is a competing set of DNA from a baby, with prions trying to do DNA correction on the person that you’re injecting it into their body, with a completely different, separate instruction set put together with the greatest growth spurt from an embryo, which is where the heart is taken from, the heart is still beating, so the foetus is on a rocket sled for the greatest growth in their life and you’re putting that into another person’s body !

Russell Lee: NB: ““We need a full stage constitutional review.....” - Gordon Brown. You missed that. That means the possibility of abandoning common law so as to enforce a new police state to ensure overriding individual rights to enforce compliance with taking vaccines - even if they have to hold you down to do it.   Because that’s “for the good of the state” - the mantra of EVERY TYRANT.”


The false swab test is a triple deception to make us believe sick and to keep the health emergency up until the arrival of the next particularly harmful and deadly covid "vaccines". According to some, there are too many of us on this planet and therefore the planet should be depopulated by over 80% of the population by 2025 or at the latest by 2030:

a) -in hospital and / or outpatient clinic they read the sequence of a single gene when, on the other hand, to identify the presence of a specific virus, at least three genes are required;

b) - the reading of the genetic sequence to declare positive one who undergoes the swab is also found in a gene of the eighth chromosome of human DNA;

c) - assuming that a swab test had been truly asymptomatic in March or April for a few days and maybe once or twice, (since corona viruses mutate very quickly), if now in November the former asymptomatic had really had the Sars-Cov-2 virus in the blood or if he had completely defeated it even by eliminating it from the body, he would still have been a healthy and non-contagious former asymptomatic, otherwise, if I caught the flu from a certain strain of corona virus in the year and month and day as such, after that, I should be contagious and pass that kind of flu to other people as long as I live.

(If then, in this context of psychosis due to the spread of viruses, a sidetracked citizen has just had the flu vaccine and is positive on the false tanpone test, the same can happen if one has caught a normal cold and / or a seasonal flu with some fever.)

Russell Lee: Denmark’s Parliament 🇩🇰 just blocked all their proposed Coronavirus legislation.  They are going the same way as Sweden.
Yeah, the word Sweden is like sunshine to a vampire to these COVID-19 malarkey makers.....  They must hate the Swede’s - whilst we all LOVE 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 them.  They’ve saved our arses from those bloody psycho’s in power here truth be told.  We’ve got proof of the way to go but these cabal types are so invested in their own narrative they’re ignoring ANYTHING that contradicts it and PROVES they’re spouting crap.  So they know they’re lying really because we’ve got SWEDEN’S LIVING EXAMPLE AND PROOF 🇸🇪.........  So the game is.......  I’d wager it’s all about ruining the economy.  Then they buy us out for pennies as a people.....  Same shit, different day, very unconventional style of warfare.  But warfare all the same.


The precedent and the good example counts a lot, as in the case of sweden in this covid-19 war.

It is not necessary to understand in all the details the psychological identikit and the dynamics of this covid-19 war, but those who are intelligent should not take long to understand: to avoid street demonstrations that are too risky and often inconclusive and with negative outcomes, to expose oneself no more than necessary in doing civil dissubidience since even wearing the mask over the mouth and nose for too long hurts, however it is often enough to keep the mask over the mouth and nose only for a moment and usually the mask only on the mouth and breathing only with the nose, to avoid unnecessary disputes and fights, and above all, to avoid undergoing the swab and serological test and to absolutely avoid having the flu vaccine and all the next covid vaccines injected. end of this hidden third world war against peoples. Apart from the desire to control and reduce the population by over 80%, it would seem that the strong banking powers want to eliminate from this planet above all the useless and / or more stupid people who do not think. This is a wrong thing from a Christian point of view, but, in my opinion, the covid-19 plan also provides for the elimination of non-thinking people who obey even the most insane rules. Precisely these non-thinking people will want and / or in any case agree to be vaccinated without putting up any resistance or almost and indeed presenting themselves immediately at the first call to be vaccinated. Because, to avoid epidemics, the people must follow the rules for a balanced personal hygiene and on eating and drinking healthy and not contaminated.

Furthermore, there is a detail that many people and even some high-level free journalists miss, and, as I understand it, the secret agents and probably the military are still under the direction of Donald Trump, ( that is the previous president of the United States), and almost certainly Donald Trump will not want to hand over the secret agents to the new winning candidate, in addition there is also a good general and many soldiers on Donald Trump's side. Probably, after having warned in advance about the ways and the form in which the election campaign would be rigged, Donald Trump will not want to bow to the will of the strong powers to the last, as, the Deep State has rigged the presidential election to make Joe win. Biden even prevented visitors from being able to visit and / or only be able to see the polling stations from the outside while the job was done to scrutinize the votes. In a few months on the improvised there could also be a blackout in many countries and many corrupt politicians and public officials could be arrested and I hope it does. Trump has evidence of electoral fraud and in addition the Deep State from 2016 to November 2020 delegated a lot of dirty jobs to ruin the more honest and non-warmongering administration of Donald Trump and his team and even the death of George Floyd and the small covid pandemic -19 was also planned for the purpose of preventing Donald Trump from winning for his second White House administration as the Constitution guarantees. For these reasons, those who do not have the support of the strong powers never manage to become president of the United States even though they may have been the most deserving candidate. It seems that Donald Trump at the beginning appeared on the side of the New World Order but once he was elected Donald Trump did not want to play along along the path towards the diabolical New World Order and also if Trump also apparently spoke in favor of covid vaccines, that absolutely are to be avoided, from behind the scenes and in secret there may have been valid reasons for strategy just like when Donald Trump was hospitalized as an alleged patient of Sars-Cov-2 after being accused of not having paid the fees for 12 years. Donald Trump seems to be better than almost all of his predecessors while John Kennedy and his brother who wanted to restore dollar sovereignty to the United States were "dry for Venice" in 1963 and 5 years later.

Russell Lee:
So he’s admits aborted foetal cells are in the vaccines and that he is “happy to go to Hell.....” What if we are not? * SHOCKING * ⤵️ The Japanese professor of physiology or medicine, Professor Dr Tasuku Honjo, caused a sensation today in the media by saying that the corona virus is not natural. if it is natural, it will not have affected the whole world like that. Because, depending on the nature, the temperature is different in different countries. if it were natural, it would only have affected countries with the same temperature as China. instead, it spreads to a country like Switzerland, the same way it spreads to desert areas. whereas if it were natural, it would have spread in cold places, but would have died in hot places. I have done 40 years of research on animals and viruses. It is not natural. It is manufactured and the virus is completely artificial. I have been working for 4 years in the Wuhan laboratory in China. I know all the staff of this laboratory well. I called them all after the Corona accident. but, all of their phones have been dead for 3 months. It is now understood that all of these laboratory technicians are dead. Based on all of my knowledge and research to date, I can say this with 100% confidence that Corona is not natural. It did not come from bats. China made it. if what I say today turns out to be false now or even after I die, the government can withdraw my Nobel Prize. but China is lying and this truth will one day be revealed to all. PLEASE FORWARD TO THE LARGEST NUMBER SO THAT THE GUILTY MUST PAY WHAT HAPPENS TO US ALL !!!! Ffs..... We already KNEW it wasn’t natural because Dr Fauci and the CDC have patents in coronavirus/COVID-19..... And you can only get a patent on a genetically engineered gene sequence. All naturally occurring gene sequences are not able to be patented........ So they create the problem - spreading around a tough virus - then sell the solution and make trillions of $ profits..... It’s classic “Problem, Reaction, Solution”..... They really are taking the piss - and hasn’t this scamdemic revealed how fragile the police’s knowledge of the law is and how fast they can fall into becoming corporate-medical-political boot boys akin to the Gestapo as they go about “.....only obeying orders and COVID legislation.....” to indulge in some grievously abusive bullying and other tyrannical forms of conduct - ref. Trafalgar Sq. And SWEDEN is proof enough this shut down etc is more about power, control and shareholder dividends for MODERNA etc who are making toxic concoctions from dead, aborted human babies..... skipping testing phases etc. Like I said, it’s obvious we are considered slaves to those corporate pirates who have usurped the political process by sponsoring politicians and the political party’s..... That now work for their sponsors, not the British people. In fact they are openly now trying to profiteer from the people by forcing them to take snake oil vaccines, via the big pharma snake oil sales department - and they can sell ice to Eskimos and sand to Bedouins..... Facist Book will not allow this on my wall. The fact checkers are insisting that the information is false, yet we know that COVID-19/coronavirus is manufactured because of the payments that were granted in it.

Aldo: There is not a single day in which another hidden truth about all this madness and coronavirus hysteria does not emerge, which at the same time appears increasingly irreversible.

Russell Lee:

They have deleted the video and blocked the link but here’s the article. Aldo: The doctor who had also proved Antony Fauci's crimes. For me, now in autumn 2020, Sars-Cov-2 is only through the flu vaccine.

According to the knowledge and technological progress and in the field of medicine, every job, every productive activity and every form of propaganda should be oriented and should bring the maximum possible benefit to the community and / or to the individuals who use it, moreover, there should be good knowledge , information and updates even among scientists themselves. Therefore, also good but reasonable profits but still oriented for the good of all. Even the pharmaceutical activity, today, is not entirely to be banned, however, if I had to make a specific vaccine or if I were advised to make a specific vaccine, it should be useful and preventive for my health and that of others and at the same time the vaccine should not cause damage to my body or genetic modifications or autoimmune reactions and therefore this vaccine should be clean, without harmful metals and without poisons and without RNA and at the same time it should be grown in an environment that is not harmful to the body human, and therefore, the vaccine should not even be grown in a liquid supplemented with monkey reindeer to cultivate the virus. So, if for example I go to a country where I can get malaria then it might be smart to get a clean malaria vaccine to stimulate the immune system to fight against that specific virus. While, as for covid-rna and artificial intelligence vaccines, they did not actually need to be tested because they were created only to control, to make sick and to make a large part of the population die, and therefore, the fact that the vaccine covid has been tested is just a form of bogus propaganda on TV to make people believe that it is an innovative and tested vaccine albeit very quickly with the excuse of an allegedly very virulent pandemic, when instead, none of this corresponds truthfully. If social-capialism were oriented on the practice of Psalms 2: 10-12 obviously it would have to produce products and services oriented only towards the maximum benefit and in complete transparency towards the client or patient.

Russell Lee:

NB.  “Malaria is caused by the Plasmodium parasite. The parasite can be spread to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes.”
Malaria is not a virus.  It’s a parasite.


Ok, thanks, I did not know, however even if it is a parasite, I just wanted to propose an example of intelligent behavior regarding vaccines and therefore I am not against vaccines, but, I am against harmful vaccines and if taken in a stupid way.

Russell Lee:

Bill Gates is talking about all the infectious diseases that get passed around through filthy water, yet doesn’t address the causal issue which is the infected water, so people have got something clean to drink, so they stay free of diseases, instead he focuses just on the vaccines to treat the diseases they get from the filthy water. What a fucking asshole.

Aldo: Three times Bill Gates is a fucking asshole, because with vaccines he wants to profit, pay less taxes and exterminate 80% of the world's population, yes, as if the whole planet with the few slaves that should remain belonged only to him and to the few 90s pieces of capitalism like him who think they can replace God but who instead like real assholes are also falling into Satan's fatal trap.

Russell Lee: 

Just like every narcissist, psychopath and sociopath they regard the world as for themselves only and “their” resources not “our” resources.  Like spoiled 3 year olds that haven’t grown up.

Satan hates those who give in to his temptations.....  but respects those who resist them.

Aldo: .......... It would be funny if from a situation as negative as covid - 19 I could get an advantage and also doing good to others if you do well. I will never get rich however on principle a person would also have the right to enrich but if his work is produced and transparent and brings good to other people, not like the deal for covid-rna vaccines to earn a lot of money and at the same time to make more than 80% of the population sick and die.

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1)-In the USA, the Deep State tried to spoil the political image of the inconvenient and uncomfortable Donald Trump almost from the beginning of his administration at the White House, with George Soros through false migrants on the border, in late spring 2020 with the assassination of George Floyd by four stupid policemen who followed the orders and low blows that continued until November 3, 2020. Of course, nothing strange if the election campaign on November 3 had been rigged and enough to try and win Democrat Joe Biden moreover, the authorities having also prepared themselves for a rebellion by the people.

