Some comments and photos:
The wild beast described in Revelation 17: 11 foresaw the role of the League of Nations that arose at the end of the first war. In the second world war this organ for peace is not there and the description is in the present time, just in the historical moment in which this prophecy was understood. But in 1945 the United Nations was formed to last a little and then to go to destruction. However, today in 2020 this wild beast in the role of the Eighth King has yet to receive more power. In 2019 the strong powers tried to advertise the climate change emergency and the plastic emergency in the seas a lot, but if this propaganda is not enough to push governments to sign to give more power to the United Nations the strong powers probably could use a very strategy dangerous even to push the prime ministers to sign to legalize more power to the Eighth King, the UN. According to Revelation 17:13 which describes the role played today by the United Nations and evaluating the historical context at the present time, the most power to the United Nations is imminent. (I've been talking about this on Facebook for over 6 years).
Since it is a virus or a bacterium or a autoimmune disease manipulated in the laboratory and spread on purpose, the imposition of the subcutaneous chip will be imposed much earlier thanks to covid-19 and therefore if today ordinary people control too much other people and the observance of every rule tomorrow these same people will turn into prison guards and spies unaware of a diabolical system and they will come to tell me too: in order to be able to shop, you have to put the subcutaneous chip in as it serves to protect both your health and that of others. Moral of the speech: be careful not to cook on a slow fire gradually becoming accomplices of a capitalist system that is leading humanity to self-destruction while in the end the hierarchies at the top of the pyramid that rule the world will also perish, except that, not decide to change in due time according to the wisdom of "G" God. The great anomaly of this capitalist system you can see immediately if only you think that private individuals who print money should not dictate unconditional law on governments, parliaments and the whole system productive of the nations, not only, but they largely determine the time of war and the time of peace plus the many hidden wars even between the allied countries.
Not only Berlusconi, Meloni, Mattarella and Conte, but also those of the PD and 5S and Lega are equally and almost all corrupt. None or almost of the Italian politicians are saved, from behind the scenes "everyone" agrees. After all, the corruption spread to 360 degrees in many nations has the function of pushing people to no longer believe in anything, after which, people without certainty can be easier to convince to believe only in a single government. world level. Furthermore, when the UN receives more power, it will probably demonstrate that it wants to straighten the nations and push them towards alleged justice and excessive rigor, and therefore, at the end of the "peace process, people will be facilitated in placing trust only in a single government. on a global level, an administration apparently democratic but in fact governed by the private traveling merchants and the pieces of 90 of today's capitalism.

In Revelation 13: 11 the wild beast with two horns similar to those of a lamb, (a meek beast), well describes the role of the US-UK power in our time. The US-UK has a controlled democracy system with two apparently meek governments, however if we analyze in detail especially the US-UK foreign policy we can immediately understand that it is an imperialist policy that speaks like a dragon. Revelation 19: 19-21 also speaks of a false prophet who corresponds to the wild beast of Revelation 13: 11, in fact, the USA-UK speak of peace, democracy and freedom, however the peace and security process started secretly in 1913, (just when the Federal Reserve of New York had become the first private bank with the thirteenth amendment), is a peace and security process based on war and economic interests and often national security is used as an excuse to in favor of this peace process based more on war than peace. So one cannot hope for lasting peace thanks to the New World Order, but, it will only be an apparent global peace immediately disturbed by a great tribulation on a global level: 1 Thessalonians 5: 3 and Matthew 24: 21-22.

When perhaps a more bloody strategy is needed to convince peoples and governments about the need for change to centralize power on the UN, some still hope for positive change thanks to the many demonstrations on the climate change emergency and plastic emergency in the seas? Do some still have hope after they received smoke in their eyes from the Paris summit?
I live in Trieste in whose sky few planes should pass leaving a trail of condensation that should disappear immediately and so if the opportunity arises I would say to these people who still hope: raise your head and look at the sky! Well, we don't need to talk about the topic anymore, the speech is over!
If the satanic plan is not stopped, the conspiracy that is underway worldwide but which is disguised in democracy and hidden by confidentiality, will eventually automatically lead to the destruction of almost all humanity, including the 5 families that now govern all nations from behind the scenes. The exterminations compouti from the German concentration camps of the 1940s pale in comparison to the automatic extermination that will take place during the great tribulation and the Apocalypse that, nothing else and that the payment of the judgment of God on the entire wicked system of things and on all those who they will have supported him to the end. Today even the technologies of the alleged aliens will be used on a large scale by the military apparatus to deceive and destroy humanity, since the Blue Bean project is also part of it.
Genetically modified humans by demonic forces and the superior technologies suggest from demons to these same genetically modified humans were acquired by the american armi and perhaps other armies. They also want to use these technologies to exterminate much of humanity in the Count Dracula style when he solved the problem of the poor by burning them all at the stake. Among the hidden wars are chemtrails, contaminated vaccines and genetic manipulation in the hope of making a select few live Feedback but to destroy both the American people and all the peoples of the earth. To submit, not only the USA, but all humanity to slavery, with the aim of reducing humanity by more than 80% but in the end the intervention of God will also make the New World Order project capitulated, thus causing a worldwide population reduction of more than 98% due to too many unrepentant, institutionalized and hopelessly trained people by God, Zephaniah 1: 18.

Most likely those of the PD, 5S, high offices of the state, and, not only, have been bought, and also, even with the ambition and hypocrisy to support a project for a single world government that should guarantee peace and security at the level global.
Thus, the corrupt Italian parliamentary caste speaks on behalf of the majority of Italians when popular sovereignty and the Constitution are violated in the light of the sun. Not only that, but stupid and manipulated citizens are used to ruin the reputation of the few uncomfortable and too honest politicians while justice mostly corrupt at all levels of judgment gives the impression of wanting to give the final blow to kill from the point of political view those like Salvini who still give the impression of wanting to fulfill the promises made, in this case, at the election campaign began 2018.
Meanwhile, the media support the corrupt by believing that almost everything is fine also with this Conte government, PD-5S, not only, but the great ladies cannot talk about the great peace and security process as there are too many wars and vicissitudes in the economy worldwide and therefore better that it remains confidential as the people could not understand.
Well, then I will go to Australia or Canada without a passport, if I stop the report for kidnapping and if it goes badly I say that in Trieste there is war but if I can not get it off I call Matarella or Zingaretti with the support of Sardines that demonstrate in the streets of Rome, and later, you see all of you, including those like Vittorio Sgarbi and Giorgia Meloni, if they don't let me enter Canada or Australia even if they give me compensation for damages.
Crazy clandestine immigration also aims to turn us against each other and is part of the hidden wars to reduce the population by more than 80%. Provided that the strong powers did not purposely plan uncontrolled immigration to turn us against each other, Satan knows very well that the congestion of European countries, the uncontrolled mixing of cultures and the increase in hatred manifested by the native people you see increasingly remove some rights from too many economic immigrants, for sure it is a situation that also favors the onset of racism, all situations that will inexorably contribute to make the coming great tribulation even more devastating, while the local authorities at that time will always be more innate in keeping the situation under control. They are preparing the system for the great tribulation, in parallel with how the Italian party of the PD has created a social system that favors situations of exploitation and injustice on the population like that of Bibbiano, obviously being corrupt and especially bought the party of the PD but even if not all the individual politicians of the PD must necessarily be among the worst of the Italian politicians although they have chosen to be with the worst Italian party at the present time.
Today too many people are excessively dominated by the voice of authority and the superior hierarchy. Today too many people think only in the context of their work. One should be able to reject order from the higher hierarchy when it is in stark contrast to moral and just divine law and possibly have the courage to suggest the right thing to the higher order in this present system of things, but too few people and able to do it. While, too many people criticize the system and the politicians in charge but queata people being maneuvered and without being able to propose better solutions as an alternative. Not only that, but almost everyone thinks in terms of today's capitalism and as if it were the only reality existing in the whole universe.
Psalms 2: 1-12 concerns a historical period from 1913 or autumn 1914 until the near end of the current political and economic system with the payment of the Apocalypse. A noteworthy detail is that the kings of the earth, (the current governments and high public officials of the nations), would act as one man. But only in our age, (during an increasingly intertwined and complex capitalism, with globalization, and even more with the imminent more power to the United Nations and possible formalization of the New World Order), governments and states are increasingly interdependent and conditioned by each other, and therefore, soon the governments of all nations, or almost, will be united as one man. Right now that the UN is about to receive more power and a possible organizational change, (Revelation 17: 13), the kings of the earth are amicably invited to put into practice the negotiation described in Psalms 2: 10-12. But, in what way can the kings of the earth, soon under the UN directive, show perspicacity or wisdom according to the will of the anointed of "G" also written in the second Psalm? By being guided by what the Bible recommends that often by a guide on principle and whose correct interpretation comes from the Bible itself, for example in Revelation 11: 18 it is said that God will ruin those who ruin the earth. It is logical to think that when the UN receives more power it should give a very ok and not hypocritical directive to really push nations to seriously and thoroughly deal with the plastic problem in the seas, and therefore, not just a good facade directive by of the United Nations only to gain the trust of peoples, (but at the same time oppressing them more and more with new rules and impositions) only in order to gradually push peoples to believe and accept the solution in the New World Order. Furthermore, the current kings of the earth could receive valuable help and good advice from the same "faithful slave" described in chapter 24 of Matthew, being the slave a wise group of people who appeared in 1919 which still exists today at the present time.
It is not difficult to find out who this "slave" is as it would be enough to make a secret trial, and, to begin with, examining the evidence to demonstrate and understand without the slightest reasonable doubt which is the only true religion and what is this faithful slave, (the governing body of the same true religion in case it really existed). Putting Psalms 2: 10-12 into practice is very difficult as it is organized and seen as the whole world political and economic system generally thinks (money and power, etc., etc.,), however it is not impossible to put into practice this "friendly negotiation" otherwise the only true great architect of the universe "G" God did not have his prophets write on paper Psalms 2: 10-12. Today of, Satan pretends to be the great architect of the universe, but, Satan is not the great architect of the universe marked with the letter "G" by the high masonry syessa. (The prediction that the UN will receive more power goes against the current for several reasons, the main one being that the UN is considered by some people to be the garbage of diplomacy. Furthermore, the UN has so far failed to bring real peace to the the world, several times the blue helmets have caused a scandal and Trump has bombed Syria to fight ISIS alongside Putin without even asking for UN authorization. Qunidi the United Nations has little power at the present time as a mere international referee, yet soon they will receive more power, however the United Nations being an instrument under the supervision of the strong powers and tomorrow perhaps also under the supervision of the most powerful governments, but, in the imminent more power without more impediments to send workers to the agenda. The previous US government fed ISIS but it seems that Trump has really put himself alongside Putin to fight ISIS now too out of control of the same USA that created it.

Many people see only in front of their noses, many people love money and think only of themselves and their families, but without worrying about how the world is going? Is there too much nationalism? In addition, there is already a tendency to go against each other, many individuals are willing to do any dirty work for money and also not a few people every now and then it takes a war to restart the economy being we also in too many? Not only that, but many still don't believe in chemtrails in the skies over so many nations? If the strong powers want to reduce the world population by 95% in part and in general we deserve it.
From autumn 1914 Jesus was installed king to reign among his enemies and after the Apocalypse he and the 144,000 kings and priests will reign fully on human affairs for 1000 years. Recalling that in the fall of 1914 the First World War also broke out, in 1913 the Federal Reserve of New York became a private bank with the 13th amendment and in secret also began the process of peace and security and also in 1912 two or three wise Rothschild characters and opposed to the privatization of the Federal Reserve died with the sinking of the Titanic.
In my opinion, we cannot blame conspiracy only on strong powers, as too many political exponents allow themselves to be corrupted, making it dangerous for individual politicians to be ok, moreover, too many ordinary people willing to do anything and more for money. In addition, there is a strong double prophetic thrust that pushes you to do the will of "G" God or of Satan, so much so that indeed the strong powers have contributed to the fulfillment of many biblical prophecies related to our age. Fulfillment occurs because there is a strong prophetic thrust either to serve Jehovah God or to serve Satan who pretends to be the great architect of the universe "G" God, moreover, the strong powers have experience on how to govern the world and therefore it is useless to hope that peoples wake up completely, not even managing how well to govern the world. But with respect and higher mind through Psalms 2: 10-12 you can help strong powers, armies and governments to assess whether they have taken the right train or the wrong train because if they do not take the right train in time when will get off the wrong train they will not find the New World Order with a few surviving "elect", but destruction and adverse judgment.
However, despite the prophetic thrust and the conditioning that we all undergo, with the knowledge and right understanding we must be able to choose in total free will, even if it is not easy.

The story of Eden and of Adam and Eve is not a metaphor but a real story. Probably God gave Adam the command not to take from the tree in the middle of the garden, this to help the first human copy and their children obey God's increasingly demanding provisions on how to populate and subjugate the earth properly. But an angel wanted to be worshiped in place of God, I maneuver a literal snake using it as if it were a puppet to try to deceive Eve who had less experience. But how did Satan manage to mislead Eve? The woman knew that they could eat the fruit from all the trees except from the tree in the middle of the garden. But the first rebel angel managed to deflect eva by leveraging his desire to the point that Eva gave up and took the forbidden fruit. The principle is the same as that exploited by today's advertising: push us to buy a product even if we know we don't need it. Obviously, buying a product that we could do without is not a sin against God, but it illustrates the principle well. Genesis also speaks of the nefilins, the powerful of antiquity. In fact, in the modern era many skeletons of giant men have been found.

There are many others prophecies that have already been fulfilled in history, many in the process of being fulfilled such as Matthew 24:14 and some prophecies that have yet to be fulfilled. Of course, men maintain free will while there is much conditioning. Furthermore, the prophetic drive pushes for predictions to be fulfilled. This is necessary to smoothly process the process and open dispute between Satan who challenged the sovereignty of God and "G" God himself.
However, before reaching the Apocalypse, the UN must first receive more power, then the trust of the peoples and therefore the peoples must be pushed to believe in the signal of peace and security in general. The signal of peace and security, the immediate elimination of all state religions, the great tribulation, the latest risky maneuver of governments and armies to remove the last uncomfortable thing left and then it will give the Apocalypse. For all this, it could take another 10 years, or maybe a little longer, however dates and deadlines must not be set.
The X-Files show (The X-Files) expresses in fiction some situations and things still kept secret by the American army. However, in some episodes of X-Files the belief in reincarnation is portrayed, the belief of captive souls who could not die to find peace and other stories that are too fantastic and almost impossible to occur in reality. Well, it makes me think that these episodes of X-Files, (while being fun and suspenseful at the moment), are intended to create uncertainties especially on the subject of UFOs, as the time has not yet matured to make us believe with certainty in UFOs, and for many people to be helped to stop believing anything, so that in the End, all the inhabitants of the earth in general are led to believe with certainty only in the solution of the New World Order, as the only alleged means for ensure lasting peace and security worldwide.
I like to watch and I find interesting the Ficus program of "High-altitude investigations", the documentary based on true stories with eyewitnesses from a good technical explanation on why many air accidents and subsequent investigations made so that the same accident did not never repeat again or at least so that there are much less chances that multiple elements together and / or at the same time will cause the same accident on the same type of aircraft again. However, regarding high-altitude investigations, I disagree on two events relating to air disasters: the one relating to 11 September 2001 and the one relating to the disappearance of a Malaysian plane in which among the passengers there were also some engineers and/o chinese scientists.
(When the peace and security signal is given, the US military and NASA could also simulate an alien invasion with the Blue Bean project in order to convince people to accept the New World Order under the pretext that the most united nations under one government would have been more united and therefore stronger in repelling aliens. In fact, only man on earth has an obsession with war, whereas if other more advanced peoples exist on other planets, they would never again be on earth to conquer it.)
According to what I think I understand, the Bible is a book by "G" God addressed to the man who from the beginning of his story has started to manage the earth incorrectly, the man having not even been capable of living in peace on this small planet. If there are other peoples on other planets of other solar systems, I doubt that aliens can get in touch with man, because the system we created is too warm and if man received alien technology in short we will bring the war on the planet of origin of the aliens. The aliens on earth are most likely only humans genetically modified by demonic forces and suggested on higher technologies by the same demonic forces. So, a few decades ago, as desired by Satan, the American army and other armies came into contact with so-called alien technologies thanks to UFOs crashed on the ground and thanks to the contract collaboration with these genetically modified human beings. So, now the powers that rule the world feel even more Almighty thanks to the superior technologies that Satan has suggested over time to the alleged aliens. Some armies will use these technologies to mislead humanity and reduce it in number. Perhaps, an alien invasion with the Blue Bean will also be simulated to push some peoples to accept the New World Order solution with the excuse that the more united nations under one global government would have been stronger in repelling the alien invasion. But, only we are obsessed with war, so many nations have economies based on war as a real commercial and banking interest business; also on September 11, 2001 was intended to formally unite nations through the fight against terrorism. A peace and security process based on war, terrorism and expedients cannot bring true peace and security that lasts over time. Without blaming the US for imperialism and without accusing the strong powers of conspiracy perhaps it would have been better for the kings of the earth to show wisdom and insight, not according to the ways of capitalism, but, according to the ways of G God, the only true great architect of the iuniverse.

The story of Eden and of Adam and Eve is not a metaphor but a real story. Probably God gave Adam the command not to take from the tree in the middle of the garden, this to help the first human copy and their children obey God's increasingly demanding provisions on how to populate and subjugate the earth properly. But an angel wanted to be worshiped in place of God, I maneuver a literal snake using it as if it were a puppet to try to deceive Eve who had less experience. But how did Satan manage to mislead Eve? The woman knew that they could eat the fruit from all the trees except from the tree in the middle of the garden. But the first rebel angel managed to deflect eva by leveraging his desire to the point that Eva gave up and took the forbidden fruit. The principle is the same as that exploited by today's advertising: push us to buy a product even if we know we don't need it. Obviously, buying a product that we could do without is not a sin against God, but it illustrates the principle well. Genesis also speaks of the nefilins, the powerful of antiquity. In fact, in the modern era many skeletons of giant men have been found.
The earth was not created by God to support only the maximum profit and capitalism, but the earth was created by God to support the various forms of life and that man would subjugate the earth and nature in the right way and according to the wise dispositions of "G" God. Most likely in the center of the garden of Eden there was a normal fruit tree that Adam and Eve and offspring were not to touch and thus obeying "G" God and so, so that the human family gradually accustomed to obey other more demanding dispositions of God on how to subjugate the earth in the right way, respecting it and living in peace. Today of, we see the results of not having followed the guidance of God from the beginning, as man is on the verge of self-destruction and moreover man dominates his own fellow man to his own harm. Even the concept of private property as imposed by capitalism is wrong especially for some categories of goods which instead could be used more fully by everyone when there is a need. More or less all of us are in a prison without bars, including the five families and a few individuals who today rule the world from behind the scenes, however the word written by God, the contact with the right people and the meditation done consistently, with logic and free from prejudice, it can help us come out of this prison without bars. It can also be said that money itself is not bad, but money can be for protection and moreover money can be an effective means of exchanging goods and services, however excessive love for money and when money is transformed into a means of power to rule the world if in a diabolical way, yet the very few individuals who govern the world are fooled. I have put together many investigations and evidence that are largely available from various sources and so that the kings of the earth and the judges could view all of them in one and only together then compared to today's world scene and political evolution international in the near future. All this, so that a more conscious choice can be made on how to rule the world in the time of the End.

There is too much militarism on a global level. In this small beautiful planet we will have to learn to live in peace without having to create dangerous anti-war deterrents, and in addition, we should stop using the flower of science to create weapons of all kinds to kill, in fact, the chemical and bacteriological weapons is potential weapons of mass destruction. Man should learn peace in his heart and should change his way of thinking to accompany the entry of a better era right now that there is little time left for the UN receives more power.
The imminent more power to the UN, however, being a double-edged sword that can be used both to promote evil and / or to promote good on a global level.
Hell is hopeless of ressurezione from death. Jesus will soon bring the Apocalypse causing a reduction of the population of more than 95% due to the non-repentance and non-conversion by the majority of people, however first the UN must receive more power, then the transformed UN will receive the trust of the peoples, then propaganda and strategies to push the crowds to accept the New World Order must be finished, then the signal of peace and security, then the elimination of all state religions with the beginning of the great tribulation that could last even more than 4 years, finally the last wrong maneuver of the nations to remove the last uncomfortable thing left towards the capitalist empire and at that point the judgment of "G" God will be executed on the whole system of things, the Apocalypse. No you can predict dates and shoot deadlines but for these events to occur, it could take another 15 or 20 years at most. Analysis to be considered in general to orient oneself but without dwelling too much on the details.
But today, most people are only concerned about money, retirement, fun and pleasure at the moment and all things connected to the economy of today's capitalism, junk information that is given to us every day by the media. Not only that, but many of these people say that sometimes it takes a war because there are too many of us and to restart the economy and at the same time these people hope that this disgust of capitalism will last so that their children and grandchildren can take full advantage of it.
In the autumn of 1914 the Messiah came and began to reign in the midst of his enemies, Matthew 24: 7, and during the payment of the Apocalypse his presence will be felt in the sense that divine intervention on human affairs will be evident, that is, when by delegation the current political and economic system will be destroyed, Daniel 2: 44, Zephaniah 1: 18, Matthew 24: 21-23, Psalms 2: 4-9, Revelation 11: 18 and 19: 19-21. The earth was not created for support current capitalism but to support life and so that man could subjugate the earth in peace, love and pleasure according to divine guidance.
The Bible was written by about 40 men inspired by God in the span of about 1600 years. The Bible is the only sacred text inspired by God who always tells the truth. The Bible interprets itself, moreover even if the words can be different from translation to translation, in most cases from Bible to Bible the same sentences and the same verses maintain the same concept and the same meaning of the sentences, and this, although some Bibles give a more faithful translation than other Bibles.
In the thought that I express, I wish to let people know that the Bible always tells the truth and that God has promised eternal life to those who love and worship him in the right way. Furthermore, the true meaning of some verses can be demonstrated above all by comparing them with other verses and examining the context in which each verse is found. Furthermore, the Bible as the inspired word of God advises us on the right mental or psychological attitude with which to seek it, naturally avoiding falling into the trap of philosophy and the trap of the relativist way of thinking which denies the existence of absolute truths and also as if the truth depended from your point of view and from what you want to believe or it makes you comfortable to believe. Even many common thoughts may be wrong, but the Bible advises you to seek the truth about God and his purpose by examining the evidence just as it should always be done in a criminal trial. With this investigation before it is too late, even the central high masonry could examine whether the New World Order project actually corresponds in all respects in its program to the purpose of "G" God for the earth and humanity or not.
These speeches of political and social life connected to the knowledge and understanding of the Bible may appear foolishness to many people who do not believe in God and also to many hypocritical unbelievers and of whom many of them will accept the final solution tomorrow and then repent immediately after when it will be too late.

In the coming years until the end of the peace and security process and during the great tribulation, disinformation and junk science will increase and continue to discredit and deny more and more the Bible, moreover one or more false state religions are now publishing translations of the Bible with the meaning deviated in some verses, for example, the passage of the Israelites through the Red Sea is given to mean as a passage of the Israelites through a shallow body of water and as if a natural phenomenon had caused the shallow water allowing the passage to the Israelites. But, even the only true religion is discredited while exhausting the only one to fulfill Matthew 24: 14.
Some central banks such as the Federal Reserve of New York keep gold reserves of incredible size both as a currency that should maintain its intrinsic value and for the interest it produces thanks to the rules of capitalism, however what will become of it when the productive system is jammed during the most devastating period of the great tribulation? The intrinsic value of gold also depends on the system because if the whole system goes into total crisis, no longer producing almost all goods and services, even the gold in storage becomes a dead weight. What really counts is a healthy, balanced system that respects the cycles of nature, not so much the convenient means of exchanging goods and services. Yet today there are still several gold researchers who hunt for gold using technologies and resources. Who rules the world and many wealthy people would like a drastic reduction of the population worldwide in order to have only their long-term energy resources? in addition to Tesla's discovery regarding the large electric current in the ionosphere there are also other less polluting and practically inexhaustible resources, but, the pieces of 80 of capitalism seem to want to continue to sell energy at a high price so the sources of alternative energy they must continue not to suppress the interests of the oil lobbies and the so-called economic balances as there is also the fear of replacing capitalism with another more effective system. So, according to some, we are too many and "to save the planet", (as they want us to do understood but not in the light of the sun), there should be a reduction of the world population of about 95% fact, however, we are living in a terribly unbalanced system and destined to last for a very short time and this is why the situation worsens so much with the increase in the population while even today governments are concerned above all with the economy and the internal product of their own country. After all, the tight oligarchy that rules the world today (democracy being in the republics only a formal and frontal thing), may have already thought about how to balance the system once 95% is out of the way of the global population deemed mostly useless and a waste of resources, because this is what the most standard capitalist thinks among the most cynical. In fact, or by faith supported by evidence, Jehovah God will take care of making the earth popular in the right way and without even having to desperately resort to the many hidden and conventional wars typical of this system especially in recent years. Not only that, but, "G" God will give dispositions and blessings that the earth will produce so much good food, moreover, since the resurrection of most of the people who have died throughout history to date and the protection of the poor if of goodwill towards Jehovah God. So, after all, the problem lies above all in the organization and functioning of the system, not so much in the number of inhabitants on this planet, it is this, even if in not many years the 10 billion will probably be exceeded . Also for this region the kings of the earth and the traveling traders would do well to put Psalms 2: 10-12 into practice. There are several points that do not coincide between God's purpose for the earth and humanity of goodwill and between the project of the New World Order, also although in our age for many people God does not exist and / or no longer deals with of human affairs, Jehovah God will begin to act at the appointed times and even draw the final account on this system through the payment of the Apocalypse. Jehovah will also prevail over Stana by throwing himself into an abyss of non-activity for 1000 years even if today Satan pretends to be the great architect of the universe even though he is not. Putting Psalms 2: 10-12 into practice can result in salvation and promise of eternal life not only to the poor of goodwill but also to the richest and most powerful of goodwill, money and power being money and power two harmful neutral things is only excessive love for money and / or power.

The justice and well-being necessary to be able to live well does not entirely promote peace, but promotes peace and respect both among people within each nation and among the nations themselves. By divine principles and laws, the Bible indicates how to practice Psalms 2: 10-12, moreover, the Bible itself indicates what is the true religion in our age and who or what the "faithful slave" consists of in the present time, the group of people truly led by "G" God and therefore able to help the kings of the earth of goodwill to put into practice the wisdom recommended in Psalms 2: 10-12, the "negotiation of God to the kings of the earth". An example of putting into practice: will God bring to ruin those who today ruin the earth? When the UN receives more power and transformation, environmental problems should have been seriously and thoroughly addressed, albeit to the extent possible. So, not only propaganda to throw smoke in the eyes of peoples and for peoples to trust in the UN and then in a single global government. As proposed by Tesla, almost all means of transport and industries could go on with the electricity already present in the air. War-based economies should gradually be transformed into well-functioning economies also to promote peace. Chemtrails in the skies and all other hidden wars should cease immediately. The theory of evolution should no longer be taught in schools. Propaganda and information should be transparent and truthful. Junk science should end, the Blue Bean project should also be abandoned. Politics in nations and international politics should undergo many changes and diplomacy should pursue the right thing, not the most convenient one. Expenditure on politics should be reduced, as there is no more corruption and there are no longer too many people living with politics and therefore also laws and wills to put them into practice to stop these typical trends in countries like Italy. of politics and the global economy, during the transition, the most uncomfortable countries could either be obliged to conform to change and be helped and supported to overcome change; this is to stop deforestation and to reduce by over 90% the use of oil and the accumulation of nuclear waste but many other problems, (easy to say but difficult to do). Any other diabolical plan to reduce the population worldwide it should be abandoned, this being a problem to be left in the hands of God. Among the many reasonable and feasible transformations given the circumstances and limits in which the system is located, without advertising on the convenience of making all the state banks immediately, in case a people and a government decide to have a central state bank, at the beginning of the transformation process the politician in favor of the non-private bank had to be able to work quietly and without risking his life, moreover, those who today rule the world if they wish can cultivate the right fear towards "G" God but without being judged by man for the actions done. To manifest wisdom towards God it would not have been possible to do in the proper way in the full sense, it is also a difficult change, but not impossible through a social capitalism governed by good rules and good administrators, otherwise if it had been impossible, Psalms 2: 10-12 was not made to write on paper however, there is a short-term useful time.

Without exposing any elite and nation on the dock, perhaps the blame being spread over much of humanity and nations, including the many fools who in the so-called democracies continue to vote for the least worst and equally corrupt, if humanity in general does not endeavor to change and manage nature with more respect, moreover, if the kings of the earth will not practice the latest negotiation placed by the great architect of the universe "G" or Jehovah God, the versamanto of the Apocalypse at the end of the great tribulation will give these results on humanity in gemerale, Zephaniah 1: 18, Daniel 12: 1, and also on the nations and kings of the earth eventually governed by the UN and / or by the New Momdial Order: Daniel 2 : 44, Matthew 24: 21-23, Revival 11: 18, Revelation 19: 19-21, etc., etc.
As a consequence of the kings of the earth who united as one man will make a direct war against God, Psalms 2: 2-3, in an attempt to remove the last uncomfortable thing left, this will be the end result: Psalms 2: 4-9 Hence the final friendly warning, (described in Psalms 2: 10-12), to current political, economic and military rulers, before God makes and to follow his judgment on the entire political and economic system through the pouring out of the Apocalypse.
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The UN will soon be fully in the role of Eighth King, Revelation 17: 13.
Russia and its allies are the last king of the north, see this latest war of probable response in covid-19, while the USA and its NATO allies are the last king of the south, Daniel 11: 40-45.
Then there are the three systems of power, the political kings of the earth or the governments, Babylon the Great or all the state religions that will be made "dry for Venice" immediately after the signal of "Peace and security", and the traveling traders of to which international bankers (Jews and Jesuits), and by extension, the heads of multinationals and lobbies, Revelation chapter 17 and 18 should be at the forefront.
Then, there are the kings of the earth in the plural who are the current governments of the nations that soon, with the most power at the United Nations, will be even more united as one man, Psalms 2: 2 and eventually later governments will be further even more united under the New World Order, if it will be made official after the signal of peace and security, 1 Thessalonians 5: 3.
But, from behind the scenes, by whom is the Eighth King governed who might receive more power at the end of covid-19? (Or at most, a little later than the partial or total end of covid-19?) The Eighth King is supervised by the banking kings that are part of the traveling traders since the banking kings, so to speak, are the economic kings that trade on money and which most affect the executive and legislative powers of nations.
Except for Babylon the Great, which at the end of the peace and security process (begun in 1913), by express or very direct, will be "done dry for Venice", in chapter 17 and 18 of Revelation, according to what I think I understand, there are banking kings, commercial kings and political kings.
This I say with respect according to what I think I understand and according to the understanding that I have acquired.

The Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Summit were smoke in the eyes of the peoples only to encourage the sale of some technologies, such as photovoltaic panels, but, without interfering with the big business for the oil lobbies, moreover, it cannot be done so much publicity on the plastic emergency in the seas if Italy, if many countries of the European Union and if the United States and still other countries, give plastic to be disposed of to countries such as China and India which then dispose of all or almost all of the plastic in rivers and at sea. Today's capitalism should become more social, more respectful of the environment, less warmongering and less cynical and also should be governed by good anti-corruption rules to give greater control and discipline on today's global economy that is too uncontrolled and even called unjustified law on nations. Furthermore, if there was the will for a sincere change on a global level, the chemtrails would have been immediately interrupted, and therefore, useless for someone on Facebook to propose integrated international laws but. at the same time the will for a substantial change is lacking and if there is no healthy fear towards "G" God who gave us life and a potentially wonderful planet to live on.

At the signal of Peace and security, Jehovah God will put in the hearts of the rulers and of the Eighth King to eliminate all state religions, including the Catholic church, since all these churches have muddied the name of God and God himself, they have discredited the Word of God and have misled and often exploited the faithful, generally speaking. In the front line, (at the beginning of God's adverse judgment when it will start by relying on rulers), there is the Catholic Church that has transgressed many divine laws and principles in the light of the sun even though it has killed on a large scale in the medium, which has given so many false teachings to his followers up to the present time, including the ban on getting married to priests and bishops, the adoration of Mary alongside many other forms of idolatry, false teaching in the Trinity, etc., etc. (Obviously inside the catholixca church there may be good and aincere priests, even if involved in this main one among false religions). In the UN there is a document dating back to before 1987 on the elimination of all state religions that over the years have intervened too much in political affairs, also the ban on religion and both in the program of strong powers and and is foreseen in Revelation at the end of chapter 17. At the fall of the empire of false religions, for many God will have acted strangely or God will no longer hesitate, due to the very rapid fall in "one day" of all state religions Moreover, with this move many people will be pushed further to trust only in the Eighth King, (the current role played by the UN transformed and covered by more power), and / or in the New World Order. But, just then the great tribulation and the reduction of the world population will begin, which will probably happen especially towards the end of this gramde teibulation, (which in the case of Jerusalem lasted 4 years despite being a single city).
Jesus is not God otherwise the Christian teaching that Jesus was dead for three days would be false, including the highest divine principle regarding the ransom sacrifice. So if Jesus was dead or non-existent for three days after another person brought him to life, Almighty God is the factor of life. These are the basillary teachings of Christianity. In addition, Jesus repeatedly makes it clear that he is subordinate and obedient to God. Finally, the doctrine of the Trinity is anti-scriptural and comes from the Catholic Church, such as hell of fire, the adoration of Mary see Romans chapter 5, the prohibition to marry for priests and bishops, etc., etc.

During the great tribulation now well underway, albeit without hope for the future except for the things desirable by the nations, it may be wise to avoid large gatherings and improvised parties to avoid falling into a trap similar to that which prepared the legendary and / or historical Count Dracula to solve the problem of the poor: he would invite the poor to a great free dinner and then he would close the doors and burn the house where the poor were having dinner. Although it may be a remote possibility, but, at the height of the great tribulation and collective delirium with the institutions that will lose control of the situation, summary executions with firearms could be organized on crowds gathered with the excuse of wanting to control the chaos for the alleged benefit of all the other citizens who in any case should have been reduced by 95% to "save" the planet and the scarce resources to be reserved only for the 5% of the world's most affluent and "intelligent" population served by robots for jobs more humble. Whatever it may be, all those who today still do not believe in the conspiracy and not even in the individual hidden wars such as that of chemtrails, could already be counted as not sufficiently smart individuals to continue living on this planet, however Jehovah God evaluates people according to the matured personality and accomplished works if they conform to the will and divine love. However, both the poor and the rich and the powerful can save themselves, as long as they learn and wish to serve and love "G" God in the right way or in the way in which God himself shows us how he wants to be adored by human beings and so that they can become his friends.
Durante la grande tribolazione ormai inoltrata, seppure senza speranza per il futuro ad eccezione delle cose desiderabili dalle nazioni, potrà esser saggio evitare i grandi raduni e feste alla improvvisata per evitare di cadere in una trappola simile a quella che preparò il leggendario e/o storico Conte Dracula per risolvere il problema dei poveri: egli avrebbe invitato i poveri ad una grande cena gratuita e poi avrebbe fatto chiudere le porte ed avrebbe fatto bruciare la casa in cui stavano cenando i poveri. Seppure possa essere una possibilità remota, ma, nel culmine della grande tribolazione e del delirio colettivo con le istituzioni che perderanno il controllo della situazione, potrebbero esser organizzate delle esecuzioni sommarie con armi da fuoco su delle folle radunate con la scusa di voler porre sotto controllo il caos a presunto beneficio di tutti gli altri cittadini che comunque avrebbero dovuto esser ridotti del 95% per "salvare" il pianeta e le scarse risorse da riservare solo al 5% di popolazione mondiale più benestante e "intelligente" servita dai robot per i lavori più umili. Comunque possa essere, tutti coloro che oggi ancora non credono alla cospirazione e nemmeno alle singole guerre nascoste come quella delle scie chimiche, potrebbero già essere annoverati come individui non sufficientementecintellegenti per continuare a vivere su questo pianeta, tuttavia Geova Dio valuta le persone in base alla personalità maturata ed opere compiute se conformi alla volontà ed amore divino. Comunque sia, sia il povero e sia il ricco e il potente possono salvarsi, basta che imparino e desiderino servire ed amare "G" Dio nel modo giusto ossia nel modo in cui Dio stesso ci indica in che modo vuole essere adorato dagli esseri umani ed affinché questi possano diventare suoi amici.

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Unless Donald Trump and / or Vladimir Putin and their allies fail to stop it in time, the World War III program covid-19-25 to attempt total control and reduction of over 80% of the global population , which could also lead us towards the geopolitical evolution of: a global monetary reset, more power at the United Nations, Revelation 17: 13, Blue Bean project in the skies over many nations, a healthy sign of peace and security, 1 Thessalonians 5: 3, eventual formalization of the New World Order, Psalms 2: 2, and the imposition of an entirely atheistic world by law, Psalms 2: 3, but immediately afterwards, an irreversible and great tribulation, Matthew 24: 21-22, pouring of the Apocalypse with total capitulation and destruction of the New World Order and of all those who will have supported it until the expiration of the useful time as indicated in Psalms 2: 10-12: Psalms 2: 2-9, Daniel 2: 44 and 12: 1, Sofphonia 1: 18 , Revelation 11: 18 and 19 : 19-21.
Will there be half a revolution if corrupt public officials get Joe Biden to win? The authorities in favor of the Deep State are already preparing for possible uprisings, moreover if instead of the stalemate or the victory of Donald Trump, the Democrat Joe Biden wins, then, the health dictatorship will be temporarily assured not only to the Americans but also to the people of the whole globe or little away. Be that as it may, this covid-19 war appears to be a starter of the coming great tribulation and both the kings of the earth and every common citizen can find true salvation only in the Kingdom of Jehovah God delegated to Jesus Christ and his 144,000 kings and priests. For this reason, even today's kings of the earth are urged to put into practice the wisdom and insight recommended in Psalms 2: 10-12. However, even true Christians, in addition to showing trust, fidelity and obedience to the faithful and wise slave and also having to be neutral with respect to the parties in apparent dispute in politics, can and should use their powers of reason to plan also to defend themselves from traps of this covid-19 war, though, Jehovah can restore his faithful servant in life even if in 2021 or 2022, just to give an example, he dies from upcoming covid vaccines.
There are various levels that push this covid-19 war forward: from the interests in selling masks, to bribes and false glory for a noble cause to politicians, to the big deal for the distribution of vaccines that have never been before. controlled by an external body, to the increase in power that can be obtained thanks to the pandemic but which cannot be obtained only with money, to project the world faster towards the future and a monetary reset, up to the primary deviated reason to reduce the population by more than 80% to guarantee a better world but only for a few survivors under the regime of the New World Order which, through technologies, should be able to guarantee peace and security on a global level. Thus, there could also be various levels to preach the good news and divine judgment in batches, from ordinary people up to the kings of the earth, but, at the same time managing to always remain neutral and not biased but perhaps while being able to criticize and / or speak well of a king of the earth according to the political actions he has undertaken in the past and above all that he does at the present time and that he could do in the immediate future. In the case of the kings of the earth, in my opinion there should be the possibility to propose to them the "negotiation" described in Psalms 2: 10-12 and so that any convinced king of the earth can convince and involve other governments for the implementation of this divine negotiation but possibly before time runs out. A testimony of hope and a way out but also a warning that the sword will soon come.
The moderators of Facebook and Google Italy are so criminal and in league with the Italian government that they immediately censor this 21-minute video without even letting you post it on your page without sharing it. If this covid-19 war were stopped in time and if tomorrow there is another Nuremberg trial for crimes against humanity, then journalists like Tiziana Panella of TV "La 7" and the moderators of Facebook and Google Italia, and not only, should being tried on the front line for crimes against humanity alongside Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, international bankers if deviated and premieres like Macron, Merkel and Conte. The title of the movie is: "The covid-19 genocide of 2020"
Click on the link for the video:
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Or rather, the coronavirus from China, manipulated in the Chinese laboratory and then spread on purpose, exists but was dangerous only in February, March, April and May, but, since May the existence of the small pandemic has become a hoax just to keep in feet: the vaccine deal, the population extermination program and an accelerated path into a diabolical short-term future towards a strictly banking-like New World Order. Furthermore, the small pandemic has appeared much more serious thanks to media terrorism and thanks to the erroneous guidelines imposed on doctors and hospitals on purpose by many puppet governments:
O meglio, il corona virus dalla Cina, manipolato nel laboratorio cinese e poi sparso di proposito, esiste ma era pericoloso solo in febbraio, marzo, aprile e maggio, ma, da maggio la esistenza della piccola pandemia è diventata una bufala solo per tenere in piedi: l'affare dei vaccini, il programma di sterminio della popolazione e un percorso accelerato in un diabolico percorso verso un Nuovo Ordine Mondiale strettamente di stampo bancario. Inoltre, la piccola pandemia è apparsa più grave grazie al terrorismo mediatico e grazie alle errate linee guida imposte di proposito da tanti governi fantoccio:
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È inutile e fuorviante discutere sui dettagli dei DPCM quando il governo pur dicendo di non voler un altro lockdown di fatto ci sta preparando e abituando a un altro lockdown per abbattere gradualmente la economia, affinché il paese venga venduto a prezzo stracciato, affinché dopo più cittadini ridotti alla fame accettino i prossimi vaccini covid sempre più dannosi e mortali, ecc, ecc.
Tutto questo percorso ha lo scopo primario di tentare di ridurre la popolazione di oltre l'80% e nel contempo, (come carburante per mandare avanti questa guerra covid-19), per promuovere i buoni affari solo per le banche e per alcune grandi aziende per cui il governo sta lavorando, ma ovviamente, essendoci tanti altri governi fantoccio che sono criminali e al servizio delle lobby private tanto quasi come il governo italiano.
Tutte le cure efficaci per il covid sars 2 sono state ignorate dal governo italiano Conte PD-5S in quanto gli elementi nocivi come il ministro Speranza, (sebbene adottino la strategia di apparire calmi e preoccupati per la nostra salute), di fatto, ci vogliono ammalati, mortti in grande numero e schiavi per quei pochi che fossero sopravvisuti.
Tuttavia, non bastano ogni giorno le manifestazioni di piazza pacifiche e su larga scala, ma, ci vuole una dissubidienza civile ai DPCM incostituzionali e almeno il non pagare tutte le tasse e tutti i pizzi e tutte le multe almeno tra tutte quelle che non attingono alla fonte dei nostri introiti.
Il governo volendo costringerci a portare le mascherine anche all'aperto, ci vuole far pagare anche l'aria che respiriamo e ci vuole portare alla ubbidienza più folle e più incondizionata che si possa mai concepire. Ovviamente ci vorrebbe anche un'altra azione molto drastica e molto ben organizzata per fermare il governo, la maggioranza e la opposizione che di fatto sono tutti in combuta.
Salvo quando io entro in un locale privato, non ho più intenzione da tanto tempo di ubbidire alle regole dei DPCM del governo che è al servizio del sistema bancario, farmaceutico e delle multinazionali. Se la guerra covid-19 avrà termine, dopo i poteri forti e i governi fantoccio non riusciranno comunque a far ripartire la economia del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale a livello globale, inoltre, i poteri forti e i governi non riusciranno a garantire pace e sicurezza a livello globale attraverso il controllo su ogni cittadino con le tecnologie ma il mondo intero, (pur non cadendo in una guerra di nazione contro nazione), cadrà in un irreversibile e grande tribolazione fino all'annientamento totale dello stesso Nuovo Ordine Mondiale e di tutti coloro che lo avranno sostenuto fino alla scadenza del tempo utile che, grosso modo, dovrebbe coincidere con il termine del falso processo di pace e sicurezza iniziato in segreto nel 1913.
(Forse al momento meno danni causano i gruppi privati del commercio che si adattano al cambiamento, vedi Amazon, tuttavia i piccoli commercianti tendono comunque a soccombere sia per i lockdown che per la concorrenza delle vendite attraverso internet Molti dipendenti pubblici non si preoccupano perché continuano ad avere lo stipendio anche se non lavorano o se lavorano molto di meno e inoltre alcuni individui e aziende guadagnano tanto attraverso questa guerra covid-19 e nel contempo gli danno sostegno diretto o indiretto, ma, quando il sistema comincerà a crollare irreversibilmente anche gli introiti di tutte queste persone e aziende, gli ospedali compresi, verrano a meno, non solo, ma, quando il sistema non darà più i suoi prodotti, i soldi e i preziosi verranno gettati nelle pubbliche piazze. La quarta rivoluzione industriale per il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale non riuscirà a prendere il volo.)
Vicini di casa e persone stupide si mettono in disputa contro i vicini di casa e con altre persone per cose banali o per fantasmi che neanche non esistono, quando invece, dovremo essere più uniti per combattere contro il vero nemico.
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Salvo che Donald Trump e/o Vladimir Putin e i loro alleati non riescano a fermarla in tempo, il programma della terza guerra mondiale covid-19-25 per il tentativo di controllo totale e di riduzione fin oltre l'80% della popolazione a livello globale, che potrebbe portarci anche verso la evoluzione geopolitica di: un reset monetario globale, più potere alle Nazioni Unite, Rivelazione 17: 13, progetto Blue Bean nei cieli su molte nazioni, segnale fitizzio di pace e aicurezza, 1 Tessalonicesi 5: 3, eventuale ufficializzazione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, Salmi 2: 2, e imposizione di un mondo interamente ateo per legge, Salmi 2: 3, ma immediatamente dopo, una irreversibile e grande tribolazione, Matteo 24: 21-22, versamento della Apocalisse con la totale capitolazione e distruzione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale e di tutti coloro che lo avranno sostenuto fino alla scadenza del tempo utile come indicato in Salmi 2: 10-12: Salmi 2: 2-9, Daniele 2: 44 e 12: 1, Soffonia 1: 18, Rivelazione 11: 18 e 19: 19-21.
Se fanno vincere Joe Biden ci sarà una mezza rivoluzione? Le autorità a favore dello Stato Profondo già si preparano per eventuali insurrezioni, inoltre se invece dello stallo o della vittoria di Donald Trump vincesse il democratico Joe Biden, allora, la dittatura sanitaria sarà temporaneamente assicurata non solo agli americani ma anche ai popoli di tutto il globo o poco via. Comunque sia, questa guerra covid-19 sembra essere un antipasto della veniente grande tribolazione e sia i re della terra che ogni cittadino comune può trovare vera salvezza solo nel Regno di Geova Dio delegato a Gesù Cristo ed ai suoi 144 mila re e sacerdoti. Per questo motivo anche gli odierni re della terra sono esortati a mettere in pratica la saggezza e la perspicacia consigliata in Salmi 2: 10-12. Tuttavia, anche i veri cristiani, oltre a mostrare fiducia, fedeltà e ubbidienza allo schiavo fedele e saggii ed inoltre a dover essere neutri rispetto alle parti in disputa apparente nella politica, possono e dovrebbero usare a piano le proprie facoltà di ragionare anche per diffendersi dalle trappole di questa guerra covid-19, sebbene, Geova possa riportare un vita un suo fedele servitore anche se nel 2021 o 2022, solo per fare un esempio, morisse a causa dei prossimi vaccini covid.
Ci sono vari livelli che spingono avanti questa guerra covid-19: dagli interessi per la vendita di mascherine, alle tangenti e alla falsa gloria per una causa nobile ai politici, al grande affare per la distribuzione dei vaccini che fino ad oggi non sono stati mai controllati da un ente esterno, all'aumento di potere che si può ottenere grazie alla pandemia ma che non si può ottenere soltanto con i soldi, al proiettare il mondo più velocemente verso il futuro e un reset monetario, fino ad arrivare al motivo deviato primario di ridurre la popolazione oltre l'80% per garantire un mondo migliore ma solo per pochi sopravvisuti sotto il regime del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale che attraverso le tecnologie dovrebbe riuscire a garantire pace e sicurezza a livello globale. Così, potrebbero anche esserci vari livelli per predicare la buona notizia e il giudizio divino a partite, dalle persone comuni fino ad arrivare ai re della terra, ma, nel contempo riuscendo a mantenersi sempre neutri e non di parte ma forse pur potendo criticate e/o parlate bene di un re della terra a seconda delle azioni politiche che ha intrapreso in passato e sopratutto che fa al tempo presente e che potrebbe fare nel immediato futuro. Nel caso dei re della terra, a mio parere dovrebbe esserci la possibilità di proporgli il "negoziato" descritto in Salmi 2: 10-12 e affinché l'eventuale re della terra convinto possa convincere e coinvolgere altri governi per la messa in pratica di questo negoziato divino ma possibilmente prima che scada il tempo utile. Una testimonianza di speranza e di una via di uscita ma anche un avvertimento che fra poco verrà la spada.
I moderatori di Facebook e di Google Italia sono cosi criminali e in combutta con il governo italiano da censurare immediatamente questo filmato di 21 minuti senza neanche lasciartelo pubblicare sulla tua pagina senza condividerlo. Se questa guerra covid-19 fosse fermata in tempo e se domani ci sarà un altro processo di Norimberga per crimini contro l'umanità, alora i giornalisti come Tiziana Panella de La 7 e i moderatori di Facebook e di Google Italia, e non solo, dovrebbero essere processati in prima linea per crimini contro l'umanità al fianco di Bill Gates, di Anthony Fauci, dei banchieri internazionali se deviati e dei premier come Macron, Merkel e Conte. Il titolo del filmato è: "Il genocidio covid-19 del 2020"
Cliccare sul link per il filmato:

Link del post su Facebook:
Link of the post in Facebook:
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I hope that the strong powers and the CIA and not only, will take vision of at least part of all these comments, and possibly, even comparing people's intentions and if there was actually something too serious that can not be forgotten in the oblivion causes the frenzy of today's capitalism and the too many affairs that run, but, instead, it could and should be deepened before it is too late and thus to promote a possible greater awareness available to the kings of the earth.
Just enter a super market like there are many in Europe, the USA and many other countries in the world to understand how the system is not in harmony with nature and to understand how much we have become used to living in harmony with the environment and biological cycles, while the good initiatives put into practice fail to make text on the global whole.
Just look, observe and reflect on how many packagings and how much plastic there is to contain food and other products. For each product there is generally too much waste of energy, too much plastic and too much waste, a typical situation of today's capitalism and also it is too difficult to take only small measures for the environment that are generally postponed immediately also in Europe and the United States , not to mention Ciba, India and many former countries, until recently, called third world countries.
In addition, even the chemtrails left in the skies over many nations show that at the level of maximum systems there is no desire to change,, rather there is the occult will to exterminate gradually and quietly the world population believed to too much. And perhaps, also making it clear to many individuals who do not understand or do not want to understand, that it is as if the uncontrolled economy and the too warlike and destructive capitalist system were not the factors most responsible for how the world goes today and how much today we human beings are ruining the earth. But, the earth seen as being able to support us, not as if the earth needed us to exist.
Psalm 2: 10-12 must be brought to attention and in the end each one will reap what he has sown, including today's and / or imminent kings of the earth.