2) -We also remember that George Floyd was murdered by a policeman just in the days when Trump raged against the criminal Bill Gates, protected by the Deep State, and against the WHO. (Well, but, for some, am I a completely insane conspiracy theorist? The normal thing that you think so, indeed, even get the flu vaccine, the covid-19 vaccine and the covid-21 vaccine as soon as possible because Conte and Minister Speranza impose health restrictions on us to protect our health, so afterwards, conspiracy theorists like me will die from the spread of viruses, while instead, the normal individual who believes in Conte and the Minister of Good Hope will be saved thanks to vaccinations and maybe he will also have a citizenship income to survive well during the economic crisis that was inevitable due to the spread of the virus. Another year and two months pass: "I feel more and more sick and I perceive that I am going to die, perhaps it was because of the vaccine! Absolutely, no, it was another virus! And then, sooner or later, we all have to die for something, isn't it? Besides, it is unthinkable that the good Count and the good Hope and / or his successors plotted to have us die when they zealously cared for our health. Of course, among them is included the president of the republic whose brother was even killed by the mafia. "At the limit, perhaps Sergio Matarella could be ok if only he was not under pressure from the Deep State and if he decided to talk and confide in some citizens. But, will this circumstance ever occur?)

3) -Even before American citizens went to vote rightly Donald Trump made it known that votes had to be certified and that votes in the mail could easily be rigged. In fact, almost all the votes by mail are in favor of Joe Biden while those certified are more in favor of Donald Trump, in addition, the votes by mail from some counties were more numerous than the number of the same inhabitants in those same counties. Donald Trump has every reason to appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States as the Deep State, in favor of the WHO and the covid-19 health dictatorship, has fake the electoral campaign to make the "democratic" Joe Biden win at all costs. And this, even if the diverted Italian televisions tend to make us understand Donald Trump as if he were the villain and as if he did not even accept that he could lose in the elections.

4) -It is the same Deep State and the same deviated strong banking powers, (which created it the corrupt Deep State in the USA and other nations), which after having commissioned the death of John Kennedy in 1963 and after having organized the self-attack of 11 September 2001 and a false official version of 11 September 2001, moreover, that after having delegated the death of George Floyd in 2020 to leverage the prejudice of racism then misinterpreted in favor of Donald Trump, now the State Deep in league with the strong powers, he has also organized electoral fraud to make Joe Biden win, just as has happened in many other election campaigns for the White House. After the self-attack of September 11, 2001 that formally united nations in the fight against terrorism, the covid-19 war is now underway with the primary aim of removing more than six billion inhabitants on this planet and at the same time to formally unite nations further in fighting the usual enemy in common which today turns out to be covid sars 2. The coronavirus was created in the laboratory and was purposely spread with the collaboration of the Chinese government, the French Deep State and in which Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates were at the forefront.

5) -So, how right and very nice it is not to be racist but to love equality and coexistence between blacks and whites who love and respect each other, but at the same time, without being sidetracked by the Italian politics that favors immigration for interests crazy clandestine in favor of NGOs, etc., etc., but, which at the same time makes even more slaves both the Italians who work and who pay even more taxes and after the same migrants but who at the beginning can enter Italy without having to work, so , it is also right to fight racism in the US, but, without using the allegedly tailor-made forms of racism for political purposes and just as occurred in 2020 in order to ruin Donald Trump's political image.

6)-Furthermore, there is a detail that many people and even some high-level free journalists miss, and, as I understand it, the secret agents and probably the military are still under the direction of Donald Trump, ( that is the previous president of the United States), and almost certainly Donald Trump will not want to hand over the secret agents to the new winning candidate, in addition there is also a good general and many soldiers on Donald Trump's side. Probably, after having warned in advance about the ways and the form in which the election campaign would be rigged, Donald Trump will not want to bow to the will of the strong powers to the last, as, the Deep State has rigged the presidential election to make Joe win. Biden even prevented visitors from being able to visit and / or only be able to see the polling stations from the outside while the job was done to scrutinize the votes. In a few months on the improvised there could also be a blackout in many countries and many corrupt politicians and public officials could be arrested and I hope it does. Trump has evidence of electoral fraud and in addition the Deep State from 2016 to November 2020 delegated a lot of dirty jobs to ruin the more honest and non-warmongering administration of Donald Trump and his team and even the death of George Floyd and the small covid pandemic -19 was also planned for the purpose of preventing Donald Trump from winning for his second White House administration as the Constitution guarantees. For these reasons, those who do not have the support of the strong powers never manage to become president of the United States even though they may have been the most deserving candidate. It seems that Donald Trump at the beginning appeared on the side of the New World Order but once he was elected Donald Trump did not want to play along along the path towards the diabolical New World Order and also if Trump also apparently spoke in favor of covid vaccines, that absolutely are to be avoided, from behind the scenes and in secret there may have been valid reasons for strategy just like when Donald Trump was hospitalized as an alleged patient of Sars-Cov-2 after being accused of not having paid the fees for 12 years. Donald Trump seems to be better than almost all of his predecessors while John Kennedy and his brother who wanted to restore dollar sovereignty to the United States were "dry for Venice" in 1963 and 5 years later.

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1)-Negli USA lo Stato Profondo ha infangato la immagine politica dello scomodo Donald Trump pressoché fin dall'inizio della sua amministrazione alla Casa Bianca, con George Soros attraverso i falsi migranti sul confine, a fine primavera 2020 con l'assassinio di George Floyd da parte di quattro poliziotti stupidi che hanno eseguito gli ordini e poi tanti colpi bassi contro Donald Trump che hanno continuato fino al 3 novembre 2020 e oltre. Naturalmente, niente di strano se alla campagna elettorale del 3 novembre ci fossero stati dei brogli elettorali e quanto basta per tentare di far vincere il democratico Joe Biden, inoltre, le autorità essendosi pure preparate ad una ribellione da parte del popolo. 

2)-Ricordiamo pure che George Floyd è stato assassinato da un poliziotto proprio nei giorni in cui Trump si è accanito contro il criminale Bill Gates, protetto dallo Stato Profondo, e contro la OMS. (Beh, ma, per qualcuno io sono un complottista del tutto fuori di testa? Il normale che pensi pure così, anzi, pure si faccia al più presto il vaccino per l'influenza, il vaccino covid-19 e il vaccino covid-21 perché Conte e il ministro Speranza ci imponongono le restrizioni sanitarie per salvaguardare la nostra salute, cosi dopo, i complottisti come me moriranno per la diffusione dei virus, mentre invece, l'individuo normale che crede a Conte e al ministro di Buona Speranza si salverà grazie alle vaccinazioni e magari avrà pure un reddito di cittadinanza per sopravvivere bene durante la crisi economica che comunque era inevitabile causa la diffusione del virus. Passa un altro anno e due mesi: "Mi sento sempre più ammalato e percepisco che sto per morire, forse è stato per colpa del vaccino! Assoluramente, no, è stato un altro virus! E poi, prima o poi, tutti quanti noi dobbiamo morire per qualche cosa, non è vero? Inoltre è impensabile che il bravo Conte e il bravo Speranza e/o i suoi successori abbiano complottato per farci morire quando invece si preoccupavanono con zelo per la nostra salute. Naturalmente tra loro è compreso il presidente della repubblica a cui la mafia gli ha perfino ucciso il fratello." Al limite, forse Sergio Matarella potrebbe essere ok se solo non fosse sotto pressione da partd dello Stato Profondo e se decidesse di parlare e di confidarsi con alcuni cittadini. Ma, questa circostanza si verificherà mai?)

3)-Ancor prima che i cittadini americani andassero al voto giustamente Donald Trump ha fatto sapere che i voti dovevano essere certificati e che i voti per posta potevano essere facilmente truccati. Di fatto, pressoché tutti i voti per posta sono a favore di Joe Biden mentre quelli certificati sono più a favore di Donald Trump, per giunta, i voti per posta da alcune contee sono risultati più numerosi del numero degli stessi abitanti in quelle stesse contee. Donald Trump ha tutte le ragioni di ricorrere alla Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti in quanto lo Stato Profondo, a favore della OMS e della dittatura sanitaria covid-19, ha taroccato la campagna elettorale per far vincere a tutti costi il "democratico" Joe Biden. E questo, anche se le deviate televisioni italiane tendono a farci intendere a Donald Trump come se fosse il cattivo e come se lui non accettasse neanche di poter perdere alle elezioni.

4)-Si tratta dello stesso Stato Profondo e degli stessi poteri forti bancari deviati, (che lo hanno creato lo Stato Profondo corrottonegli USA e in altre nazioni), che dopo aver commissionato la morte di John Kennedy nel 1963 e dopo aver organizzato l'auto-attentato dell'11 settembre 2001 e una falsa versione ufficiale del 11 settembre 2001, inoltre, che dopo aver delegato la morte di George Floyd nel 2020 per far leva sul pregiudizio del razzismo poi male interpretato a sfavore di Donald Trump, ora la Stato Profondo in combutta con i poteri forti ha pure organizzato brogli elettorali per far vincere Joe Biden, proprio, come è accaduto in tante altre campagne elettorali per la Casa Bianca. Dopo l'auto-attentato del 11 settembre 2001 che ha unito in modo formale le nazioni nella lotta al terrorismo, ora è in corso la guerra covid-19 con lo scopo primario di togliere più di sei miliardi di abitanti su questo pianeta e nel contempo di unire ulteriormente in modo formale le nazioni nel combattere il solito nemico in comune che oggi risulta essere il covid sars 2. Il corona virus è stato creato in laboratorio ed è stato sparso di proposito con la collaborazione del governo cinese, dello Stato Profondo francese e statunitense in cui Anthony Fauci e Bill Gates sono stati in prima linea.

5)-Cosi, come è giusto e molto bello non essere razzisti ma amare l'uguaglianza e la convivenza tra neri e bianchi che si vogliono bene e si rispettano, ma nel contempo, senza farsi sviare dalla politica italiana truffaldina che per interessi favorisce la immigrazione clandestina pazza a favore delle NGO, ecc, ecc, ma, che in contemporanea rende ancora più schiavi sia gli italiani che lavorano e che pagano ancora più tasse e dopo gli stessi migranti ma che all'inizio possono entrare in Italia senza dover lavorare, cosi, è anche giusto combattere il razzismo negli USA, ma, senza usare le presunte forme di razzismo fabbricate su misura per scopi politici e proprio come si è verificato nel 2020 allo scopo di rovinare la immagine politica di Donald Trump.

6)-Inoltre, c'è un particolare che sfugge a molte persone e perfino ad alcuni giornalisti liberi d'alto livello, e, se io ho ben capito, gli agenti segreti e probabilmente anche l'esercito sono ancora sotto la direttiva di Donald Trump, (ossia il precedente presidente degli Stati Uniti), e quasi sicuramente Donald Trump non vorrà consegnare gli agenti segreti al nuovo candidato vincitore, inoltre c'è anche un bravo generale e molti militari dalla parte di Donald Trump. Probabilmente, dopo aver avvisato in anticipo sui modi e la forma in cui la campagna elettorale sarebbe stata truccata, Donald Trump non vorrà piegarsi fino al ultimo al volere dei poteri forti, in quanto, il Deep State ha truccato le elezioni presidenziali per far vincere Joe Biden perfino impedendo ai visitatori di poter visitare e/o di poter solo vedere dal di fuori i seggi mentre veniva eseguito il lavoro per scrutinare i voti. Fra qualche mese alla improvvisata potrebbe anche esserci un blackout in molte nazioni e molti politici e funzionari pubblici corrotti potrebbero venir arrestati e io mi auguro che vada proprio, cosi. Trump ha le prove dei brogli elettorali e inoltre il Deep State dal 2016 al novembre 2020 ha delegato tantissimi lavori sporchi per rovinare la amministrazione più onesta e non guerrafondaia di Donald Trump e della sua squadra e perfino la morte di George Floyd e la piccola pandemia covid-19 fu pianificata anche allo scopo di impedire a Donald Trump di vincere per la sua seconda amministrazione alla Casa Bianca come gli garantisce la Costituzione. Per questi motivi, chi non ha l'appoggio dei poteri forti non riesce mai a diventare presidente degli Stati Uniti pur potendo esser stato il candidato più meritevole. Sembra che Donald Trump all'inizio sia apparso dalla parte del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale ma una volta eletto Donald Trump non ha voluto stare al gioco secondo il percorso verso il diabolico Nuovo Ordine Mondiale ed inoltre se anche Trump ha parlato apparentemente a favore dei vaccini covid, che assolutamente sono da evitare, da dietro alle quinte e in segreto possono esserci state delle valide ragioni di strategia proprio come quando Donald Trump si è fatto ricoverare in ospedale come presunto ammalato di Sars-Cov-2 dopo esser stato accusato di non aver pagato le tasse per 12 anni. Donald Trump sembra esser meglio pressoché di tutti i suoi predecessori mentre John Kennedy e suo fratello che volevano ridare la sovranità del Dollaro agli Stati Uniti furono "fatti secchi per Venezia" nel 1963 e 5 anni più tardi.