We must seek God with spirit and truth, avoiding wanting to express an alleged truth of convenience which is often in line with current capitalism. We must avoid making excuses by dwelling on the meaning of some words, names and dialectical pronunciations, ignoring the evidence, especially in order to never give a serious turn to our way of thinking, and therefore, so that our way of life remains the same and so that this uncontrolled and destructive global economy based on the maximum profit at the moment remains as it is, perhaps even being apparently too expensive and tiring to change the system towards the most respectful of nature Man is ruining the nature that sustains us and therefore enough reflect on the fact that man is about to destroy himself, unable to do without war, continuing to ruin the earth and dominating man to his own detriment. With philosophy one does not solve the problems of the world, moreover one does not solve the problems of the way with the suggestion of having the kingdom in our mind. It takes a divine kingdom through the Messiah and the 144,000 kings and priests to profoundly and seriously affect human affairs to restore both the planet and humanity's health and way of acting. However with the payment of the Apocalypse first all the wicked and all the wicked and unrepentant men must die until the expiration of the useful time.
Many people make personal choices of truths that are comfortable for them generally according to the parameters and values of today's capitalism, and moreover, as if propaganda and so much junk science that this system often wants to force us to believe was like cast gold. So the biblical truths become more and more a dream and things for crazy people especially if the spiritual argument, (instead of remaining hypocritically in the form of culture and screen for one's social image), is taken as something that can actually affect the our daily life and our future existence. In other words, you are normal only if you believe in money, in capitalism and in what the voice of authority and fashion tells you, even if often this is corrupt and / or in turn sidetracked, incompetent and interested only in profit.
But, after showing that the theory of evolution is a whole fraud and scientific deception, it is logical to think that the earth exists with the aim of supporting life: not the markets, not the maximum profit, not the stock exchange, not the spread, not an avid capitalism as we know it today and in which markets, multinationals and private banks dictate the laws of states and everything we must believe in.
Today's, we have the evidence to give a certain answer to this question.
Oggi di, abbiamo le prove per dare una risposta certa a questa domanda.
If change is more power to the role played by the UN, it is very close, even the de facto restoration of the Free Territory of Trieste could have helped the Eighth King in gaining more easily the trust of the peoples, the issue being Israel and Palestine under the eyes of the whole world, however being the relative issue of the United Nations protectorate addressed below both to the Free Territory of Trieste and to Palestine in document S / 2015/809 issued by the United Nations on October 23, 2015. Not only , but, the reactivation of the Free Territory of Trieste could also act as a propitious "bridge" in favoring a possible end of the economic war between the United States and its allies against Russia and its allies, also bearing in mind the already good political relationship between Trump and Putin, and this, regardless of what the media make us believe. And finally, the same US-UK peace and security process would gain greater credibility in the presence of peoples and to the advantage of the same strong powers, as it would also be shown that even the important UN countries strategically comfortable for NATO such as Italy they also have a duty to respect international treaties and peace treaties. From 1954 to today in 2020 Italy continues to violate the peace treaty of 1947. I wanted to mention this situation relating to the FTT in the comments of this post, not giving priority to the economic aspect of the city in which I live, but, also wanting to emphasize that if the FTT became a good example of state both for environmental policy and for social and commercial policy, then the FTT could serve as a good example to other nations and thus favoring greater prestige and credibility to the ON, potentially convenient thing for strong powers and even greater apparent success in the peace and security process, because, in theory only with the well-being and prosperity in favor of all peoples and respect for the environment in which we live can bring health to peoples and peace in the world. Obviously, while assuming a multiple advantage to the same strong powers that rule the world today, emphasizing that if the Eighth King acts as a screen for the image of the seventh king, (the USA-UK), it would be even more useful, wise and farsighted that the last king of the south and the last king of the north wanted to immediately put into practice, albeit gradually and with the greatest possible effort, the "negotiation" described in Psalms 2: 10-12.
The speech that I propose is rooted in the interests of all parties, the USA, NATO countries, Russia and its allies, the TLT as a buffer state and possible bridge between East and West, Europe together with other countries after the lesson covid-19 could become wiser and by receiving the directive from the UN at the same time they could promote a more supportive international policy between country and country so that for example Germany no longer bullies with countries such as Italy, Spain and Greece. At the same time, if the peace treaties are respected, the peace and security process started in 1913 also gains credibility, the UN with more power would be facilitated to receive the trust of the peoples, also corresponding to the interests of the same high masonry which it will exercise anyway part of its power and direction through the UN. Italy would be disadvantaged in losing Trieste but which never belonged to it but the other nations could have supported Italy if in difficulty for this loss, moreover if the kings of the earth put into practice Psalms 2: 10-12 the support he also had to go to the countries that live by exporting oil if all the vehicles started to go with the current present in the ionosphere. In the end if with the most UN the nations came closer to God no longer practicing the wild capitalism present until the end of 2019 the great tribulation and great change with the Apocalypse would have been less devastating and more people would have been saved. All utopia if a person sees possible only a policy in which only interests dictate the law but either we change or the sequel will be infinitely more serious than the covid-19.

Ma se le pagine Facebook del movimento Trieste Libera e del I.P.R. TLT-FTT fossero state scomode e promotrici di cause civili e penali scomode per il governo e per lo Stato Italiano, non avrebbero dovuto subire un mucchio di censure e blocchi delle funzioni fino al blocco totale delle pagine? Inoltre, se una persona competente non si è mai occupata sulla questione TLT dall'inizio degli anni 80 fino al 2013 è un infiltrato per conto di Roma od è fedele alla causa TLT? Comunque stiano le cose a me viene da pensare che la questione sul TLT e sul rispetto integrale del trattato di pace potrebbe essere risolta in si o in no immediatamente dopo che le Nazioni Unite avranno ricevuto più potere, Rivelazione 17: 13.
But if the Facebook pages of the Trieste Libera movement and the I.P.R. TLT-FTT had been uncomfortable and promoters of civil and criminal cases inconvenient for the government and for the Italian State, shouldn't they have been subjected to a lot of censorship and blocking of functions until the total block of the pages? Furthermore, if a competent person has never dealt with the TLT issue from the early 1980s until 2013, is he an infiltrator on behalf of Rome or is he faithful to the TLT case? Whatever the case, I think that the question of TLT and full respect for the peace treaty could be answered yes or no immediately after the United Nations has received more power, Revelation 17: 13.
But, from what a person speaks for system, generally that which is within him, but, for many people, we must only talk about work, technological weapons, spreads, markets on the stock exchange, gross domestic product, 5G, etc. , etc., but, little of spiritual topics and possibly only at the level of culture and good peraonal image at the ethical level however if for example you believe in the existence of Satan as a real person then you are crazy or otherwise out of your mind. Today many people hear but without listening while the form and appearance is more important than the substance, also there are many false moralists who claim to import their morals based on personal money and interests, but, not according to a morality based on justice and in defense of all righteous people.
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You are 100% right from the legal point of view in an issue with the Italian government and state, but for Rome would giving you reason mean suffering too much political and economic consequences? Furthermore, until the present time it seems that a "sword" has not yet matured, capable of forcing Rome to give you the reason, since, in addition to the law, it also requires a superior subject who imposes respect for the law on the lower subject? Or, the lower subject which in this case is political, executive and legislative Rome, will have to obey international diplomacy to give reason to "you" but this will happen at the most favorable historical moment and so that with one stone one can take two or three pigeons in rather? Well, in this last hypothesis you will still get the reason in your dispute with Rome only that you have to have a little more patience so that the most appropriate historical moment can mature to give you reason, plus your reason having been reconfirmed as current only a short time ago. However if Rome had the hope and the certainty that this "sword" would never have been placed as executive then most likely Rome would have put at your side a very competent infiltrator and almost above any suspicion so that over the years you, being too weak and few in number, you get tired and gradually wear yourself out until you completely abandon your hope of getting reason. In summary, Rome and its infiltrator, if it really existed, in secret would make many promises that in the end one after the other miss the target, however, Rome and its agent are very smart, and therefore so that the situation does not become too much hot and possibly do not make a small explosion that could trigger a domino effect afterwards, Rome through its infiltrate can make you believe that despite all the targets not hit you are still gaining position as in a game of chess, not only, but, Rome she is so smart that to keep you calm she could make you think that you are getting the reason because where you live in the present you can enforce some of your rights and at the same time the institutions, under the control of Rome, can actually treat you differently than to the majority of your peers outside the group at least in some respects. However, do you who continue to hope with so much perseverance have at least some evidence of the international progress made by your group? Or, has any evidence of actual progress been denied you with the real and / or alleged excuse of confidentiality? Well, in ancient Israel at the time of the wise king Solomon, (although towards the end of his reign Solomon deviated from following the true God "G"), there was not only Solomon and even today, from behind the scenes he could be in phase of growth a situation that at its peak could make you get the reason why you fought for so many years but in a way almost completely different from what you expected and, regardless of what you think you have managed to do or do not try to get your reason.
Intralazzi collaterali di stampo capitalista al interno di questa "terza guerra mondiale" COVID-19 che alla fine del suo potrebbe sfociare nel più potere all'Ottavo Re. (Copiato e incollato da un amico S. F.)
Troppe coincidenze!!!
Di Maio va in Cina e fa un accordo strepitoso col governo cinese denominato "La via della seta". La Francia e la Germania ci restano di cacca perché si sono fatte anticipare da un mocciosetto napoletano. L’accordo prevede la corsia preferenziale all’Italia rispetto al restante dell’Europa negli scambi commerciali. Smacco x l’asse franco/tedesco. Come fare per impedire che questo accordo faccia diventare l’Italia una nazione più forte appoggiata dalla Cina, colosso e prima potenza mondiale (sempre più in ascesa)? Ecco che entrano in scena i servizi segreti Francesi che concordono assieme ai tedeschi e, udite udite, agli israeliani la strategia x mettere in un solo colpo in ginocchio l’economia cinese ed italiana. La Francia ha una centrale costruita in Cina ed esattamente nella città di wuhan (guarda un po’ che combinazione) nel 1934, se non vado errato, dove si mettono a punto studi per saperne di più di virus e batteri. La Germania trova il pollo kamikaze di turno che in qualità di ricercatore va nella centrale e fa uscire il virus infettandosi da solo, quindi saluta dando la mano a tutti nella centrale ed in città e rientra in Germania consapevole di quello che ha appena fatto, ma non basta. Questo signore, che chiameremo il contagiato n. 0, viene mandato in italia a farsi un bel giretto a Codogno dove contagia un bel po di persone e se ne ritorna tranquillo in Germania. Gli israeliani che c’entrano? Sapete che hanno una intelligence che è la migliore al mondo? Bene i furbacchioni si occuperanno di fare uscire a tempo debito, e prima di chiunque altro, il vaccino che molto probabilmente hanno già approntato da tempo (con cui hanno vaccinato e protetto i 20000 soldati americani che ci stanno invadendo per proteggerci da chi??) (Un mio commento: a volte i virus vanno fuori controllo ma spesso qualcuno vuole che vengano sparsi per fare la guerra nascosta, per ricavarne profitto e per strategie e soluzioni avvenire). Milioni di euro per loro. Riepilogando la Francia e la Germania se ne lavano le mani facendo cadere la colpa sui cinesi. Gli americani applaudono così si tolgono la Cina davanti ai piedi. La Russia resta a guardare e l’Italia si fa spaventare come previsto dalla stampa e dai media che bombardano creando panico tra la gente. Tra tre settimane arriverà il vaccino da Israele ma tutto non sarà finito perché comincerà una recessione che porterà l’Italia in defoult a meno che, a meno che proprio la Cina non ci salvi e ci protegga.
Ricondivido ed è la seconda volta che me lo oscurano. Fine del copiato e incollato.
E quindi, la analisi corrisponde ai fatti verificatisi da dietro le quinte, sebbene tutti questi intrallazzi non mi interessano piu che tanto sapendo da tempo che il sistema è sempre più corrotto e sempre più schifoso di quello che ci possiamo immaginare, inoltre per me il lato economico e il capitalismo al interno di una nazione e di un sistema ha ormai poca importanza. Quasi tutti pensano solo alla pensione, agli interessi e al profitto ma i discorsi sullo spread e sulla borsa io gli considero spazzatura e mi hanno nauseato. Si, come se noi avessimo il dovere di fare indigestione dei discorsi degli economisti anche se non ci interessano e pure come se fosse nostro dovere credere alla menzogna e alla disinformazione.
Collateral intricacies of a capitalist style within this "third world war" COVID-19 which at the end of his could lead to more power to the Eighth King. (Copied and pasted by a friend S. F.)
Too many coincidences !!!
And therefore, the analysis corresponds to the facts that occurred from behind the scenes, although all these interlaces do not interest me much, knowing for a long time that the system is increasingly corrupt and more and more disgusting than we can imagine, also for me the side economic and capitalism within a nation and a system has little importance. Almost everyone thinks only of retirement, interest and profit but the talk about the spread and the stock market I consider them to be junk and have made me sick. Yes, as if we had a duty to make indigestion of the speeches of economists even if they do not interest us and also as if it were our duty to believe lies and misinformation.
Di Maio goes to China and makes an amazing deal with the Chinese government called "The Silk Road". France and Germany are left with poop because they let themselves be anticipated by a Neapolitan little brat. The agreement provides for the preferential lane to Italy compared to the rest of Europe in trade. Smacco x the Franco / German axis. How can we prevent this agreement from making Italy into a stronger nation supported by China, a colossus and world leader (increasingly on the rise)? Here comes the French secret services that agree with the Germans and, listen, Israelis, the strategy to bring the Chinese and Italian economy to one knee. France has a plant built in China and exactly in the city of wuhan (look what a combination) in 1934, if I'm not mistaken, where studies are developed to find out more about viruses and bacteria. Germany finds the kamikaze chicken on duty which as a researcher goes to the plant and releases the virus by infecting itself, then greets giving everyone's hand in the plant and in the city and returns to Germany aware of what it has just done, but it is not enough. This gentleman, whom we will call the infected n. 0, he is sent to Italy to take a nice stroll in Codogno where he infects a lot of people and he returns quietly to Germany. The Israelis who enter it? Do you know they have intelligence that is the best in the world? Well the wily ones will take care to bring out in due course, and before anyone else, the vaccine that most likely they have already prepared for some time (with which they vaccinated and protected the 20,000 American soldiers who are invading us to protect us from whom ??) (My comment: sometimes the viruses go out of control but often someone wants them to be spread to make the war hidden, to profit from it and for future strategies and solutions). Millions of euros for them. In summary, France and Germany wash their hands, causing the Chinese to blame. The Americans applaud so they take China off their feet. Russia is watching and Italy is frightened as expected by the press and the media that bomb creating panic among the people. The vaccine from Israel will arrive in three weeks but everything will not be over because a recession will begin that will bring Italy into defoult unless, unless China saves us and protects us.
I share it again and it is the second time that they have obscured me. End of copied and pasted.
Russia has an incredibly powerful and technological contrast of military force, in addition to Russia's new nuclear-powered missiles and beyond.
If at the time when the Eighth King receives more power, at the same time the war between the last king of the north against the last king of the south will also end, at least in the initial part there should be equal influence from East and West on the Eighth King otherwise difficult or impossible for Russia to agree to submit to the eighth king with a predominantly western directive.
(In biblical predictions there are different types of kings, and to understand what king it is, we often need to consider the context in which a given verse is found, for example, for our era in chapter 11 of Daniel we talk about the last king of the south which corresponds to the USA and its allies; but, in the second Psalm the kings of the earth are understood as governments of individual nations, it is perhaps, by extension there may be banking kings and kings as heads of multinational corporations and also having a say even the judges; in chapter 18 of Revelation in the front line there should be political kings or governments and commercial kings who travel a lot for business or international bankers especially in London and the heads of multinationals; instead in a prophecy that was fulfilled in passed a large horn was Alexander the Great and the 4 smaller horns were 4 generals that all together were still less powerful than Alexander the Great; then there are 8 kings who succeeded each other in history up to the present day, I mention a few: Babylon, Medes and Persia, Rome, up to the seventh king, the USA-UK and the eighth king which today corresponds to the UN which soon must receive more power thus acting also as a good screen in the image of the seventh king.)
Even within the same nation there may be conflict between the major authorities, for example between the FBI which works above all to defend the citizen and to defend the federal state and federal law which can often be in conflict with the CIA or with that part of the CIA diverted which, in order to serve and to work in favor of the New World Order, (as if it were an absolute top project), could even favor the drug trade to finance large secret and underground military works.

The parliament and government of a nation should legislate and execute with balance between the interests of multinationals and the interests of the people, moreover, if a minister works collaterally for a corporation of his own country and / or other countries he should not be corrupt or not it should be corrupted so that the interests of the people, the interests of the corporation and the protection of the environment are in balance. Healthy growth generates a healthy adult, but if a national government or a global government grows sick, in the war and not in equilibrium, it will hardly be an adult, healthy, balanced, peaceful government in harmony with the purpose of "G" God. A healthy system in the interests of all and also some political and banking kings of the earth if they put Psalms 2: 10-12 into practice, in addition to reaching the end of the system in economic prosperity, they could also receive the gift of eternal life from Jehovah God, the architect and creator of our DNA.
Those who rule the world, (this should happen at various levels of hierarchy both in politics and in the economy and in business), should do so with wisdom, foresight and love in harmony with the purpose of "G" God for the earth and the life on it, and therefore, not with a warmongering, avid, opportunistic and typical mental attitude in this capitalist system and global economy out of control.
The global economy is mostly set up to sell more and more and to consume continuously and as soon as possible, and therefore, even the multipurpose products that should be of quality must not last long, but, for example if you try to put on the market of bulbs that last a lot of risks that make you "dry for Venice by direct or by expressed". So, more waste, more pollution and more waste of energy, and more. The summits on the environment, since there is no will to change? All smoke in people's eyes in the name of good business.
Like or not, in addition to being so many proofs, even the Written Word of God, the Holy Bible, confirms the conspiracy worldwide, it is therefore, as Cortez Gambino rightly says, it is not a simple conspiracy theory as there is evidence.
Even within the same nation there may be conflict between the major authorities, for example between the FBI which works above all to defend the citizen and to defend the federal state and federal law which can often be in conflict with the CIA or with that part of the CIA diverted which, in order to serve and to work in favor of the New World Order, (as if it were an absolute top project), could even favor the drug trade to finance large secret and underground military works.
Generally, those who do good have nothing to hide. This principle also applies to states and governments, moreover, all nations have more or less many skeletons in the closet and therefore the USA-UK are not worse than many other nations, only that today in our era the USA-UK do more text on international politics, and therefore, in the book of Revelation the role of the USA-UK is mentioned in the singular, unlike the roles of other nations mentioned in the plural, however, the last king of the north being very strong and therefore being able to oppose and being able to negotiate with the last king of the south.

Volente o nolente oltre ad esserci tante prove, anche la Parola Scritta di Dio, la Sacra Bibbia, conferma la cospirazione a livello mondiale, è quindi, come giustamente afferma Cortez Gambino, non si tratta di semplice teoria complottista in quanto ci sono le prove.
Today of, we live in a historical period in which we: either take a position in the right way in favor of the great architect of the universe "G" God or consciously or unknowingly take a position in favor of Satan the Devil who pretends to be the great architect of the universe although it is not. Most men and women serve Satan putting profit and career first but God last or as if God did not exist. while many other people are led astray by countless false religions or by fun. Healthy fun and good work is ok, however one must be balanced by not becoming slaves to pleasure or work. Be that as it may, the kingdom of God does not take place within us but is a real government that will soon manifest itself, Daniel 2: 44.
Too many people are misled: by capitalism and economic convenience, by philosophy, by common thought, by the sages of this world ruled by Satan, by the voice of authority. In addition, many people lack humility and do not know how to search for God with spirit and truth, while, they are led astray by their prevailing prejudices and thoughts that often prevent healthy reasoning without turns of words and without dwelling too much on the meaning of some words and at the same time exchanging true stories for metaphors. In doing so the Bible is diminished, misunderstood and denied while false religions have contributed to muddying both the Bible and the name of God. For a few years and in the future also a lot of junk science will have the purpose of discrediting the Bible so that peoples put faith only in a capitalist global government. However, Jehovah God will draw the final bill through the Apocalypse. Yet there is much evidence available to demonstrate even in a courtroom the great truth about Jehovah God and his purpose for the earth and for humanity obedient to him for the benefit of humanity itself.
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Just respect simple rules to limit the spread of the virus, the meter away, etc., etc., however one must avoid being too succubus of all the rules within the provisions of the government otherwise since the covid-19 will probably not be completely eliminated and it could last a few years, since it is a virus manipulated in the laboratory and spread on purpose, the imposition of the subcutaneous chip will be imposed much earlier thanks to covid-19 and therefore if today ordinary people control too much other people and the observance of every rule tomorrow these same people will turn into prison guards and spies unaware of a diabolical system and they will come to tell me too: in order to be able to shop, you have to put the subcutaneous chip in as it serves to protect both your health and that of others. Moral of the speech: be careful not to cook on a slow fire gradually becoming accomplices of a capitalist system that is leading humanity to self-destruction while in the end the hierarchies at the top of the pyramid that rule the world will also perish, except that, not decide to change in due time according to the wisdom of "G" God. The great anomaly of this capitalist system you can see immediately if only you think that private individuals who print money should not dictate unconditional law on governments, parliaments and the whole system productive of the nations, not only, but they largely determine the time of war and the time of peace plus the many hidden wars even between the allied countries.
But, do you know which is the greatest work of art of Satan, despite the many tests to find out the truth that Satan exists as an intelligent and planning real person, therefore not being evil in us and not being a metaphor? Make people believe, including many individuals who serve him, that he does not exist. Yes, as if he does not exist and by extension as if God does not exist, of course. But how did he become Satan the Devil? By misusing his free will, even angels and cherubs having a mind, thoughts, feelings and desires.
Jehovah God gives us all the opportunity to verify that the Bible is inspired by God and that the Bible is always telling the truth, and the written Word of God itself explains how to interpret the various verses by taking into account the context in to which each verse is found, comparing the verse with other verses, whether it is a metaphor or not, taking into account the historical context of the event, etc., etc.
But, today of, how can true religion be identified, in which case there really was one? True religion is identified on the basis of the results it produces, that is, today's Christianity without hypocrisy must correspond to the Christianity of the first century and must fulfill some prophecies related to our age including, Matthew 24: 14.
The Catholic Church teaches that you must have faith only because the voice of the authority says so and also believe or not believe. But the Bible invites you to check every inspired expression, moreover the faith of things to come must be supported by the tests upstream, similarly to what happens today for the weather forecast, moreover the Bible teaches that God appreciates a living faith, that is, when faith produces works and the results in the daily life of the true Christian.
However today of, how in the time of Noah, there are many blessed in ignorance whose life is only: drinking, eating, working, having fun and believing in the voice of the predominantly capitalist authority, so much tomorrow we will die.
Of course, I can be wrong about some details, (I try to make use of many parameters and intentions largely available), also I can't be sure if the Blue Bean project will be used to deceive people and if the strong powers will be able to formalize the New World Order, despite the fact that the Eighth King will soon receive much more power, Revelation 17: 13, however most likely the international scene will generally have this evolution, also the climate war with the Haarp bases and Chemtrails will help stop agricultural products thanks to the increase in drought and floods as well as with pollution. Today's hidden wars are among the main factors that will make the great tribulation more devastating, Matthew 24: 21-23 and at the height of the great tribulation the Apocalypse will be paid which could last even less than 24 literal hours, being the judgment of God that will come poured on this wicked system of things, today of, founded above all on war, profit and disinformation to dominate man to his own harm, Daniel 2: 44, Revelation 11: 18 and 19: 19-21, Psalms 2: 4-9.
In 1913 the secret peace and security process began and the Federal Reserve of New York became the first private federal bank with amendment 13. In the fall of 1914 the 2520 years of the seven times ended and Jesus was enthroned king in heaven to begin to reign in the midst of his enemies. With the Apocalypse all the governments of human invoice will end, Daniel 2: 44, moreover, the messianic kingdom, with Jesus and the 144,000 kings and priests, will begin to interfere fully on human affairs. Will the UN receive more power soon? Well, good or bad depending on the use that will be made of it, so if some Rothschild and Rochefeller and some governments will put into practice the wisdom recommended in Psalms 2: 10-12, wanting to question, wanting to modify and possibly wanting to abandon the project of the New World Order, they will become happy and friends of "G" God with the prospect of eternal life thanks to the future divine support on DNA and chromosomes that will be poured out on every person of good will. If I had the due support and attention, I could prove these things to the FBI and the United States Supreme Court. However the message does not belong to me also, today of, there is a channel that could fully help the kings of the earth to put into practice Psalms 2: 10-12 although on Facebook I have repeatedly expressed a logical principle regarding the putting into practice Psalms 2: 10-12, which you can guess right away if you meditate using a little common sense and a non-partisan mind.

The most important thing to know about viruses, including the dreaded Corona Virus from China is that the most important thing is the ground on which the virus can take root by doing harm, not so much the virus itself, and therefore, the disease itself which is become a big deal for pharmaceutical monsters.
Viruses perform functions and complete ecosystems, and therefore, we must relate in the right way with nature, having a healthy body and being nature that gives us many natural remedies, foods and vitamins that help prevent diseases. (Obviously, cleansing the body and healthy and uncontaminated foods are always useful).
Many details of the composite sign, Matthew 24: 7, have become more relevant due to the same even more erroneous behavior of the pure nations aggravated by more effective technologies also in the war field which were often misused from 1914 onwards, and therefore, also the famous Spanish influence may have been favored by the First World War, the consequent lack of food and poor sanitation of the population.
Moreover, the increase in hygiene in the cities in recent decades has also caused epidemics to fall overnight, and perhaps, even more than thanks to the use of vaccines, it is also true that with penicilin many wounds healed the individual by not participating in the war he would not have suffered serious injuries nor would he have killed himself; moreover, vaccines of the past probably contained less poisonous substances than today's vaccines.
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Satan has guided and leverages the intimate of men who are sick of power and who suffer from cold megalomania want to replace God and create a technological world that balances natural balances, destroying humanity and the planet, but, "G" God will stop him end of this diabolical process, Matthew 24: 21-23, Daniel 2: 44, Zephaniah 1: 18, Psalms 2: 1-9, Revelation 11: 18 and 19: 19-21. So, in addition to misleading them, Satan picks him up and gives him a false sense of security and omnipotence that prevents him especially on an intimate level from seeing in perspective the very negative consequences that will also pour on them for what they do at the present time until at the end. Furthermore, Satan buys people with money so that for interest they serve these men who are sick of power and at the same time those who oppose and do not want to be bought anymore or from the beginning can get into trouble and take many risks even for their own life.

Today of, there are many state religions, however there is also much hypocrisy, many formal and false forms of holy devotion to their power, many false teachings, very false moralism, and therefore, even if you seriously apply religion in politics many people can take you crazy saying that biblical understanding cannot be applied to politics and daily life although it is also true that the true Christian must not deal with politics nor take part in the spirit or mental inclination of this world governed by Satan. Finally, it must also be remembered that Satan's greatest work of art is to make the majority of people believe that he does not exist as a person but at best only as a metaphor to represent the evil that can exist in each of us on an intimate level.
Oggi di, ci sono molte religioni di Stato, tuttavia c'è anche molta ipocrisia, molte forme di santa devozione formali e false alla loro potenza, molti falsi insegnamenti, molto falso moralismo, e quindi, anche se tu applichi in modo serio la religione alla politica molte persone possono prenderti per matto dicendo che l'intendimento biblico non può essere applicato alla politica e alla vita quotidiana sebbene è anche vero che il vero cristiano non deve occuparsi della politica ne prendere parte allo spirito o inclinazione mentale di questo mondo governato da Satana. In fine bisogna pure ricordare che la più grande opera d'arte di Satana è far credere alla maggioranza delle persone che lui non esiste come persona ma al massimo solo come metafora per rappresentare il male che può esserci in ognuno di noi a livello intimo.
This gravitational engine aircraft does not need oil to fly, yet this triangular aircraft delivers UFO performance.
The alleged truth sustained by media terrorism at first was the truth for the people but what thought has been transmitted and is still transmitted to the governments today:
Regardless of whether the Chinese government could notify us of the problem in good time, regardless of whether all passenger transportation by plane could be immediately blocked and particularly from China to other countries and to China, regardless of whether the crown virus in China , (being very contagious but not very fatal), had spread from a military experiment or from a bat or through the poor hygiene typical in China in treating food.
So, at the beginning of March 2020, the corona virus emergency can be combined with the climate change emergency and the plastic emergency in the seas to lead us towards the formalization of more power at the United Nations, although there are other equally important problems but of which little is said . Alongside all this, even a lot of smoke in the eyes is thrown to the peoples through summits and other initiatives as if in favor of the environment but without there being the will to change the way of thinking and acting. (Without the will to change, research in Antarctica and the study of ice carrots are also useless).
But, this epidemic could serve as a lesson to all humanity and in particular to the powers that today govern the nations and this so that the destructive business and trade connected to the sale of weapons of various types, including biological ones, is largely stopped.
A lesson that however will not be understood but that will make us even more slaves, being behind the will behind this epidemic and strategy at the same time, and therefore, my trust in the maximum systems today of being now almost nothing. The CIA itself has confirmed that the Corona Virus serves to cover three things. "Robert David Steele of the CIA: The Coronavirus? A cover for 3 things ..." or "Robert David Steele della CIA: Il Coronavirus? Una copertura per 3 cose.." In China a lot of damage is caused by too dirty Chinese capitalism, a lack of hygiene and 5G. In Europe too much alarmism corresponds to a declaration of war against many economies and to terrify people. At the end of the epidemic, the loan from the MES will be facilitated and made mandatory, thus making Italy and perhaps other countries doubly enslaved, in addition to other dirty business generally unwanted by the people who will be facilitated to go to port thanks to the Corona Virus and after epidemic. In the end, the thousands of deaths around the world will have been killed directly by today's capitalism which, in addition to deriving strategies from behind the scenes, wants to reduce the population worldwide by more than 90%, and it is just the elderly over 80 to be among the hardest hit, the people whom economists and the president of the European Central Bank consider to be completely useless and therefore to be eliminated. But among the biggest criminals are economists and central bank political leaders.
We are all in the same boat, soon more power will be given and a possible transformation and fusion to the United Nations, and therefore, today's crown virus emergency could serve as a lesson and a good omen for changing the way of thinking and for giving a positive turn to the today's global economy that is leading us inexorably to self-destruction. Greater power at the UN will facilitate governments both in obeying Satan towards destruction or gradually conforming to the will of "G" God so that as many people as possible can be saved.

From chapter 11 of Daniel's prophecies from verse 1 to 45, the penultimate King of the South and North, the USA and Russia during the Cold War, and also, the last King of the South and North, the USA and his allies and Russia and its allies at the present time were and are engaged above all in an economic war with leopard spots armed wars in remote countries. After the climate and plastic change emergency propaganda in the seas not emotionally involved, the Corona Virus war, (chokes economies, kills small businesses and activities not essential for living but saves the European Union in favor of the two bullies, Germany and France ), could result in more power to the Eighth King, as indicated in Revelation 17: 13. The war of the last two kings of the south and north could end at least formally obviously after a general alongside the President of the United States should not never again wanting to reduce Russia to a mere Asian country as was the intention during the Bush administration. In fact, Russia is very powerful and therefore East and West with similar forces is better if they come to a final negotiation. With more power at the United Nations, all nations should respect and help each other to end the peace process and better still with the wisdom recommended in Psalms 2: 10-12. The first three horses of the Apocalypse represent the wars, famines and plagues that occurred during our time, however, if the nations all united under the greatest power of the United Nations began to put into practice Psalms 2: 10-12, the coming and Messiah's attention to human affairs could have been less devastating and more saving, the just war of the Messiah which is represented by the white horse of the Apocalypse. (The story that occurred in Eden with Adam and Eve was real history but often in Apocalypse the events and situations in our time are represented with illustrations and metaphors, obviously not in all cases, for example, the 144,000 kings and priests with heavenly hope are actually in 144,000.
Dal capitolo 11 delle profezie di Daniele dal versetto 1 al 45, il penultimo Re del Sud e del Nord, gli USA e la Russia durante la guerra fredda, ed inoltre, l'ultimo Re del Sud e del Nord, gli USA e suoi alleati e la Russia e suoi alleati al tempo presente furono e sono impegnati sopratutto in una guerra economica con guerre armate a macchia di leopardo in paesi remoti. Dopo la propaganda emergenza cambiamenti climatici e plastica nei mari poco coinvolgenti a livello emotivo, la guerra Corona Virus, (strozza economie, uccidi piccoli esercizi commerciali e attività non essenziali per vivere ma salva Unione Europea a favore dei due bulli, la Germania e la Francia), potrebbe sfociare nel più potere al Ottavo Re, come indicato in Apocalisse 17: 13. La guerra dei due ultimi re del sud e del nord potrebbe aver termine almeno a livello formale ovviamente dopo un generale al fianco del presidente degli Stati Uniti non dovrebbe mai più voler ridurre la Russia ad un semplice paese asiatico come ci fu l'intento proprio durante la amministrazione Bush. Di fatto la Russia è molto potente e quindi Est ed Ovest a forze simili è meglio che vengano ad un negoziato definitivo. Con il più potere alle Nazioni Unite tutte le nazioni si dovrebbero rispettare ed aiutarsi l'una e l'altra per concludere il processo di pace e meglio ancora se con la saggezza consigliata in Salmi 2: 10-12. I primi tre cavalli della Apocalisse rappresentano le guerre, le carestie e le pestilenze avvenute durante la nostra epoca, tuttavia, se le nazioni tutte unite sotto il più potere delle Nazioni Unite cominciassero a mettere in pratica Salmi 2: 10-12, la venuta ed attenzione del Messia sugli affari umani avrebbe potuto essere meno devastante e più salvifica, la guerra giusta del Messia che è rappresentata dal cavallo bianco della Apocalisse. (La storia verificatisi in Eden con Adamo ed Eva fu storia reale ma spesso in Apocalisse gli eventi e situazioni nella nostra epoca vengono rappresentati con illustrazioni e metafore, ovviamente non in tutti i casi ad esempio i 144000 re e sacerdoti con la speranza celeste sono effetivamente in 144000.
Those who govern the economy and business groups who devised increasingly bloody strategies and those who manufacture and sell weapons of all kinds, including biological ones and deadly "vaccines", do not have problems of conscience being they within a very branched business network and often causing in indirectly the death of many people generally located at remote distances. Not only that, but being immersed in the world of business and high diplomacy and living in economic well-being, they feel the judgment of God even more remote if not, non-existent, indeed, on the contrary, Satan makes some of them feel omnipotent.
While there is no desire to change the economy globally, the excuse of the climate change emergency and the excuse of the plastic emergency in the seas, plus other secondary reasons, although all serious reasons, may not be enough to push the rulers to sign a majority to give more power to the Eighth King. But, the Corona Virus health emergency is an average bloody strategy that perhaps should be sufficient to push the majority of governments to sign to legitimize more power at the United Nations as the ultimate goal. However, even if the Corona Virus strategy was not enough, having suffered the economies of many countries and having upset the habits of millions of citizens, an even more bloody, fearful and harmful strategy could be adopted afterwards, so that the Eighth King receives rudders on the whole international politics.
Did the demonstrations on the climate change emergency and plastic emergency in the seas not involve enough peoples and governments? Behind these two emergencies was there too much non-viability, too much hypocrisy, other serious issues kept hidden and some undeclared third reasons?
But, could the simulation of a third world war with weapons of mass destruction between superpowers that is stopped in extremis by diplomacy actually be a maneuver too dangerous for the same strong powers? Well, perhaps a strategy involving the masses is better, a strategy that causes havoc and some deaths, but with potential negative consequences that are not too dangerous.
(It seems that the army was used in China in a film scenario, but apart from that), and apart from the presumed danger in Italy and Europe of 5G, MES and not only, if the army was employed tomorrow in Italy and in other countries to enforce the rules to stem the spread of this very serious influence, the Corona Virus crisis could prove to be sufficiently bloody and emotionally engaging, and so much as to be able to become a really serious question so that immediately after really begin the diplomatic process to empower the Eighth King.
In the initial part of this more power at the UN there could also be good reasons for how to issue the directive on nations, however the problem is: what will happen in the final part of the peace and security process that began in secret in 1913? Furthermore, if within the strong powers there was also an undirected part, if this undirected part really exists, will it be able to prevail over the deviated part responsible for the current political and financial conspiracy on a global level?
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Ma, la simulazione di una terza guerra mondiale con armi di distruzione di massa tra super potenze che viene fermata in extremis dalla diplomazia potrebbe effetivamente essere una manovra troppo pericolosa per gli stessi poteri forti? Beh, forse è meglio una strategia che coinvolga le masse, una strategia che provoca scompiglio e alcuni decessi, ma, dai potenziali risvolti negativi non troppo pericolosi.
Le manifestazioni sulla emergenza cambiamenti climatici ed emergenza plastica nei mari non ha coinvolto abbastanza i popoli e i governi? Dietro a queste due emergenze c'era troppa non attuabilità, troppa ipocrisia, altre questioni serie tenute nascoste e alcuni motivi terzi non dichiarati?
Nella parte iniziale di questo più potere all'ONU potrebbero pure esserci dei buoni motivi sul come impartire la direttiva sulle nazioni tuttavia il problema è: cosa accadrà nella parte finale del processo di pace e sicurezza iniziato in segreto nel 1913? Inoltre, se al interno dei poteri forti ci fosse anche una parte non deviata, questa parte non deviata se esiste realmente, riuscirà a prevalere sulla parte deviata responsabile della attuale cospirazione politica e finanziaria a livello globale?
(Sembra che in Cina sia stato impiegato l'esercito in un scenario da film, ma, a parte questo), ed a parte il presunto pericolo in Italia ed in Europa del 5G, MES e non solo, se domani fosse impiegato l'esercito in Italia e in altri paesi per far rispettare le norme per arginare la diffusione di questa influenza molto grave, la crisi Corona Virus potrebbe rivelarsi sufficientemente cruenta e coinvolgente a livello emotivo, e tanto, da poter diventare una questione effetivamente così grave affinché subito dopo realmente inizi il procedimento diplomatico per dare più potere all'Ottavo Re.
For many things, Salvini's policy seemed ok to me when he was in the government, albeit with his hands tied, however in this respect it seems to me that Salvini has also failed as for many years it is clear that Italy should have left the European Union however I have never heard Salvini express himself in this sense. So now it is very easy for Italy to become a slave at 100% to the ESM as well as to the ECB.
Some suspect that even Salvini may be in secret agreement with strong powers in order to give a light of hope and alternative choice to the people, without prejudice to me, Matteo Salvini's policy appeared better than that of all the others leader in Italian politics.
I publish policy analysis related to biblical prophecies precisely for this purpose, that is, that strong powers become more aware of the danger of the current world situation and that it may come to them or increase the desire to radically change the way of governing the world, although I am aware of how remote this eventuality is and on fact if ever someone who governs and / or directs business from above in this system really begins to think in the right way and without third parties ended up hidden, being divine thought always higher than that of man, and therefore, there is a need to do the right thing with the right reasons from behind the scenes.
Moreover, there is also the remote possibility that there may be a reasonable part within the strong powers that works alongside Trump and Putin and that he has the desire to end the conspiracy on a global level by also making the major perpetrators put to trial of this conspiracy, however for now I would give less than 5% chance of this happening.
Robert David Steele of the CIA: The Coronavirus? A cover for 3 things ...
Robert David Steele della CIA: Il Coronavirus? Una copertura per 3 cose...l
I do not think and I hope that they do not, but if for over a month to date it has emerged that they also scattered the Corona Virus, especially at low altitudes, today as today I am not surprised at all and this despite the decree of government to reduce its spread and despite the fact that tomorrow even the army could intervene and therefore seeing itself as forming a scenario almost like a movie.
More than an daily route accident, the "Corona Virus" was intended for third parties. "Robert David Steele of the CIA: The Coronavirus? A cover for 3 things ..." (In the past three years I, who live in Trieste, have realized that I have many more respiratory problems).
It may happen that at the various levels of hierarchy, one at high levels can have a conspiracy motive while one at medium levels can be well motivated or well motivated at 50%. They are absolutely normal contradictory situations of this type studied at the table and with the aim of creating fear to divert public opinion from other equally important things, just think of the self-attack of 11 September 2001 in which about 10 tons of nano-thermite were used for the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and yet from 11 September 2001 onwards all the airliners have the cockpit which can only be closed by the pilots inside the cabin itself, a safety rule which in some cases has proved useful and in other cases it favored a plane crash that killed all passengers and crew.
Was this book written a few years ago and in any case before the year 2020 began?
If this prediction was actually written a few years ago or many years ago, then it is obvious that the spiritual forces in opposition to "G" God made this prophecy write on paper inspiring the human person who wrote it and after which the demons have done work to fulfill that prophecy.
In many cases the demonic forces manage to fulfill their prophecies by influencing human behavior and in particular in the south some pivotal people and / or demons can also directly influence animated and inanimate matter so that the aforementioned thing occurs in reality.
The military can experiment in the laboratory with very dangerous viruses and also with viruses that can pass from snakes to bats and mammals. So it is probable that a military experiment of this type came out of control from the laboratory thanks to the intervention of Satan and then began to spread the contagion in China or some human being as a servant of Satan aware or unaware he planned and acted for the Corona Virus to come out out of control and spread the epidemic first in China and then in most of the other nations, as it is spreading today. As a final hypothesis, demonic forces may have acted directly south of a snake and bat so that the virus will spread even among humans
For the fulfillment of the universal dispute between Jehovah God and Satan, "G" God allows a certain freedom of action to Satan and to the demons so that the heavenly process going on for over 6 thousand years can have the correct development, therefore, also Satan and his demonic collaborators can make their own prophecies and fulfill them. We may know that these are demonic prophecies because the prophecies of divine origin in the first century were concluded with John.
Chemtrails are radiating into the skies with planes thanks to human action but the chemtrails project is part of the demonic propaganda then poured out above all on those who today rule the world, including military commanders. About 2000 years ago, not even Jesus Christ denied the fact that Satan rules over all the political realms of the world, and this occurred when Jesus in the desert was tested by Satan. Morgellons disease is caused by chemtrails, (not too much in detail), but, from 2012-2013 until 2017, I have had many times the same dream connected to the understanding of Morgellons disease. About in the year 2015 or 2016 talking to a person inside a political and legalitarian movement I understood without the slightest reasonable doubt that that strange dream had to be of demonic origin and that this dream about a very long thread that came out of my mouth he had to give me the understanding on Morgellons disease, (but, until today in March 2020, fortunately for me I have never suffered it. Well, one evening in the year 2017 at my house I spoke alone in the normal way as if I talked to a human being and I clearly said that I understood that that dream was of demonic origin and that it was connected to the reality that already existed on Morgellons disease. That same night I once again had that same type of dream and since then until today, March 13, 2020, I have never had that kind of dream again. In doing so, the demonic forces have confirmed it to me directly.
(If a capitalist psychiatrist concludes that I see hallucinations, the thing in itself does not interest me, it interests me if some "normal" individuals reject me only because in some of my habits I am not a conformist and they appear different to them).
I can't be sure, however. In addition to the propaganda on the climate and plastic emergency in the seas, the international pandemic for the Corona Virus could be enough to bring us TO THE SOLUTION OF THE MOST POWER TO THE UNITED NATIONS IN FULL ROLE OF EIGHTH KING: Revelation 17: 13.
Instead of a corona virus it was a bacterium or an auto-immune disease transmitted mainly or only through flu vaccines, however almost all of us at the beginning experienced it as an epidemic and therefore this prophecy probably inspired by Satan has been fulfilled as if God allows Satan to rule the world not beyond a certain limit and not beyond the established time, however also Satan he can make his prophecies and fulfill them.
However with this message I do not judge badly the USA and the strong powers but I propose a wise solution according to divine wisdom, and this, in the interests of all. Psalms 2: 10-12 was addressed to today's banking, commercial and political kings of the earth.
Furthermore, if today the world of humanity is going so badly and we are all in danger, (even if many are not fully aware of it), the fault is a little of all of us to the various social classes, from the king of the earth and the politician who it is bought up to the ordinary citizen who adjusts, who pollutes and who often does any dirty work for money. But, as in ancient Israel, if the king is wise and good, then the people also live better. As for the right number of inhabitants on this planet, "G" God will take care of it in the best way. Hidden wars such as chemtrails, economic crises, the virus crown, war, terrorism, the earth on drinking water, etc., etc., could be abandoned, including the Blue Bean project. Thus, the closest power to the United Nations instead of leading us to the worst Apocalypse according to Satan's will could lead us to a much less devastating tribulation and Apocalypse and many more people could have been saved, including some people among the kings of the earth at head of nations, head of armies and head of secret intelligence and national security agencies.
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Just respect simple rules to limit the spread of the virus, the meter away, etc., etc., however one must avoid being too succubus of all the rules within the provisions of the government otherwise since the covid-19 will probably not be completely eliminated and it could last a few years, since it is a virus manipulated in the laboratory and spread on purpose, the imposition of the subcutaneous chip will be imposed much earlier thanks to covid-19 and therefore if today ordinary people control too much other people and the observance of every rule tomorrow these same people will turn into prison guards and spies unaware of a diabolical system and they will come to tell me too: in order to be able to shop, you have to put the subcutaneous chip in as it serves to protect both your health and that of others. Moral of the speech: be careful not to cook on a slow fire gradually becoming accomplices of a capitalist system that is leading humanity to self-destruction while in the end the hierarchies at the top of the pyramid that rule the world will also perish, except that, not decide to change in due time according to the wisdom of "G" God. The great anomaly of this capitalist system you can see immediately if only you think that private individuals who print money should not dictate unconditional law on governments, parliaments and the whole system productive of the nations, not only, but they largely determine the time of war and the time of peace plus the many hidden wars even between the allied countries.
(Instead of a corona virus it was a bacterium or an auto-immune disease transmitted mainly or only through flu vaccines, however almost all of us at the beginning experienced it as an epidemic and therefore this prophecy probably inspired by Satan has been fulfilled as if God allows Satan to rule the world not beyond a certain limit and not beyond the established time, however also Satan he can make his prophecies and fulfill them).
A speech that is based on some true and partially untrue parameters and also it could be an extraordinary situation as a consequence of a well-planned strategy at the table or it could be a normal training situation, today of, since there are too many hoaxes also on the net:
Russia does not constitute a threat and only wants to defend itself but it is also true that the trade relationship between China and Russia with Italy and Europe may not be comfortable for the United States, a controlled democracy that appears tame but which in fact has an economy and a policy based on war and weapons: first I shoot you and then I ask you who you are and what you are doing.
The Corona Virus is a diversion, (very harmful and which causes many deaths plus a lot of damage to the economies of many countries), with the main purpose of distracting public opinion. But if there are so many American soldiers in Europe and even without worrying about the Corona Virus, can a well-studied strategy be carried out at the table to provoke Russia in "all" security? On balance, in my opinion there is also the possibility that the Corona Virus that erupted in China, (moreover as well as Sars), was a work of the western intelligence services, moreover it cannot be excluded that since the US military may already have a vaccine, but without the American citizens themselves knowing. (If the powers that the US oversaw provoked on September 11, 2001, they have no problem causing Crown Virus as the beginning of a crisis.)
Thus, in support of the climate and plastic change emergency in the seas, this may be the ideal strategy to cause a multiple international crisis such as to shake East and West so well, (although without the crisis leading to the third world war with weapons of destruction of mass between super powers), so that at the end of this, more power will be given to the United Nations. With this eventual final move, giving more power to the UN, Western strong powers and Washington's strategists could try to take control of Russia and China, but, it is said, they will not succeed. But sooner or later, (before the "peace and security" process that began in secret in 1913 ends), the Eighth King will still receive his power for a prophetic hour, Revelation 17: 13.
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Although as usual we suffer the vagaries and consequences of today's capitalism, often being responsible as ordinary people for how the world goes, it may be ok to urge the distracted citizen to stay at least one meter away from other people and the like during this pandemic, however we should not even exaggerate in checking to push people to respect every single rule, otherwise when the wanted laboratory pandemic will be over, but tomorrow checks on people more and more towards a police state will increase, there will be the risk that some picky ordinary people for compliance with the rules are transformed into prison guards and spies towards people who refuse to be put on the subcutaneous chip which, in part, causes the widespread excuse by the authorities to want to safeguard your health and that of others will advise you and they will want to import the chip into the body. Except nerve deficiencies or brain where the chip can help, I don't n I have no objection to being controlled through the phone and I have nothing to hide, but I don't want the subcutaneous chip. Institutionalization, especially in our time, usually takes place on a slow fire.
(Instead of a corona virus it was a bacterium or an auto-immune disease transmitted mainly or only through flu vaccines, however almost all of us at the beginning experienced it as an epidemic and therefore this prophecy probably inspired by Satan has been fulfilled as if God allows Satan to rule the world not beyond a certain limit and not beyond the established time, however also Satan he can make his prophecies and fulfill them).
True or false information? From the current context in which we find ourselves and considering the fact that some 80 and 90 pieces of capitalism wanted the Corona Virus as a strategy for a diversion, I cannot exclude that this information does not correspond to the truth.
And, this reasoning applies even if the photo of this vaccine had nothing to do with today's 2020 Corona Virus epidemic.
The alleged news that a US general was found positive for the Corona Virus while he was at a high-level conference does not demonstrate that the US military does not have a vaccine for the Corona Virus. Furthermore, this alleged news on the US general infected with Corona Virus does not demonstrate that the Corona Virus is not actually a batereological weapon and, moreover, this news on the infected general does not prove for sure that the possibility that the the US military may not already have a vaccine. Moreover, during the past nearly 20 years, how much false information has been disclosed on the net and in the media to support the false official version of 11 September 2001? And also, how many fake reports were disclosed to try to prove that the many hidden truths about September 11, 2001 were fake reports, when they weren't? In fact, the official version on the collapse of the Twin Towers is fighting with the laws of physics.
(Instead of a corona virus it was a bacterium or an auto-immune disease transmitted mainly or only through flu vaccines, however almost all of us at the beginning experienced it as an epidemic and therefore this prophecy probably inspired by Satan has been fulfilled as if God allows Satan to rule the world not beyond a certain limit and not beyond the established time, however also Satan he can make his prophecies and fulfill them).
In both cases, I also publish posts and comments for the good and interests of the same high masonry and international bankers. On the one hand I counter-reason to reason and to spread the importance of putting into practice the "negotiation" described in Psalms 2: 10-12 before it is too late and therefore before the "sword" begins to arrive, however, on the other On the other hand, if the strong powers and the governments and armies of NATO continue to carry on the project of the New World Order completely unchanged, until the end of the phytological process of peace and security, afterwards, the strong powers through the Eighth King will be able to respond to the peoples of having "consciously" accepted the solution in the New World Order and also with the relative acceptance of the reduction of the population worldwide by more than 80%, as, still today in 2020, so much news and analysis is not censored and obscured on the real nature and characteristics of the New World Order project.
But the many more or less stupid conformists and individuals who pride themselves on being normal, also give crazy to the different and so-called conspiracy theorists? The normals don't believe in chemtrails let alone believe in such a large conspiracy almost globally? It is their personal problem, and moreover, the stupid person advocates his own destiny.
Today there is a lot of misinformation and a lot of false news and therefore we can all be dazzled by a false news and/or a misleading half-truth, however what matters is the speech in general if it is ok and try to understand if there is a reasonable solution, even if it goes against the current way of thinking prevailing in this capitalist world of today where money is like a God or a God.

Furthermore, as a remote friend of mine on Facebook replied, it is also true that:
The thing is as soon as you mention the fact that conspiracies are taking place the idiots just start bleating “conspiracy theory, conspiracy theorists!” ad nauseam and their brains switch off.
When if we consider the facts that:
1. Siblings conspire with each other to get things out of their parents....
2. Parents conspire with each other to get their children to better themselves.
3. Hunters conspire with each other to better their position at their preys expense.
4. Generals conspire with each other so that they can be victorious in war.
5. Businesses conspire with each other so that they can gain dominance in the marketplace.
6. Politicians conspire with each other so that they can win elections, gain political power and access to taxation revenue streams and award Government contracts To their friends in big business who will then “reward them later” (with a cushy job once out of office, And a big fat paycheque for doing nothing (as they’ve already done their job by making everybody billionaires Thanks to the contracts awarded). Etc etc
So conspiring is what people do with each other from virtually the moment they are born to the moment they die. It’s what made us the apex predators on the food chain. So to deny it happens simply reveals a level of stupidity, idiocy and mindlessness that is truly astronomical and near infinite in its capacity.
The one thing you can guarantee humans will do is that they will conspire with each other to better their position at others expense. And with one in 10 people being either a narcissist, sociopath or psychopath there’s plenty out there that are doing this in a negative way..... But as Albert Einstein noted:
“There are two things that are infinite: one is the Universe and the other is human stupidity – but I’m not sure about the universe.”
Then all of these will receive bread for their teeth reaching the total saturation of one against the other destroying themselves with their own hands, a little as happened in Gerisalemme between 66 and 70 after Christ and so much so that the Roman general Titus said: God fights war better than I do, they are destroying themselves with their own hands.
Some aware of how the world is governed would like to wake people up against the illuminati and the Jesuits who today rule the world from behind the scenes. But I am aware that the majority democracy peoples are unable to govern themselves, being mostly incompetent and not knowing well for whom they vote. Besides, who would be as critical but as fond of money as he would if he were in government? Not only that, but a lot of ordinary people for money kills and does a lot of dirty work and therefore in my speech I admit that only a part of guilt can be attributed to the enlightened and to the heads of the big banks. But having understood the wisdom and superiority of Psalms 2: 10-12, instead of proposing a judgment I propose a change in the way of thinking by placing all the faults of the past under a stone. I try to suggest to masonry a way of governing the world as the Bible tells us and here there is a long and very subtle discourse with comparisons to be made using common sense and logic. Furthermore, it seems that the New World Order project does not correspond in many points to the purpose of G God, and this, even if in particular from 1914 to today, Freemasonry through its work from behind the scenes has fulfilled many biblical prophecies and also also if the stupid become architects of their destiny. So if a Jacob de Rothschild and other Rothschild and Rockefeller decided to rule the world according to the wisdom recommended by Psalm 2: 10-12, today there is also a channel in contact with God that could help them on how to practice Psalm 2: 10-12, not only could they continue to live in well-being by being very rich but by doing the right thing tomorrow they could also receive eternal life from God together with the desirable things of the nations. But if you read Daniel 2: 44, Zephaniah 1: 18, Psalms 2: 4-9, Revelation 11: 18, Revelation 19: 10-21 you can understand without a shadow of a doubt that much of humanity is going towards destruction also even those who govern the world today will not be able to overcome the Apocalypse, and this, if they let themselves be led into the situation of Harmageddon according to the will of the antagonist number 1 of G Dio. I believe that this investigation could at least be studied and analyzed seriously for evaluate whether to put it into practice. The tests are there and the value of this message is priceless and we must also consider that in a few years, at the most, the useful time will be over and the tragic events will precipitate in a very fast and frightening way. To understand the investigation that I propose explained in a broad sense, see this post:
Yes, it is likely that it will end with more power at the United Nations, some ok things from the UN to have the trust of the peoples and the propaganda in favor of the New World Order completed perhaps even with the final use of the Blue Bean project.