Come on Trump, don't give up, win now in 2020-2021, bring down the New World Order and the Deep State now in the USA and beyond.

By 2024 it may already be too late and the covid war will have already done too much irreversible damage, plus, if you don't win now for the second administration in the White House at the Supreme Court and with the team on your side, you probably won't. not even in 2024.

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Forza Trump, non mollare, vinci adesso nel 2020-2021, butta giù adesso il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale e lo Stato Profondo negli USA e non solo.

Nel 2024 potrebbe esser già troppo tardi e la guerra covid avrà già fatto troppo danni irreversibili, inoltre, se non vinci adesso per la seconda amministrazione alla Casa Bianca presso la Corte Suprema e con la squadra dalla tua parte, probabilmente non c'è la farai neanche nel 2024.

Donald Trump è l'unico presidente degli Stati Uniti che non ha fatto nascere nuove guerre, ad esempio, al contrario di Obama che ne ha avviate ben 8 durante le sue due amministrazioni. Ora sono in corso altri importanti arresti a scapito del Deep State, riguardo le manovre sporche compiute in questi ultimi mesi ed anni e probabilmente sopratutto riguardo i brogli elettorali nella campagna elettorale per far perdere Trump e che fino al 2016 non avvenivano praticamente mai ed erano impensabili.
Donald Trump is the only president of the United States who has not started new wars, for example, unlike Obama who has started 8 wars during his two administrations. Now other important arrests are underway at the expense of the Deep State, regarding the dirty maneuvers carried out in recent months and years and probably above all regarding the electoral fraud in the electoral campaign to make Trump lose and that until 2016 practically never happened and were unthinkable. 

I would have redone the elections for the White House only with paper ballots subjected to the non-radioactive isotope, with a useful time necessary of two or more days to go to vote to be respected, with ballot papers clearly visible to visitors and any checks and with no vote by mail. (Better still if some citizens on TV could have expressed their opinion on why deeper than George Floyd's death is of so many dirty things that happened at the hands of the Deep State from 2016 to November 3, 2020.
Io avrei rifatto le elezioni per la Casa Bianca solo con schede elettorali cartacee sottoposte al isotopo non radioattivo, con un tempo utile necessario di due o più giorni per andare a votare da rispettare, con scrutini delle schede elettorali ben visibili ai visitatori ed a eventuali controlli e con nessun voto per posta. (Meglio ancora se in TV alcuni cittadini avessero potuto esprimere la propria opinione sul perché più profondo della morte di George Floyd è di tante cose sporche che sono accadute per mano dello Stato Profondo dal 2016 al 3 novembre 2020.

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1) -In my opinion, considering the current evolution of the false pandemic in Italy and also in Europe, unfortunately I would say that there is the danger of another lockdown in December. Too many goats undergo the swab that when positive, (over 95% are false positives). Thus, as the government and the entire parliamentary caste wanted from the beginning of 2020, with the support of the goats he revived the small pandemic in the autumn through the many covid-19 outbreaks manufactured with the false positives of the swabs, moreover, in December they end also the pseudo-experiments of voluntary guinea pigs with the covid-19 vaccine which will modify the RNA output and so thanks to the fear and consent for the spread of the virus and thanks to the exasperation for the health emergency that never ends, according to the prediction of the Rothschilds and deviated Rockefeller who want another European lockdown, according to the will of Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Giuseppe Conte and all the majority and opposition, etc., etc. (being all the Italian parties in league with the government and also under the supervision of the strong powers), at the end of December and at the beginning of 2021 many more webbed goats should run immediately to be vaccinated with the new covid-19 vaccine which has 15% of mortality and leaving the survivors sicker and weaker. Apart from all the gossip on television to confuse and divert public opinion from the most important things, the pandemic being not denied by any politician interviewed on TV, the deviated strong powers and puppet governments like the Italian one in fact have only one thought: to reduce the population of over 80% with the next vaccines, with the next small pandemics purposely scattered from the laboratory, through the hospitals less available for other pathologies but too busy for the covid-19 pandemic that does not exist and of course breaking down the " economy to lead many citizens to starve, to turn one against the other and to commit suicide by not seeing a way out.

2) -Perhaps, the government risks even an armed revolt, not only by the citizens, and possibly even a raid on the same government building, if in December the government illegally decrees another lockdown and later also the covid-19 vaccines required. Meanwhile, the government, the president of the republic and all the majority and opposition parties continue to confuse and divide the people, even simmering all the terribly webbed goats. Question: How many deaths were there in the first 20 days of October 2019? So, how many deaths were there in the first 20 days of October 2020? No, because, if the deaths had not increased, yesterday we died from accidents and from many diseases and from old age, while today in 2020 we die mainly or only from covid-19. Statistics should not be skewed and misleading and science should not be biased and conflicted just as it is alongside the Italian government and other puppet governments.

3) -So, through this covid-19 war planned for years and put into execution at the end of 2019, right after the peak of the propaganda on the climate change emergency and plastic emergency in the seas even with the use of the Swedish teenager, the strong powers have convinced all the puppet governments and not only to reduce the population by over 80% to address the problems at a global level but without having the slightest intention of changing the production system and educating the peoples and entrepreneurs of the industries towards behavior and more virtuous and more respectful of the environment, moreover, without groped to encourage policies so that young couples do not give birth to children or at most only one child. For economists it seems inconvenient from an economic point of view to give jobs to many people to remove so much plastic from the seas, coasts and territories, because in the current capitalist world it seems that only the reality of maximum profit and economic advantage exists.

4) - Final moral of the course: with this covid-19 war the international bankers deviated, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the WHO, the most criminal pharmaceutical lobbies, the puppet governments such as the current one of Giuseppe Conte, and not only, try to kill 5 birds with one stone: a) -profit for those who produce and sell masks, vaccines, swabs and serological tests, profit for hospitals thanks to the quarantine of presumed healthy asymptomatics, etc., etc., and profit for the politicians and governments they receive bribes and which are financed by the banking system; b) - acquisition of greater power thanks to the fake pandemic, which cannot be achieved only with money; c) -an imminent pronable more power at the United Nations; d) - to make the path towards the digital future and computers faster, but according to the programs of the NWO and the fourth industrial revolution, (if the system were ok the total digitization would save a lot of paper both for the forms and for the money but the problem is that the system is not ok); e) -but above all, an attempt to reduce the population and reduce the economy worldwide in the hope of restarting the economy with at most half a billion inhabitants on the whole planet.

5) -I in my daily life I can try to live quietly and to take advantage of the good things in life a little even though I recognize that this covid-19 story has made me waste too much time and not only, at the same time, I know that I absolutely must not do: the swab, the serological test, the flu vaccine, the covid-19 vaccine, the 90% mortality vaccine and also respecting as little as possible the dictatorship and the covid-19 rules, including, no mask all 'open, no respect for the next lockdown if there will be in December and no respect for social distance except that I will not find myself in front of a webbed goat obsessed with the spread of viruses. If I am stopped by the agents I will explain what I think about this pandemic pandemic, I will not give them my name having even gone out without the document and I will say that I no longer want to be involved in this scam and covid-19 crime. In the not too remote hypothesis that I feared I could die from abuse of power, I could say: dead for dead, or you kill me as SS making me end up like Cucchi under the orders of the criminal dictator Giuseppe Conte or it is likely that tomorrow, thanks to too many goats who are super obedient today, they could even take me away with a truck to make me disappear if after refusing the vaccine. Of course, I know that it will be difficult for the Italian government tomorrow to impose even the next particularly harmful and deadly vaccines, however if the financiers or the policemen or the carabinieri were too convinced in following the orders, I, while remaining calm and respectful in the limit of the possible, I will give him my opinions, analyzes and more extreme forecasts on the covid-19 topic above all to make him understand how much dissent I have towards the stupid people who follow orders and also giving a lot of emphasis to the fact that I no longer believe in a "comma "of everything that is broadcast on TV.

6) -Only alarmism and misleading information: they are so false on TV that on Telequattro in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region on 18 October I still heard about people to be intubated if sent to intensive care for covid, when it has been more than four months it emerged that intensive care with respirators and oxygen killed many more people. Meanwhile, the government wants to make the health dictatorship even more ruthless at the end of December, the most beautiful period of the year, so that after as many frightened and exasperated people as possible they get sick and kill with the covid-19 vaccine, while the treatments more effective against the corona virus spread on purpose are: serotherapy, azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine and against the auto-immune reaction are anti-coagulants and anti-inflammatories. In fact, the infamous coronavirus is easily treatable for senior doctors, but some doctors in the UK have been threatened with death for treating many patients with hydroxychloroquine. Central and local rulers are almost all in agreement and do everything and more to reduce pooling globally and as if it were the only solution to address the global issues that threaten nature and the existence of mankind.

7) -Not only that, but to conclude, I would have told the agents that even if the population will be reduced by 30% or up to 80% through this covid-19 war, afterwards, the strong powers and puppet governments will still fail. to restart the economy globally, but the whole world will fall into an irreversible and great global tribulation with the assured capitulation for the same New World Order and sure death also for the 5 individuals who today would rule the world from the top "pyramid". In the meantime, let's see if Trump will win in the next election campaign and if afterwards he will actually want and be able to destroy the Deep State and the NWO wanted by the banking system as it seems that Trump has a good team and even some unofficial ally. Just to shoot a percentage, I'd give a 57% chance that Trump and his team really want to destroy NWO and end Federal Reserve slavery, but, a 43% chance that Trump too is possibly a false hope. to mislead even the most aware citizens. The changes will be towards evil or towards good depending on how the kings of the earth will act in interrupting or continuing this covid-19 war that has now triggered the change and when soon the UN will receive more power. Yes, because the propaganda on the front line on the climate change emergency was not enough to shake the nations but now with the covid-19 war, global change has most likely started, however it would be better if the covid-19 extermination is now stopped and at the same time the governments should no longer obey to the economists and to the markets and to the Gross Domestic Product. (In 2020, films about epidemics and even subcutaneous chips abound, yes, as if to psychologically get us used to the upcoming new rules that should be imposed by the New World Order. We are now very close to the greatest power in the UN and we are close to the positive sign of peace and security achieved at global level. But, after that, will there be true peace and security or will we all have to fall into a time of great tribulation first?)

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If the banking-like New World Order lasts until the signal of peace and security and if Trump and his allies lose to the Deep State, barring a hidden league, after the Blue Bean and after the fall of all false religions there, it probably won't. he will never have to talk about God and matters related to religion. At the end of the great tribulation it will be precisely this imposition of an atheistic world and the dissubidience of true Christians at this disposition that will prompt the great architect "G" God to make the Apocalypse pour out on the whole evil system of things.

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(Copiato e incollatto): 👉🏻 Gli occupati nel settore cosiddetto "pubblico" e privato diminuiscono con progressione pressochè geometrica ... pertanto scende inesorabilmente la capacità complessiva di spendere e consumare,

mentre il criminale e falso impagabile debito pubblico e privato aumenta costantemente,

e dovrà essere ripagato da tutti quei CITTADINI FALLIBILI e SCHIAVI che nei loro registri risultano intestatari della "PROPRIETA' PRIVATA" ... poichè sono loro la garanzia, il valore, la merce, il sottostante l'obbligazione la cui emissione dello STATO ha consentito ad esso di ottenere Euro in prestito e debito dal mercato finanziario. Non è questione di se, ma di quando ... e quel quando, caro CITTADINO DIPENDENTE e CITTADINO PARTITA IVA sta arrivando a grandi falcate anche per te.
L'uomo non è fallibile !!! Egli E' Creditore Universale del Creato di cui E' co-Creatore, Custode Guardiano Giardiniere e Beneficiario dei doni presenti ... di Madre Terra. Ora è tempo di scegliere da quale parte stare, altro che scuse da obnubilato con paraocchi che non vuol vedere, disconosce la realtà e s'ostina a dare calci al barattolo in attesa di non si sa cosa ... continuando a delegare la propria vita a PERSONAGGI e MASCHERE e PERSONE vari d'ogni settore (spiritualità, salute, istruzione, politica etc.) La realtà è che nel sistema non c'è la tua salvezza, ma forse fa parte del tuo progetto di Vita, forse è la lezione che devi apprendere ... Ma dimmi, in cuor tuo cosa speri ancora ??? Attendi fiducioso la discesa del nuovo Salvatore e magari s'una scintillante astronave? E daje !!! Il sole splende da un pezzo 😉 l'apocalisse non è più un mistero ed è ora d'uscire da quella caverna ... da quella zona di falso confort generatrice di sofferenza, dolore, precarietà, timori, incertezze, paure, schiavitù, inossidabili catene per la tua mente timorosa, sorda ed incapace d'ascoltare l'Onniscente 

Tutti gli ATTI GIURIDICI DI NASCITA (non atti naturali di nascita) ovvero la REGISTRAZIONE dell'avvenuto attracco d'un nuovo Vascello dall'alto mare (Holy See, legge dell'ammiragliato) attraverso il canale uterino, in porto (diritto marittimo) vengono inviati al Fondo Monetario Internazionale (FMI). Qui viene emessa una polizza assicurativa sulla vita del contenuto del Vascello ... con indennizzo crescente in base al VALORE che ognuno di noi immette nell'economia mondiale in base ai propri studi, talenti, opere e professioni. Noi saremmo i beneficiari di queste polizze, che coprirebbero ampiamente ogni aspetto della nostra vita, lasciandoci Liberi di semplicemente Essere ... Ogni carta valuta, banconota, carta di credito, moneta, moneta virtuale che tocchi od usi vincolata o svincolata da controvalore aureo (gold standard/fiat) è intrisa della Divina Essenza, sudore e sangue di ognuno di noi ...  Dall'antica BABILONIA ad oggi siamo noi il vero Valore !!!

Comfort zone: Guai superare il limite, l'aggressione è certa.

È incredile la mutevolezza dell'umana natura, nel bene come nel male ... Ciò è motivo sufficiente per comprendere ch'è necessario credere in se stessi e generare sulla propria Forza e Potere l'Esistenza e Vita in questo tempo oltremodo "instabile"...👇🏻

Nessuno'', ''mai'', o solo quei pochi che cavalcano il cambiamento sono stati d'accordo con gli individui che hanno detto la Verità. Le menzogne sono dolci. 

Le menzogne fanno comodo, sono convenienti. La Verità non accetta compromessi. Sei tu a dover cambiare, a doverti adattare alla Verità. La Verità non cambia, non si adatta alla tua convenienza. 

Le menzogne si comportano diversamente: sono disposte a cambiare a seconda di quello che fa comodo a te. Per questo le menzogne hanno dominato l'Umanità, mentre la Verità è stata Crocifissa. Le menzogne sono state incoronate e la Verità è stata condannata a morte. La situazione non è affatto cambiata; è sempre la stessa. Basta che tu dica la Verità e tutti sono in collera con te. Basta che tu dica la verità per irritare tutti coloro che vivono comodamente nellebugie.  Hai turbato la loro pace, hai interrotto il loro sonno, hai disturbato i loro dolci sogni. Osho. Fine.

Il mio commento: ecco perché non bisogna vivere di speranza ma ci si dovrebbe liberare del governo corrotto, non ponendo più fiducia a nessun partito essendo tutti d'accordo ed ecco perché ci si dovrebbe liberare del signoraggio bancario e delle lobby dei farmaci, OMS compresa.

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Do the strong powers want to slow down economies, reduce the world's population by at least 80% and then restart economies in all nations? The strong powers did not take into account some side reactions from the peoples, there is also the possibility that after the signal of peace and security, in opposition to the Prince of Peace, "G" God himself could destabilize the system not allowing it to recover, see for example what happened in Jerusalem between 66 and 70 AD and there is also to consider that the world system, although apparently well established, with the current problems on a global level is receiving a blow from irreversible damage with all the lockdowns that have already occurred, that there are in some countries and that will still be there. During the great tribulation after the signal of peace and security, the strong powers and governments will not be able to restart the system with a world population reduced by 80% but not even with a world population reduced by only 10%. Towards the end of the great tribulation there may be a slight period of recovery of the system and a regression of the terror typical of the great tribulation however then the nations led by Satan will want to eliminate the last inconvenient thing that will then preach the adverse judgment against the New World Order. But with this very latest maneuver by the kings of the earth Jehovah God will be prompted to pour out the Revelation that could destroy what is then left of the system in much less than 24 literal hours. Perhaps, as the United Nations receives more power, it could be the last moment of time for the kings of the earth, more united as one man under the leadership of the UN, to practice wisdom and insight. recommended in Psalms 2: 10-12. This third world war covid-19, (without guns and tanks but with much authority granted by Satan), has given transparency to further truths especially to people who have a certain degree of understanding about international politics and the stage of this world. In the meantime, those who know the truth about "G" God well, if they have not yet taken a stand, could take the necessary steps and possibly very quickly to answer 80 questions and to dedicate themselves and get baptized to Jehovah God, but this, as long as there is opportunity to do so.
I poteri forti vogliono rallentare le economie, ridurre la popolazione a livello mondiale almeno del 80% per poi rifar partire le economie in tutte le nazioni? I poteri forti non hanno tenuto conto di alcune reazioni collaterali da parte dei popoli, c'è da considerare anche la possibilità che dopo il segnale di pace e sicurezza, in opposizione al Principe della Pace, "G" Dio stesso potrebbe destabilizzare il sistema non permettendo che si riprenda, vedi ad esempio cosa si verificò a Gerusalemme tra il 66 e il 70 dopo Cristo e c'è anche da considerare che il sistema mondiale, per quanto in apparenza possa sembrare ben stabilito, con gli attuali problemi a livello globale sta ricevendo una mazzata dai danni irreversibili con tutti i lockdown che ci sono già stati, che ci sono in alcune nazioni e che ci saranno ancora. Durante la grande tribolazione dopo il segnale di pace e sicurezza i poteri forti e i governi non riusciranno a far ripartire il sistema ne con una popolazione mondiale ridotta del 80% ma neanche con una popolazione mondiale ridotta solo del 10%. Verso la fine della grande tribolazione potrebbe esserci un lieve periodo di recupero del sistema e un regresso del terrore tipico della grande tribokazione tuttavia allora le nazioni guidate da Satana vorranno eliminare l'ultima cosa scomoda  che allora predichera' il giudizio avverso contro il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale. Ma proprio con questa ultima manovra da parte dei re della terra Geova Dio sarà spinto a versare la Apocalisse che potrebbe distruggere ciò che allora  rimane del sistema in molto meno di 24 ore letterali. Forse, dal momento in cui le Nazioni Unite riceveranno più potere, potrebbe essere l'ultimo istante di tempo utile affinché i re della terra, più uniti come un solo uomo sotto la direttiva dell'ONU, possano mettere in pratica la saggezza e la perspicacia consigliata in Salmi 2: 10-12. Questa terza guerra mondiale covid-19, (senza fucili e carro armati ma con molta autorità concessa da Satana), ha dato trasparenza ad ulteriori verità sopratutto alle persone che hanno un certo grado di intendimento sulla politica internazionale e sulla scena di questo mondo. Intanto chi conosce bene la verità intorno a "G" Dio se non ha preso ancora posizione potrebbe fare i passi necessari e possibilmente molto alla svelta per rispondere ad 80 domande e per dedicarsi e battezzarsi a Geova Dio, ma questo, fin che ci sarà la possibilità di farlo.

The implementation of Psalms 2: 10-12 by the kings of the earth most likely should have involved the renunciation of the signal of peace and security and the voluntary renunciation of the strong powers and kings of the earth from the sovereignty of the New World Order, in how much, only Jehovah's commissioned Messsia can bring and ensure long-lasting and forever peace and security. - Meantime, how could society be better within a nation if everyone thought of others even in a disinterested way, so could the international community or society among nations be much better if each nation were sincerely concerned about helping other nations even without interests collateral and even more so if there was a strictly necessary period of change in which all nations should collaborate and support each other.
La messa in pratica di Salmi 2: 10-12 da parte dei re della terra molto probabilmente avrebbe dovuto comportare la rinuncia del segnale di pace e sicurezza e la rinuncia volontaria dei poteri forti e dei re della terra alla sovranità del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, in quanto, solo il Messsia incaricato da Geova può portare e garantire pace e sicurezza di lunga durata e per sempre. Nel frattempo, c
ome potrebbe essere migliore la società al interno di una nazione se ognuno pensasse agli altri anche in modo disinteressato, cosi, potrebbe esser molto meglio la comunità internazionale o la società tra le nazioni se ogni nazione si preocupasse sinceramente di aiutare le altre nazioni anche senza interessi collaterali ed ancor più se ci fosse un periodo di cambiamento strettamente necessario i cui dovrebbero collaborare e sostenersi a vicenda tutte le nazioni.

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Potete visionare ed eventualmente condividere uno o più di questi post siti nel profilo della mia pagina di Facebook? Link del profilo:

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Io non ho tante visualizzazioni, "mi piace" e commenti, perché non ho voce in capitolo, tuttavia ho avuto molti blocchi di funzioni dalla dittatura che esiste anche su Facebook in parte anche per mano di quelli che sono pagati per offendere per poi segnalare. Io ho avuto anche due blocchi per 30 giorni e adesso pur essendo finito l'ultimo blocco di 30 giorni posso pubblicare e commentare ma non posso condividere i miei post nei gruppi a cui mi sono iscritto o che sono stato invitato ad iscrivermi.

Quali sono alcune delle verità più scomode ma che forse posoono non essere state quelle più determinanti nel farmi subire innumerevoli blocchi dal regime su Facebook Italia nel 2020?

I poteri forti e i governi fantoccio vogliono abbattere l'economia in ogni paese, vogliono ridurre la popolazione fin oltre l"80% attraverso questa guerra covid-19 comprendente più situazioni distruttive, e dopo, i banchieri internazionali pensano pure di poter far riavviare la economia del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale dal 2025 in poi. In questo percorso è compreso anche molta più autorità che fra poco verrà data alle Nazioni Unite, anche se sotto alcuni aspetti questa predizione può apparire troppo inverosimile.

Inoltre, il corona virus covi sars 2 è stato manipolato e sparso di proposito dal laboratorio cinese con la collaborazione della Francia, dello stato profondo negli Stati Uniti, del governo e della OMS. Lo spargimento del virus è avvenuto non solo tra persona e persona ma anche attraverso o con la facilitazione dei vaccini per l'influenza somministrati a fine 2019 sopratutto alle persone anziane da eliminare, proprio come si espresse la Christine Lagarde della BCE a fine 2019 e/o a inizio 2020. Il vaccino covid-19 oltre a far ammalare la gente avrà fino al 15% di mortalità e quello sucessivo fin oltre il 90% di mortalità. 

Un'altra verità scomoda è che non ci sarà un mondo migliore per pochi sopravvisuti sotto il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale ma tutto il mondo cadrà in una grande e irreversibile tribolazione che alla fine terminerà con la totale capitolazione dello stesso Nuovo Ordine Mondiale e con la morte di tutti coloro che lo avranno sostenuto fino alla fine, compresi i 5 o più individui che oggi governano il mondo dalla sommità della "piramide".

Ovviamente, ci sarà una notevole riduzione della popolazione entro la fine della grande tribolazione, tuttavia nei prossimi 5 anni i poteri forti e i governi fantoccio come quello di Giuseppe Conte probabilmente non riusciranno ad ottenere una riduzione della popolazione fin oltre l'80%, anche se fra poco noi cittadini potremo cadere in un lockdown SS ancor prima che finisca il 2020, in quanto, sempre più persone sono contrarie a farsi vaccinare con i prossimi vaccini, compreso quello per "l'influenza". 