There are many other issues of serious importance but if the climate change emergency and the plastic emergency in the seas have not been enough, the Corona Virus emergency and what will eventually follow could probably be enough to push the majority of governments (which make text) to sign to legitimize the United Nations' more power and possible organizational transformation, just as described in Revelation 17: 13.
While in Revelation 17: 11 the role of the future Eighth King is mentioned when, (at the present time referred to the time of the Second World War), the organ for "peace and security" fell into the abyss of innovation, or so to speak , plunging into nonexistence and abyss.
The US-UK is the Seventh King. With the Crown War virus and its possible continuation, the UN could probably take on the full role of Eighth King.
If with the formalization of more power to the Eighth King it was wished to manifest wisdom and perspicacity according to the advice described in Psalms 2: 10-12, to make possible a change in the way of thinking and acting and so that the nations have more possibilities to approach us gradually and at least a little to the divine ways, probably all the past sins of the nations and of the various hierarchies until then should have been put aside.
Or after a probable rebirth of hope by peoples, a global police state will begin to intensify and possibly until the possible formalization of the New World Order by UN authority and / or by the signing by a majority of governments . This could occur at the end of the peace and security process that began in secret in 1913. and near the global peace and security signal, see 1 Thessalonians 5: 3.
(Of course, this system is disgusting and will still last for a few years at most and probably after this epidemic there will be the excuse of maintaining more control over the population with the excuse of health and then shortly arrived at the imposition of the subcutaneous chip. Through the mobile phone, ok, I don't care and on Facebook I transmit what I think in many groups and I have friendship with more than 150 between R. and R. and other of the 13 families and not only, but, if tomorrow the subcutaneous chip, absolutely I don't want it, but, not just me.)
Back then, many more people might realize the seriousness of the warnings in the Bible, but by the fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5: 3 it may now be too late to take a stand in favor of the true great architect of the universe Jehovah God.
For over 5 years I have been convinced that there is also the possibility that the small buffer state will be made active as a de facto state, as provided for in the 1947 peace treaty and as recalled through the United Nations document S / 2015/809 of 23 October 2015, since, when the United Nations has officially received more power in the full role of the Eighth King, (as well as a good screen for the fame of the Seventh King), at first the United Nations will need to gain the trust of the peoples , and this, regardless of what will actually or will not be the UN for better or for worse, and, regardless of the fact that supervision of the UN is today and even more then comes from strong powers and possibly also from of the most powerful governments.
Ci sono tante altre problematiche di seria importanza ma se la emergenza cambiamenti climatici e la emergenza plastica nei mari non è bastata, probabilmente la emergenza Corona Virus e quello che eventualmente ne seguirà potrebbe bastare per spingere la maggioranza dei governi (che fanno testo) a firmare per legittimare il piu potere ed eventuale trasformazione organizativa delle Nazioni Unite, proprio come descritto in Apocalisse 17: 13.
Mentre, in Rivelazione 17: 11 viene menzionato il ruolo del futuro Ottavo Re quando, (al tempo presente riferito al tempo della seconda guerra mondiale), l'organo per la "pace e sicurezza" precipitò nel abisso della innovatività, o per così dire, precipitando nella inesistenza ed abisso.
Gli USA-UK sono il Settimo Re. Con la guerra del Corona virus e suo eventuale proseguo, probabilmente l'ONU potrebbe assumere a pieno il ruolo di Ottavo Re.
Se con la ufficializzazione del più potere al Ottavo Re si fosse voluto manifestare saggezza e perspicacia secondo il consiglio descritto in Salmi 2: 10-12, per rendere possibile un cambiamento nel modo di pensare e di agire ed affinché le nazioni abbiano più possibilità per avvicinarci gradualmente ed almeno un poco alle vie divine, probabilmente si sarebbe dovuto mettere da parte tutte le colpe passate delle nazioni e delle varie gerarchie fino ad allora.
Oppure dopo una probabile rinascita della speranza da parte dei popoli, comincerà ad intensificarsi sempre di più uno Stato di polizia a livello globale ed eventualmente fino alla eventuale ufficializzazione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale per autorità dell'ONU e/o mediante la firma a maggioranza dei governi. Questo potrebbe verificarsi alla fine del processo di pace e sicurezza iniziato in segreto nel 1913. ed in prossimità del segnale di pace e sicurezza a livello globale, vedi 1 Tessalonicesi 5: 3.
(Naturalmente questo sistema è uno schifo e durerà ancora al massimo per pochi anni e probabilmente dopo questa epidemia ci sarà la scusa di mantenere più controllo sulla popolazione con la scusa della salute per poi arrivate in breve alla imposizione del chip sottocutaneo. Attraverso il telefonino, ok, non mi interessa ed io stesso su Facebook trasmetto cosa penso anche condividendo in molti gruppi ed ho la amicizia con più di 150 tra R. e R. ed altri delle 13 famiglie, ma, domani il chip sottocutaneo assolutamente io non lo voglio, ma, non solo io.)
Allora, molte più persone potrebbero rendersi conto della serietà degli avvertimenti contenuti nella Bibbia, ma, al adempimento di 1 Tessalonicesi 5: 3 ormai potrebbe essere troppo tardi per prendere posizione a favore del vero grande architetto dell'universo Geova Dio.
Da oltre 5 anni io sono convinto che ci sia pure la possibilità che il piccolo Stato cuscinetto venga reso attivo a Stato di fatto, come previsto nel trattato di pace del 1947 e come ricordato attraverso il documento delle Nazioni Unite S/2015/809 del 23 ottobre 2015, in quanto, quando le Nazioni Unite ufficialmente avranno ricevuto più potere a pieno ruolo di Ottavo Re, (pure come buon paravento alla fama del Settimo Re), in un primo momento le Nazioni Unite avranno la necessità di guadagnare la fiducia dei popoli, e questo, a prescindere da quello che effetivamente sarà o non saràl'ONU sia nel bene che nel male, ed, a prescindere al fatto che la supervisione sull'ONU sia oggi ed ancor più allora provenga dai poteri forti ed eventualmente anche da parte dei governi più potenti.

(In my small way, in addition to not buying mineral water in plastic bottles if not every death of the pope, even on two bulk products from the pharmacy I would have liked to recycle plastic containers several times but those at the pharmacy did not consent to put the vitamin C and potassium bicarbonate in the same plastic containers for my personal use. What is not good is the system with its rules and its wastes imposed by law not so much due to the fact that we are "too many" on this planet).
(Nel mio piccolo, oltre a non comprare acqua minerale in bottiglie di plastica se non ogni morte del papa, anche su due prodotti sfusi da farmacia io avrei voluto riciclare per più volte dei contenitori di plastica ma quelli della farmacia non hanno acconsentito a mettermi la vitamina C e il bicarbonato di potassio negli stessi contenitori di plastica per il mio uso personale. Quello che non va bene è il sistema con le sue regole e suoi sprechi imposti per legge non tanto per il fatto che siamo in "troppi" su questo pianeta).
Copied and pasted by a close virtual friend probably from the Illuminati families:
650,000 people die of flu every year.
Cooling the body down and reducing a persons temperature is what allows the virus to spread through a persons system and for pneumonia to set in - the standard hospital treatment for a viral temperature. And still the medical profession refuses to change its modus operandi - it’s like trying to change the text book in academia. I will wager that most of the people that have died in hospital will be because of this ludicrous treatment that the professionals still haven’t managed to understand.
This is the science of it:
Just stay in bed, get and stay warm as a body temperature of around 40°C prevents viruses from being able to reproduce in your body. What kills people is the fact the doctors don’t know the life-cycle of viruses and try to get the persons temperature lower, thus aiding the virus in being able to spread through a persons body. Also they try to neutralise the discomfiting symptoms which cause a person to be confined to bed, to relax, and so not pump the virus around their body with working and exercise.
By staying warm getting plenty of bed rest the body will heal itself naturally. At the end of the First World War many people died of the flu because they were taking aspirin, which negated all the symptoms Generated by the body that prevent the flu from getting worse. By taking aspirin that allows the flu to develop into pneumonia as our body’s immune system is being switched off, people feel okay go to work and so spread it around, and the temperature is lowered, again allowing the virus to breed in the system, thus resulting in the death of the patient. People think that by taking aspirin and removing the symptoms they are actually being cured of the disease - they’re not. Aspirin simply negates the necessary immune responses required by a person to recover from the disease.
This is the biggest load of bullshit panic mongering I’ve ever seen. The Chinese are saying that the Americans weaponised a virus, we are saying that the Chinese weaponised a virus, the news is telling us what’s happening without giving any reason what’s behind it… I tell you straight this is an engineered load of crap that is calculated and contrived, and we are falling for the BULLSHIT.
And as for “socialism“, socialism is simply the philosophy that we all just look after each other and that everybody has enough to eat and a roof over their head. That’s it. Jesus Christ was a socialist. So President Trump is more scared of people having enough to eat and a roof over their head (so they can all go to work and make the country strong by making it economically wealthy). There are more billionaires in Denmark per person than there are in America. The reason for this is that nobody falls out of the society. People are cared for in such a way that they can retrain, move with the times, get another job, and so create wealth, which thus creates more billionaires. The reason why Trump is terrified of socialism is because it interferes with a process known as “Quarterly capitalism“. Which is the process of running everything for profit in the next three months. An example of this is if you’ve just bought an orchard of cherry trees, you pick the cherries and sell them and then you cut down the cherry trees and sell those as well. This creates an immediate short-term profit but a long-term loss as there are no cherries for next year, and if the trees haven’t reach full maturity they’ve failed to have made the maximum profit. However, one corporate executive that is running the account has just made more money for his book, beaten a rival within the corporation and so gets the promotion out of being “loyal to the shareholders” in maximising their profits for the next three months (but failing to maximise profits over the next 10 years). It is quarterly capitalism that is destroying the planet. But Trump is okay with that? Sometimes being a “business genius” means you’re being a business -and ecological - idiot also. It just depends on the timescale that we are dealing with.
This news report sounds like Fox News, not RT - has RT just been bought by Fox?
The problem of many people and that by a majority tends to listen only to the voice of the authority and in this case the voice of the authority corresponds to official medicine both in the right advice and care procedures and in the wrong advice and care procedures. The sheep and the shrewd are screened and the stupidest can die in a greater percentage.
Copied and pasted from a friend's message with me and my comment:
Considering that siblings conspire with each other to get things from their parents, parents conspire with each other to get their children to better themselves, hunters conspire to improve their position at their preys expense, conspiring is what humans have done since we crawled out of the swamp and is the primary factor that has led to us being at the top of the food chain. It’s called planning and scheming. So to deny that conspiracies take place – especially given all of human history, where one groups and individuals are constantly for supremacy over another others, have indulged in slavery, genocide et cetera it should be obvious to anyone with even half a brain that people conspire all the time. To deny that conspiracies take place shows a severe disconnect from reality. Or, that the person doing the denying his part of the conspgiracy and is denying its very existence in order to protect it. Psychopaths, Sociopaths and narcissists are natural schemers and conspire all the time in order to better their own position as anybody else’s expense.
Stupid people tend to stand against each other, and moreover, stupid and short-term capitalists deny conspiracy despite being in part conspiracists and conspiracy contributors? In effect we are going towards the great tribulation as described in Matthew 24: 21-23 while the strong powers are giving the bread that stupid people crave for their own self-destruction.
Copied and pasted from a friend's message with me and my comment:
And maybe that process is what leads to the human species refining itself to the point that we are at the top of the food chain? It’s the dummies who are eating all the GMO’s, drinking the fluoride in the water etc etc..... Despite abundant warnings, illustrations by intelligent minds the stupid refuse to listen to anything but “officialdom” - bleating at their enlighteners “conspiracy theorist, conspiracy theory!!!!” By way of dismissing their claims, as they’re determined to not have to think. As George Bernard Shaw noted: “2% of people think, 3% think they can think and 95% would sooner die than think.”
"G" God allows stupid people to destroy themselves with their own hands, Matthew 24: 21-23, while today's strong powers are working from behind the scenes helping to fulfill the biblical prophecies related to our time and the composite sign that began to be fulfilled from the autumn of 1914 onwards, while in 1913 the peace and security process began in secret and the Federal Reserve of New York became the first central private bank with the thirteenth amendment signed by the then president of the United States, in the same way more power will be legalized to the United Nations but with the signing of the majority of governments.
Copied and pasted from a friend's message with me and my comment:
One of the greatest ironies is that people can be so sceptical, thinking that by being so they can never be fooled. But there’s two ways to be fooled, one is to believe a lie the other is to fail to believe the truth. And thus there are many people who have been fooled by failing to believe the truth.
Absolutely true, skeptics don't believe the truth but believe the lie, well, but the stupid ones !!! But, when the situation precipitates in the great tribulation and the beginning of a "drastic" reduction of the population worldwide, the stupid, conformist and skeptical could be answered: it is you who have accepted this solution, as, many truths about the project, (with the relative good reasoning and convincing evidence), were not censored in on the internet and sometimes they were also broadcast on television, and therefore, it is your problem if you could not and / or did not want to believe in the chemtrails that you could see them almost every day or in such a great conspiracy but in part you yourself participated and eventually accepted.
At the end of this pandemic and its possible continuation in other situations and after months in which the economies and markets in many countries have been slowed down nightly, if more power is given immediately to the United Nations, probably the kings of the banking, commercial and political lands could be facilitated if they immediately put into practice Psalms 2: 10-12: gradually transform many economies based on war into economies based on peace and this at the cost of manufacturing and putting on the market on a large scale triangular UFOs with gravitational engines to reduce and stop the production and trade of heavy military weapons such as the beginning, the White House and the Kremlin and other nuclear powers could gradually begin to gradually reduce armaments and weapons of mass destruction assuming more and more corruption and mutual trust, support some countries to stop the deforestation and the pouring of plastic into the seas, supporting with a pact the large oil-supplying countries to gradually put in place the discovery of Tesla to keep all means of transport and industries going with the electric current present in the ionosphere and other sources of energy. cleaner energy, giving scientific programs that educate peoples also on the truths contained in the Bible, the theory of evolution should no longer be taught in schools as it is a scientific lie, environmental policy should have priority over markets and profit, economists should not lead Europe and there should be no puppet governments and parliaments, possibly a secret process could be made to the main international religions to prove which is the true religion, and therefore, after the kings of the earth all together under the directive of the UN would facilitate understanding who or what and the faithful slave as described in chapter 24 of Matthew as "the faithful and wise slave" could help the kings of the earth to put Psalms 2: 10-12 into practice just the way God "G" wants, furthermore, it is understood that the Blue Bean project should be immediately abandoned and the chemtrails in the skies should end immediately, no more NGOs in agriculture, etc., etc., etc. ....... some central banks could go under the sovereignty of the State or of the Union of several states, while, other banks. they could remain private and moreover the same high masonry being more expert and intelligent on how to govern the world could also continue to govern the world, (until the introduction to 100% of the messianic kingdom), however the strong powers should want to rule the world in fear towards God and with love towards humanity with the aim that as many people as possible become wise and can receive salvation from G God with the hope of eternal life, since G God can support us on a DNA level and reducing the process of aging to nothing to day due mainly to the shortening of the telomere of the chromosomes. Basically, the right number of inhabitants on this planet is an easy task for Jehovah God and it is better to put your heart in peace and let G God determine the right number of inhabitants on this planet. Such a profound and difficult change that would occur and would entail many sacrifices for the peoples and the powers that govern them, but, in the end, it would have been worth it to the benefit of all, the kings of the earth and the presumed aliens included.
We must also consider the opposite side of the coin, obviously the US-UK conspiracy and imperialism being a reality, not a global conspiracy theory. You don't have to fall into the trap of believing anything that frightens as Americans are experts at making you frightened through 360-sided information so that you believe you need the protection of NATO and the sheriff of the world. However, this is only a part of the great disinformation and hoaxes that circulate both on the net and through the media. in short, try not to be too influenced but not to be too deceived by not believing in anything and as if all the bad things cannot be planned.
Be that as it may, the conspiracy at the level of power and the turbulent society at the level of the people is also confirmed in Bibbis, also under the dominion of Satan and because of the nature of human behavior in general and also considering the fact that we are at the end time in which Satan and the badly used technologies with the increase of the population had much more negative impact on the environment, the world situation could only evolve than in this way.
Peofezie must be fulfilled and the traveling merchants are there and have a great influence on the kings of the earth, however there are also two paths for politics:
I think I understand that, in our age, international bankers are protected by God, in particular, so that biblical prophecies will fulfill. International bankers are at the top of strong powers and probably as an elite they will be protected to the end whether they fully implement the New World Order project or decide to put Psalms 2: 10-12 into practice. Obviously, the New World Order project will almost certainly be carried through to the end. But, through the great tribulation and especially with the payment of the Apocalypse, each of us, if alive at the time of the end, will have to reap what he has sown, and therefore, some political and / or banking kings of the earth will be happy if, at least during the brief more power at the UN, they will have done everything possible to put Psalms 2: 10-12 into practice.
Obviously you can understand that, if the single king of the earth has supported a project to the end not in harmony with the purpose of "G" God for the earth and obedient humanity, then that king of the earth will also receive an adverse judgment and he cannot survive the Apocalypse, that is, the selective divine judgment made by delegation to specific spiritual persons in charge of carrying out the Apocalypse which could last even less than 24 literal hours.
God will have to intervene bringing the adverse judgment on the unrepentant wicked to the end, otherwise together with the unrighteous even the righteous would not have had a future on this planet. Furthermore, according to God's purpose, the earth must be inhabited forever even by intelligent human beings, otherwise, God created us all angels directly, and this, us in reference to the fate of human beings were created to live forever on earth with the exception of the 144,000 with heavenly hope.
Implied, that we must deal with poor people but who fear God, who do not love money too much, who behave well with others and who today respect the environment as far as possible by keeping wise behavior: on the Bible there are several verses in which God promises to free and protect the poor, of course the rich too can be approved by God, see Jacob, Abraham, the first president of the Watchtower who was previously a very wealthy Freemason, etc., etc. One can easily understand with regard to the poor sages who fear God that the divine purpose is not in harmony with the project of the New World Order which, according to what I think I understand, provides for the elimination of the poor according to a capitalist and profitable thought. In addition, "G" God can convert the aging process and those who overcome the Apocalypse as a young or old man will have the possibility of never having to die, however this aspect of God's purpose does not coincide with what the current President of the Bank said Central European Lagard, according to which the elderly as useless people should die and that pensions are not paid for too many years, moreover, the Corona Virus strategy also seems designed to target the elderly, above all, although other diseases we normally kill more. But the fact is that these ways of thinking and acting are not in harmony with God's purpose for the earth and for humanity that loves God in the right way.
Obviously, many prophecies of our era have to be fulfilled and some are being fulfilled or are yet to be fulfilled while for me there is no doubt that the current strong powers with work behind the scenes and through the Bilderberg club are working directing business, finance, governments and armies by fulfilling biblical prophecies and thus making history but not changing historis. However, in what most appropriate period of time could the kings of the earth be invited to a historical alternative through the possibility of gradually showing more and more wisdom towards the divine ways but as long as there is enough time?
After all, Psalms 2: 10-12 gives a clear invitation that absolutely pressupone a radical change in the way of thinking and acting by the kings of the earth. In addition, Psalms 2: 4-9 makes you understand right away that nations do not have a good future, but destruction, yet nations should be the building blocks that form a single block under global government. In Psalms 2: 2 ,, implied, in globalization, in the international community, in the imminent more power to the United Nations (which will perhaps happen at the end of this pandemic Corona Virus saves Europe and kills small businesses) with its possible continuation and at the end of the peace process the eventual formalization of a single global government over all nations and at the end of the great tribulation the kings of the earth united as one man, so to speak, will be destined to make an indirect war against "G" God when will attempt to get rid of the last uncomfortable thing left and survived the destruction of Babylon the Great, the empire of all false state religions that will immediately fall to the fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5: 3 with the signal of peace and security .
Well, for consequential logic, I think that: traveling traders, (since international bankers are also money traders), and political kings of the earth, could have the last moment of time useful and in a situation more propitious just when the United Nations has just received more authority, Revelation 17: 13, but, if with the climate emergency, the plastic emergency, the emergency created with the Corona Virus crisis, the economies in many nations slowed down and partly killed , and therefore, if immediately after the Eighth King he will receive more power, as capitalism is slower and it is then easier to do something serious for the climate and to eliminate plastic in the seas, but, not only, in theory and in actuality the kings of the earth could find themselves particularly facilitated for the last moment to immediately put into practice Psalms 2: 10-12, while, until the end of 2019, all governments were obsessed ad aum enter productivity and gross domestic product only to pollute more and only to harm us by serving God money. Since the UN at the beginning should do some "wonderful" things and also impose respect for peace treaties so that peoples are more urged to place a lot of trust on the United Nations as an international body that represents many nations and that should work for peace and security.
A thesis of this type can also be demonstrated at the US Supreme Court and whoever brought and / or remembered this good message to the same strong powers in the interests of all parties, forgetting the guilt and giving an invitation to wisdom, the bearer friend of this message to friends should not fear any harm while knowing that for nearly 20 years the secret intelligence agencies have a technology that can imitate the electrical impulses for the functioning of the heart to make it go into cardiac arrest up to a distance of 200 meters .
However, if the negotiation of Psalms 2: 10-12 will not be put into practice, being a very probable eventuality, but, if in the worst possible way the project of population reduction worldwide will begin on a large scale, see Matthew 24: 21. -23, but, after the relatively calm period of hope and after the slightly less peaceful period of strategies to frighten up to the sign of peace and security and elimination of "Babylon", today of, however, to a certain extent certain information messages even of a technical nature they are not censored on the net, moreover some books on the topic conspiracy are published and sometimes it is talked about a little even on television even if late at night and with a slightly distorted understanding. So then when the great tribulation begins, the skeptics, conformists, the unbelievers, the false moralists, the lovers of money to the bitter end, the corrupt politicians, the scammers and murderers and the stupid par excellence who until the end will have rejected the truth for fear of be deceived and that they will accept the lie only because it is more comfortable and given with official semblance and thanks to the voice of the authority, well, then they will not be able to complain and criticize the system more than just because they themselves have consented to the conspiracy and in part being themselves to have built the conspiracy.
Sottinteso, che si deve trattare di persone povere ma che temono Dio, che non amano troppo il denaro, che si comportano bene con il prossimo e che oggi rispettando l'ambiente nel limite del possibile tenendo un comportamento saggio:, sulla Bibbia ci sono diversi versetti in cui Dio promette di liberare e di proteggere i poveri, ovviamente anche i ricchi pissono essere approvati da Dio, vedi Giacobbe, Abramo, il primo presidente della Torre di Guardia che prima era un massone molto ricco, ecc, ecc. Si può facilmente capisce riguardo ai poveri saggi che temono Dio che il proposito divino non è in armonia con il progetto di Nuovo Ordine Mondiale che, secondo quello che io penso di aver capito, prevede la eliminazione dei poveri secondo un pensiero capitalista e di profitto. Inoltre "G" Dio può convertire il processo di invecchiamento e chi supererà la Apocalisse da giovane o da anziano avrà la possibilità di non dover mai morire, tuttavia questo aspetto del proposito di Dio non coincide ne con quello che ha detto la attuale presidente della Banca Centrale Europea Lagard, secondo cui gli anziani come persone inutili dovrebbero morire ed affinche le pensioni non vengano erogate per troppi anni, inoltre, anche la strategia Corona Virus sembra studiata per colpire sopratutto i piu gli anziani, sebbene altre malattie normalmente ne uccidiamo di più. Ma sta di fatto che, questi modi di pensare e di agire non sono in armonia con il proposito di Dio per la terra e per l'umanita che ama Dio nel modo giusto.
Ovviamente, molte profezie della nostra epoca devono adempiersi e alcune sono in via di adempimento o devono ancora adempiersi mentre per me non c'è alcun dubbio sul fatto che gli attuali poteri forti con il lavoro da dietro le quinte e attraverso il club Bilderberg stanno lavorando dirigendo gli affari, la finanza, i governi e gli eserciti facendo adempiere le profezie bibliche e quindi facendo la storia ma non cambiando la storis. Tuttavia, in quale periodo di tempo piu opportuno i re della terra potrebbero essere invitati ad una alternativa storica attraverso la possibilita di manifestare saggezza gradualmente sempre di più verso le vie divine ma fin tanto che ci sia il tempo utile?
Dopo tutto, Salmi 2: 10-12 da un invito chiaro che assolutamente pressupone un cambiamento radicale nel modo di pensare e di agire da parte dei re della terra,. Inoltre, Salmi 2: 4-9 ti fa capire subito che alle nazioni non si prospetta un buon futuro, ma, la distruzione, eppure le nazioni dovrebbero essere i mattoni che formano un unico blocco sotto il governo globale. In Salmi 2: 2,, sottinteso, nella globalizzazione, nella Comunità Internazionale, nel imminente piu potere alle Nazioni Unite (che forse avverrà alla fine di questa pandemia Corona Virus salva Europa e ammazza i piccoli esercizi commerciali) con suo eventuale proseguo e alla fine del processo di pace la eventuale ufficializzazione di un unico governo a livello globale su tutte le nazioni ed alla fine della grande tribolazionei re della terra uniti come un solo uomo, per cosi dire, saranno destinati a fare una guerra indiretta contro "G" Dio quando tenteranno di togliere di mezzo l'ultima cosa scomoda rimasta e sopravvissuta alla distruzione di Babilonia la Grande, l'impero di tutte le false religioni di Stato che cadrà immediatamente all''adempimento di 1 Tessalonicesi 5: 3 con il segnale di pace e sicurezza.
Beh, per logica consequenziale mI viene da pensare che: i commercianti viaggiatori, (essendoci dentro anche i banchieri internazionali essendo essi i commercianti del denaro), ed i re della terra politici, potrebbero avere l'ultimo istante di tempo utile ed in una situazione piu propizia proprio quando le Nazioni Unite avranno appena ricevuto piu autorità, Rivelazione 17: 13, ma, se con la emergenza clima, la emergenza plastica, la emergenza creata con la crisi Corona Virus, le economie in tante nazioni rallentate e in parte fatte morire, e quindi, se immediatamente dopo l'Ottavo Re riceverà piu potere, essendoci il capitalismo più ralentato ed essendo allora più facile fare qualcosa di serio per il clima e per eliminare la plastica nei mari, ma, non solo, in teoria e nel effettivo i re della terra potrebbero trovarsi per l'ultimo istante particolarmente facilitati a mettere subito in pratica Salmi 2: 10-12, mentre, fino alla fine del 2019 tutti i governi erano ossessionati ad aumentare la produttività e il prodotto interno lordo solo per inquinare di più e solo per farci del male servendo il Dio denaro. Visto che l'ONU al inizio dovrebbe fare alcune cose "meravigliose" ed imporre anche il rispetto dei trattati di pace affinche i popoli siano maggiormente spinti a porre molta fiducia sulle Nazioni Unite come organo internazionale che rappresenta tante nazioni e che dovrebbe lavorare per la pace e sicurezza.
Una tesi di questo tipo può esser dimostrata anche presso la Corte Suprema degli USA e chi portasse e/o ricordasse questo buon messaggio agli stessi poteri forti negli interessi di tutte le parti, dimenticando le colpe e dando un invito alla saggezza, il portatore amico di questo messaggio presso degli amici non dovrebbe temere alcun male pur sapendo che da quasi 20 anni le agenzie segrete di intelligenza dispongono di una tecnologia che può imitare gli impulsi elettrici per il funzionamento del cuore per farlo andare in arresto cardiaco fino ad una distanza di 200 metri.
Tuttavia, se il negoziato di Salmi 2: 10-12 non verrà messo in pratica, essendo eventualità assai probabile, ma, se nel peggiore dei modi il progetto di riduzione della popolazione a livello mondiale avrà inizio su larga scala, vedi Matteo 24: 21-23, ma, dopo il periodo relativamente calmo di speranza e dopo il periodo un poco meno tranquillo di strategie per far paura fino al segnale di pace e sicurezza ed eliminazione di "Babilonia", oggi di, comunque in una certa misura certi messaggi informativi anche di carattere tecnico non vengono censurati in rete, inoltre vengono pubblicati alcuni libri sul argomento cospirazione ed a volte se ne parla un poco anche in televisione seppure a notte tardi e con intendimento un poco distorto. Così allora quando inizierà la grande tribolazione gli scettici, conformisti , i miscredenti, i falsi moralisti, gli amanti del denaro ad oltranza, i politici corrotti, i truffatori ed assassini e gli stupidi per antonomasia che fino alla fine avranno rigettato la verità per paura di essere ingannati e che avranno accettano la menzogna solo perché più comoda ed erogata con parvenza ufficiale e grazie alla voce della autorità, beh, allora non potranno lamentarsi e criticare il sistema più che tanto in quanto essendo essi stesso ad aver acconsentito la cospirazione ed in parte essendo essi stessi ad aver costruito la cospirazione.
Adam was created by "G" God and later Eve was created and therefore Eve had less experience than Adam. "G" God placed an ordinary fruit tree. But why did Jehovah being a loving God put a forbidden tree in the middle of the garden? Couldn't God have done without the death penalty if Adam and / or Eve got the fruit from that tree? There was probably a logical and wise way for Jehovah God to act. Adam, Eve, and their offspring had to gradually become accustomed to obeying the increasingly demanding dispositions in order to acquire an ever more superior and responsible mind for the human family to expand and subjugate the earth in the best way, always obeying the dispositions of God as it is not easy to manage the earth in perfect respect for nature. By not eating from the forbidden tree, Adam and Eve could begin to cultivate the desire and openness to obey God without undergoing any renunciation since the fruit on the forbidden tree could also be found on the other trees in the garden. But, from the beginning of his story, man has moved away from God by not following his guide and today we can see the results: war, pollution, devastation of the environment, injustice, etc., etc., and now we are on the verge to destroy ourselves with our own hands.
But a cherub who wanted to be worshiped instead of "" G "God, first I try to distance the human couple from God by trying to deceive Eve who had less experience. So the imminent Satan the Devil made use of a snake as if he were a puppet and probably made him crawl on the forbidden tree in the middle of the garden just when Eve was near the forbidden tree. The possessed snake asked Eve if God really had forbidden him to eat from every tree in the garden. Eve should have interrupted the abnormal conversation knowing that a snake does not speak, but instead Eva continued to speak with the snake and answered correctly saying that they could eat from all the trees in the garden except from the tree in mezxo to the garden. Eva knew the command of God well yet Satan made use of the snake and managed to instill Eve's desire to eat from the forbidden tree and making him believe that God was lying and depriving him of something good. n substance the first rebel angel that tempts Eve, in principle did the same job as today's commercial advertising when he has to convince us to buy a product even if we know we don't need it, of course not necessarily being a sin against God to buy a useless product or the latest model of mobile phone when instead we still have the almost new 2-month perfectly working one. The story in Eden was real and also from Adam and Eve begins the chronology of human history up to our days after about 6000 years.
Apocryphal books that are not part of the books of the Bible can be very harmful and infect the understanding of many people, in particular, those who do not yet have a good understanding "immunized" by the philosophies and hypotheses of metaphors even on the biblical stories really happened and that can give us very profound and basic teachings to learn to read and understand the Bible in depth of purpose, with spirit and truth, just as God wants us to understand with accurate knowledge.
Adamo fu creato da "G" Dio e piu tardi fu creata Eva e quindi Eva aveva meno esperienza di Adamo. "G" Dio pose un normale albero da frutto. Ma perche Geova essendo un Dio d'amore pose un albero proibito nel mezzo del giardino? Dio non poteva fare a meno di porre quel divieto con la pena di morte nel caso che Adamo e/o Eva avessero preso il frutto da quel albero? Probabilmente ci fu una logica ed un saggio modo di agire da parte di Geova Dio. Adamo, Eva e la loro progenie dovevano gradualmente abituarsi ad ubbidire alle disposizioni sempre piu impegnative pet acquisire una mente sempre piu superiore e responsabile affinche la famiglia umana si espandesse e soggiogasse la terra nel migliore dei modi ubbidendo sempre alle disposizioni di Dio non essendo facile gestire la terra nel perfetto rispetto della natura. Non mangiando dal albero proibito Adamo ed Eva potevano cominciare a coltivate il desiderio ed aprezzamento adi ubbidire a Dio senza subire alcuna rinuncia in quanto il frutto sul albero proibito potevano trovarlo anche su gli altri alberi nel giardino. Ma, fin dall'inizio della sua storia, l'uomo si e allontanato da Dio non seguendo la sua guida ed oggi ne possiamo vedere i risultati: guerra, inquinamento, devastazione del ambiente, ingiustizia, ecc, ecc, ed ora siamo sul orlo di autodistruggerci con le nostre stesse mani.
Ma un angelo cherubino che volle farsi adorare al posto di ""G" Dio, prima cerco di allontanare la coppia umana da Dio cercando di ingannare Eva che aveva meno esperienza. Cosi l'imminentr Satana il Diavolo fece uso di un serpente come fosse una marioneta e probabilmente lo fece strisciare sul albero proibito in mezzo al giardino proprio quando Eva fu vicina al albero proibito. Il serpente posseduto chiese ad Eva se veramente Dio gli aveva proibito di mangiare da ogni albero del giardino. Eva avrebbe dovuto interrompere la anomala conversazione sapendo che un serpente non parla, ma, invece Eva continuo a parlare con il serpente e rispose in modo corretto dicendo che loro potevano mangiare da tutti gli alberi del giardino eccetto che dall'albero in mezxo al giardino. Eva conosceva bene il comando di Dio eppure Satana face uso del serpente e riusci ad istillare il desiderio ad Eva di mangiare dal albero proibito e facendogli credere che Dio mentiva e gli stava privando di qualcosa di buono. In sostanza il primo angelo ribelle che tento Eva, per principio fece lo stesso lavoro della odierna pubblicita commerciale quando deve convincerci a comprare un prodotto anche se noi sappiamo di non averne bisogno, naturalmente non essendo per forza un peccato contro Dio il comprare una prodotto inutile o l'ultimo modello di telefonino quando invece abbiamo ancora quello quasi nuovo di 2 mesi perfettamente funzionante. La storia in Eden fu reale ed inoltre da Adamo ed Eva inizia la cronologia della storia umana fino ad arrivare ai nostri giorni dopo circa 6000 anni.