Quindi: no tampone, no test sierologico, no vaccino per l'influenza e no ai prossimi tra i più terribili e più mortali vaccini, ed inoltre, più possibile dissubidienza civile ai DPCM criminali e illegali del governo Conte per una piccola pandemia che da maggio non esiste più.

Il governo dice di preoccuparsi per la nostra salute ma in realtà vuole sterminarci facendo leva sulla stupidità della maggioranza. Ma, sia tutta la maggioranza e sia tutta la opposizione, dei partiti politici, sono in combutta con il governo, ad esempio, lo stesso Matteo Salvini che giustamente critica il governo in tema di immigrazione e sbarchi e in tema dei soldi che non arrivano, dopo, però, non fa altro che dare credibilità ad una pandemia che non esiste più dicendo che il governo fa entrare gli immigrati che poi non rispettano la quarantena e che ci spargono i virus nel paese. 

Di fatto, si è trattato di una piccola pandemia che in marzo e aprile ha fatto meno morti di una normale influenza e considerando il fatto che il governo ha fatto aumentare il numero dei morti imponendo il regime covid sui medici stessi ed affinché morissero più persone possibile in ospedale causa i respiratori che con l'ossigeno hanno bruciato i polmoni ai pazienti in terapia intensiva, ossia, coloro che essendo più intossicati avevano sviluppato una grave reazione auto-immune in conseguenza del corona virus o (di un batterio). 

Domanda: i morti nel 2020 fino alla fine di ottobre sono stati più numerosi o meno numerosi o crica eguali rispetto ai decessi avvenuti nei primi dieci mesi del 2019?

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È inutile e fuorviante discutere sui dettagli dei DPCM quando il governo pur dicendo di non voler un altro lockdown di fatto ci sta preparando e abituando a un altro lockdown per abbattere gradualmente la economia, affinché il paese venga venduto a prezzo stracciato, affinché dopo più cittadini ridotti alla fame accettino i prossimi vaccini covid sempre più dannosi e mortali, ecc, ecc. 

Tutto questo percorso ha lo scopo primario di tentare di ridurre la popolazione di oltre l'80% e nel contempo, (come carburante per mandare avanti questa guerra covid-19), per promuovere i buoni affari solo per le banche e per alcune grandi aziende per cui il governo sta lavorando, ma ovviamente, essendoci tanti altri governi fantoccio che sono criminali e al servizio delle lobby private tanto quasi come il governo italiano. 

Tutte le cure efficaci per il covid sars 2 sono state ignorate dal governo italiano Conte PD-5S in quanto gli elementi nocivi come il ministro Speranza, (sebbene adottino la strategia di apparire calmi e preoccupati per la nostra salute), di fatto, ci vogliono ammalati, mortti in grande numero e schiavi per quei pochi che fossero sopravvisuti. 

Tuttavia, non bastano ogni giorno le manifestazioni di piazza pacifiche e su larga scala, ma, ci vuole una dissubidienza civile ai DPCM incostituzionali e almeno il non pagare tutte le tasse e tutti i pizzi e tutte le multe almeno tra tutte quelle che non attingono alla fonte dei nostri introiti. 

Il governo volendo costringerci a portare le mascherine anche all'aperto, ci vuole far pagare anche l'aria che respiriamo e ci vuole portare alla ubbidienza più folle e più incondizionata che si possa mai concepire. Ovviamente ci vorrebbe anche un'altra azione molto drastica e molto ben organizzata per fermare il governo, la maggioranza e la opposizione che di fatto sono tutti in combuta.

Salvo quando io entro in un locale privato, non ho più intenzione da tanto tempo di ubbidire alle regole dei DPCM del governo che è al servizio del sistema bancario, farmaceutico e delle multinazionali. Se la guerra covid-19 avrà termine, dopo i poteri forti e i governi fantoccio non riusciranno comunque a far ripartire la economia del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale a livello globale, inoltre, i poteri forti e i governi non riusciranno a garantire pace e sicurezza a livello globale attraverso il controllo su ogni cittadino con le tecnologie ma il mondo intero, (pur non cadendo in una guerra di nazione contro nazione), cadrà in un irreversibile e grande tribolazione fino all'annientamento totale dello stesso Nuovo Ordine Mondiale e di tutti coloro che lo avranno sostenuto fino alla scadenza del tempo utile che, grosso modo, dovrebbe coincidere con il termine del falso processo di pace e sicurezza iniziato in segreto nel 1913.

(Forse al momento meno danni causano i gruppi privati del commercio che si adattano al cambiamento, vedi Amazon, tuttavia i piccoli commercianti tendono comunque a soccombere sia per i lockdown che per la concorrenza delle vendite attraverso internet Molti dipendenti pubblici non si preoccupano perché continuano ad avere lo stipendio anche se non lavorano o se lavorano molto di meno e inoltre alcuni individui e aziende guadagnano tanto attraverso questa guerra covid-19 e nel contempo gli danno sostegno diretto o indiretto, ma, quando il sistema comincerà a crollare irreversibilmente anche gli introiti di tutte queste persone e aziende, gli ospedali compresi, verrano a meno, non solo, ma, quando il sistema non darà più i suoi prodotti, i soldi e i preziosi verranno gettati nelle pubbliche piazze. La quarta rivoluzione industriale per il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale non riuscirà a prendere il volo.)

Vicini di casa e persone stupide si mettono in disputa contro i vicini di casa e con altre persone per cose banali o per fantasmi che neanche non esistono, quando invece, dovremo essere più uniti per combattere contro il vero nemico.

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Possibile che in tanti scambiano ancora questa dittatura sanitaria in emergenza sanitaria?

Probabilmente invece dei vaccini covid-19 obbligatori imposti in modo diretto, come strategia più efficacie e stile Conte Dracula, possibile che in tantissimi non capiscono ancora che i poteri forti bancari e delle lobby dei farmaci e i governi fantoccio, probabilmente imporrano i vaccini dannosi e mortali covid-19-21 offrendo una sorta di reddito di cittadinanza e di pass entro il 2021, quando già in giugno potrebbe essere fatta totale "tabula rasa" della economia non globalizzata?

Possibile che in tanti siano ancora senza senso per la causa in comune, sordi, ciechi e/o menefreghisti verso chi gli sta avvertendo in merito al piano covid-19 per il controllo con intelligenza artificiale e la riduzione della popolazione fin oltre l'80%? 

Ed anche, ciechi e addormentati riguardo il percorso versi reset monetario a livello globale e sul fatto che i poteri bancari cercheranno di eliminare tutto il contante per sostituirlo ad un conto registrato nei chip sottocutanei?

Sebbene i poteri forti non riusciranno ad eliminare del tutto il contante. Quanto più tardi, i preziosi e il denaro verrnno buttati nelle pubbliche piazze quando il sistema si sarà del tutto inceppato ben oltre l"odierno piano dei poteri forti che durante la grande tribolazione cominceranno a perdere irreversibilmente il controllo sulla situazione.

E possibile che tanti cittadini osservino le regole con totale menefreghismo del futuro a breve termine che potrebbe coinvolgere tutti quanti noi?

Possibile che ancor oggi in novembre, dopo quasi un anno di dittatura sanitaria e dopo tanti anni di dittatura finanziaria, tanti cittadini credono ancora a quello che viene trasmesso in TV e siano ancora ubbidienti a tutte le regole, anche se assurde e dannose, imposte dalla voce della autorità?

Ed inoltre, possibile che in Italia e in altri paesi una intera regione non si organizzi alla totale dissubidienza ai decreti illegittimi del governo con la partecipazione e congiunta collaborazione di sindaci, politici, titolari, forze dell'ordine locali e cittadini consapevoli e contrari a questa dittatura sanitaria?

Possibile che in tanti credano ancora alle innutili, pericolose e controproducenti manifestazioni di piazza più o meno pacifiche che siano?

Possibile che in tanti non abbiano compreso che pressoché anche tutta la opposizione è in combutta con il governo sopratutto per dividere, per confondere e per facilitare l'imperare del governo e quindi anche per impedire ai cittadini la pienza comprensione di questo contesto politico e sanitario covid-19 che stiamo vivendo da quasi un anno e di quale sarà la diabolica evoluzione di questo contesto covid-19-21?

Come ho potuto osservare perfino da TeleQuattro, una televisione di Trieste, possibile che anche tanti politici locali non abbiano capito a fondo e/o abbiano abbastanza capito ma credano e sostengano questo crimine contro l'umanità e come se fosse l'unica soluzione per salvare il pianeta e l'umanità dai cambiamenti climatici, dalla plastica nei mari e da tutte le altre problematiche che minacciano la superficie del pianeta e la nostra esistenza? Si, come se la riduzione drastica della popolazione e la quarta rivoluzione industriale fosse l'unica e la migliore soluzione. E pure, come ho osservato in TV, venendo subito bastonati tutti i politici e i sindaci se solo osano un po' ad opporsi alla odierna dittatura sanitaria od a metterla soltanto in discussione.

Possibile che ci siano tanti dibattiti sulle tre zone in cui è stata divisa l'Italia e che non si parli in TV delle cose più importanti che stanno per accadere?

Possibile che tanti cittadini e perfino studenti in medicina approvano e lodano la politica criminale e in conflitto di interessi del governatore Luca Zaia e di altri come lui che sono in perfetta combutta, con il governo, con le lobby dei farmaci e con Bill Gates? 

Ed in fine, possibile che tanti governi si siano lasciati comprare e credano ancora alla quarta rivoluzione industriale e al Nuovo Ordine Mondiale come se fosse promessa certa di un mondo migliore per pochi sopravissuti?

Anche se questa guerra covid-19-21 fosse portata a termine con riduzione della popolazione dal 40% al 85%, dopo, i poteri forti e i governi fantoccio non riusciranno a far ripartire la economia, ma, il mondo intero cadrà in una irreversibile e grande tribolazione ed inoltre alla fine ci sarà spada e la totale capitolazione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.

I fautori primari del N.O.M. avranno tolto la felicità sia ai popoli che a se stessi, salvo che, ai veri cristiani a cui si può collegare il negoziato di Salmi 2: 10-12 che sarebbe stato utile ai re della terra, (se messo in pratica in tempo utile e se essendo alcuni di essi recuperabili), per poter uscire dal dominio di Satana che oggi sta ingannando e portando alla distruzione perfino gli stessi Rothschild e Rockefeller deviati.

Se io potessi parlare con Donald Trump, gli consiglierei vivamente la totale e determinata messa in pratica di Salmi 2: 10-12 e pure la fonte da cui Trump e altri governi ok potrebbero ricevere una guida per riuscire a mettere in pratica questo "negoziato" rivolto da Dio agli odierni re della terra. Dio vede e può provvedere perfino capovolgendo delle gravi situazioni in apparenza irreversibili, inoltre, non è detto che Trump possa vincere nel 2024 sotto l'imperare del Deep State e nel 2024 l'umanità potrebbe aver già subito gran parte dello sterminio ed il sistema potrebbe esser già compromesso in modo irreversibile.

Fra poco i governi e i popoli rischiano di trovarsi sotto la direttiva delle Nazioni Unite supervisionare dal diabolico Nuovo Ordine Mondiale e dai criminali governi fantoccio, anziché che dall'ONU supervisionato da dei bravi re della terra che forse ancora oggi sono in tempo utile per mettere in pratica alla meglio il negoziato descritto in Salmi 2: 10-12.

(Nel parlare sulla messa in pratica di Salmi 2: 10-12 e sulla necessità di un eventuale processo segreto per dimostrare quale è la vera religione e quindi quale è il vero "schiavo fedele" da cui i re della terra avrebbero potuto ricevere consiglio e guida sul come mettere in pratica questo "negoziato", io non mi riferisco alla eliminazione di tutte le false religioni che verrà comunque sospinta dall'Onnipotente al tempo stabilito ossia quando "G" Dioi influirà sull'ONU e sul intimo dei governanti ad agire contro Babilonia la Grande. Semplicemente, affinché possa esser considerato seriamente questo "negoziato" dai re della terra e sul come metterlo in pratica, visto che, i tempi di giudizio e il giudizio stesso sui vari elementi di questo sistema spetta solo allo stesso vero Dio Onnipotente e Creatore di tutte le cose, avendo Geova dato parte della sua energia per trasformarla in materia, in varie forme di energia, in varie forme di vita spirituali e materiali. Quindi, nel esprimere questa idea e soluzione, non ci sarebbe stato nessun affronto e nessuna presunta mancanza di rispetto verso le culture dei leader politici dei paesi islamici e/o della Ruussa, ecc, ecc.)