1)-This is a very delicate speech that also involves the few people who rule the world today: there is an open-air process between "G" God and his opponent Satan the Devil who today pretends to be the great architect of the universe. Today of, as the present time flows, (days, months and years), Satan works to overcome the contention in this process, however "G" God forces Satan to follow a predetermined path. The few families and people who rule the world today make history and contribute to the fulfillment of biblical prophecies, especially from 1914 onwards, and therefore, the strong powers and the other kings of the earth, (the governments, etc., etc., etc.), they make history but do not change history, while Satan himself with his army of demonic angels are taken by G "God as with a hook and being forced to respect a path traced by stakes, metaphorically speaking.
2)-Before the peace and security process that began in secret in 1913 comes to an end (when the Federal Reserve of New York becomes the first private federal bank with the thirteenth amendment), it seems that the Eighth King must necessarily receive much more authority, Revelation 17: 13. Today of, Satan rules the world and misleads the same political and banking kings of the earth, and therefore, if in 1720 there was a serious epidemic, if in 1820 there was another serious epidemic, if in 1920 there was was the very serious "Spanish" influence, with all this chronological coincidence every 100 years for those who understand and it is obvious that it is a path wanted by Satan executed with art, and therefore, the situation that arose with COVID-19 after others a hundred years in 2020 must necessarily be supervised by Satan in the role of supreme boss during this diabolical system of things; (in succession: plague, cholera, Spanish flu and COVID-19, after 100 years and in big year.
3)-So, whether the war COVID-19 was supervised through the Bilderberg club and then created in a military laboratory, then spreading it in a Chinese city and in other countries, (as if it had accidentally spread due to lack of hygiene, etc., etc., ), but, willingly from behind the scenes, to facilitate a whole series of financial and speculative maneuvers which eventually, in addition to attempting to save Europe, at the end of this third world war, (well hidden in COVID-19 style) , governments may feel compelled to sign by majority to give more power to the United Nations, or, unlikely, the demons would have again acted directly on nature to break out this new epidemic COVID-19 facilitated then to expand with globalization and perhaps even through chemtrails, although I doubt it. But, whether the idea started from Bilderberg or whether demonic forces acted directly on nature, (today of very remote eventuality), in both cases, even COVID-19 was spread by Satan's will on the path of this open-air universal dispute between Jehovah and Satan.
4)-(Thanks to the lies and media terrorism it seemed true to almost all the citizens. In addition, even the diagnosis made with the swabs was false but at first it was a false life experience for many of us and therefore as if the epidemic had really caused so many deaths): Today, March 21, 2020, in Italy and especially in the Lombardy and Veneto region, the situation is ruthless and diabolical and has caught the unprepared people, and perhaps, the COVID-19 is causing more deaths in Italy than in China. However from a source I knew that at the end of January 2020 the deaths in China were already at 9000, and fifth, I do not know if the numbers transmitted in these days of March regarding the deaths in China are real or if they are much lower than the whole the mortality that occurred in China causes covid-19. Moreover, in Italy on the evening of March 20 the official deaths exceeded 4000 but with the deaths at home for COVID-19 the actual deaths could even surpass the number transmitted by official media by the Italian media on the evening of March 20. Today, Italy seems to be the most seriously affected nation, on day 20 the deaths were more than 600 and the number of deaths per day still seems to be destined to increase at least for a few days. However, the Corona Virus epidemic is now gradually becoming more serious also in Spain, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States, where until a few days ago the governments seemed to have taken the spread of the covid-19 epidemic too lightly regarding their country. Here is a little what was the situation in Italy on the evening of March 20, as I reported it, and also, through what I learned from television: From the post I published on the evening of March 20: After the demonstrations on the climate and plastic change emergency in the seas held especially in late summer and autumn 2019, in my opinion there are many chances that at the end of this "third world war" covid- 19 you can get more power to the Eighth King who will also act as a screen of the fame of the Seventh King, Revelation 17: 13.
5)-Although I, but not only, is firmly convinced that it is a planned war to take many pigeons with a single favs, it is still better to take seriously the decree of the Italian government, moreover, it would be better not to publish more on the net hoaxes or half-truths to minimize the covid-19 emergency that partly misled me too. The government can tell us to stay at home and to leave the house just to go to work or to go shopping, but if the government with the most restrictive decrees also reduces the opening hours and days of super markets then it makes life more difficult, too long files and more contagions. In addition to too many deaths, the scary part is the elderly and the less elderly who die at home and those infected with covid-19 too advanced to be intubated in the hospital and therefore left to die without hope, as well as being the sad side for people left alone, isolated and for those not treated in hospital for other diseases. Yes, as if we were at war, but, a hidden war probably studied at the table. The only thing to do, in addition to following the rules, eating well, less insulin carbohydrates and doing a little movement. The fact of not having a fever does not mean that you are not a carrier of covid-19, while, it seems that governments in every nation take covid-19 lightly until the moment when the epidemic has not spread seriously even in their country .At the evening of March 20, 2020 the official deaths amounted to 4032. I know that someone would like to reduce the population worldwide by 95% however I hope that the international and false ally system has not already become so diabolical and cynical to be secretly given covid-19 also through chemtrails. (End of the post published on the evening of March 20. 2020.
6)-Positively speaking, late in the evening of March 21, 2020, the Italian Prime Minister Conte, representing the Italian government and state, appeared very much in favor of the most essential things, no longer in favor of speculative capitalism such as gambling that many money to the State, and furthermore, in addition to the tax relief, Conte after having repeatedly consulted the doctors on behalf of the government has expressed the willingness on the part of the State to want to put the health and life of the citizens first, as there have been too many deaths due to covid-19. Furthermore, fortunately the decision was not made to reduce the days and hours of the super markets, which would have made life too difficult for us, causing long and dangerous queues, moreover those who do not have a car may have difficulty shopping a lot great between weekends. Of course, there is the possibility that 5G will assert itself despite not a little opposition from the people, then there is the threat of debt with interest under the slavery of the European Stability Mechanism and beyond. But, even some collaborators of the strong powers and the members of the strong potets themselves could fall ill with covid-19, not only, but, those who govern the world may also have good knowledge of biblical prophecies and finally, if Europe divided exhibition also preparing to exploit Italy after this emergency, but, immediately after being hit Germany and France, one could hope and give the good omen that also the financial system of the European Central Bank and the European Union will show more united and in solidarity with all the States of the Union and thus abandoning the speculations to which, however, even Italy could decide to rebel abandoning Europe at the end of the covid-19 crisis. Well, let's see and hope for the good but without delusion.
7)-The final moral of this speech that I try to convey is this: the dispute between "G" God and Satan must take place south on a predetermined track, and therefore, as all the biblical prophecies of history have been fulfilled in part due to the nature of human behavior in general, in large part it causes the double prophetic thrust dictated by both Jehovah God who must allow the evil and the unfolding of the process in the open so that the universal dispute between Jehovah and Satan is fulfilled in a perfect and undeniable way, and moreover, both for will of Satan which can have much influence on humanity and on the powers that govern it, however, within a pre-established path. And therefore, it follows that even all biblical prophecies of our time must be fulfilled, always behind the double prophetic drive. So, although banking, political, commercial and military kings today make history by fulfilling biblical prophecies, and therefore, making history but not changing history, (and therefore, being also the CIA, MI6 and KGB of the tools for make history), it is also true that the Eighth King must soon receive more power, Revelation 17: 13, thus uniting even more the executive and legislative powers of the nations. Furthermore, it seems that banking powers can enjoy a certain divine protection at least until the sign of peace and security or a little later until the eve of the Apocalypse, especially so that the biblical prophecies of our time are fully fulfilled. The Apocalypse and the payment of the divine judgment on the current political and economic system, but also, the positive judgment on the desirable things of the nations, that is, all the true Christians who will have persevered to the end. So, through the trials and the evil that we have to suffer, we can also refine and learn to live in a wiser way, but, at the same time, Jehovah God feels compelled to allow evil for the universal dispute to take place in the most correct way possible, and also, for our benefit, moreover, so that no one can ever challenge Jehovah God again. (Over 6000 years ago in Een the first angel rebelled against God using a snake to mislead Eve and liaring to God and from there I start the travagliaya history of humanity alienated from God. "G" God is not happy to see us suffer however God must allow evil to make us wiser and to demonstrate that we love God not only for interest, and therefore, so that God can respond to Satan who is a liar, see the first two chapters of Job, but G God at the same time allows the wicked and the turbulent society of today to be sidetracked, going ever more towards the negative consequences of their bad conduct according to the will of Satan and in preparation for the great tribulation now very close, see Matthew 24: 21-23. First the wicked will destroy themselves with their own hands and in the end the rest will receive the final judgment with the payment of the Apocalypse. But, this will also occur with respect to the powers that govern us today:
8)-So until the end of the peace process with the signal of peace and security, 1 Thessalonians 5: 3 and / or up to Harmageddon, God makes use of the kings of the earth and their subordinate hierarchies for his prophecies to fulfill. For example, God will put the desire in the hearts of the rulers and of the Eighth King to eliminate all false religions and in addition God also allows the emergence of hidden situations and wars such as chemtrails, economic crises and covid-19 for bring us gradually towards the beginning of the great tribulation, Matthew 24: 21-23. But, the same things are partly archived in the UN and most of them are events included in the program of the same strong powers that today rule the world from behind the scenes. Willingly or unwillingly, according to the divine will, the strong powers are giving bread to the teeth of turbulent and very money-loving human society especially until the beginning of the Corona Virus plague, but they also give bread to greedy governments and mercenaries who are largely corrupt. The UN will soon receive more power by uniting governments more as one man, Psalms 2: 2. However, it is possible that the kings of the earth, while fulfilling biblical prophecies, are also fulfilling satanic prophecies, being in progress, for so to speak, a double prophetic thrust and Satan being able to rule the world and make his prophecies and fulfill them within the limits permitted by God. Consequently the kings of the earth can be on the wrong train and that when they get off that wrong train, they will not find the New World Order with only 5-10% of the world's wealthiest and most intelligent population, but destruction for them too, not having changed the wrong train time to catch the right one in time. If we examine deeply the divine promises that have always been fulfilled up to now, (God being faithful and Almighty in order to always be able to fulfill his prophecies and also prevailing over Satan but according to justice and wisdom), the divine purpose will have fulfillments however in many places the purpose of G God does not correspond to the plan and prerogatives of the New World Order. Furthermore, it is evident that in the end, with the payment of the Apocalypse, all the nations and kings of the earth who, together, should have formed the global bloc under the New World Order, a single government on all continents, will also be destroyed. apparently a good solution to remove war and terrorism. But, see the wrong final maneuver of the kings of the earth united as one man, Psalms 2: 2-3, see also the adverse judgment that is about to pour out on today's very turbulent human society in general, Zephaniah 1: 18, but, see also the adverse judgment that is about to pour on the entire political and economic system: Daniel 2: 44 and 12: 1, Matthew 24: 14 which speaks of the end and Matthew 24: 21-23, moreover, see also Revelation 11: 18 regarding the nations and to those who today more than ever before are ruining the earth both by polluting and further skiing the human human society towards evil by also pushing it to ruin the earth, and also, see Revelation 19: 19-21 when the eighth King , the Seventh King, all other nations and the remaining unrecoverable institutions within the sections will be destroyed. A single government, right for human principle, but, driven by erroneous reasons, and so, just as the Twin Towers sank on September 11, 2001, by means of 10 tons of nano-termite and probably by experimenting with the ray of death, so , it seems that the kings of the earth united as one man will also have to fall under the direction of the UN and / or NWO.
9)-But, unlike natural disasters that come without warning, (even if they are in part aggravated due to human intervention that is upsetting the climate and that is favoring the increase in earthquakes, especially from 1914 onwards), Jehovah God warns in advance both the wicked and today's kings of the earth to the fact that soon the "sword" will come because God wants the wicked and even the kings of the earth to stand on the right path and be saved. Similarly, God through the plagues and the various obstacles could also the Egyptians so that they no longer chase the Israelites up to the two walls of water raised by God but in the end the Egyptian army was overwhelmed by the waters due to the arrogance of Pharaoh. There is a natural passage on the bottom of the Red Sea 900 meters wide and with a slope of only 6% up to 100 meters below sea level and so that the Israelites could cross the Red Sea between the waters raised thanks to a slope moderate by 6%, while towards the second coast where the Israelites go back, a few years ago the remains of the Egyptian army were found, archaeological evidence that the Israelites actually cross the Red Sea. Strong powers are protected by God to the end and are making history, however Psalms 2: 10-12 was not made to write for anything but in essence Jehovah God invites today's kings of the earth to manifest insight and wisdom before helpful time runs out..So to conclude, what to say: the kings of the earth "thanks" to the "third world war" covid-19, an ugly situation in itself that is causing inconvenience, pain and death, in the end will be could give the right moment to give more power to the United Nations, Revelation 17: 13, both thanks to the slowed economy and to the way of thinking in general a little changed more towards the essentials. So since the Eighth King will unite governments more, as if they were like one man, with slowed capitalism and a global economy, until yesterday at the end of 2019 too uncontrolled, but, perhaps tomorrow, kept a little more on a leash and with a little breathing given to the surface of the earth, it is obvious that in such a situation they will evaluate it thoroughly and if they wish, strong powers and governments will be able to supervise many nations through the United Nations to put Psalms 2: 10-12 into practice.. In essence, history can deviate both towards good and evil in the final part of the peace process, but, still as the two syoric alternatives foreseen by Jehovah God.
10)-Strong powers, the UN is the kings of the earth, etc., etc., will be able to continue to carry out Satan's will and at the same time fulfill biblical prophecies up to Harmageddon, however it is obvious that a moment before the Apocalypse, (or perhaps, some time before the beginning of the great tribulation), the strong powers will lose this apparent protection from Jehovah God, and therefore, individually and / or as an entire group, eventually the kings of the earth will also suffer adverse judgment or a favorable judgment alongside a large crowd of desirable things from all over the earth in the event that the kings of the earth chose Psalms 2: 10-12 abandoning the will of Satan who today pretends to be the great architect of the universe even though he is not. Psalms 2: 2-3, or, Psalms 2: 10-12 and taking into account that it may still take a relatively short period of time for the kings of the earth to demonstrate to God that they wanted to practice wisdom in fear without hypocrisy of God, otherwise this "negotiation" was not even made to write on paper about 3000 years ago. Basically and according to how I think I understand at least in general, and also thanks to what I learned at the start thanks to the spiritual food of the "faithful slave", (see the final part of chapter 24 of Matthew), at the beginning the UN with the support of governments will have to do some beautiful things in the presence of peoples to gain the trust of peoples, and in this situation the Free Territory of Trieste could also be restored as a de facto state, as foreseen by document S / 2015 / 809 of 23 October 2015 of the United Nations Security Council and also because the liberation of the FTT would appear as a wonderful and unexpected thing more so that peoples can trust the UN.
11)-However, once peoples have gained confidence in the UN, the strong powers will have to decide whether to continue to exploit this trust in favor of propaganda and final strategies for the solution of the New World Order or whether to put in into practice Psalms 2: 10-12 and so that the nations may thus suffer a great tribulation much less devastating and much more saving Apocalypse. Immediately afterwards the millennial reign of Messiah will begin, the anointed one of Jehovah flanked by his 144,000 thousand kings and priests. So it seems obvious to me that if one or more members, (of the Rothschild and / or Rockefellero family and of the other 13 families and also from within one or more governments), really decided to want to rule the world wisely and with spiritual steps in their lives according to the ways of God, they too can overcome the Apocalypse and receive divine support on DNA and on the organism in order to live forever. At the end, the final test is foreseen so that perfect men and women, as they were at the beginning Adam and Eve, can be tested for the last time by Satan and the demons in definitive conclusion of the open process between Satan and Almighty God. After that, the rebellious men and women, and furthermore, Satan and the demons, will all be destroyed and brought into non-existence. Yes, but in the meantime one should think of overcoming the Apocalypse during the end of this system. After having many years to learn not to sin anymore against God but acquiring full physical and mental health plus a fresh and young body as before leaving the womb, then the aging process being zeroed. After that, the final test will be considered, but it takes another thousand years for that. That's all.
12)-Being difficult for me to explain all this I had to make such a long post. Going back to the covid-19 pandemic, I think I understand that it is not so important to be hospitalized immediately if you rush drastically into difficulty breathing, while, the most important thing is if you avoid contagion to the end and / or if the the immune system manages to act immediately to defeat the virus before the lungs are rendered useless. The tragic part in hospitals also lies in the fact that the covid-19 emergency suppresses almost all other care and surgical operations, moreover, the patient for other serious health problems in the hospital. risks contagion. However, if many doctors and nurses work assiduously among covid-19 patients without being infected, even if there is a risk, it means that masks, gloves and often washing hands with soap is very useful in limiting the infection. So you should keep a good diet and exercise and get enough sleep. I don't think I have contracted the Corona Virus and that I have overcome it even if some symptoms I have warned, but if the situation became serious also in Trieste and I took the infection and died at home, maybe if I felt I had done something good and important, having an alleged hope, I could be less afraid of death and despite that for now I have failed to complete a path. So to speak, the covid-19 in addition to giving a little breath to the earth, despite being a very dangerous and insidious virus, in addition to the negative aspects it also reserves some positive circumstances and one of these lies in the fact that we can manage to communicate with of people whose conversation may be impossible in normal situations. But: True or false news? Also, what if it were true and if someone wants to hide it from us, perhaps, saying that it is the usual false news or half-truths on the internet? Also, what is the real situation in Japan? Because if in Japan the situation is very different from what the media make us believe in Italy but not only, the Italian state and government and other states and governments would allow the death of many people and many small businesses to keep some going political and economic maneuvers to hide from the people so that after the epidemic is over, these maneuvers are presented as an accomplished fact. Avigan, the alleged coronavirus drug, comes from Japan. Burioni: "Scemenze", Zaia: "We experience it in Veneto". Last hypothesis on medicine from Japan, the government may want to hide some political and economic maneuvers by taking advantage of the covid-19, but if medicine were really effective both the Prime Minister and most of the Italian politicians may not know it and / or believe it whether it's a fake report. I could also be wrong, but, if today there is really effective medicine fuor covid-19, all or almost all politicians and doctors in Italy and Europe may not know it or think that it is a false relationship). Of course, too bad if I didn't see the change towards more power at the UN since on Facebook and in my blogs I've talked about it assiduously for about 6 years.
1) -Probably some western governments already know this but do not want to inform peoples to avoid panic and to avoid too much generalized awareness of how the system works and towards what even more serious danger we are going. Of course, the dangerous Corona Virus covid-19 was created in the laboratory with the manipulations and crosses of viruses, similar to how it has been done with wheat for some years. The covid-19 serves to distract, to frighten and to weaken many peoples and nations, and moreover, it can bring us to the limit of a third world war, that is, a war with weapons of mass destruction between the last king of the north and the last king of the south, Daniel 11: 40-45. As during the cold war between the USA and Russia, this war is already underway and for now until the end of 2019 it was still strictly commercial in nature and only with leopard spots armed wars in remote countries, yes, a competitive scene similar to a chess game. Today of, the last king of the north is Russia and its allies being in the front line Russia is China, while the last king of the south is the United States and most, if not all, of the NATO countries.
2) - (For there are many other issues, but, of which we want to talk little), at the beginning of autumn 2019 I had thought that if the plastic emergency in the seas and the climate change emergency were not enough to push the rulers to sign to give more power to the United Nations, then a more frightening and more bloody strategy would have been put in place eventually up to a nuclear war between Russia and the United States. A war with ballistic missiles would entail a nuclear holocaust and probably only some warmongering politicians and some "crazy" military generals would like it as a quick way to reduce the population worldwide, moreover, today there is a seed bank and also a population believed elected she could have run for cover in the shelters and secret military bases underground, not only, but in the open air and at sea, the radiation dissolves earlier than expected.
3) -Thanks to the covid-19 pandemic when it has reached its peak in Europe and the USA or when it has almost reached its conclusion, a very fast and dangerous military procedure will most likely begin, which will bring Russia and the USA with their allies on the verge of a third world war, but, at the peak, this crisis will be stopped at the last moment by diplomacy, so, since both the two blocs are equally equally powerful, the US and NATO countries will negotiate with Russia and China in the front line and at the conclusion of the negotiations the majority of governments will sign to give more power to the Eighth King, the United Nations Security Council, (which will probably undergo a substantial organizational change also to avoid the difficulty of the unanimity that has often prevented the UN to be able to act immediately with the support of the nations and possibly a merger between the UN and another international body is also possible), Revelation 17: 3.
4) -Satana makes the war against "G" God however the Almighty drags Satan in a certain trajectory as with a hook, while, today of, almost all of us find ourselves as in a pot of boiling water however the great architect of the universe Jehovah God has prevented Satan from putting the lid on because "G" God loves us and wants us all to come to repentance and salvation and thus also making sure that we can use free will and act accordingly although often it is not easy and that there may be a proper development of the universal dispute between Jehovah God is Satan.
5) -This open trial started in Eden when this Cherub decided to try to remove the human family from God from the beginning, the most opportune moment to do it, and so the angel who was becoming Satan made use of a snake literally to leverage Eve's desire and eventually Eva would give in to the desire and actually eat the forbidden fruit, etc., etc. Basically Satan tested Eve as he had less experience than Adam and moreover Satan using a snake leveraged with the same principle that commercial advertising uses today to convince us to buy a product and often even if we know we don't need it ). Satan makes the majority believe that he does not exist, Satan often works by hiding his work among things that already exist in nature and in the intimate of the human being and also Satan pretends to be the great architect of the universe "G" God even though he is not.
6) -Returning to our time and to the year 2020, when this covid-19 epidemic and eventual war threat of the third world war will end with the most power at the UN, then presumably the peoples and governments being a little less obsessed with money, for the things of capitalism and for the diabolical free market, the banking kings themselves and the powerful prime ministers, as Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are today. if they have analyzed the matter and if they want to put it into practice immediately, in theory they should be facilitated to put into practice Psalms 2: 10-12 or more power to the UN will lead us to the signal of peace and security, 1 Thessalonians 5: 3 , the elimination of all false religions being an event that will occur anyway, and possibly, with the officialization of the New World Order, following the great tribulation, Matthew 24: 21-23, Harmageddon and the Apocalypse, (I do not go into details in general).
7) -A detail perhaps not easy but not impossible: Given the document of the S / 2015/809 of 23 October 2015 of the United Nations, and above all, given that the more power to the Eighth King, the UN will have to gain further trust from the of the peoples, perhaps the fear of covid-19 and the near danger of a third war is not enough and perhaps the formalization of more power to the UN is not enough (moreover many people being too individualistic and too forgetful), probably the FTT buffer state -TLT will be re-established as a de facto state especially to facilitate the UN to gain the trust of the peoples and since today the liberation of the FTT-TLTi appears to be too remote, despite the law and the reason, and moreover, the UN having need the trust of the peoples in order to be able to exercise the directive and more convincing propaganda on the peoples more easily, with the knowledge of the implementation of the Blue Bean strategies as a possible last maneuver to convince the peoples and go arms to accept the solution of the New or World Order, in case Psalms 2: 10-12 is not put into practice, which unfortunately will occur despite the alternative Psalms 2: 10-12 is not impossible otherwise Jehovah did not have it written on paper by his prophets as God-inspired human secretaries.
8) -Psalms 2-2 shows that the kings of the earth will be more united than ever as one man, globalization with technology, the International Community, more power to the UN and possibly the New World Order. Psalms 2: 1- 12 must concern only our epoch, from 1913-1914 until the end of the system with the payment of the Apocalypse. But, if as a last useful moment the kings of the earth will begin to act wisely, to think differently and to change many aspects of politics and in the way of doing pripaganda, more people could have overcome the great tribulation and the Apocalypse of possibly being brought back to life with the hope of eternal life. Not only that, but for Jehovah it is not a problem to establish the right number of inhabitants on this planet also by implementing many reassurances during the reign of 1000 years under 144000 plus 1. And to conclude the project of NWO It does not correspond to the purpose of God, and therefore, this friendly invitation to the kings of the earth as and second alternative to make history but as always without changing history, since there is the prophetic thrust that forces history to travel only on an established track which Satan must also undergo.
Jesus began to reign in the midst of his enemies in the fall of 1914 and with the payment of the Apocalypse Jesus plus the 144,000 kings and priests will take total control over human affairs.
We must think spiritually and consider that the kingdom of God must put all human affairs in order with justice and at that point it will be easier to understand the fact that the New Jerusalem must necessarily be a heavenly government made up of people with a spiritual body but who have lived before as men and women who have experienced life and human suffering, something that angels have never experienced with the exception of Jesus. So the 144,000 and 1 kings and priests who will soon make up the New Gerusaleme will be the most competent kings and priests and more capable of lovingly governing the earth for a thousand years as they know human suffering well, and to conclude, the New Jerusalem cannot be earthly and cannot be found in some central states of the United States or in some earthly place, moreover by making the comparison and analysis of some verses, the Bible itself shows us that the New Jerusalem is the small flock of the 144,000 plus 1, Jesus Christ. Many individuals denigrate religion and someone has also answered me wrong however there are many false religions that have dishonored God and that will capitulate immediately after the signal of peace and security, however there is also a true religion and can be found by those who seek God in moodo sincere.
(Jesus Christ will destroy Satan at the end of the millennial reign after the final test, while, Mary, as a devout person who respected the law then becoming Christian, when she was alive on earth God chose her as the fleshly mother of Jesus, and should be part of the 144,000 kings and priests who will reign for 1000 years with Christ bringing humanity to perfection and thus preparing it to face the final test in perfection in a similar way as Adam and Eve in Eden, and then the dispute between God and Satan will be resolved forever. From Eden to the end of the final test about 7000 years will have passed, a creative day. Maria's appearances in Slovenia and France are semblances created by demons and possibly also experiments for the Blue Bean project and therefore many unbelievers would have done well to examine their spiritual position before it was too late).
(Prophets and secretaries inspired by "G" God ended in the first century, while prophets and writers inspired by Satan or who reported Satan-inspired predictions and demons in their books continued to exist until the present time, however I I am not inspired by God, and moreover, I am not inspired by Satan, and therefore, although I probably received knowledge and understanding from true religion and in various circumstances at the right time, I had to think first. events over time and publish my analysis and post, and therefore, I can be wrong south some details and we must take into account that there are also many false and / or misleading news on the net).