"G" Dio che è il vero architetto dell'universo, (non Satana il Diavolo che si spaccia come tale), potrebbe aiutare Donald Trump a capovolgere la situazione e affinché possa vincere la causa legale presso la Corte Suprema contro i brogli elettorali a favore di Joe Biden organizzati dal Deep State. È vero che durante la Apocalisse l'odierno sistema politico ed economico verrà comunque sostituito con il regno di Dio, Daniele 2: 44, (ed è probabile che molti cittadini non avrebbero ubbidito volontariamente ai bravi re della terra ma tanti altri si), tuttavia se la guerra covid19-21 fosse interrotta adesso o/a brevissimo termine e se con il più potere all'ONU i re della terra avessero messo subito in pratica la saggezza consigliata in Salmi 2: 10-12, dopo, la grande tribolazione avrebbe potuto essere più morbida e alla fine più persone avrebbero potuto soppravivere alla Apocalisse, il versamento del giudizio di Dio che porrà termine all'attuale sistema di cose e che potrebbe avvenire in molto meno di 24 ore letterali, proprio al termine della grande tribolazione. Questa è la situazione migliore ed in alternativa al Nuovo Ordine Mondiale ateo, senza valori, senza felicità e puramente di stampo satanico e senza futuro.

Intanto al tempo presente e nei prossimi mesi, i poteri forti e i governi fantoccio stanno distruggendo le piccole imprese, i bar, le ristorazioni, le palestre, gli artigiani e tutti coloro che non dipendono direttamente dalla globalizzazione, questo con ovvie motivazioni facili fa comprendere per chi ha conoscenza e ha capito.

(Se il 13 dicembre non inizierà il lungo lockdown, allora il governo può aver fatto qualche passo in dietro, adesso essendoci di mezzo anche il Consiglio di Stato contro il governo e non solo. Tuttavia, se il 13 dicembre non parte il lockdown ma se invece il prossimo lockdown partisse qualche giorno o qualche settimana più tardi, oltre ai crescenti problemi a cui sta andando in contro il governo, potrebbe pure trattarsi di una manovra del governo per screditare i così detti complottisti in quanto tra questi ci sono pure avvocati e medici di rilievo.)

Adesso a fine 2020, sta per essere dato il via ad un altro lockdown che potrebbe iniziare il 13 dicembre e che potrebbe durare quasi fino alla estate 2021. Tutti i cittadini e titolari di piccole imprese avrebbero dovuto fare dissubidienza civile ai DPCM covid-19 del governo, questo nonostante che una parte delle forze dell'ordine e dei militari probabilmente ubbidiranno agli ordini proprio come fecero gli SS al tempo di Hitler ed inoltre nonostante che molti medici incitino al lockdown non avendo compreso a fondo e/o essendosi venduti a questa truffa e crimine contro l'umanita covid-19 che sta mandando sempre più in scompenso e in tilt la sanità e gli ospedali in conflitto di interessi. Per giunta, ci vorrebbe molta dissubidienza civile ai dpcm del governo nonostante che pure molti cittadini caproni e stupidi osservino ancira le regole di questa emergenza sanitaria e pretendono pure che tutti gli altri cittadini le osservino facendo pure la spia alle autorità se qualche consapevole di questa dittatura non osserva le regole. Speranza, Zaia e Conte non si preoccupano per la nostra salute ma ci vogliono ammalati e morti al più presto, vedi anche tutte le cure e le linee guida efficaci contro il virus Sars-Cov-2 più virulento in febbraio, marzo e aprile, ma, che il ministro Speranza ha rigettato e cercato di sminuire.

(Copiata e incollata): una analisi di Giulio Tarro, il virolgo di fama internazionale che non si è fatto comprare:


Giulio Tarro (virologo di fama internazionale):
"A brevissimo lo Stivale si colorerà tutto di rosso.
E durerà fino a maggio.
La notizia del vaccino serve per farci accettare il lockdown, nella convinzione che a brevissimo saremo liberi.
Invece non arriverà nessun vaccino.
Almeno non prima dell’estate.
Il lockdown durerà fino a maggio.
Giusto il tempo di portare a termine l’operazione.
Una volta che l’intero sistema economico sarà collassato, la grande speculazione finanziaria passerà all’incasso e si porterà via tutto a prezzi stracciati.
Come da copione.
Pochi di noi rimarranno in piedi.
Il “Salviamo il Natale” è il nuovo “Durerà solo 15 giorni” di marzo.
Serve per far entrare il bestiame nel recinto (o meglio, nel mattatoio). Dal quale non uscirà più.
Il nostro sistema sanitario è di nuovo in ginocchio.
Non per il virus.
Per la nostra totale disorganizzazione (organizzata).
I complici nostrani di questo scempio epocale hanno fatto di tutto affinché la situazione si ripetesse.
Hanno fatto sparire LA CLOROCHINA.
Non hanno potenziato LA RETE DI MEDICINA TERRITORIALE per curare i pazienti a casa e abbattere il modello ospedale-centrico, totalmente fallimentare contro questo virus.
Non hanno ufficializzato, ancora oggi, un valido ed efficace PROTOCOLLO NAZIONALE DI TERAPIA DOMICILIARE, nonostante i farmaci che smorzano sul nascere le tempeste citochiniche (evitando che il paziente giunga in ospedale in condizioni critiche) siano disponibili da oltre sette mesi.
Il problema non è il virus.
Il problema è la nostra disorganizzazione (meticolosamente) organizzata.
Il resto l’ha fatto come al solito LA NOSTRA “INFORMAZIONE” che ha criminosamente contribuito a mettere in difficoltà il sistema sanitario generando una massa incontrollabile di persone terrorizzate che al primo starnuto ora, comprensibilmente, si riversano negli ospedali.
La paura è stata indotta, ingigantita e strumentalizzata.
Hanno scaricato la colpa sulla movida estiva o su qualunque cosa gli capitasse a tiro.
Invece di prendersela con chi (pur avendo tempo e strumenti) non è stato in grado di (non ha voluto) permettere che la gente vivesse la propria vita in piena libertà, senza il bisogno di alcuna restrizione.
I nostri medici, ancora una volta le vittime principali, oggi invocano il lockdown.
Si vedono arrivare di tutto, senza il filtro determinante (volutamente castrato) della medicina territoriale.
Se a marzo ciò si poteva comprendere, oggi va condannato e perseguito penalmente (a partire dai vertici del Ministero della Sanità).
La paura indotta e strumentalizzata ha fatto perdere la ragione a molti di noi.
Molti sono stati portati addirittura ad invocare le restrizioni.
Molti si indignano e denunciano se vedono per strada persone che compiono gesti quotidiani, naturali, umani.
Sembra di essere tornati ai tempi di Goebbels che indottrinò l’intero popolo tedesco.
Mentre le nostre forze dell’ordine non si oppongono per nulla.
Come i nazisti che a Norimberga dissero che avevano solo seguito degli ordini, che era il loro lavoro, che avevano rispettato delle regole, anche se assurde.
Tutto questo però non ci deve assolvere dalle nostre responsabilità.
Ci stanno portando via tutto.
Il tempo prima di tutto.
Poi la libertà, il lavoro, la dignità e le gioie della vita.
Se non reagiamo, in maniera pacifica ma con clamorosa partecipazione, la colpa più grande rimarrà la nostra.

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La televisione è uno schifo e non va ascoltata per quanto riguarda i telegiornali e i dibattiti. La televisione ci manipola anche attraverso i film e quindi quando si guarda un film, a parte il divertimento e lo stato d'animo con cui lo guardiamo, noi dovremo stare attenti a non farci manipolare. In tema covid-19 la televisione a volte può anche dirci la verità o una mezza verità ma alla fine con il numero falso e gonfiato dei morti di oltre cento volte la TV tende sempre a far allarmismo e a farci credere a solo a quello che il governo vuole farci credere sia per conflitti di interessi che per sterminarci secondo le regole della quarta rivoluzione industriale e la guerra covid-19. 

Ma, positivamente questa guerra covid-19 ha pure contribuito a rendere trasparente se un politico è corrotto oppure non lo è ed inoltre se un cittadino è cretino o è consapevole e fino a che punto lo è. La televisione è uno dei maggiori mezzi per controllare le masse e può essere utile solo se ciò che guardi in TV lo guardi in piena consapevolezza di ciò che è vero, mezza verità o falso. La televisione è comoda e facile da guardare e da ascoltare e i regimi e tutte le false democrazie la usano per manipolare le masse e adesso in clima covid-19 ancor più. 

Per concludere, il nonnismo nelle caserme esiste o esisteva durante il servizio militare obbligatorio ma sembra che avesse un limite, mentre invece, sembra che la stupidità e la deficienza non abbia un limite.

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Donald Trump ha avvisato in anticipo che ci sarebbero stati dei brogli elettorali incredibili e così è stato. Tuttavia Donald Trump ha molte prove per poter dimostrare la verità.

Se questa follia non verrà fermata cadremo nella totale dittatura anche a livello personale mai avventa finn'ora in tutta la storia dell'umanità e con molte regole insensate da rispettare e con i caproni che hanno paura e che fanno la spia affinché tali regole vengano rispettate.

I film ci hanno abituato all'idea di una pandemia globale e adesso dal 2020 in poi delle piccole pandemie controllate ma globali potrebbero favorire grossi affari, la riduzione della pipolazione sopratutto attraverso i vaccini e la crisi dell'economia e negli ospedali, in totale e avvilente dittatura sanitaria con l'appogio dei cittadini stupidi e degli SS che eseguono gli ordini. Inoltre con il super controllo sulle persone avrebbe avuto termine del falaso processo di pace e sicurezza che ci avrebbe portato per direttissima alla peggiore e alla più devastante grande ed irreversibile tribolazione. Se le cose volgessero per il peggio, il tutto verrà fermato appena dal versamento della denuncia da parte di "G" Dio.

(Il nonnismo nelle caserme esisteva ma aveva un limite mentre la stupidità di coloro che osservano le regole e che portano la mascherina non ha un limite e sta favorendo pure l'avvanzare della dittatura sanitaria è alla condanna alla schiavitù e a morte per tutti noi. Questo esseri paurosi e non pensanti non meritano neanche di vivere e sone così stupidi da portare la mascherina perfino isolati e su un passo in montagna ad oltre 2000 metri in Val Gardena.)

Probabilmente, oltre ad un altro processo di Norimberga per crimini contro l'umanità a livello globale potrebbe esserci un blackout di tre o più giorni di carattere militare in molte nazioni e con la cattura di molti politici e funzionari pubblici corrotti anche in Italia. Probabilmente e io spero che al più presto la rivalsa di Trump sia molto vicina e magari che dopo pure i cittadini possano far estendere la giustizia perfino su tutti i giornalisti che hanno dato appoggio al terrorismo mediatico covid e alla propagando pro vaccini.

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1)-Nel medioevo in che modo il Conte Dracula risolse il problema dei poveri? Non gli obbligò ma gli invitò a venire ad una grande cena in un granaio e mentre i poveri stavano mangiando il Conte fece chiudere le porte e fece bruciare il granaio.

2)-I governi e i parlamenti fantoccio, finanziati dal Fondo Monetario Internazionale e sotto la guida dei poteri forti bancari e delle lobby dei farmaci, attraverso la dittatura sanitaria e attraverso almeno altri tre lockdown, molto peggiori del primo in marzo e aprile 2020, metteranno in ginocchio la economia dei propri paesi invitando tutti i cittadini a prendere il vaccino covid-19 e covid-21 con la promessa di un reddito universale e il permesso di viaggiare. Per così dire, non sarà il vaccino covid-19-21 obbligatorio per tutti, ma, a molte categorie sociali cadute nella povertà sarà un invito alla vaccinazione covid allo stile "invito a cena da parte del Conte Dracula", in quanto, chi si lascerà vaccinare per indigenza e/o chi cederà al ricatto di vaccinarsi per non perdere un lavoro indispensabile allo Stato, andrà incontro a indebolimento, ad ammalarsi ed a morte sicura superiore al 90% su tutti quelli che si saranno fatti iniettare questi vaccini.