1) - THIS IS NOT A FALSE NEWS, THIS IS NOT A TRUE NEW BUT ONLY MY ANALYSIS AND REFLECTION FROM WHAT I THINK I HAVE UNDERSTANDED, also, I wanted it to be short but I have not succeeded): After all, the covid-19 may have been cultivated in the laboratory through many crossings of viruses, in a way similar to how it has been done with wheat for decades to make it more "capitalist", and therefore, being certainly a virus studied and treated accordingly so that has certain characteristics and so that it is a "democratic" virus that affects everyone: poor and rich, ordinary people and powerful people.
2) -Very likely the covid-19 may have been created in secret only by the king of the north as an offensive against imperialism and too aggressive capitalism of the king of the south, however despite its drama, the covid-19 can bring a positive side if the lesson is taken in the right way thus giving good rules on several fronts to the whole global economy so far too uncontrolled at least until January 2020 when it became aware late of a virus that came out of China. Eventually it could lead to a global nuclear holocaust, in the worst case scenario, or to a good negotiation between the king of the north and the king of the south and also to the formalization of more power to the UN as the prophetic push now pushes direction of Revelation 17: 13. Not only that, but having started the virus from China it would make the strategy even more impossible and beyond suspicion, at least for many ordinary people and perhaps for this reason the Chinese government has not warned us in time but still China wanting to help. (At the limit there could have been a secret collaboration between the US army with the Chinese one and possibly also Russia or it may have been a strategy that only originated from the US; however I doubt it and it seems to me more credible the first version that is, that it is a work only by the king of the north with excellent diversion.
3) -Months ago on Facebook I and other people have rightly criticized Giuseppe Conte because he reformed the government in violation of article 1 of the Constitution, also Sergio Mattarella did not have to sign, as, elements of the PD not voted by majority in the 2018 campaign they had to join the government. However in the covid-19 situation, (although he may have made some mistakes but considering that such an emergency has not been happening for at least 70 years), it seems to me that Prime Minister Conte has dealt with this covid-19 emergency wisely and given the health, the life of the people, the work of the doctors, not the profit speculated by the Italian state. We put aside all the shortcomings and any more or less fair criticisms that can be addressed to Prime Minister Conte, also, we consider the fact that there is a lack of masks, respirators, beds but that are now being increased and we consider that all cuts made on health, are circumstances that in my opinion it is not fair to download as blame only on Prime Minister Conte, moreover, no government is omnipotent and often circumstances get out of hand and upstream there is usually guilt and speculation on the part of many other people, political and otherwise.
4)-So, I doubt that Prime Minister Conte wants to spread panic but it is actually a very serious and large-scale health emergency that causes more than 5% of deaths among the infected. Even if at home and in hospital it was better for no one to take drugs to reduce symptoms and fever as the body's defenses are lowered, doctors are to be commended as frontline soldiers who work while being positive. Hence, covid-19 is a very heavy and dangerous form of pneumonia, Giuseppe Conte does not want to spread panic but proposes decrees to reduce the contagion but at the same time without any quarantine offenders or aware of having covid-19 being shot . Not only that, but it seems to me that, positively, Giuseppe Conte does not want to borrow from the European stability mechanism which in the end would have speculated and further weakened the Italian economy with further strong interests, and therefore, I hope no MES. I am sure that the covid-19 was crossed and cultivated in the laboratory and perhaps some governments took it too lightly at the beginning of the epidemic in their country and perhaps some senior politicians know or have understood that the covid-19 is a laboratory virus but it is better to keep the matter confidential as it could cause chaos and rebellion and upheaval. Meanwhile, the government and the media encourage us to stay at home and they also make us the promise that we will win this battle against covid-19 and that in the end we will have a nice big party and we will start all together, but, so far everything is ok, however speculative and warmongering capitalism is always in a hidden war between East and West and even between the same allied countries and in the end we suffer almost all the consequences of these war without even understanding that it is a war and possibly what kind of war it is , and therefore, we often die without knowing why and that we are in a very well disguised war between so many truths and so many alleged false news so that all of us remain confused without ever being sure of what is happening to us in too much information and little knowledge and no understanding.
5) -But, let's go back to Russia and China, the main part of the last king of the north and therefore also consider the imperialist war and the speculation continues by the king of the south against himself and against the king of the north. Both Russia and the United States with their respective allies are very strong in economic and military terms but a possible attack even south of a small front against Russia or against Europe or the United States could immediately trigger a very dangerous procedure that in turn it could soon trigger a nuclear conflict between super powers with ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. So there is a danger that diplomacy will not be able to stop a third world war at the last moment with weapons of mass destruction with relative nuclear holocaust to the incredible damage of all nations and peoples. Although there are many commercial relations between East and West, it must be admitted that Russia and China have often been, so to speak, "caught in the neck by Western imperialism and capitalism, but at the same time being too dangerous an aggression on both sides that could immediately degenerate into a conflict with various weapons of mass destruction between superpowers. (An agression in the home of the king of the north or of the king of the south is not the usual armed war in a remote country with the USA and Russia prevailing at the usual chess game).
---At the end of spring 2020 of the 33,000 official deaths in Italy for the corona virus only 4% could have died from the bacterium or from the auto-immune disease caused mainly by flu vaccines and wrong intensive care. In March, I also believed that there is a real pandemic despite being aware since the beginning of March that it was a deliberate disease. While in early autumn 2019 I thought that after the propaganda on the plastic emergency in the seas and on climate change, the strong powers would have implemented a more engaging strategy to push governments to sign to give more power to the UN. Of course, the covid-19 war also serves to reduce the population without making it appear that it was a crime against humanity.---
6) -Moral of the speech, not a fake news, not a real news, but, only an analysis that I propose: the Chinese (and / or Russian) government may have created the covid-19 to be sent to China to make the strategy as if it were a natural accident or a simple neglect of hygiene by China. A bad thing but still a perfect weapon to slow down western capitalism and all over the world, at the same time, putting the western system to the test and weakening western nations and other countries thanks to the covid-19 epidemic and related measures containment of the spread of the virus which obviously slows down the economies in many countries but which of the crime until yesterday did not give even a little breath to the earth. The western commercial and financial system can self-damage, ruining the production system even at the end of the covid-19 pandemic. If in the middle of the epidemic more funding is given given that the essential production system must go on, given that many people no longer work and given that a part of the non-essential production system has stopped to reduce the infection to a minimum, therefore, it is obvious that many people have to go to layoffs but be able to continue living at home with the opportunity to shop.
7) -But, at the end of the epidemic, the banking system should not speculate, should not ask for interest and perhaps should not even ask for the money given in financing at the end of the epidemic, as the private banking system and the production system should always be in tune and support each other, regardless of whether tomorrow almost all banks will continue to be private or if some central banks of a state become state-owned. If after an emergency of this type the banking system had throttled and speculated the nations that have just emerged from the epidemic and with the economies just weakened, the ridges would have been full with the money that is produced as paper with no extrinsic value or with inflation. high, in that money has extrinsic value only if the productive system works. To pass this test well, even all States should not ask for a Euro or a Dollar of taxes to all the companies that stopped due to the covid-19, while, even the part of the indispensable production system should be taxed much less od to be fully exempted from paying taxes, at the very least, throughout this emergency period covid-19. The Corona Virus could be a perfect weapon by the king of the north, the sad part is above all that many people have died and the health system suffers, on the other hand the western system of the "king of the south" can learn a lot from this lesson and then use it to become wiser and more transparent both with its own peoples and in relations with Russia, China, India, etc., etc.
8) -After the plastic emergency and the climate emergency, at the end of the covid-19 pandemic and possible start of war threat, the king of the north and the king of the south, being both powerful, can come to a negotiation and probably after the majority governments will be pushed to sign to give more power to the United Nations (which could possibly undergo an organizational transformation and a possible merger with another body or agency). After that, the plastic emergency in the seas, the emergency climate change, the other emergencies that are talked about the least could be dealt with without hypocrisy and in a transparent way, not only, but, under the UN directive, the king of the south and the king of the north could cultivate mutual respect and collaboration for peace by implementing significant disarmament without too much mutual fear, even Iran and the US could have become friends and worked together for peace without hypocrisy. Obviously it would have been better if a secret trial was made to all state religions to identify the true religion from the legal point of view and at that point, the political and banking kings of the earth could have kept in constant contact with the "faithful slave, wise and discreet "to discuss and be better advised on how to put Psalms 2: 10-12 into practice, that is, in the way" G "God intends wisdom and insight from the kings of the earth that should be in obedience to Jehovah's anointed and of the son of David who in the autumn of 1914 began to reign in the midst of his enemies.
9) - Putting Psalms 2: 10-12 into practice by the kings of the earth would have resulted in less loss and more salvation for all mankind, given that the people behave wiser when they are ruled by a good and qualified "king", not only, but, the parliaments and the governments would have had to establish laws and decrees on the functioning of the markets, and therefore, the markets and the economists would no longer have to dictate laws on the States. But, at the same time and with balance, the strong banking powers having experience and intelligence could in part have been able to continue to govern the world but having to do it voluntarily in fear of Jehovah God and in love for both humanity and for themselves, this for the saving as many people as possible and leaving Jehovah the task of establishing the right number of inhabitants on this planet. I break the Apocalypse, the earth will gradually be transformed into a paradise, with people who are always young and healthy and also with a production system that does not pollute but that manages to be in perfect harmony with nature. If Adam and Eve from the beginning had obeyed the dispositions of God and if they had immediately learned to obey with a superior mind and grateful to God, having been the tree in the middle of the garden of Eden from which they did not have to draw the fruit is a test love and initial training to help Adam and Eve and their offspring to obey subsequent divine dispositions. (Unfortunately an angel decided to rebel by giving a liar to God, leveraging on the desire of Eve who had less experience to remove the human family from the beginning from the guidance and support of God and today we see the results).
10) -With other successive dispositions from God, the offspring of the first human couple, without ever having to die and in perfect health, would immediately begin to populate the earth and manage it in the best way thanks to the instructions of Jehovah God who as the creator of the earth and of man, he has always been the most competent and well-motivated person to give us advice and to help us with his blessings. The world of Satan has immersed us in capitalism, in other harmful forms of government and in the psychosis of maximum profit and personal interest while these speeches appear to us as foolishness and utopias so much that even a way without war today is a utopia. But it is divine wisdom that can make us real progress on how we should think and how we should live and use technologies in perfect social relationship and with nature, in this way, science and technology but in an avid capitalist world and warmonger has led us to progress and a regression, and therefore, this unpleasant and deadly covid-19 experience if it serves us as a lesson could lead us towards a very salvific technological and moral progress on a global level. The worlds and peoples could put aside the mistakes and injustices of the past and the disputes after this covid-19 lesson with its outline that today is also felt on the economies of many countries.
11) -Today, both me and any other common or high-ranking and powerful person who may be in this system, could die: but let's try to put the economy in third place and try to evaluate deeply and seriously the divine guidance and for the kings of the earth also Psalms 2: 10-12, as the world could go Monteveglio. In recent years the future of all humanity is at stake while the antagonist number 1 of "G" God is misleading us with nationalism, with personal interest, with the desire for power and often without us We realize that Satan is leading us towards self-destruction and the adverse judgment of God especially when the Apocalypse is poured out which will probably last less than 24 literal hours. In general, with the exception of individual hopeless exceptions, all of us are in the same boat but we can also take advantage of the same salvation, an endless life in an earthly paradise, and this, from the common person up to 5-7 people who rule the world today from the top from the "pyramid". The intertwining of political and economic affairs is very branched out, very complex and very dependent as a whole and between the various elements, and therefore, the top of the pyramid is not Almighty and tomorrow it could definitely lose control over the situation with such regret.
12) -But the world could start to go better especially if the kings of the earth manifested a gradual approach to God for themselves and for the nations and also "thanks" to the unpleasant lesson covid-19 one could become wiser and aware of the fragility of the system thus helping the kings of the earth to govern the world better with balanced participation of governments and parliaments and with good advice from the same "faithful slave" in this last historical moment that perhaps we still have enough time. (Therefore, the world should not the more you hear the propaganda of economists above all, the parties should make more team, the bureaucrats should not lay down the law alongside greedy individuals and the experts in law and in peace treaties should not rise to God but also know how to listen while the worshipers of these law and treaty experts should team up, avoid both unfair and unfounded gossip and discrimination, and furthermore no longer consider the local and / or state leader as if he were an infallible God
Of you told an old-fashioned mobster: the covid-19 pandemic causes the elderly to die more, moreover they are more fragile for any disease they also often have more health problems but at the same time it happens just when in China they were already By spreading the epidemic coincidentally, the president of the European central bank made it clear that the elderly are useless and better to die! Furthermore, coincidentally, INPS makes money. The old-fashioned mafia would answer: I don't believe in coincidences !!! The often stupid people have given blood for the homeland in wars for interests but the old must die first as useless and cost despite the contributions paid, capitalism!
Even the very authoritarian but too capitalist lady has now become old and the covid-19 could also infect her and make her die, thus relieving the institution of pensions from a not indifferent golden pension!
As for the world economy, governed by markets and economists, it is what is leading humanity to self-destruction and an adverse Apocalypse.
Meanwhile, Italy should greet Europe without paying a single euro of public debt to the European monetary union which is governed by sovereignty, not by peoples, but by private individuals from the markets.
Se tu dicessi ad un mafioso di vecchio stampo: la pandemia covid-19 fa morire di più gli anziani, del resto essi sono più fragili per qualsiasi malattia inoltre spesso hanno più problemi di salute ma in contemporanea guarda caso proprio quando in Cina si stava già diffondendo la epidemia per coincidenza la presidente della banca centrale europea ha fatto intendere con parole chiare che gli anziani sono inutili ed è meglio che muoiano! Inoltre per coincidenza l"INPS ci guadagna. Il mafioso vecchio stampo risponderebbe: io non credo alle coincidenza!!! Comunque, per quanto sia autoritaria quella signora al inizio di una partita a scacchi ci sono più pedine e continuano ad esserci per tutta la partita. Il popolo spesso stupido ha dato il sangue per la patria nelle guerre per interessi ma i vecchi devono morire prima in quanto inutili e costano nonostante i contributi versati, capitalismo!
Anche la signora molto autoritaria ma troppo capitalista ormai è diventata anziana ed il covid-19 potrebbe infettare anche lei e farla morire, alleggerendo così l'istituto delle pensioni da una pensione d'oro non indifferente!
In quanto alla economia mondiale, governata dai mercati e dagli economisti, è ciò che sta portando l'umanità alla auto distruzione.e ad una Apocalisse avversa.
Intanto, l'Italia dovrebbe salutare l'Europa senza pagare un solo Euro di debito pubblico alla Unione Europea monetaria che è governata dalla sovranità, non dai popoli, ma, dei privat e dai mercati.
Satan's work of art poured into evil even chronologically: after 100 years and in leap years.
Robert David Steele of the CIA: The Coronavirus? A cover for 3 things ...
Furthermore, if the emergency climate change and plastic in the seas has not involved us sufficiently in the intimate, perhaps the bloodiest strategy of the Corona Virus will be enough to push the majority of governments to sign to legitimize more power to the UN, the Eighth Re: Revelation 17: 13. From this diabolical project the TLT may perhaps receive a brief collateral benefit since, once the UN has more official power it will have to gain the trust of the peoples by doing things, so to speak, " marvelous "and unexpected.
--- As they made us believe thanks to the support of mediated terrorism, even if there were fewer deaths than a normal influence, satanic prophecy was nevertheless fulfilled .---
A serious epidemic in leap years exactly every 100 years: in 1720, in 1820, in 1920 with the Spanish flu and in 2020 with the crown virus covid-19.
The word crown has 6 letters for the first digit of 600 + 3 corresponding to the letter C in the alphabet, + 15 corresponding to the letter O in the alphabet + 18 corresponding to the letter R in the alphabet + 15 corresponding to the letter O in the alphabet + 14 corresponding to the letter N in the alphabet + 1 corresponding to the letter A in the alphabet, making the sum of these numbers from 66, thus, making 600 + 66 from 666 that on the Bible is connected to the number of Satan the Devil who can affect both the behavior of men and both on nature to make his prophecy happen, but in the ways and forms that "G" God allows him. The chronology of dates every 100 years in leap years and the number 666 is a perfect work of art by Satan. (Obviously, Satan may have led one or more humans to call this laboratory virus with the noun "crown", but meanwhile skeptics in bad faith continue to disbelieve thus deserving to fall into the great tribulation, Matthew 24: 21- 23, while, the stupid conformists will also act as unconscious prison guards when the hidden powers, with the excuse in addition of wanting to safeguard our health and that of others, will want to impose the subcutaneous chip). However, do you know what Satan's greatest work of art is? Make the majority of people believe that he doesn't exist.
But, how can strong banking powers free themselves from Satan's leadership? Soon, (after the climate emergency, after the plastic emergency, and after the Corona Virus covid-19 pandemic, more power will most likely be given to the United Nations, Revelation 17: 13, and governments will be even more united as one man, Psalms 2: 2, and therefore, if today's banking, commercial and political kings of the earth put into practice the "negotiation" described in Psalms 2: 10-12, in the right ways and forms of politics and propaganda, then really the strong powers they will be able to take the right train and rule the world to gradually bring it closer to the will of Jehovah God, so, kings of the earth can free themselves from the dominion of Satan who is instead bringing the kings of the earth and the nations to destruction, Psalms 2: 4-9, Daniel 2: 44, Zephaniah 1: 18, Revelation 11: 18 and 19: 19-21.
(To conclude, this post was published in my opinion to test the understanding of those who are part of this group, but not only. I don't know if all the date parameters and possibly other parameters are perfectly correct in historical reality with which I have built this answer and this analysis, however everything appears to be corresponding and planned on purpose, and therefore, as far as possible, I try to avoid being trapped on some false information and news, also I do not try to impress through sensational but false news, but, I just want to convey a deep message of truth, I being aware of being able to go wrong some details south, but, also knowing that there are many truths kept hidden as uncomfortable, see for example September 11, 2001).
---Come ci hanno fatto credere anche grazie al supporto del terrorismo mediato, anche se ci sono stati meno morti che per una normale influenza, la profezia satanica si è comunque adempiuta.---
Una grave epidemia in anni bisestili esattamente ogni 100 anni: nel 1720, nel 1820, nel 1920 con la influenza spagnola e nel 2020 con il corona virus covid-19.
La parola corona ha 6 lettere per la prima cifra di 600 + 3 corrispondente alla lettera C nel alfabeto, + 15 corrispondente alla lettera O nel alfabeto + 18 corrispondente alla lettera R nel alfabeto + 15 corrispondente alla lettera O nel alfabeto + 14 corrispondente alla lettera N nel alfabeto + 1 corrispondente alla lettera A nel alfabeto, facendo la somma di questi numeri da 66, così, facendo 600 + 66 da 666 che sulla Bibbia è collegato al numero di Satana il Diavolo che può influire sia sul comportamento degli uomini e sia sulla natura per far avvenire la sua profezia, ma, nei modi e nelle forme che "G" Dio gli permette. La cronologia delle date ogni 100 anni in anni bisestili e il numero 666 è una perfetta opera d'arte di Satana. (Ovviamente, Satana può aver guidato uno o più esseri umani affinché chiamassero questo virus da laboratorio con il sostantivo "corona", ma, intanto gli scettici in cattiva fede continuano a non credere meritandosi così di cadere nella grande tribolazione, Matteo 24: 21-23, mentre, gli stupidi conformisti pure faranno da guardie carcerarie inconsapevoli quando i poteri occulti, con la scusa in aggiunta di voler salvaguardare la nostra salute e quella degli altri, vorranno imporre il chip sotocutaneo). Tuttavia, sapete quale è l'opera d'arte più grande di Satana? Fare credere alla maggioranza delle persone che lui non esiste.
Ma, in che modo i poteri forti bancari possono liberarsi dalla guida di Satana? Fra poco, (dopo la emergenza clima, dopo la emergenza plastica e dopo la pandemia Corona Virus covid-19, molto probabilmente verrà dato più potere alle Nazioni Unite, Rivelazione 17: 13 ed i governi saranno ancora più uniti come un solo uomo, Salmi 2: 2, e quindi, se gli odierni Re della terra bancari, commerciali e politici metteranno in pratica il "negoziato" descritto in Salmi 2: 10-12, nei modi e forme giuste di far politica e propaganda, allora realmente i poteri forti potranno prendere il treno giusto e governare il mondo per avvicinarlo gradualmente alla volontà di Geova Dio, così, re della terra lpossono liberarsi dal dominio di Satana che invece sta portando i re della terra e le nazioni alla distruzione, Salmi 2: 4-9, Daniele 2: 44, Soffonia 1: 18, Rivelazione 11: 18 e 19: 19-21.
(Per concludere, questo post a mio parere è stato pubblicato per testare l'intendimento di coloro che fanno parte di questo gruppo, ma, non solo. Io non so se sono perfettamente esatti nella realtà storica tutti i parametri delle date ed eventualmente altri parametri con cui io ho costruito questa risposta e questa analisi, tuttavia il tutto appare corrispondente e pianificato ad arte, e quindi, nel limite del possibile io cerco di evitare di cadere in trappola su qualche informazione e notizia falsa, inoltre io non cerco di far colpo attraverso notizie sensazionali ma false, ma, voglio solo trasmettere un messaggio profondo di verità, io essendo consapevole di potermi sbagliare sud alcuni dettagli, ma, sapendo anche che ci sono tante verità tenute nascoste in quanto scomode, vedi ad esempio l'11 settembre 2001).