3)-I dissidenti che rifiuteranno il vaccino dopo aver subito delle restrizioni dovrebbero gradualmente esser mandati in dei campi di concentramento. (Mal che vada, se questa follia e crimine contro l'umanità non verrà fermato, io rifiutero' sia le restrizioni che i due vaccini covid, che poi, con la scusa della sperimentazione potrebbero essere più di due). 

4)-Sia i "dissidenti" che non accetteranno mai il vaccino e sia tutti coloro che accetteranno "volontariamente" il vaccino covid, perderanno e/o rinunceranno ad ogni proprietà privata.

5)-I danni genetici e le malattie causate dai prossimi vaccini saranno attribuiti a un altra più grave pandemia per nascondere le prove di questo crimine contro l'umanità che dovrebbe ridurre la popolazione fin oltre l'80%.

6)-Di fronte ai criminali governi fantoccio ci sarà la scusa di aver dovuto spopolare così tanto il pianeta per garantire un mondo migliore a pochi sopravvisuti, mentre, ai sopravvisuti verrà detto che sarà stata una terza pandemia la causa di tanta mortalità e cercando di fare intendere che i governi si erano sempre preoccupati della salute dei propri cittadini.

7)-Ma, ammesso che questa guerra covid-19 e 21 fosse portata a termine ed ammesso che ci sarà uno spopolamento del 40% o superiore al 80%, il reset monetario e la quarta rivoluzione industriale falliranno e il mondo intero cadrà in una irreversibile, devastante e grande tribolazione che forse ha già avuto inizio adesso nel 2020.

8)-Ma, prima l'ONU deve ancora ricevere più potere, poi deve essere terminato il falso processo di pace e sicurezza iniziato in segreto nel 1913 ed inoltre dopo il falso segnale di pace e sicurezza e la instaurazione di un mondo ateo, dovrebbe iniziare la grande tribolazione in senso pieno ma alla fine di questa anche il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale andrà incontro alla totale e definitiva capitolazione.

9)-Non per caso, a fine estate intorno al 21 settembre 2019 a New York c'è stato il culmine della propaganda sulla emergenza cambiamenti climatici e plastica nei mari, attraverso le manifestazioni di piazza con Greta e i giovani ed inoltre con i 60 leader politici alle Nazioni Unite, culmine che poi è continuato a inizio autunno 2019, dopo di che, non per caso pochi mesi più tardi intorno a febbraio 2020 è ufficialmente scoppiata la terza guerra mondiale senza bombe e senza fucili covid-19, non di nazione contro nazione, ma, dei commercianti viaggiatori e dei re della terra già uniti come un solo uomo contro i popoli stessi al interno delle nazioni, essendo il covid-19 il segno premonitore non di un mondo migliore per pochi sopravvisuti sotto il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale ma dell'avvicinarsi irreversibile della grande tribolazione e del "11 settembre 2001" del intero sistema politico ed economico, proprio, come lo fu l'11 settembre 2001 per le Torri Gemelle.

10)-Cliccate su questi due link e leggete tutto il contenuto, in quanto, è troppo importante. Più di noi si opporranno legalmente e in altri modi, più difficile sarà per i poteri forti e i governi fantoccio portare a termine la guerra covid-19-21 secondo i piani e i risultati desiderati. Tuttavia, comunque vadano le cose, anche se nel peggiore dei modi, ci sarà un limite oltre il quale le armi dei cospiratori primari non avranno sucesso. (Del resto, sembra che qualcosa del genere "doveva" verificarsi riguardo il marchio della bestia e che alcuni non avrebbero potuto comprare e vendere, inoltre, il più potere alle Nazioni Unite deve ancora avvenire pur stando per terminare il falso processo di pace e quindi qualcosa che acceleri gli eventi sembra proprio che doveva verificarsi nella realtà internazionale ma non per questo dando ragione al seme di Satana).

I nuovi lockdown servono per il programma del Reset del debito mondiale

Il piano include reddito di base universale e requisiti di vaccinazione

I leader mondiali si stanno preparando per una seconda e terza ondata di casi di covid-19 e stanno  perfezionando le loro strategie di lockdown che saranno implementate alla fine del 2020 e nel 2021. La loro pianificazione implica lo sviluppo di una nuova economia mondiale, che introduce il fascismo medico come uno stile di vita permanente.

Un informatore canadese si è fatto avanti con i piani. L’informatore fa parte del Comitato di pianificazione strategica del Partito liberale canadese, che opera sotto la direzione dell’Ufficio del Primo Ministro canadese (PMO).

Hanno progettato grazie ai blocchi la povertà di massa e continueranno a indebolire la sicurezza finanziaria e alimentare delle persone, rendendole più vulnerabili e alla fine rendendole più disperate nell’accettare la nuova economia mondiale e le sue esigenze fisiche.

La nuova economia mondiale include reddito di base universale e requisiti di vaccinazione

La nuova economia mondiale include l’introduzione di una valuta digitale, un reddito di base universale, requisiti di vaccini per i viaggi e “The World Debt Reset Program”.
Un ciclo continuo di blocchi fino al 2021 porterà alla fine a un collasso economico internazionale.
I governi di tutto il mondo offriranno ai cittadini un’allettante via d’uscita promettendo di eliminare tutti i debiti personali (mutui, prestiti, carte di credito, ecc.)

Negli Stati Uniti questa idea è già stata implementata nel 2020 attraverso il Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), un programma di prestito garantito che condona il debito se il mutuatario segue istruzioni specifiche. Sotto un imminente collasso economico, tutti i prestiti saranno condonati se il cittadino accetta di partecipare al “Programma mondiale di ripristino del debito, finanziato dal Fondo monetario internazionale” (FMI). Per ottenere la remissione di tutti i debiti, i cittadini dovranno rinunciare alla proprietà di qualsiasi proprietà privata, accettare un reddito di base universale e iscriversi al programma di vaccinazione covid-19 e covid-21.

Con l’inizio dei lockdown localizzati e delle sanzioni economiche, ai cittadini sarà consentito di viaggiare e riunirsi in stadi e luoghi pubblici con tutte le loro precedenti libertà, purché forniscano un documento di identità che dimostri che sono stati vaccinati con tutte le vaccinazioni covid-19 e covid-21 obbligatorie.
In Canada, vengono installati campi di detenzione in tutte le province e territori  per costringere le persone a conformarsi ai nuovi piani. L’informatore canadese ha rivelato che questo ID digitale legato al vaccino verrà indicato in Canada come HealthPass canadese. 

L’informatore avverte che i leader mondiali in Australia, Stati Uniti, Regno Unito, Canada e Nuova Zelanda spingeranno per un “blocco secondario completo e totale molto più rigoroso delle restrizioni della prima e della seconda fase di lockdown localizzati”. Questi nuovi blocchi saranno spinti da novembre 2020 a gennaio 2021 aumentando i test covid-19 e il conteggio dei casi.

La tirannia del lockdown del 2020 è solo l’inizio di un piano molto più ampio

I prossimi piani di lockdown sono congruenti con il piano “Great Reset” delineato dal World Economic Forum e dall’Event 201, entrambi finanziati e promossi dalla Fondazione Bill e Melinda Gates, che cerca la  conformità mondiale con gli esperimenti sui vaccini  e la modificazione genetica degli esseri umani. La Commissione consultiva nazionale covid-19 del Primo Ministro (istituita in blocco nel marzo 2020) sta ora consigliando e spingendo il PMO canadese e il Dipartimento dei Primi Ministri e del Gabinetto di Canberra a realizzare questi piani totalitari.

L’informatore ha detto che almeno il trenta per cento dei membri del comitato si oppone fermamente a questi piani, ma le loro voci vengono soffocate. È stato reso “molto chiaro che nulla fermerà i risultati pianificati”, ha detto l’informatore.

L’ufficio del Primo Ministro canadese ha definito il piano, che include un blocco secondario entro dicembre 2020, che implementerà le restrizioni su base continuativa, a partire dalle principali aree metropolitane e in espansione verso l’esterno.
I media proietteranno che i casi covid-19 giornalieri superano la capacità di test e devono essere frenati utilizzando un blocco secondario completo e totale molto più rigoroso rispetto alla prima e alla seconda fase di laminazione. Il programma di disoccupazione sarà configurato in un programma di reddito di base universale entro la fine del primo trimestre del 2021 (Già realizzato in Italia).

Con il lancio dei vaccini, tutta la diffusione virale, le mutazioni e le lesioni da vaccino saranno attribuite a una “terza ondata” che include un più alto tasso di mortalità e un più alto tasso di infezione.
Chiunque non accetti i vaccini verrà privato del diritto di viaggiare liberamente e sarà detenuto nei centri di isolamento o monitorato agli arresti domiciliari fino a quando non accetterà di conformarsi.

Durante questo periodo, le strutture mediche raggiungeranno la massima capacità e il governo migliorerà le restrizioni di blocco, implementando un terzo blocco entro il secondo trimestre del 2021. Si prevedono grandi carenze di scorte, interruzione della catena di approvvigionamento e instabilità economica, poiché tutti gli individui vengono messi in un programma universale di reddito di base per frenare la fame, i senzatetto e i disordini civili. Entro il terzo trimestre, i governi dovrebbero schierare personale militare nelle principali aree metropolitane e strade per creare posti di blocco. Queste tattiche sono già state testate nel 2020. Tutti coloro che dipendono da questi sistemi saranno costretti a seguire il programma di vaccinazione HealthPass.
Chiunque non sia d’accordo sarà considerato una “minaccia per la salute pubblica” o “nemico dello stato”.

L’informatore ha detto che i dissidenti non saranno tollerati.

In sostanza ci è stato detto che era nostro dovere assicurarci di elaborare un piano per garantire che non sarebbe mai accaduto. Ci è stato detto che era nel migliore interesse dell’individuo partecipare. 


Quando diversi membri del comitato hanno insistito incessantemente per ottenere una risposta, ci è stato detto che coloro che si fossero rifiutati avrebbero prima vissuto a tempo indeterminato sotto le restrizioni. Coloro che rifiutano di “partecipare” al programma di cancellazione del debito “sarebbero considerati un rischio per la sicurezza pubblica e sarebbero trasferiti in strutture di isolamento.


Una volta in quelle strutture avrebbero avuto due opzioni, partecipare al programma di cancellazione del debito ed essere rilasciati, o rimanere a tempo indeterminato nella struttura di isolamento secondo la classificazione di un grave rischio per la salute pubblica e tutti i loro beni sarebbero stati sequestrati.

Lance D.Johnson

I leader mondiali stanno pianificando nuovi blocchi per introdurre “Programma per il Reset del Debito Mondiale”

Il piano include reddito di base universale e requisiti di vaccinazione

Lance D.Johnson – Natural News 19 ottobre 2020

I leader mondiali si stanno preparando per una seconda e terza ondata di casi di covid-19 e stanno  perfezionando le loro strategie di lockdown che saranno implementate alla fine del 2020 e nel 2021 . La loro pianificazione implica lo sviluppo di una nuova economia mondiale, che introduce il fascismo medico come uno stile di vita permanente.

Un informatore canadese si è fatto avanti con i piani. L’informatore fa parte del Comitato di pianificazione strategica del Partito liberale canadese, che opera sotto la direzione dell’Ufficio del Primo Ministro canadese (PMO).

Hanno progettato grazie ai blocchi la povertà di massa e continueranno a indebolire la sicurezza finanziaria e alimentare delle persone, rendendole più vulnerabili e alla fine rendendole più disperate nell’accettare la nuova economia mondiale e le sue esigenze fisiche.

La nuova economia mondiale include reddito di base universale e requisiti di vaccinazione

La nuova economia mondiale include l’introduzione di una valuta digitale, un reddito di base universale, requisiti di vaccini per i viaggi e “The World Debt Reset Program”. Un ciclo continuo di blocchi fino al 2021 porterà alla fine a un collasso economico internazionale. I governi di tutto il mondo offriranno ai cittadini un’allettante via d’uscita promettendo di eliminare tutti i debiti personali (mutui, prestiti, carte di credito, ecc.)

Negli Stati Uniti questa idea è già stata implementata nel 2020 attraverso il Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), un programma di prestito garantito che condona il debito se il mutuatario segue istruzioni specifiche. Sotto un imminente collasso economico, tutti i prestiti saranno condonati se il cittadino accetta di partecipare al “Programma mondiale di ripristino del debito, finanziato dal Fondo monetario internazionale (FMI). Per ottenere la remissione di tutti i debiti, i cittadini dovranno rinunciare alla proprietà di qualsiasi proprietà privata, accettare un reddito di base universale e iscriversi al programma di vaccinazione covid-19 e covid-21.

Con l’inizio dei lockdown localizzati e delle sanzioni economiche, ai cittadini sarà consentito di viaggiare e riunirsi in stadi e luoghi pubblici con tutte le loro precedenti libertà, purché forniscano un documento di identità che dimostri che sono stati vaccinati con tutte le vaccinazioni covid-19 e covid-21 obbligatorie . In Canada, vengono installati campi di detenzione in tutte le province e territori  per costringere le persone a conformarsi ai nuovi piani. L’informatore canadese ha rivelato che questo ID digitale legato al vaccino verrà indicato in Canada come HealthPass canadese. 

L’informatore avverte che i leader mondiali in Australia, Stati Uniti, Regno Unito, Canada e Nuova Zelanda spingeranno per un “blocco secondario completo e totale molto più rigoroso delle restrizioni della prima e della seconda fase di lockdown localizzati”. Questi nuovi blocchi saranno spinti da novembre 2020 a gennaio 2021 aumentando i test covid-19 e il conteggio dei casi.

La tirannia del lockdown del 2020 è solo l’inizio di un piano molto più ampio

I prossimi piani di Lockdown sono congruenti con il piano “Great Reset” delineato dal World Economic Forum e dall’Event 201, entrambi finanziati e promossi dalla Fondazione Bill e Melinda Gates, che cerca la  conformità mondiale con gli esperimenti sui vaccini  e la modificazione genetica degli esseri umani. La Commissione consultiva nazionale covid-19 del Primo Ministro (istituita in blocco nel marzo 2020) sta ora consigliando e spingendo il PMO canadese e il Dipartimento dei Primi Ministri e del Gabinetto di Canberra a realizzare questi piani totalitari.

informatore ha detto che almeno il trenta per cento dei membri del comitato si oppone fermamente a questi piani, ma le loro voci vengono soffocate. È stato reso “molto chiaro che nulla fermerà i risultati pianificati”, ha detto l’informatore.

L’ufficio del Primo Ministro canadese ha definito il piano, che include un blocco secondario entro dicembre 2020, che implementerà le restrizioni su base continuativa, a partire dalle principali aree metropolitane e in espansione verso l’esterno. I media proietteranno che i casi covid-19 giornalieri superano la capacità di test e devono essere frenati utilizzando un blocco secondario completo e totale molto più rigoroso rispetto alla prima e alla seconda fase di laminazione. Il programma di disoccupazione sarà configurato in un programma di reddito di base universale entro la fine del primo trimestre del 2021(Già realizzato in Italia).

Con il lancio dei vaccini, tutta la diffusione virale, le mutazioni e le lesioni da vaccino saranno attribuite a una “terza ondata” che include un più alto tasso di mortalità e un più alto tasso di infezione. Chiunque non accetti i vaccini verrà privato del diritto di viaggiare liberamente e sarà detenuto nei centri di isolamento o monitorato agli arresti domiciliari fino a quando non accetterà di conformarsi.

Durante questo periodo, le strutture mediche raggiungeranno la massima capacità e il governo migliorerà le restrizioni di blocco, implementando un terzo blocco entro il secondo trimestre del 2021. Si prevedono grandi carenze di scorte, interruzione della catena di approvvigionamento e instabilità economica, poiché tutti gli individui vengono messi in un programma universale di reddito di base per frenare la fame, i senzatetto e i disordini civili. Entro il terzo trimestre, i governi dovrebbero schierare personale militare nelle principali aree metropolitane e strade per creare posti di blocco. Queste tattiche sono già state testate nel 2020. Tutti coloro che dipendono da questi sistemi saranno costretti a seguire il programma di vaccinazione HealthPass  . Chiunque non sia d’accordo sarà considerato una “minaccia per la salute pubblica” o “nemico dello stato".

L'informatore ha detto che i dissidenti non saranno tollerati. “In sostanza ci è stato detto che era nostro dovere assicurarci di elaborare un piano per garantire che non sarebbe mai accaduto. Ci è stato detto che era nel migliore interesse dell’individuo partecipare. “

“Quando diversi membri del comitato hanno insistito incessantemente per ottenere una risposta, ci è stato detto che coloro che si fossero rifiutati avrebbero prima vissuto a tempo indeterminato sotto le restrizioni. Coloro che rifiutano di “partecipare” al programma di cancellazione del debito “sarebbero considerati un rischio per la sicurezza pubblica e sarebbero trasferiti in strutture di isolamento”.

“Una volta in quelle strutture avrebbero avuto due opzioni, partecipare al programma di cancellazione del debito ed essere rilasciati, o rimanere a tempo indeterminato nella struttura di isolamento secondo la classificazione di un grave rischio per la salute pubblica e tutti i loro beni sarebbero stati sequestrati”.

Il mio commento: Se la situazione covid, non solo in Canada ma a livello globale, non fosse fermata in tempo utile, oltre ai criminali titolari delle grandi banche ed ai politici corrotti dei governi e dei parlamenti fantoccio anche tutti coloro che fanno restrizioni su Facebook e i giornalisti come Tiziana Panella de La 7 dovrebbero essere giustiziati: Facebook Italia non mi ha neanche acconsentito di pubblicare questo materiale in modo diretto sulla mia pagina:

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Quel bastardo e delinquente di Speranza e di Conte non gli posso neanche vedere più in televisione. Speranza e Conte vogliono uccidere oltre l'80% degli italiani e dei triestini arricchendo ulteriormente quel criminale di Bill Gates e le lobby dei farmaci. Essi dopo aver ricevuto altri soldi dal FMI credono di adempiere una causa nobile per garantire un mondo migliore a pochi sopravvisuti ma di fatti servono Satana e sono peggio di Hitler.

Intanto, sempre più tamponi vengono posti sotto accusa legale ed anche la giustizia da i suoi frutti, anche se ormai sembra tutto condannato a morte e con gran parte del popolo che forse ancora dorme:

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Ormai,  la grande tribolazione ha già cominciato a manifestarsi nel 2020 con l'inizio di questa terza guerra mondiale nascosta covid-19?


IN SINTESI la più probabile evoluzione di questa terza guerra mondiale covid senza bombe e senza fucili e che potrebbe durare almeno fino al 2025 se non, oltre:

1)-Come verificatosi e come si verificherà nel 2020 e nel 2021, vaccini per l'influenza molto consigliati sopratutto agli anziani per aprire di più la strada alla piccola pandemia, (vedi Lombardia e Veneto come regioni più colpite), a fine febbraio parte anche dal punto di vista ufficiale una prima piccola pandemia controllata non più pericolosa di una normale influenza ma mal gestita di proposito per far aumentare i decessi sia per la stessa piccola pandemia e sia per gli ospedali e i medici territoriali meno disonibili, tanto allarmismo in televisione creato anche con test falsi a go, go, e statistiche false, i DPCM illegittimi per creare regole e per tenere al guinzaglio se possibile anche i cittadini più svegli, attribuzione di colpa ai cittadini che non rispettano le regole e vaccini per l'influenza a go, go, in autunno per dare vigore alla emergenza sanitaria truffa, interessi per gli ospedali e per le lobby per fare andare avanti questa guerra covid-19, paura per il virus e assenso per la dittatura sanitaria da parte della maggioranza come se fosse una emergenza sanitaria, esasperazione per la emergenza che non finisce mai, demolizione definitiva di gran parte della economia in Italia ma non solo con le restrizioni e i lockdown parziali e totali che continuano, buona parte del popolo impoverito e ridotto alla fame, così, invece dei vaccini obbligatori per tutti essendoci troppi cittadini contrari ai vaccini covid-19, questi vaccini verranno imposti con il ricatto ad alcune categorie di dipendenti pubblici di cui lo Stato e il governo ha bisogno per assicurare il proprio potere e il controllo sulla popolazione ed inoltre offerta del vaccino covid-19, (in stile Conte Dracula per risolvere il problema dei poveri), con la promessa di un pass e di un reddito di cittadinanza universale a tutti i cittadini, ex pensionati ed ex titolari andati in fallimento e ridotti in povertà. Così, grazie al vaccino covid-19 molta popolazione si indebolira', si ammalera' più facilmente, subira' mutazioni e gradualmente il 15% di tutti coloro chi si saranno fatti iniettare questo primo vaccino covid dovrebbero morire. Ovviamente le televisioni e i politici e gli scienziati di parte negheranno le complicazioni e i decessi per colpa del primo vaccino covid RNA. (E qui, parliamo di modificazzioni sul essere umano, non sugli alimenti OGM che erano già molto discutibili). Intanto, già dal 2 dicembre 2020 inizierà il ricatto per cercare di costringere i vaccini covid "sperimentali" a chi viaggia e non solo.

2)-Una seconda ondata di pandemia sparsa di proposito, forse realmente un poco più cruenta della prima, una procedura simile per manipolare le masse come nella prima ondata e un secondo vaccino covid che nei primi 5 mesi dovrebbe far stare bene senza fare apparenti effetti collaterali affinché i vaccinati con questo secondo vaccino covid ne parlino bene, così alla disinformazione attraverso i media si aggiungerà il consiglio interpersonale delle cavie cadute in trappola senza essersene rese ancora conto, dopo si che, dal quinto al dodicesimo mese dovrebbe morire oltre il 90% di tutti coloro che si saranno fatti iniettare questi secondo vaccino covid. Naturalmente i media metteranno in dubbio che sia stato per colpa del secondo vaccino. (Nel frattempo è già da molti anni che noi vediamo film riguardo a grandi pandemie che sterminando quasi tutta la popolazione e come se solo i vaccini possono salvarci e questo continuerà fino il 2022 e oltre). 

3)-Una presunta terza ondata di gravissima e apocalittica pandemia molto acclamata dai media, ma, che nella realtà non esisterà. Questa presunta terza ondata servirà per nascondere il crimine contro l'umanità così su vasta scala e quindi  per dare la spiegazione sul perché miliardi di persone sarebbero morte in così pochi mesi. Ovviamente Joe Biden, gli Stati Profondi presenti in molte nazioni, i personaggi come Bill Gates e come Giuseppe Conte e come Christine Lagarde e i banchieri internazionali deviati, sosterranno e finanziano fino alla fine tutta questa guerra e propaganda per ridurre di oltre l'80% la popolazione, salvo che, una parte di popolazione sveglia sparsa in tutto il mondo non riesca effetivamente a diminuire o a far decadere tutta questa follia covid e questo criminale progetto di Nuovo Ordine Mondiale di stampo satanico. Ma, intanto, sembrerebbe che Trump abbia perso la campagna grazie ai brogli elettorali imposti dallo Stato Profondo negli USA. Tuttavia è probabile che il vero architetto dell'universo "G" Dio, (anche per salvaguardare il suo popolo fedele sulla terra),  potrà porre dei paletti a questa terza guerra mondiale covid affinché non superi un certo limite di dittatura e di crimini commessi, questo, anche se molti veri cristiani e molto cittadini fossero portati ne campi di concentramento sia per aver rifiutato il vaccino covid e il chip sottocutaneo e sucessivamente sia per non aver rinnegato la propria fede verso Dio, specie se ben riposta e con solide basi di prova.

Alla seconda ondata molta più gente potrebbe accorgersi sul fatto che queste pandemie erano volute e pianificate di proposito per poi spingere la popolazione a farsi vaccinare  e capendo anche l'inganno emotivo trasmesso attraverso i film come "world wor z" e la propaganda per incentivare i vaccini dannosi, mutanti e mortali. Anche questo potrebbe favorire l'acuirsi della grande tribolazione. Ma, se invece i re della terra avessero intrapreso una politica più saggia e perspicacie allora l'effetto potrebbe esser stato contrario rendendo, così, più morbida la grande tribolazione.

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