1) -From this Top Secret speech it seems that Donald Trump may also be in agreement with the New World Order project. So the question is, is the cleansing of the corrupt and the conspirators actually taking place by Trump and Putin? Or, they all agree, and therefore, even people like Trump and Putin, although appearing as a hope for people who have woken up, in fact, can be very well studied false hopes to deceive, if possible, even all the smartest and most inquiring people ever? In Italy, for example, you see Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni who appear as a hope for many Italians more aware of how corrupt Italian politics is, but, both Salvini and Meloni throughout March and April 2020 I have never heard of him of the hoax about the many deaths for covid-19, in addition, the two of them also seem to be making consults with the European Union as they insist on saying that the European monetary union can be reformed but in the meantime time passes and Giuseppe Conte, (with his decrees unconstitutional and with media terrorism covid-19), for now he seems to be able to do everything he wants being he in the role of waiter to the advocates for the New World Order. - (In fact, the covid-19 is a failed biological weapon with a very low mortality which is perhaps less than that of the flu, and therefore, the actual deaths for covid-19 are not even the hundredth part compared to the official ones. However thanks to the media terrorism, thanks to the unconstitutional decrees in some countries such as Italy, thanks to the damage on the economies of many countries and above all thanks to the continuation that will take place after the alleged covid-19 emergency, this covid-19 strategy will do more damage and death than serious epidemics in the past 300 years). - Well, after reading from this video, think that this is the actual Top Secret truth.
2) -Covid-19 is a failed lethal weapon as they have entered HIV DNA to make it more lethal however nature has given the covid-19 virus with low mortality, and therefore, this covid-19 epidemic needs so much terrorism media and support of vaccines and tracking for the elimination of many people believed to be too many. But, the covid-19 strategy also serves to eliminate problematic people by divulging truths too uncomfortable for the Jewish elite and the Jesuits. Probably in 2020 or at the latest in 2021 there will be a blackout of at least three days in the United States and perhaps also in other countries in order to pick up uncomfortable people from home or in other places, make them disappear and possibly suppress them in an unofficial way and secretly. Of course it will be above all honest, competent people who have a certain notoriety also thanks to the many views on the internet.
3) -If I too was in danger, despite having little say, however I do not intend to worry much, as death can be a passport to enter the new world in an instant right at the beginning of the kingdom millenary of the Messiah and his 144,000 kings and priests, (as for me, except that somehow I also have not sinned against the holy spirit). In the dispute between Satan and his earthly servants against Jehovah God and his earthly servants, however, there are stakes to which Satan too must submit. So the truth about true religion as the only way out and the truth about the conspiracy that like an octopus has taken and corrupted almost every sector of politics in all nations, probably cannot be suppressed entirely as it is likely that Jehovah God will also prevent it even Satan is taken by God as with a hook and therefore Satan and the demons are forced to act not beyond a certain limit.
4) -Whatever the situation is in the spiritual realm, if there will be a Blackout and not only, many uncomfortable people could disappear and perhaps many videos and some Facebook pages will remain censored even after the Blackout. The Jewish and Jesuit elites will not be able to eliminate all uncomfortable people with more or less voice and with more or less "dangerous" awareness. As witnessed in chapter 12 of Daniel, knowledge would become abundant and therefore in the present time people who are uncomfortable and in opposition to the diabolical New World Order have also become many. - If this is actually the case, I no longer trust even the "Q" project but only in the Bible, because, through the "Q" project, the Jewish elite, (and possibly also the Jesuits), can try to mislead the most clever people, but with little knowledge and understanding of the Bible. Well, perhaps, during the final test at the end of the millennial reign, there will be a situation similar to today's conspiracy which is particularly branched and with no apparent way out.
5)-However: there is also the possibility that David Goldberg's last top secret words are a hoax or that despite being true they do not reflect reality at the present time. Trump and Putin could be truly allies to try to restore a better world by having many chances to win this war, even if they cannot establish a perfect world in this final part of the peace and security process in the last few days. If so, the path of more power to the UN could be overseen by the White House and the Kremlin allies against the N.O.M. and supervision of private banks over the UN may have ended. Bankers may have used this "top secret document" to undermine trust in Trump and so that some NATO countries and / or more aware popular groups do not place their trust in Trump's cleansing against the corrupt and lest they join Trump against the conspiracy of the private banks. I know that disinformation is too abundant, but knowledge is also abundant, and therefore, I would give more than 50% of the possibility that Trump and Putin can actually be allies against private international bankers and that at least at the beginning of the most power to the UN there could at least be one more brief last period. (Which then, if more power to the UN, "Revelation 17: 13", will be supervised on the front line by a White House and a Kremlin at the time relatively better species in international politics, and possibly with the TLT as a further bridge between the USA and Russia, perhaps in turn it will also be easier to propose the implementation of Psalms 2: 10-12).
1)-Da questo discorso Top Secret sembra che anche Donald Trump possa essere in accordo con il progetto del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale. Quindi, la domanda è: la pulizia dei corrotti e dei cospiratori sta avvenendo realmente da parte di Trump e di Putin? Oppure, sono tutti d'accordo, e quindi, anche le persone come Trump e Putin, pur apparendo come una speranza per le persone che si sono svegliate, di fatto, possono essere delle false speranze molto ben studiate per ingannare, se possibile, anche tutte le persone più sveglie e dal pensiero più inquirente In assoluto? In italia, ad esempio, vedi Matteo Salvini e Giorgia Meloni che appaiono come una speranza per molti italiani più consapevoli di quanto sia corrotta la politica italiana, ma, sia Salvini che Meloni in tutto marzo e aprile 2020 io non gli ho mai sentiti parlare della bufala riguardo i tanti morti per covid-19, inoltre, anche loro due sembrano fare combutta con la Unione Europea in quanto insistono a dire che la Unione Europea monetaria può essere riformata ma intanto il tempo passa e Giuseppe Conte, (con i suoi decreti anticostituzionali e con il terrorismo mediatico covid-19), per ora sembra poter fare tutto quello che vuole essendo nel ruolo di cameriere ai fautori per il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale. - (Di fatto, il covid-19 è un arma biologica fallita dalla bassissima mortalità che forse è inferiore a quella dell'influenza, e quindi, i morti effettivi per covid-19 non sono neanche la centesima parte rispetto a quelli ufficiali . Tuttavia grazie al terrorismo mediatico, grazie ai decreti incostituzionali in alcune nazioni come l'Italia, grazie ai danni sulle economie di tanti paesi e sopratutto grazie al proseguo che avverrà dopo la presunta emergenza covid-19, questa strategia covid-19 farà più danni e morti rispetto alle gravi epidemie in questi ultimi 300 anni). - Beh, dopo aver letto da questo filmato, mi viene da pensare che questa sia la verità effettiva Top Secret.
2)-Il covid-19 è un arma letale fallita in quanto hanno inserito il DNA del HIV per renderlo più letale tuttavia la natura ha dato il virus covid-19 con bassa mortalità, e quindi, questa epidemia covid-19 necessità di tanto terrorismo mediatico e del supporto dei vaccini e della tracciatura per la eliminazione di tante persone ritenute di troppo. Ma, la strategia covid-19 serve anche ad eliminare le persone problematiche che divulgando le verità troppo scomode per la élite ebraica e dei gesuiti. Probabilmente nel 2020 o al massimo nel 2021 ci sarà il Black-out di almeno tre giorni negli Stati Uniti e forse anche in altri paesi allo scopo di prelevare da casa o in altri luoghi le persone scomode, farle sparire ed eventualmente sopprimerle in modo non ufficiale e di nascosto. Naturalmente si tratterà sopratutto di persone oneste, competenti e che hanno una certa notorietà anche grazie alle molte visualizzazioni in internet.
3)-Se anche io fossi in pericolo, pur avendo poca voce in capitolo, comunque sia io non intendo preoccuparmi più che tanto, in quanto, la morte può essere un passaporto per entrare in un istante nel nuovo mondo proprio all'inizio del regno millenario del Messia e dei suoi 144000 re e sacerdoti, (in quanto a me, salvo che in qualche modo anche io non abbia peccato contro lo spirito santo). Nella contesa tra Satana e i suoi servitori terreni contro Geova Dio e i suoi servitori terreni, comunque ci sono dei paletti a cui anche Satana deve sottostare. Quindi, la verità sulla vera religione come la sola via d'uscita e la verità sulla cospirazione che come una piovra ha preso e corrotto tutti i settori della politica pressoché qiasi in tutte le nazioni, probabilmente non possono essere soppresse del tutto in quanto è probabile che Geova Dio lo impedirà inoltre pure Satana è preso da Dio come con un uncino e quindi Satana e i demoni sono costretti ad agire non oltre un certo limite.
4)-Comunque sia la situazione nel reame spirituale, se ci sarà il Black-out e non solo, molte persone scomode potrebbero sparire e forse molti filmati ed alcune pagine di Facebook rimarranno censurate anche dopo il Black-out. La élite ebraica e dei gesuiti non riusciranno ad eliminare tutte le persone scomode con più o meno voce in capitolo e con più o meno "pericolosa" consapevolezza. Come testimoniato nel capitolo 12 di Daniele, la conoscenza sarebbe diventata abbondante e quindi al tempo presente le persone scomode e in opposizione al diabolico Nuovo Ordine Mondiale sono anch'esse diventate tante. - Se le cose stanno effetivamente così, io non mi fido più neanche del progetto "Q" ma solo della Bibbia, in quanto, attraverso il progetto "Q" la élite ebraica (ed eventualmente anche dei gesuiti) può tentare di sviare anche la maggior parte delle persone più sveglie ma con scarsa conoscenza e intendimento della Bibbia. Beh, forse, durante la prova finale al termine del regno millenario, ci sarà una situazione simile alla odierna cospirazione che è particolarmente diramata e senza apparente via d'uscita.
5)-Tuttavia: c'è anche la possibilità che le ultime parole top secret di David Goldberg siano una bufala o che pur essendo vere non rispecchiano la realtà al tempo presente. Trump e Putin poterebbero esser veramente alleati per tentare di ristabilire un mondo migliore avendo molte possibilità di vincere questa guerra, seppur non potendo stabilire un mondo perfetto in questa parte finale del processo di pace e sicurezza in questi ultimi giorni. In tal caso, il percorso del più potere all'ONU potrebbe esser supervisionato dalla Casa Bianca e dal Cremlino alleati contro il N.O.M. e la supervisione delle banche private sull'ONU potrebbe essere terminata. I banchieri potrebbero aver usato questo "documento top segret" per minare la fiducia in Trump ed affinché alcuni paesi NATO e/o gruppi popolari più consapevoli non ripongono fiducia nella pulizia di Trump contro i corrotti ed affinche non si alleino a Trump contro la cospirazione delle banche private. Lo so che la disinformazione è troppo abbondante, ma, anche la conoscenza è abbondante, e quindi, io darei più del 50% di possibilità sul fatto che Trump e Putin possono effetivamente esser alleati contro i banchieri internazionali privati e che almeno al inizio del più potere all'ONU potrebbe almeno esserci un ultimo breve periodo più ok. (Che poi, se il più potere all'ONU, "Rivelazione 17: 13", sarà supervisionato in prima linea da una Casa Bianca e un Cremlino sul momento relativamente migliori specie nella politica internazionale, ed eventualmente con il TLT da ponte ulteriore tra USA e Russia, forse a sua volta sarà anche più facile proporre la messa in pratica di Salmi 2: 10-12).
Resoconto finale sul inganno covid-19 attuato per favorire: guadagni illeciti alle lobby e ai pezzi da 90 del capitalismo, per farci ammalare di più e per farci morire di più e sopratutto per cercare di introdurre più velocemente possibile il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale come voluto dai banchieri internazionali privati:
Riassunto Progetto Coronavirus:
1) Virus tutt'altro che letale (probabilmente creato in laboratorio).
2) Poca trasparenza nei numeri dei decessi per covid19 (la magistratura sta già indagando).
3) Molteplici testimonianze di persone risultate negative al tampone ma ricoverate ugualmente nei reparti covid (le denunce stanno fioccando).
4) Totale inattendibilità dei tamponi (80% falsi positivi, a detta dello stesso ideatore).
5) L'OMS sapeva da tempo ma ha negato fino all'ultimo la possibilità di contagio da uomo a uomo.
6) Una volta esplosa e dichiarata pandemia ha elaborato modelli predittivi probabilmente falsi e catastrofici sul contagio (negli USA stanno indagando).
7) Per oltre un mese è stata sbagliata sia la diagnosi (non polmonite interstiziale ma tromboembolia venosa generalizzata) sia le procedure mediche (intubazioni a go go).
8) L'AIFA ha già approvato una lista di medicinali in grado di curare le persone a casa, in modo tempestivo e definitivo.
9) Il covid19 sembra non dare immunità permanente, quindi qualsiasi vaccino è inutile e probabilmente dannoso a detta di molti virologi di fama internazionale.
10) Siamo rinchiusi in casa per mezzo di provvedimenti legislativi illegittimi e anticostituzionali.
11) Conte ha autorizzato solo il taglio degli alberi (per installare le antenne 5g?) e le librerie (appena entri, puoi trovare la gigantografia dell'allergologo Burioni e il suo libro appena uscito sul coronavirus, un vero miracolo editoriale partorito in 2 mesi).
12) Sembra che i Paesi che hanno attuato lockdown parziali o addirittura assenti, presentino un livello di contagio inferiore al nostro.
13) Nel computo dei danni alla salute non si calcola quello economico e psicologico (povertà, attività fallite, suicidi ecc).
14) Il 92% dei decessi si concentra in Lombardia. Non sarebbe il caso di cercare eventuali cofattori (vaccinazione antinfluenzale e antimeningite a tappeto da Ottobre 2019? 5g? Inquinamento?)
15) La censura di tutto ciò che non è in linea con le voci di regime è già in atto (video rimossi, profili bloccati, esperti dissidenti denunciati). Polizia ovunque, droni, app che ci monitorando, vogliamo davvero vivere in un Paese così?
16) L'OMS sta continuando con la sua campagna terroristica "non si tornerà alla normalità finché non ci sarà il vaccino". Sta mentendo, dato che i farmaci ci sono eccome, ma sembra seguire la politica del suo principale finanziatore, Bill Gates, ovvero colui che pensa che il pianeta sia troppo popolato, vuole salvarci tutti col suo vaccino obbligatorio.
Intervista di un medico chirurgo americano cui molti link sono stati censurati dal regime di Giuseppe Conte e sua gang:
Ricordando anche il fatto che, in Lombardia praticamente il 100% dei casi di covid-19 è stato iniettato con un vaccino grazie alla complicità della criminale Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità sotto la supervisione dei poteri forti privati, per i pochi casi più gravi di covid-19 è emerso che la sieroterapia funziona pressoché al 100%, ma, i politici e i media, ecc. ecc. non ne parlano per favorire l'affare del vaccino e sopratutto perché vogliono appoggiare la riduzione della popolazione a livello mondiale e la introduzione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale come voluto dai banchieri internazionali privati:
Riguardo la sieroterapia:
Comunque sia, anche per coloro che sono giustamente contrari alle trasfusioni di sangue e di componenti troppo completi del sangue, il farmaco contro la malaria funziona 3 volte su 4 per i pochi casi più gravi di covid-19:
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Non solo, la Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana è stata violata ed il ministro Speranza ha rigettato tutte le buone line guida per combattere subito il virus Sars-Cov-2 e la conseguente reazione auto-immune che ha fatto morire diverse persone in marzo e aprile con aggravamento causato dai ventilatori messi per troppo tempo ai pazienti in terapia intensiva,, ma, che dire se ci si imbatte in un processo contro il governo?
Il test falso al tampone è un triplo inganno per farci credere ammalati e per tenere in piedi la emergenza sanitaria fino all'arrivo dei prossimi "vaccini" covid particolarmente dannosi e mortali. Secondo alcuni noi siamo in troppi su questo pianeta e quindi il pianeta dovrebbe esser spopolato di oltre l'80% della popolazione entro il 2025 o al massimo entro il 2030:
a)-in ospedale e/o in ambulatorio leggono la sequenza di un solo gene quando invece per individuare la presenza di un specifico virus ci vuole la lettura di almeno tre geni;
b)-la lettura della sequenza genetica per dichiarare positivo uno che si sottopone al tampone si trova anche in un gene del ottavo cromosoma del DNA umano;
c)-ammesso che un testato al tampone fosse stato veramente assintomatico in marzo o aprile per alcuni giorni e magari per una o due volte, (visto che i corona virus mutano molto in fretta), se adesso in novembre l'ex assintomatico avesse veramente avuto il virus Sars-Cov-2 nel sangue o se lo avesse sconfitto del tutto pure eliminando dal corpo, si sarebbe comunque trattato di un ex assintomatico sano e non contagioso, altrimenti, se io mi prendessi una influenza da un determinato ceppo di corona virus nel anno e mese e giorni tale dei tali, dopo, io dovrei essere contagioso e trasmettere quel tipo di influenza ad altre persone fin che vivo.
(Se poi, in questo contesto di psicosi per la diffusione dei virus, un cittadino sviato ha appena fatto il vaccino per l'influenza risulta positivo al falso esame al tanpone, idem può capitare se uno si è preso un normale raffreddore e/o una influenza stagionale con un po' di febbre.)
(E, non manca chi per ruolo offende e insulta e segnala su Facebook).
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Truffa covid-19 sostenuta dal terrorismo mediatico e dai decreti fascisti e incostituzionali in Italia e non solo. Ma, nel 2020 i morti non sono aumentati rispetto agli stessi mesi del 2019, e quindi, molti morti per varie cause sono stati classificati come morti per covid-19:
Ma, che dire in merito a tutti i casi di presunto covid-19 in Lombardia? Sono stati causati dal vaccino anti influenzale e dal vaccino di un altro tipo iniettati a go go nei mesi precedenti. La Organizzazione della Sanità ha fatto ammalare tutte quelle persone attraverso dei vaccini con uno o più tipi qualsiasi di virus e/o di corona virus troppo vitali ma non per questo si trattava di covid-19 che in realtà come virus specifico isolato e classificato potrebbe non esistere. Tutto il resto è una montatura creata dal O.M.S.
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Sul fatto che gran parte dei politici italiani si meritano di essere rinchiusi come minimo a Guantanamo, pensavo così da mesi e da anni in generale, ma, ora le prove le ho accumulate in vari post ed in uno recente i particolare. Non sullo scritto principale del post, ma, nei commenti sulle foto. Dopo, puoi dimostrare gli atti criminali e terroristici perfino in tribunale sia contro Conte e sia contro tutta la sua banda, probabilmente essendo coinvolta anche gran parte della opposizione. C'è pure documentato un incontro tra Sergio Mattarella mentre ha accolto i Rockefeller al Quirinale ed in cui tra le righe ti fa intendere che bisogna anche abbandonare i principi della Costituzione per favorire il "nobile" progetto verso il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale..
A Conte probabilmente non conviene denunciare per diffamazione i naviganti come me altrimenti la verita eccheggia ancor più ma lui probabilmente preferisce far censurare i post e i profili scomodi, compresi quella sulla siero terapia e sul fatto che anche gli anti coagulanti possono essere di aiuto nel pochi casi più gravi di covid-19 con insufficienza respiratoria.
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Come pensavo, Anche Luca Zaia essendo onesto avrà opposizione dal regime fascista centrale di Roma anche grazie a virologi venduti e che forse hanno ricevuto potere dalla O.M.S.
Burioni, Conte, Zingaretti, Bill Gates, Fauci e tanti altri come loro, essendo sporchi e malvagi capitalisti, come minimo si meriterebbero Guantanamo a vita con la perdita di tutti i propri beni e conti in banca.
Io ho copiato e incollato un commento che ho ricevuto su questo post che ho condiviso in un gruppo. Ma, è una notizia vera o falsa?
Comunque stiano le cose, Burioni è comunque un venduto alle lobby e ai poteri forti ed è anche in combutta con il governo italiano.
(Inoltre è anche vero che il dottor De Donno ha comunque subito la venuta del NAS e alcuni medici sembra siano stati multati nella magnera più assurda e vergognosa possibile, ovviamente spero che non paghino le multe per aver violato il terrorismo del regime Conte bis).
Il commento:
"Non è sparito niente! È stato il Prof. De Donno a disattivare l'account probabilmente per la valanga di messaggi che ha ricevuto."
La storia della famiglia Rothschild:
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Are we too many on this planet? Three ways to deal with the problem: 1) -In the worst of ways, albeit in alleged peacetime and without risking a war with thermo-nuclear weapons between superpowers, the reduction of the population through the covid-19 war which could also include deadly vaccines obligatory for infants, children, adolescents, adults and especially the elderly, thus putting part of the people and some public officials at war, obliged to be vaccinated, against the government and the state. 2) -A little less worse, through the covid-19 war and an invitation to get vaccinated in the style of Count Dracula who to solve the problem of the poor invited them all to a great dinner and while they dined he made him burn, that is, through an invitation to get vaccinated to ensure the alleged flock immunity and with the promise of some economic falicitations, a bait that many stupid and / or poorly informed citizens could have taken in for generalized indifference about everything that happens in the world and in politics. 3) -A gradual changes towards a production system more in harmony with nature and much less polluting, informing and educating peoples so that they become wiser and more responsible, educating and encouraging young copies not to give birth to children or to give birth to son and above all let God "G" solve this problem through the Apocalypse, through the millennial kingdom and through the final test, being he the creator of the earth and of man and also able to guarantee the best solution ever.
Siamo in troppi su questo pianeta? Tre modi per affrontare il problema: 1)-Nel peggiore dei modi seppure in presunto tempo di pace e senza rischiare una guerra con armi termo nucleari tra super potenze, la riduzione della popolazione attraverso la guerra covid-19 che poteva comprendere anche i vaccini mortali obbligatori ai neonati, ai bambini, agli adolescenti, agli adulti e sopratutto agli anziani mettendo cosi in guerra parte del popolo e alcuni funzionari pubblici, obbligati a vaccinarsi, contro il governo e lo Stato. 2)-Un poco meno peggio, attraverso la guerra covid-19 e un invito a vaccinarsi allo stile Conte Dracula che per risolvere il problema dei poveri gli invitò tutti ad una grande cena e mentre cenavano gli fece bruciare, ossia, aytraverso un invito a vaccinarsi per garantire la presunta immunità di gregge e con la promessa di alcune falicitazioni economiche, un esca a cui avrebbero potuto abboccare molti cittadini stupidi e/o poco informati per menefreghismo generalizzato su tutto quello che succede nel mondo e in politica. 3)-Un cambiamenti graduale verso un sistema produttivo più in armonia con la natura e molto meno inquinante, informare e istruire i popoli affinché diventino più saggi e responsabili, istruire e incentivare le giovani copie a non fare nascere figli o a far nascere al massimo un figlio e sopratutto lasciare che sia "G" Dio a risolvere questo problema attraverso la Apocalisse, attraverso il regno millenario e attraverso la prova finale, essendo lui il creatore della terra e dell'uomo e anche in grado di garantire la migliore soluzione in assoluto.
Covid-19 is something profitable for someone and for changing the world. Even if at the beginning many people do not accept a wise, ecological and vegetarian way of life that has all the necessary ingredients to live, the change can already start towards a better way of life when the production system is changed. A complex and branching system which among other things would also have required to stop producing plastic bottles for mineral water. Reducing the population with the covid-19 war, possibly avoiding compulsory vaccinations but placing traps on the stupid apparently born to be slaves and to be thrown away when they are no longer needed, however, it will imply further serious responsibilities on the top of the pyramid against "G" God, the great architect of the universe. In essence, I propose an analysis of the evidence and that the system at the highest levels can take into consideration some essential aspects of a spiritual nature that give value to life, to the right relationship with God and that go far beyond the simple logic of good management of the planet land with the right number of inhabitants. In essence "G" Jehovah God can establish the best production system ever on this planet, the best health and eternal life for each of us and the absolute right number of inhabitants on this planet. Jehovah is planning an extensive ressurection of the dead, the possibility of never dying through the Apocalypse and most likely when there are the right number of inhabitants on the planet. Jehovah will no longer give the possibility of giving birth to the children, unless the immigration to another planet always following the dispositions of God and without the need to make a war and without the need to cause suffering and death to any people. A humanity in good relationship with God can also progress from a technological point of view by making good use of technologies and tomorrow by coming in peaceful contact with intelligent civilizations of other worlds, provided there are. The alleged aliens on earth are probably only or above all genetically modified and suggested humans on superior technologies.
Regardless of what Trump will or will not do, the promoters of the N.W.O. at higher levels they will begin to feel regret and will eventually lose control over the situation globally, Psalms 2: 4-9. Perhaps, the strong powers think they can also emerge against the true God of Israel by making the only organization led by Jehovah God fall, or at least this is the impression that can be had by reflecting on the context of this war covid-19 made of health emergencies and deadly vaccines as at a spiritual level and above all a war of stance while in power no one can compete against Almighty God.
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